For the last week or so, the Dems have been (hilariously!) beating a drum trying to flip the narrative and blame the Republicans for defunding the police as they eye the 2022 midterm elections while rising crime has voters nervous.
But, it isn’t so funny when you see the White House is in on the action and literally repeating that Big Lie.
Do they think we are stupid, that we didn’t watch BLM and Antifa demanding the police be defunded for the last year with Democrat weaklings parroting their Commie agitator friends and taking their hefty campaign donations.
Here is the news about the White House scrambling to point a finger at Republicans….
From NBC Newswhich is working really, really hard to help ol’ Joe distance himself from his pals—BLM and Antifa.
White House: Actually, Republicans are trying to defund the police
WASHINGTON — The White House is responding to relentless Republican charges that it wants to “defund the police” by embracing the message that there are, in fact, politicians angling to starve law enforcement of needed money: congressional Republicans.
The White House launched the counteroffensive as advisers push to shore up President Joe Biden’s low approval on crime*** and fight an attack that could damage Democrats in the midterm elections next year.
Congressional Democrats are amplifying the push, highlighting their support for bills that would boost money for policing. They cite Republican opposition to the measures, along with the party’s lack of interest in investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, which left a police officer dead and many more injured, to claim that Republicans aren’t the party of law enforcement.
“The president, with the backing of leading law enforcement groups, secured the money that his predecessor opposed — to keep cops on the beat — and every single Republican member of Congress voted against it,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said. “The GOP continues to oppose the American Rescue Plan even as it delivers the rehiring of police in their districts.”
Republicans are seizing on rising concerns about crime to try to recapture control of Congress next year. Biden is vulnerable on the issue— a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that 38 percent approve of his handling of crime, while 48 percent disapprove and 14 percent have no opinion.
A USA Today/Ipsos poll released in March found that just 18 percent of Americans supported the “defund the police” movement.
In an op-ed Monday for Fox News, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, slammed the White House’s argument as “gaslighting,” calling it a “desperate ploy to escape blame for rising crime rates.”
The Socialists/Communists (with their friends in the fake news media) are really good at this—they just keep repeating a lie and eventually everyone believes it.
It won’t work this time because unfortunately for them for over a year we all watched who was attacking law enforcement both physically and financially and it wasn’t America First Republicans.
“….in many ways it is the most blood-curdling mass murder of all time.
(Daniel Horowitz)
Normally I would simply update my post of two days ago, here, and move on, but Horowitz digs deeper and speaks with more authority and thus is helping spread the news to a general public that, as he points out, has never heard of what is likely the greatest mass murder of vulnerable senior citizens (outside of Cuomo’s China virus tragedy) in US history.
Horowitz: The notorious alleged murderer of at least 18 seniors will escape death penalty
He’s likely the greatest mass murderer of seniors in American history (with the possible exception of Andrew Cuomo). Yet, if you polled most Americans, they’ve never heard of him because he is a black immigrant who overstayed his visa and all his estimated 18-24+ victims were white seniors. Now, Dallas prosecutors, in shocking news that will escape national scrutiny, announced they will not seek the death penalty.
Why is Chemirmir’s face not as recognizable as that of George Floyd?
In a most heinous murder spree that has gone unreported outside Dallas, health care worker Billy Chemirmir was charged in 2019 with murdering 18 seniors ranging in age from the 70s to the 90s over the course of at least two years in north Dallas.
He is believed to have used his access to seniors as a health care worker and smothered his victims to steal their jewelry. Civil suits name him as a murderer in at least six other cases, and given the age of some of the potential victims, there is no way of determining who else might have died at his hands.
As I reported at the time, Chemirmir had overstayed his visa from Kenya in 2003, but managed to use a lawless marriage loophole to obtain a green card rather than be deported. Despite racking up a subsequent criminal record, he was never tagged for deportation, which could have saved countless lives.
Here is a timeline of his immigration and criminal history predating the alleged murders that I put together last year.
We all know what would happen if this were an American-born white suspect and the victims were 24 black seniors. Not only would the suspect get the death penalty within months, but judging by the response to George Floyd, the rest of us would be held culpable — in a big way. Because the races were reversed, very few people in the country have ever heard of the case, even though in many ways it is the most blood-curdling mass murder of all time.
