Last night I wanted to see if there was anything new on the murder of Margery Magill.
She was the young womanstabbed to deathby a stranger while walking a dog in Washington last week.
Margery Magill raised Seeing Eye puppies while in 4-H
By all accounts Margery had a lot to give to the world as you can see by the death announcement at UC Daviswhere she had been an outstanding student. My headline is their headline—-passes away unexpectedly!
No mention of how she passed away!
No mention of the creep who allegedly murdered her—a refugee from Ethiopia! Is it because he was African? A refugee? Someone we ‘welcomed’ to America? Black while she was white?
Just like the Texas story about alleged mass murderer, Kenyan Billy Chemirmir, the politically correct powers that be will sweep the uncomfortable news from public view.
Maybe if their weapons weren’t pillows in Chemirmir’s case or knives in the brutal murder of Margery Magill, but they had used guns, the stories might live for a few additional days.
Another vulnerable American woman murdered, another African ‘new American,’ but weapon unknown…
I was checking my list of murders last night and in addition to Margery, we have the case still on-going in Noel, Missouri where law enforcement is searching for a Somali man for questioning in the murder of Jessica McCormack whose daughters he initially kidnapped.
He is apparently still on the loose. Learn more about Jessica, here.
I’ll do my best to report any news on these cases going forward even as the national media moves on to what? Gun control? Hurricanes? Trump’s evil border polices!
Maurice Hill, 36, had a long history of gun convictions.
I said I would write about American criminals from time to time, and I’ve told you that I watch CNNthe first thing every morning as a way of seeing where the Leftwingers/Progressives are going on any given day.
Today, at CNN, the morning anchors were talking their viewers into thinking a Trump-induced recession was upon us, but they also reported on the gun violence in the Democrat-run city of Philadelphia.
They did report that the shooter, who wounded six police officers when officers came to serve a warrant on the man who ultimately opened fire, and said the shooter had a veritable arsenal of weapons and ammunition. But, I didn’t hear them mention his name, only that he was taken into custody.
Maurice Hill, we learn here at the Philadelphia Inquirer had a long criminal history.
(See that Townhallwas on it overnight with a report about Hill’s criminal history.)
So, how did Hill get his guns including assault weapons? Are we going to hear anything about whether he had a background check? Are we going to hear anything about mental illness? Are we going to hear anything about who he hated (police?)? Are we going to be told that a background check would have kept him from owning guns? Did his family, friends and neighbors ever try to report him to the local police?
Are we going to hear anything about who his political heroes are?
I’ll bet that starting tomorrow, you won’t hear another peep about how the city of brotherly love harbors violent criminals with arsenals in their closets. Why? Because it runs against the PC narrative our mainstream media is peddling.
All the gun laws in the world are not going to keep the Maurice Hills from acquiring “weapons of war.”
And, you know where that leaves you—the law abiding American!
That is what Daniel Horowitz asked at Conservative Review yesterday.
And, I am sure most of you who have been following my postson alleged serial killer, Billy Chemirmir were thinking the same thing as we are subjected to every day, all day, coverage of the El Paso Walmart shooting.
But, of course, here is why the same attention hasn’t been given to the Kenyan Killer—he killed (mostly) old white ladies and his weapon was a pillow. That, and the fact that he is an African in the US illegally and if he had been deported when he had his first run-in with the law, 18 grandmothers and one grandfather would not have died such a frightening and horrible death. (Imagine that face looming over you as a pillow was pressed to your nose!)
When investigations are complete, Chemirmir’s kill list will likely far surpass the number killed in that dreadful murder spree at the El Paso Walmart.
Will Presidential candidates be yapping that something must be done—ban pillows? Kenyan media is following the case of one of their own.
This criminal alien is accused of smothering 19 elderly victims to death. He should have been deported long ago
Nobody in the GOP Senate or the White House is taking notice of what might be the worst and most heinous criminal alien crime committed in American history.We must discuss closing the multiple criminal alien loopholes that violate laws duly passed Congress. At least 19 Texans were allegedly killed by someone who should never have been in the country, who had been in jail for other crimes and should have been deported.
What if I told you that if we merely enforced and tightened existing laws, unvetted foreign nationals like this would never be able to commit subsequent crimes? “Do something!!,” you would say, right? Well, not a single major elected official is even talking about this case, much less calling for emergency congressional action to deal with the loopholes. And unlike with El Paso, this crime was actually 100 percent avoidable through public policy, and the course of action would not implicate a fundamental right. After all, there is no right to immigrate, as there is a right for Americans to bear arms.
Billy Chemirmir, like many people who gamed out our immigration system, came to the United States on a tourist visa in 2003, only to indefinitely overstay his visa, according to’s John Binder. That should have rendered him an illegal alien, and had our government fulfilled its promise in 1996 to construct a visa tracking exit-entry system, as later recommended by the 9/11 Commission, he would have been out of the country. Not only was he not deported, he wound up using a loophole to get a green card in 2007 by marrying an American citizen, according to Binder’s sources. He then racked up a significant criminal history, including two DWIs in 2011 and an assault on a girlfriend resulting in bodily injury in 2012. Horowitz prepared a nice timeline of what we know so far about Chemirmir’s run-ins with the law and his killing spree. But, I bet we will find he began killing before 2016 (assuming Texas authorities do their jobs this time!).
Yet this criminal from another country, whose presence here was originally illegal and who should have been deported, continued to remain in the country.
That brings us to the present. Chemirmir is now charged with the murder of 12 senior citizens whom he is alleged to have killed by smothering them with pillows over the course of three years – 2016-2018 – long after he should have been deported.
Much more here.
I’m very grateful to Daniel Horowitz for helping to spread the word about a horrific case being purposefully ignored by the media and by elected officials of all stripes!
Justice for the vulnerable!
