Do all of you know what the Diversity Visa Lottery is? Maybe you know it by its other name—the Green Card Lottery.
The Immigration Act of 1990, signed into law by George H.W. Bush, set up what I will call a monstrosity.
Supposedly we don’t have enough diversity in America and needed to open our welcoming arms to a larger variety of the world’s ethnic populations (and more workers to compete for American jobs)!
Here is what Wikipedia says about it,
The lottery is administered by the Department of State and conducted under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). It makes available 50,000 immigrant visas annually and aims to diversify the immigrant population in the United States, by selecting applicants from countries with low numbers of immigrants in the previous five years. As of 2017, around 20 million people apply for the lottery each year.
All efforts to kill the program have failed.
And, what drew my attention to it today (I did write about it from time to time at RRW) is this whiny report about how the recent “winners” couldn’t get on the State Department website earlier this week to find out if they had won a ticket to Anytown, USA. Continue reading “Diversity Visa Lottery takes Prize for Suckering US Citizens/American Workers”→
“Given such high stakes, and the reports of abuses, the U.S. government might want to reconsider the whole resettlement referral system put in place by UNHCR.”
(Nayla Rush, Center for Immigration Studies)
That is the conclusion that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies comes to after doing a deep dive into that recent NBC investigation about fraud and corruption within the United Nations as it does the first sorting-out of potential refugees for America. Rohingya refugees. Who makes the first cut on who your new American neighbors will be?
See my report hereabout what NBC found.
What Rush prescribes is exactly what the Trump Administration should have been doing from day one—REFORMING the entire system of refugee resettlement that begins in Africa, Asia, or the Middle East when a wannabe refugee first registers with the UN for permanent resettlement.
Rush’s report (published yesterday) is hereand this is her wrap-up (emphasis is mine),
UNHCR Corruption: Resettlement Spots for a Price
The United States is entrusting the local staff of UNHCR with the selection of refugees eligible for resettlement in the United States, and entrusting the RSC staff with pre-screening and preparation of case files for resettlement applicants. We don’t know much about these men and women the U.S. government believes possess the exceptional good judgment, expertise, and integrity needed to make refugee determinations and resettlement referrals.But we do know that most work in difficult conditions and are citizens of unsettled countries where corruption is at times deemed an acceptable, even necessary, means of survival.
Let’s not forget that resettlement is one of UNHCR’s “durable solutions”. Resettled refugees are required by law “to apply for a green card (permanent residence) in the United States one year after being admitted as a refugee”.18 They can apply for citizenship four years later (not five, as the five-year count for refugees starts on the day of arrival). From this perspective, a resettlement card gives access to citizenship. UNHCR staff are, in a way, deciding not only who can move to the United States, they are also choosing who will have the opportunity to become an American.Given such high stakes, and the reports of abuses, the U.S. government might want to reconsider the whole resettlement referral system put in place by UNHCR. If “vulnerability” is no longer the key to selecting refugees for resettlement, does that mean bribery is?
Read it all here.
For the umpteenth time, Trump did a good job slowing the flow to America especially from countries that have been Islamic terror-producing hot spots. (BTW, Rohingya Muslim arrivals are coming at a fast pace.)
However, the entire flawed system is still firmly in place to be refueled with more of your tax dollars the minute Trump is no longer in the White House.
And, an even bigger shock is that NBCis featuring this lengthy investigation into charges of corruption, fraud and bribery in the agency that selects refugees for your American towns and cities.
Featured in what is billed as a first installment of a seven-month-long investigation is Africa and specifically Somali resettlement from the huge camp, Dadaab, run by the UNHCR, that I mentioned in a post here recently. Dadaab, featured in this corruption story, is the mostly Somali ‘refugee’ camp run by the UNHCR and was once home to Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar
It is a huge story both in impact and in its length, so I’ve snipped a bit here for you to get the gist of it. Money, and lots of money, helps ‘refugees’ move to the head of the line and in this opening segment we learn that a likely crook is living in Minnesota (I know don’t laugh!). Continue reading “Shock! Fraud and Corruption Rampant in UN Refugee Resettlement Program”→
That would be Dadaab—home to hundreds of thousands of Somalis and a place where the US government has gone to select Somalis to bring to America.
Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar spent a few years here before being placed in Minnesota
Although, under President Trump very few Somalis are getting into the US these days, this is a story worth watching because you know that the United Nations will be pressuring our State Department to up the Somali numbers using the closing of a significant camp as the excuse.
If Trump doesn’t win reelection in 2020 the trickle could be a flood from Dadaab to your town.
The Kenyan government has long maintained that the camp is a breeding ground for Islamic extremists and it points to recent terror attacks in Kenya linked to Dadaab residents. Continue reading “Alert: Kenya to Close One of the Largest Refugee Camps in the World”→
Did you know that February 6th was the ninth annual United Nations day of zero tolerance for the vile practice of female genital mutilation (sometimes referred to as cutting) perpetrated on girls and women worldwide, including in the US? ICE and the Department of Justice released a press statementrecognizing the day. Of course the UN wrote about it, as did NPR, but I was surprised the day passed otherwise unnoticed by the mainstream US media.
When diversity is ugly!
ICE, DOJ recognize International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
WASHINGTON, D.C. — February 6 marks the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the FBI, and the Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (HRSP) of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, all members of the Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center (HRVWCC), join U.S. and foreign government partners, non-governmental organizations, and local communities to call for the eradication of the practice. NPR used this image to illustrate its story. Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is a federal crime, and any involvement in committing this crime is a serious human rights violation which may result in imprisonment and potential removal from the United States.Individuals suspected of FGM/C, including sending girls overseas to be cut, may be investigated by the HRVWCC and prosecuted accordingly.
The elimination of FGM/C has broad implications for the health and human rights of women and girls, as well as societies at large. This day serves as an opportunity to reflect on victims who have suffered from female genital mutilation/cutting, including many women and girls who have died or suffered lifelong health complications from the practice. The day also renews a global commitment to the health and well-being of all women, girls and communities by eliminating the practice.
[…] “The FBI is committed to investigating human rights violations, including female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM),” said unit chief Maureen Schutz of the FBI’s Criminal Division. “We continue to work with our partners at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to protect the rights of young women and children and to bring justice to those who have violated them.” FGM/C prevalence is primarily concentrated in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, but also occurs in parts of Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. It is global in scope and found in multiple geographies, religions, and socioeconomic classes. [The practice has been associated with certain ethnic groups from especially Africa, Somali being one such country.—ed]
Anyone who has information about an individual who is suspected of assisting in this crime is urged to call the toll-free ICE tip line at (866) 347-2423 or complete the ICE online tip form or the FBI online tip form. All are staffed around the clock, and tips may be provided anonymously.
More here.
You don’t see enough coverage of stories like this because I believe that the Lefties running most of our media simply can’t bring themselves to recognize that diversity is not always beautiful and can often bring practices that are violent and culturally abhorrent to the West.
They want us to focus on images like African refugee children frolicking in their first snow as one social media video that went viral recently promoted.
Are you in an ethnic community in the US where you hear some whispering about FGM? If so use the tip line and let the feds investigate.
And, mark your calendar for next year and send an op-ed to your local paper as the day approaches!