The Leftist Tech Giants and their Democrat Socialist/Commie enablers may well find out what the founding fathers were getting at when they designed the First Amendment to the Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
They knew that when people are silenced and their views forced underground that violence would soon follow.
Free speech is how we blow off steam!
However, the fools now running wild in Big Tech are too young and too stupid to know what history has told us repeatedly.
Twitter has permanently banned the account of the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
“After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” said Twitter in a statement.
Twitter previously removed a video from the president that called on his supporters to peacefully disperse and respect law an order, which the president posted less than an hour after reports that D.C.’s Capitol Hill was in the process of being stormed.
The president reiterated his condemnation of violence the next day.
This comes after Facebook and Instagram along with other big tech platforms indefinitely suspended the president’s access, cutting off a key line of communication between the president and the citizens of this country.
For more than four years, Breitbart News has reported on the rapidly increasing, undemocratic power of Silicon Valley companies, and their growing determination to interfere in the political affairs of the United States and other countries.
Most patriots still on Twitter like me (I am a small fry there) are losing followers by the hundreds (me, nearly 1,500 in the last few days) and thousands (James Woods, tens of thousands) literally overnight.
Surely Twitter is targeting us, but I suspect some of the loss has to do with the droves of people now leaving Twitter as Trump’s tweets were a magnet for them in the first place.
Driving Trump underground is sheer foolishness.
In one twenty-four period Twitter reduced my followers by 63,000.
The purge is on and unabashed in its ruthlessness.
Silencing voices is a sign of tyranny. The only sure truth about Twitter is that it is most decidedly not an unbiased “forum” for free speech.
Many patriots are moving to Parler,however news was bad there last night as the site was down entirely. I don’t know if it is up today, but they may not last long:
Apple and Google crack down on Parler after violent threats
Apple and Google have told the “free speech” social media app Parler that it must begin moderating its users content, following violence at the US Capitol this week. The app — a Twitter alternative popular among Donald Trump supporters and the far-right — has faced renewed scrutiny for its role in the planning of the attacks. [What “planning?” Where are the reports of “attack” planning?—ed].
On Friday, as pressure grew for Apple and Google to remove it from their stores, Google suspended Parler from the Play Store, citing “continued posting in the Parler app that seeks to incite ongoing violence in the U.S.”
Next, citing the (embarrassing to the Democrats)invasion of the Capitol on Wednesday, they will take away our right to assemble….
Gee where in history have we learned about these fascist and communist tactics to drive political opposition underground—places where it never went well.
I know, I know, there is so much that needs to be said about Washington, DC on January 6th, 2021, that I don’t know where to begin. Like you, I have been reading as much as I can.
On a serious note, I recommend my friend Leo Hohmann’s piece yesterday, as I am seeing everywhere, January 6th may indeed be the day the Republican Party died:
January 6, 2021: The day our faith [in Republicanism] was breached
And, James O’Keefe had some words of wisdomthat hopefully address the deep sadness many of us feel:
So what do we do now? By James O’Keefe
I know this tweet (below) isn’t funny, but it made me laugh out loud and speaks volumes about the failure of our stuffed-shirt so-called leaders’ failure to secure the Capitol.
Heads are already rollingas we learned late yesterday that the chiefs of security and police at the Capitol are resigning or being fired.
As they all (Nancy, Mitch and our brave leaders) scurried into hiding….
Update! In another move to censor, it appears that Twitter isn’t letting the photo appear now. So here it is again:
We spend $750 billion annually on "defense" and the center of American government fell in two hours to the duck dynasty and the guy in the chewbacca bikini
We will be eagerly looking for the thorough investigation into who was responsible for this catastrophic security failure, but I suspect the media will spend most of its time trying to identify the Trump supporters who took the Capitol building.
I am guessing there were some Leftist agitators among them, but we also have to anticipate that many of those who swarmed through the building are in fact Trump loyalists. The Left has an extreme fringe, but frankly so does the Right.