Just know that there are thousands of staffers, lawyers, and advocates funded by evil people working around the clock on behalf of murderers – to help them escape capital punishment or even life in prison. Who is standing for the most vulnerable victims of perhaps the worst domestic mass murder committed by an individual of all time?
Update! Daniel Horowitz helps spread this news to a larger audience. Do not miss his take on what is likely the greatest serial murder of vulnerable seniors in US history being completely ignored by corporate media.
If you have been a regular reader here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’the name Billy Chemirmir should conjure up unimaginable horror at the thought of what families whose elderly loved ones were killed by a Kenyan ‘immigrant’ who stalked vulnerable seniors (almost all white women), gained access to their homes, and allegedly killed them for their jewelry must be going through.
But, adding to a nightmare of losing your beloved mother in this way, is the reality that law enforcement, medical examiners and managers of senior living facilities did not see a pattern early enough to save some of the 24 dead seniors.
Delayed partially due to the Chinese virus crisis, two cases (only two!) are expected to be brought to trial in November where prosecutors have decided against going for a death penalty verdict.
From the Dallas Morning Newsthat has done an incredible job of reporting on the case.
Shame on the national corporate media for pulling the curtains down on a case that goes against their narrative—African (new American!) who supposedly came here for a better life is a brutal killer of our most vulnerable loved ones.
Serial killer Billy Chemirmir has been charged in the murders of 18 seniors, but it is believed that the number of victims (so far) is 24.
Dallas County DA tells victims’ families why he won’t seek death penalty for alleged serial killer
Dallas County prosecutors say they will seek life in prison — not the death penalty — for Billy Chemirmir, who is charged with killing 18 elderly North Texas residents.
And in a strategy that the loved ones of some alleged victims say is difficult to bear, prosecutors also likely will pursue no more than two capital murder cases and seek dismissals for the remaining cases if they win convictions, a decision that has rattled the victims’ families.
District Attorney John Creuzot’s office had filed paperwork nearly two years ago saying that prosecutors would seek the death penalty against him. Authorities say Chemirmir, 48, used his experience as a health-care worker to target older victims, smothering them and stealing their valuables.
In a statement, Creuzot’s office said he spoke with victims’ families last month and explained that he hoped to secure convictions against Chemirmir in two jury trials, each with an automatic sentence of life in prison without parole, and ask a judge to order that those sentences be served consecutively.
“In effect, there will be no chance for Mr. Chemirmir to die anywhere except in a Texas prison,” the DA’s office said.
According to a recording of that meeting obtained by The Dallas Morning News, Creuzot told families that the time involved in preparing for a death penalty case would be too great to pursue.
For example, he said, lawyers from the defense and the prosecution would likely have to travel to Kenya to track down potential witnesses and records to learn more about Chemirmir’s past.
Really! So every time an immigrant is on trial in a death penalty case we must send lawyers back to the hellhole they came from, for what? to find out if he was a killer there too? What difference does that make if he is found guilty of killing Americans?
Chemirmir is a Kenyan immigrant. He could face deportation if released. [Big deal! He should have been deported for crimes committed before his murder spree because all evidence points to immigration fraud for his presence here in the first place!—ed]
“I don’t know how long that would take,” Creuzot said in the meeting. “I don’t even know if we can get into those countries with COVID-19.”
My guess is that they want all this behind them. The case goes against the welcoming America message and showcases (in my opinion) poor judgement by those in authority and a series of careless investigations by law enforcement.
All of Chemirmir’s victims were white except, Harris who is Vietnamese.
Fitzmartin [Prosecutor Glen Fitzmartin] said he would try two cases, including the murder of Lu Thi Harris in March 2018. Chemirmir was arrested by Plano police as a suspect in an attempted murder after officers said they saw him throw a jewelry box in a nearby dumpster. The jewelry box had Harris’ name and address, which sent police to her home. She was found dead on her bed. A pillow nearby was smeared with lipstick.
This is the first I have heard about Chemirmir following victims at a local Walmart.
Fitzmartin told families that along with the jewelry box, prosecutors have video footage of Chemirmir following Harris at a Walmart just before her death.
“Although it is circumstantial, it is my strongest circumstantial case,” Fitzmartin said in the meeting.
Fitzmartin also told families he may also pursue the murder of Mary Brooks in Richardson in January 2018, but that he hasn’t decided. Fitzmartin said Brooks and Chemirmir were also seen at the same Walmart before her death, and that a photo on his phone matched a ring similar to hers.
