“He obsessed over the connection between crime and immigration, and he believed that Islam was an inherently violent religion.”
(Andrew McCabe says of Jeff Sessions)
Sessions went out on a limb to become first US Senator to support the Trump presidential bid in early 2016. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/alabama-s-jeff-sessions-becomes-first-senator-endorse-trump-n527661
On the day after Trump’s big cave that will now allow more migration to your towns and cities, the Leftwing publication ‘Slate’ joyfully tells us about how the liar and fraud—former Deputy Director of the FBI Andy McCabe—described his former boss Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Of course this is meant to further denigrate a man who for decades fought tirelessly in the US Senate against amnesty for illegal aliens and was the first US Senator to back Donald Trump in his bid for the presidency.
According to a Wall Street Journal review of the book, McCabe wrote in his book that Sessions was only interested in immigration issues. He obsessed over the connection between crime and immigration, and he believed that Islam was an inherently violent religion, according to the Post. When presented with a counterterrorism case, he would first ask where the suspect was born or where the suspect’s parents were from. “He blamed immigrants for nearly every societal problem and uttered racist sentiments with shocking callousness,” Miller concluded from McCabe’s book.
McCabe’s assessment is surprising in only that it comes so bluntly from a man who once was acting head of the FBI but now seems intent on speaking out against the men who made his professional and personal life so difficult for 10 months (before he was fired just hours before his planned retirement, blocking him from receiving his full pension benefits). Sessions has a long, long history of making racist and anti-immigrant comments, while also implementing racist and anti-immigrant policies.
You can go read more if you wish, but let me ask you, don’t you agree with Sessions’ assessments (here cast, of course, in the harshest of terms by Slate)? You must, or you wouldn’t be reading my blog!
One day maybe we will know if it was Jared (and his open borders business pals) who really wanted Sessions out of the way! If Stephen Miller (who came to the Trump campaign with Senator Sessions) leaves the White House you will then know that the open borders (cheap labor) business lobby has succeeded.
Okay, okay, that is not a surprise, but what is a surprise is that CNN is reporting it and using the word “sharia.”
If Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, or Frank Gaffney uttered the following words, cries of “Islamophobia” would be screamed from the roof tops by the likes of Linda Sarsour!
Ben Wedeman, in a CNN storythis morning, reports of his interviews with two Canadian women who followed their men to Syria because of Islamic law.
Women of the caliphate speak!
Canadian women emerge from ISIS’s crumbling caliphate
The first woman quoted is Dura Ahmed, 28, originally from Toronto, Canada:
“Did you hear about the slaughter of Yezidis, of Yezidi women being enslaved?” I asked.
“When I came here, I heard. I haven’t seen one, but…” Her answer trailed off with a nervous laugh. “Well, having slaves is part of Sharia,” she finally ventured. “I believe in Sharia, wherever Sharia is. We must follow whoever is implementing the way, the law.”
The second woman is a 34-year-old from Alberta, Canada:
She, too, came to Syria at her husband’s bidding. “He’s like, ‘it’s obligatory for you to come here. You have no choice, and as your husband I’m telling you to come here.’And as a Muslim wife you have to obey, even though it was really hard for me to do it.” She takes a deep sigh. “I had to.”
Like Dura, she claims she knew nothing about ISIS or Syria before she made the journey here.
Not that it matters, but the woman from Alberta’s first husband (the one who insisted she come to Syria) was killed in the fighting and then she took another husband who also was killed in the fighting.
Read it all here. Will Canada be welcoming home its wayward women?
I shouldn’t get too excited that there could be a few truths sneaking into reports from the likes of CNN!
If you see more bits of news that might indicate a diversion from the Leftwing orthodoxy on Islam, immigration, etc. would you send a link my way? Let me know if you hear the word “sharia” on Fox News or any cable news network!
How many times have you heard it from the mainstream media—Americans are criminals at a higher rate than immigrants, so those new American wannabes flooding our border pose no threat!
