I expect everyone reading this post to watch this 18 minute video that the media does not want you to see. Those 18 minutes will dispel any confusion you might have about what is happening to us at this critical juncture in the history of our great country!
For the moment it is here at Youtube with an introduction explaining why it might not continue to be available at Youtube which is censoring any video that questions the integrity of Election 2020.
Update: As expected this version was removed as well.
You will learn why it is so important for the Communist Party of China to make sure that Donald J. Trump is removed from the White House.
When you come to Washington DC on January 6th, or when you do whatever you can where you live to resist the Biden/Harris coup, remember you aren’t just fighting a corrupt Democrat Party (and weak Republicans) and their media lackeys you are standing up to the Chinese Communist Party. It is 1776 all over again!
From the Plot to Steal America:
I don’t ask much of anyone, however….
I have 1,339 subscribers to ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and I am asking every one of you to click on the Rumble link (even if you have been able to watch the video on Youtube). Rumbleis Youtube’s competition.
I can tell how many of you click on links and am going to be pretty ticked-off, if you don’t do this. Frankly I will know if spending my time writing this blog is a waste!
I covered the news of Montana beef producers’ (with Republican Senator Daines apparent instigation) plans back in 2017 atRefugee Resettlement Watch and warned that if China built (or financed a slaughterhouse in the state of Montana) it would not be a source of employment for local low skilled workers, but would be a draw for more refugee labor.
I also said that I would expect the Chinese to send in many of their own workers as well.
Daines won reelection on November 3rd, but in the lead up to the contest, the Democrats blamed Daines (and Trump) for ruining the deal (so far at least!).
Montanans must be watchful because apparently snuggling up to do business with China is a joint venture of both political parties.
Here is the newsfrom the Billings Gazettefrom October explaining where that deal stands now (emphasis below is mine):
Democrats brand beef deal a Daines blunder
The Montana Democratic Party says a trade-war-plagued sales agreement between the Montana Stockgrowers Association and online China grocer JD.com has all but fallen apart, for which Democrats blame U.S. Sen. Steve Daines.
In a press conference this week, Democrats said the agreement between the state’s largest cattle association and JD.com had produced nothing after three years. Three Montanans who currently own cattle or have owned cattle in the past shared their disappointment.
Trade disputes with China have stifled the sale. The Montana Stockgrowers Association said their agreement is still alive, despite a tough two years of trade disputes between the United States and China.
“This would have been a very big deal to us. We would have been able to sell 80,000 to 90,000 cattle through this deal to China,” said Ben Peterson, a Judith Gap-area rancher. “We should be able to count on our elected officials to keep their word, but Daines seems to not think so.”
The big deal Peterson referred to is a November 2017 agreement between the Montana Stockgrowers Association and JD.com, the world’s third-largest internet retailer behind Amazon and Google. The agreement stemmed from a meeting that September between Montana Stockgrowers Association President Fred Wacker and the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai.
The meeting took place in Maudlow, northwest of Bozeman, and was arranged by Daines, who had presented a small cooler of Fred Wacker’s steaks to China Premier Li Keqiang during a trip to Beijing.
Rancher Fred Wacker
Wacker told Cui and members of the China Chamber of Commerce that the Stockgrowers wanted a sales agreement for Montana-branded beef. Those talks resulted in a memorandum of understanding between the Stockgrowers and JD.com for $200 million in cattle sales from January 2018 through the end of 2020.
Additionally, a $100 million investment in a Montana packing plant was part of the trade.
Several things have complicated the Stockgrowers’ beef agreement, President Trump being the first.
Further complicating the beef agreement was a shake-up of the JD.comhierarchy. The company’s president, Richard Liu, was accused of rape and arrested in Minnesota in August 2018. Liu was never charged, but a civil lawsuit followed. Liu resigned in late 2019.
Democrats didn’t mention JD.com’s scandal in their press conference. They focused on Daines supporting trade with China early, but more recently siding with Trump on the trade war. The senator’s support for China has been a part of the Democrats’ campaign messaging against Daines, as they promote the Senate candidacy of their own Steve, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock.