Help keep the horrible case of the Kenyan Killer alive. Send the Conservative Review story out far and wide.
The Chemirmir case is emblematic of everything wrong with our immigration system, with lax law enforcement, and with media bias.
Trump in Ohio Thursday night where he brought up the Diversity Visa Lottery he once called a “Democrat Lottery System!”
He just loves twisting their tails as he did in the Ohio rally two nights ago. And, I am so glad he brought up the truly insane Diversity Visa Lottery.
Here we have Think Progress, a preeminent Progressive website that’s been around for nearly 15 years (but losing its luster we see) attempting to get your minds right on how the Diversity Visa Lottery really works (according to them) and how Trump is a dummy.
If you missed it, you might first go back and see my postof last week where I told you that the big winners of the insane green card lottery this year were Russia and Egypt—WTH! We don’t have enough Russians and Egyptians in the US yet! Hereis Think Progresson Trump in Ohio,
Trump reveals he has no idea how the diversity visa lottery works
At a campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday night, President Donald Trump painted a wildly inaccurate picture to his supporters of how the diversity visa lottery program works. The diversity visa lottery program awards roughly 50,000 green cards each year to citizens from various underrepresented countries to legally live and work in the United States. In turn, lottery recipients “diversify” the U.S. population: in order to qualify for the lottery, an individual must meet a number of merit-based factors, including a certain level of education or comparable work experience.
Stop right there. In that Miami Herald article I quoted last week, we learned that:
Overall, the winner must have at least a high school diploma or its equivalent, or two years’ work experience over the past five years in an eligible occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience.
Can you imagine how easy it would be to falsify that type of information when the applicants are coming from hellhole third world countries! Think Progressgoes on:
In Trump’s mind, however, the diversity visa lottery functions as some kind of Powerball for criminals.
“And you pick people out of the lottery,” Trump said Thursday night, gesturing as if he were picking names out of a hat. “Well let’s see, this one is a murderer, this one robbed four banks, this one I better not say, this one another murderer, ladies and gentlemen, another murderer.” [LOL! A Trumpian description sure to make Leftwingers heads explode!—ed]
Oh good security screening! Diversity visa poster boy! Sayfullo Saipov!
Because the diversity visa lottery is self-selecting, it is not up to individual countries — as Trump appears to believe — to decide which of its citizens can be considered for a green card. In addition to the education requirements, all recipients of the visa undergo background checks, health examinations, security screenings, and interviews by consular officers before their arrival in the United States.
And, much to my surprise in the very next paragraph reporter Rebekah Entralgo confirms exactly what Trump is saying:
Trump has frequently railed against the diversity visa lottery program, even threatening to eliminate the program altogether in 2017, after a lottery recipient from Uzbekistan carried out an extremist attack in New York City, killing eight people.
Of course you would only know that if you were following Utah media reports on the case. The national media has long since moved on after an initial little flurry of coverage back in June and early July.
Once the mainstream media figured out that this was not a story they wanted to help spread—African man, here illegally, slaughters beautiful white girl—because it doesn’t fit the narrative of immigrants as people just like us looking for a better life, the veil on the case has dropped. My previous posts on the horrible murder are here:
Except in Utah where bits of news come out every few days. Stories like this one:
New witness: MacKenzie Lueck murder suspect wanted to carry out ‘disturbing’ project
Before I get to the story, let me say again that because of the Leftwing media mob’s on-going efforts to keep quiet about news that doesn’t fit their political agenda we have a whole generation of young people who are not sufficiently wary about monsters likeAyoola Ajayi.
Is no one warning their daughters and granddaughters to be more careful about who they meet up with through social media? Are all the Progressive parents too fearful of looking like ‘racists’ to their own kids?
One of the things that struck me on reading this latest report from Utah is how dumb the alleged killer is.
We heard he was some savvy IT guy who was building an image of himself as a person of quality.
Sheesh, he was dumb.
Didn’t he know that his phone would ultimately be his undoing as the police used its location to move in quickly?
Of course not quickly enough to save Mackenzie who apparently foolishly never let anyone know where she was going at 3 a.m.
Here is the news from Fox13 in Salt Lake City:
SALT LAKE CITY — New details are unfolding in the investigation into the murder of University of Utah student MacKenzie Lueck, and a witness is now describing why he’s troubled by what he said suspect Ayoola Ajayi asked him to do in the days after Lueck disappeared. Ajayi allegedly tried to burn Lueck’s body in the backyard of this house. Don’t miss what a housekeeper told the media.
That man said Ajayi reached out to him for a backyard landscaping project. That proposed project has now turned into evidence for detectives.
Landon Fullmer owns 360 Landscapes. He’s taken on quite a few projects for the busy summer season.
Though, when he thinks about this summer, there’s one project, in particular, he’ll always remember — even though he never actually took it on. He said a man named Ayoola Ajayi contacted Fullmer through Angie’s List on Monday, June 24. That was one week after Lueck disappeared, and days after her family reported her missing. Apparently, Ajayi wanted the land in his backyard leveled. That’s all he indicated on his request, Fullmer said.
“We had a phone conversation,” Fullmer explained. “I asked him to be a little bit more specific in what he was looking for. He said his backyard needed to be leveled or graded, maybe some soil and some sod brought in.”
Continue reading here.
Fullmer never did meet up with Ajayi to discuss the project because on the day they were scheduled to talk, the police had swooped in on Ajayi and were focusing on the back yard.
Just like the case of alleged serial killer Billy Chemirmir in Texas, I’m staying on it because it does have lessons to teach. Of course, lessons the PC media doesn’t want to give you! So what do you do?
Make sure this story doesn’t die! Send it around through social media and consider that by doing so you might actually save the life of some naive young woman (or man) who is living in diversity-is-beautiful la-la land!