Well, that is fake news!
In case you missedthe new reportat the Federation for American Immigration Reform, John Binder writing at Breitbarthas the numbers.
Study: Illegal Aliens Up to 5X More Likely To Be in Prison Than Americans
Illegal aliens concentrated in ten U.S. states are up to more than five times as likely to be in prison for crimes than American citizens and legal immigrants, a new study reveals.
Research by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)analyzed states with the highest concentration of illegal aliens — including Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Washington — debunking claims by the big business interests and open borders lobby that the illegal alien population is generally harmless to Americans.
For example, the FAIR study found that in New Jersey, which has a generally small prison population, illegal aliens are about 5.5 times more likely to be incarcerated than American citizens and legal immigrants.
As Breitbart News has extensively reported, criminal foreigners in federal prison cost American taxpayers about $1.4 billion every year. Likewise, mass immigration to the U.S. from primarily Central America has led to a booming foreign incarcerated population from the region.
Between Fiscal Year 2011 and 2016, about 91 percent of all criminal illegal and legal immigrants in federal U.S. prisons were nationals from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Colombia, and Guatemala, Breitbart News reported.
What can you do? You should bookmark the FAIR report or Binder’s piece and the next time you see news from, for instance, some Leftwing politician, that Americans commit crimes at a higher rate than “new Americans,” take time to let the media outlet or the elected official know that they are wrong.
Better still don’t wait and write a letter to the editor for your local paper with the statistics!
Religion News Service has published a lengthy and whiney report on the status of the US Refugee Admissions Program under the Trump Administration. It is a useful summary in some ways of where the refugee industry is these days. Daycare worker Khadra Abdo wants to bring her five grown children to the US! But, don’t be fooled, all of the federal contractors are still in place and still being funded. They have simply hunkered down to wait Trump out. The story(hat tip: Joanne) is an excuse to bash Trump, but is interesting as it begins with a refugee sob story (as they all do because the Left loves stories!), that raised some questions for me about how this Columbus, Ohio Somali woman got into the US in the first place.
And, one more thing! Just because the word “religion” is in the name of this publication that doesn’t mean it is a religious publication! It is a media source with a Leftist spin for news that might eventually appear in places like the Washington Post.
Two years after Trump’s travel ban, faith-based refugee groups struggle
“My first thought is that I hope they are safe today, and that stays on my mind throughout the whole day,” Abdo told Religion News Servicethrough an interpreterprovided by Church World Service. The 40-year-old Muslim mother of seven was separated from her five oldest children from a first marriage nearly 12 years ago when she and her second husband fled civil war twice — first in Somalia, then in Libya. When they arrived in Columbus, Ohio, as asylum seekers in 2012, she filed a request for her four teenaged daughters and one son, living with her 75-year-old mother in Ethiopia, to join her through World Relief. Seven years later, she is still waiting. And the World Reliefoffice that once helped her has been closed.
That closure in 2017 was a “direct result” of President Trump’s executive order to cut the number of refugees resettled that year in the United States, World Reliefsaid at the time.
Reporter Emily Miller
Do these young reporters have no curiosity? Here is what I want to know:
First, why did she have to leave her children behind in Ethiopia? And now nearly grown up, aren’t they safe in Ethiopia? Wouldn’t Abdo be safe in Ethiopia with grandma and the five kids.
If she came to the US as an asylum seeker, that means she actually got in to the US with her present hubby (or at least we presume hubby is with her) and was not screened and admitted as a regular refugee. Did she come across our southern or northern border?
Did she go through the asylum system and was she granted refugee status?
And, heck, why would you try to run to Libya in the first place? Were they planning to break into Europe across the Mediterranean?
We have been told she has been here seven years, but still needs an interpreter? Religion News continues…
Abdo now is pursuing her case through Community Refugee and Immigration Services, Church World Service’s refugee and immigration office in Columbus.