Democrats have branded Daines the “China Cheerleader,” at a time when U.S. sentiment toward China is low, particularly for Republicans. A Pew Research Center study in April found that 72% of Republicans had a negative view of China, as did 62% of Democrats.
Tyson was a potential processor for the first carcasses the Stockgrowers produced, a plan A, while the partners worked out the details of a meatpacking plant located in Montana. The packing plant plans got as far as siting potential locations.
“I guess in answer to your question, the China beef deal is not dead. It’s on hold and we’re still working on it,” Wacker said.
Former Montana U.S. Sen. Max Baucus, a Democrat, worked for 11 years to get China’s ban [they had banned US beef—ed] dropped. Baucus left office to become U.S. ambassador to China in 2014. Daines took up the ban after winning the seat Baucus vacated. That continuity is crucial to Montana agriculture, Wacker said.
A China-loving Biden/Harris White House could easily make Montana the new home of a Chinese slaughterhouse! Montana will get all the environmental problems along with the invasion of a socially and culturally disruptive migrant labor force!
One final note: I say this all the time at RRW, if you want to eat beef, buy from a reputable local grower. I traveled the West and Midwest a few years ago primarily to have a look at meat packing towns and the impact on the towns of refugee labor. Do not support the BIG BEEF globalist meatpackers—a driving force for importing migrant labor.
This is one of the most shocking things you might see in this never-ending year from hell.
A mysterious group has made available the names and addresses of hundreds of thousands of Trump donors. There can only be one reason for this—it is a target list! And, they want you to be afraid!
I looked for my name and it wasn’t there, but realized that it must be because I gave through the RNC. I did find friends! It is real!
And, if they are successful in frightening patriots this time, it will have a chilling effect on anyone considering donating to a future America First presidential candidate.
Will be watching for a Tucker Carlson report on this!
Reported Biden Poll Lead Continues to Drive Gun Sales Across US
Though it’s getting little news coverage outside the 2A community, the issue of guns continues to shape the landscape of this presidential election. The specter of an ominous gun control platform hangs over the Biden-Harris ticket. And the Biden promise to clamp down on firearms is driving gun sales in a year where new gun ownership was already exploding like never before.
This past year has already seen gun sales grow in record numbers.First a global pandemic put the country on edge when runs on supplies sent many first-time buyers out to gun stores. Then social unrest exploded into the streets, so more people raced to gun stores in droves. Now the most anti-gun ticket in this country’s history attempts to gain control of the White House. And the American people are talking with gun purchases.
A lot of people have been talking about the potential of a second civil war lately, with both sides of the political aisle saying that the other side will be the ones to start it.
Actually, it will be started by extremists, regardless of which side they’re on. Quite possibly, it will be extremists on both sides, dragging the rest of us into a conflict that nobody will win.
Should such a thing happen, the danger factor in all our lives will go up by at least a few notches. Just taking the dog for a walk could become dangerous, as it is in any war-torn nation. That danger will obviously be the highest in the areas where the fighting is fiercest; but due to the nature of war, and especially of this potential war, violence could break out anywhere, anytime.
We will all need to be on our guard, constantly, as none of us will know when a dangerous situation might foment around us. In order to avoid that danger, we’re going to have to be looking ahead, seeing what may be coming. For that to happen, we’re going to have to have a very good idea of what’s going on around us. In other words, we’re going to need to have excellent situational awareness.
And this is a good warning from Robert Wheeler at Organic Prepper. It is not just about China!
Food Shortages Hit China: There Is “not…enough fresh food to go around”
Over the past few weeks, I have been writing articles regarding a coming food shortage. I’ve been pointing out that the food shortage is going to hit the United States hard but that it is also going to hit the rest of the world.
Follow that link at Organic Prepperabout a coming food shortage for previous recent posts on the food supply chain.
Some past posts of mine on the general topic. There is no downside to being prepared, just don’t let it put you in panic mode!
I don’t normally have the ability to sit still for 40 minutes, but for this I did. Over a million of you have watched already.
Watch Glenn Beck’s documentary investigation into the Biden family’s deals in China and Ukraine. And, then spread it around because it looks like the mainstream media is going to bury the story about damning evidence found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.