As I mentioned briefly yesterday, there were hundreds of thousands of decent peaceful patriotic Americans stretched the full length of Washington—from the White House to the Capitol building—but these few will be the face of the MAGA movement in the mainstream media likely forever. So get used to it and don’t give up on America First!
I’m trying to look at this from the standpoint of the law breakers. These people have had it with the media and mealy-mouthed politicians especially those supposedly on their side in the Republican Party. They have been demeaned for years, cooped up by COVID and knew that a bunch of politicians spouting hot air on the House and Senate floors was going to go nowhere to show the world the dreadful unfairness of the 2020 Election Steal.
Those breaking the law to storm the Capitol included Ashli Babbitt who lost her life that day.
Was it all planned in advance by dark forces on one side or the other, hopefully we will find out someday.
In the meantime, it appears that the Horned man in a photo which will be seen in history books for generations is being widely identified as Jake Angeli, a Trump supporter and QAnon promoter.
Search his name and you will find dozens of stories about him. Here is just one. I have to admit that I never really understood what QAnon is….
Jake Angeli, the ‘Q Shaman:’ 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Jake Angeli, a well-known QAnon influencer known as the “Q Shaman,” was a central figure in the siege on the Capitol yesterday, making his way into memes and photos with his conspicuous horned helmet.
Angeli took photos behind the Senate dais and was seen walking around the Capitol building with a bullhorn, wearing his signature hat and red, white and blue face paint.
He has also held a leading role at far-right rallies in Phoenix, Arizona, according to The Arizona Republic. He told the newspaper that QAnon validated beliefs he has held since about 2016.
There is much more, keep reading. As for his ‘acting’ career, that is discussed here as well.
I know, this could all be b.s. too, but many news outlets are reporting that he was at pro-Trump events in the past.
The shot heard around the world…
I should be condemning all of what happened at the siege of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but somehow I can’t and I keep thinking of Lexington and Concordand whether those, now celebrated patriots who were looked upon as a bunch of ragtag misfit militiamen at the time, are not so different from the country class members of MAGA we saw running through the marbled halls where only important ruling class people are ever permitted to be.
People can only take so much and they clearly see that even their right to a fair election has been taken from them.
Tell me what you think! Send me stories that support what you think happened, or is happening.
I have already heard from some of my faithful readers wanting to know what happened in our once beautiful capital city***.
This will be a short report today because I would like to see more facts about what really went down at the Capitol.
I spent the morning near the White House waiting with hundreds of thousands of peaceful patriots to hear the President speak.
Here is a screenshot of where I was. This view is what the President could see. But, even this photo taken at 8:35 a.m. does not begin to show how massive the protest gathering was, especially when the President took the stage hours later.
To get your bearings, that is the base of the Washington Monument in the upper left hand corner. I am farther right in the gathering, as that is a jumbotron we could barely see.
Here is the youtube video of the scene (which youtube might eventually scrub):
President Trump was scheduled for eleven, but didn’t speak until noon.
Although the temperature was in the moderate low 40’s, most everyone appeared to be pretty darn cold as they waited for many hours in an absolute stunning sea of flags and banners of all sorts.
When the President finished, most of this massive crowd began moving toward the Capitol building where some Members of the House and Senate were attempting to present a case that the election might(!) have been a fraud.
I was not at the Capitol, but like you, saw the images on TV after getting home.
I’ll show you more pictures as the days go on, but here are a few that I took while mingling around a crowd that was largely working class Americans of all ages. The “deplorables” according to the elitists in the Democrat Party.
The Chinese Communist Party menace!
You will see that I was most interested in the Chinese-American presence (Vietnamese-Americans who have first hand experience with Communism were also out) showing their support for this President, the only hope they see to keep the Chinese Communist Party from gaining a greater foothold in America.
How many of you could say the same?
As for what happened in the afternoon at the Capitol building at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, we need to wait until there is more information.