She talks “constantly” on the phone with her children in Ethiopia, she said through an interpreter. She works at a daycare and cares for her two youngest children, one born at a refugee camp in Libya and the other in the United States.
But, she said, “It is very hard and very difficult for a mother to be separated from her kids every day.” [What the hell, she left her kids behind 12 years ago!—ed] In the meantime, Abdo is studying for her U.S. citizenship exam, which she hopes to pass this month.
This month! She can’t even speak English! Religion Newsmight have chosen a better star for their story!
See myearlier post todayabout a Columbus fraudster (from Abdo’s ‘community?) going to jail!
I’ve been tagging posts by the state where the fraud, crime, whatever, happened. I’m thinking Ohio might be taking the prize so far! What is up with Ohio?
Editor:Frauds and Crooks is one month old today!
On January first, when Iwelcomed youto my new blog, I said my first priority was to counter the media reports that have begun to spew from the Open Borders propaganda machine about how migrants of all stripes are just the ticket for saving America’s economy while bringing the joys of diversity to you, the deplorables.
And so it is funny thatthis news from Utica, NY published yesterday is exactly what I warned about one month ago.
You will be seeing news like this from sea to shining sea in the lead-up to the 2020 Presidential contest.
The Cities Refugees Saved
Of course, I question the premise of the story from CityLab in the first place. Why must we save a city that is no longer providing jobs or has been poorly run by Democrats for decades?
First just so you know here are the ‘brains’ behind the New American Economypropaganda machine. Tell me if this bunch has anything more on their minds than cheap immigrant labor and more Democrat voters! CityLab calls the New American Economy, a bipartisan immigration reform group!
This is my post from earlier this month on the New American Economy. CityLabreports that the New American Economy gang has teamed up (has hired) a film company to put together a film that will showcase Utica’s booming refugee-driven economy. (They love films!) Symbol of the NEW Utica: Historic Methodist Church becomes a mosque
Film maker Adam Bedient (director of photography and editor at Off Ramp Films) says he grew up nearby and it was just a dying city but now, joy of joys the Bosnian Muslims that Bill Clinton welcomed to America have turned the city around.
Now, he’s working on a full-length feature about the refugee communities in Utica, and when he drives through town, he finds it simmering with new life. Old buildings are getting refurbished. Construction cranes bob up and down. And at the center of town is a long-vacant historic Methodist church that has been renovated and converted into a beautiful mosque—a symbol of the new Utica.
The CitiLabstory goes on to report how the city is thriving. You can read it yourself.
When you see news like this, look to see if they have included any mention of problems, like the one I reported at Refugee Resettlement Watch in 2015 about the school funding crisis when the city of Utica sued the state of New York for a refugee-created school funding shortfall.
See if they mention anything about dollars from Washington (from you) that fuel the local ‘new American’ economy via welfare—food stamps, housing subsidies, healthcare, federal grants for myriad refugee/immigrant services, grants to non-profits that service migrants and so forth.
In other words , is Utica a prime example of simply shifting federal tax dollars to a dying city? Useful graphic from the story. Heads up if you live in one of those cities, you might be next for a propaganda film about your growing refugee population. At RRW I wrote about problems in almost every one of them!
CityLab goes on (as expected) to bash the President and White House policy staffer Stephen Miller saying they don’t know what they are talking about when they express concerns about the cost of more refugee resettlement or any issues of safety and security. You can read it all here.
The story wraps with a quote from Bedient about that on-going debate,
This kind of wrangling over the true impact of refugees doesn’t get much traction in Utica, where refugees now make up almost a quarter of the city’s population, Bedient says. It’s not really up for debate at this point—“it’s a part of the city’s identity now,” he says.
Bottomline, the New American Economy and the Open Borders cabal have decided, there is no longer any debate, so shut up!
Here is what I don’t get!
Utica, has been paraded out for over a decade as a city saved by refugees, but no group on the immigration control side of the debate has ever (to my knowledge) gone to Utica to investigate the claims and counter them. Why is that?