Of course none of us condone violence of any sort, but if it turns out that Trump supporters are largely responsible, I ask the ruling class WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? when on both sides of the elite political aisle, these Americans who love Trump have been disrespected while they watched as our weak leaders failed to criticize the violence for most of last year perpetrated by the Leftists—Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
And, the final insult to them, to the country class, was the great Election Steal of 2020 which unseated the one political leader they see as truly liking them and caring about them as he puts America first!
*** When I say once beautiful city, I am referring to the Washington, DC where I lived in my late 20s and where I took my children for field trips and trips to the Kennedy Center where a homeless encampment is within view of it now and where store fronts are boarded up.
My friends and I remarked that we may never be back. Yesterday might have been our last site of it.
This is what the goons on the Left are so good at—terrorizing—and I expect this is why there are so many weak Republicans, and for that matter weak Judges and Justices (e.g. John Roberts).
The story is at Gateway Pundit, a website you should follow as the Hoft brothers are on top of all of the latest news involving the Great Election Steal of 2020.
VIOLENT LEFTIST MOB Swarms and Attacks Senator Hawley’s DC Home — Pounding on Door, Screaming Threats — Terrorizing His Wife and Newborn Baby
The Senator was back in Missouri at the time.
These are the goons working for Biden and Harris!
But Senator Hawley’s wife Erin and their newborn baby were at home at the time!
This is the modern-day Democrat Party. Their fake news media will, no doubt, ignore this latest attack on a mother and her baby!
The Senator, who was in Missouri when the attack occurred, tweeted this:
Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t travel. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence
Meanwhile a different sort of thug—Fox News anchors—bully Senator Hawley who stands up to Bret Baier’s snark.
I hope all of you have now dumped Fox News!
Look around and see that Leftwing media sites are thrilled with not only Baier, but are overjoyed to see Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade say Trump has no proof of election fraud. At Mediaite.
This Cuck Brett Baer tries to get smart with @HawleyMO. So Josh breaks it down so Brett should be able to understand it.
Hawley is the first of twelveUS Senators to question the 2020 presidential election results. Georgia’s Kelly Loefflersays she will join the twelve, but I don’t know how that works since today’s Georgia special election results will surely not be available by tomorrow.
Heck, there are upwards of 80 MILLION Trump voters out there, surely some live in your neighborhoods!
If you are like me, you have been playing out various scenarios in your mind about where this week, this month, this year will lead us and what you might have to face.
And, what you might have to do!
Hohmann lays out various paths for our future and none are very encouraging because we can never go back to a pre-COVID, pre-Election Steal life.
I want you to read the whole thing, but one suggestion in particular resonates with me because I haven’t done it and know I must. How about you?
Who will you trust when law and order break down and the bullets start flying?
We must work together and help each other like never before.
If you haven’t already done it, it’s time to have a serious conversation with neighborsto find out who will be on your side and who will be fighting with antifa, BLM and possibly foreign troops invited onto U.S. soil under the auspices of the United Nations.
Perhaps God will give a reprieve and the scenario I have laid out will not come to pass. But even if that’s the case, a house divided cannot stand, and America is hopelessly divided. Don’t let your normalcy bias get in the way of you being prepared.
The signs have for decades been pointing to an epic clash of worldviews, between those who believe society functions best when traditional Judeo-Christian virtues are rewarded and encouraged and those who believe that free people cannot be trusted and society must be micro-managed by an all-powerful secular state.
Over the last 10 months it has become obvious to even many of the politically unengaged that things aren’t going back to normal. Not on Jan. 6, not on Jan. 20, not a year from now.
We must plan to do this ourselves. Don’t hesitate to help a fellow patriot in need, to share information with trusted like-minded thinkers.
Always plan as though we are going to be left to fend for ourselves. We are the leaders of our own families, neighborhoods, communities and cities. If Trump steps up, consider it a bonus.
I expect many of us are not eager to begin discussions with neighbors about what might be happening for fear of looking like conspiracy crazy people, but history is littered with tragic stories about those who did not speak up in time for a whole host of reasons and people died.
So, be brave, begin having those conversations! You might find they are thinking the same thing, but were afraid of being labelled conspiracy nuts too!