But the district attorney’s decision to not pursue the other cases for a conviction, some families said, was a bigger surprise.
Before, they had hoped, the other cases would be mentioned in a sentencing phase for the death penalty. Now, they worry, the deaths of their loved ones may never be mentioned in court. A capital murder conviction with an automatic sentence of life without parole doesn’t have a sentencing phrase (sic).
“Most of them will be dismissed,” Fitzmartin said in the meeting. “Because you can’t just keep trying them all.”
There is much more including a timeline of the Kenyan Killer’s trail of death. Go here. (I hope it isn’t behind a paywall for you.)
If it is, you can still get a great deal of information from my archives.
I have been following the case since Chemirmir’s arrest in 2018 which ended his killing spree that is believed to have begun in 2016 (but who really knows exactly when it began!). See my tagwhere all of those posts are archived.
It was all over cable news a couple of days ago when someone opened fire on a massive house party in a pretty classy neighborhood in South Jersey. I grew up in a peaceful South Jersey so the story got my attention.
I wasn’t planning to write about it though until I saw that most media was not posting a picture of the first arrest in the case.
Kevin Dawkins
I’m seeing very few reports on the man charged with gun violations (so far) that resulted in the deaths of two and the wounding of scores of others.
Most reports are showing photos of the house and grounds with few using a jailhouse picture of Kevin Dawkins.
However, the UK Daily Maildoes not disappoint as it published a big spread on the shooting with lots of pictures, including photos of the victims.
In the US, does publish a picture of Dawkins as NJ Democrat Governor Phil Murphy does a little politically correct speech about gun violence in a state with STRICT gun control laws already in place.
By the way, stories abound about gun violence across the country this past week. Someone should take a look behind the headlines to see who the perps were in those cases.
How many had already done time in the slammer? How many were in states with strict gun laws? How many were gang-related as this one may be? How many perps were African American and how many of their victims were African American?
Update! Reader Robin sent this useful but sad site with info. on those who died daily from gun violence. I think you will see a pattern and as you all know, it is not the gun.
Arrest made, more expected in mass shooting at N.J. house party that killed 2, officials say
One man has been charged with firearms violations in the shooting that killed two people and wounded 12 at a house party Saturday night in Fairfield Township, authorities announced Monday morning.
More arrests and charges in the case are expected, local and state authorities said at a Monday morning press event led by Gov. Phil Murphy.
Kevin K. Dawkins, 36, who lives on Commerce Street, the same street where the party took place, is charged with four gun crimes, one that accuses him of possessing a firearm as a convicted felon, Cumberland County Prosecutor Jennifer Webb-McRae said.
“What we saw here in Fairfield is a microcosm of the scale of gun violence we see elsewhere, in other communities in our state and across our country,” Murphy said, leading off the press event. “We are at the point where this kind of horrific scene is almost part of our daily lives. It has become commonplace.”
“If there is one thing we can never normalize, it is senseless gun violence,” the governor said.
While his administration has enacted more and strong gun safety laws, and said New Jersey is a leader in the effort, Murphy said “but, and it’s a big but, this is a nation awash in guns, and we are not on an island. We are not immune as was proved two nights ago.”
Yup, too many guns says the Progressive governor.
“There are still too many people with easy access to guns who should never even have access to a gun,” Murphy said.
Do Black Lives Matter when the killers and their victims are black as they were in this case, just asking?
Have you noticed that for the Dems, when the PC racism narrative doesn’t fit, it becomes all about the guns.
What is most interesting to me about this lengthy report entitled ‘The US saw significant crime rise across major cities in 2020. And it’s not letting up,’ is that it was written by reporters at CNNand you will not be surprised to see some of the reasons why murders, rapes, assaults and robberies are on the rise.
Of course, claims are made that the Chinese virus played a role for various reasons, but so did those riots we witnessed throughout the summer of 2020.
And, of great concern both from the riots and from the failure of the legal system to mete out sufficient punishment is the fact that police officers are feeling demeaned by the defund the police movement.
Yes! CNN is saying this, something you surely wouldn’t have seen in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election because those are the things Donald Trump was saying.
But, before I get to the analysis of a study released by the Major Cities Chiefs Association that documents the alarming rise in crime, please see this dreadful story from South Carolina.
A Christian doctor, his wife and two grandchildren, along with an air conditioner repairman who happened to be working at the house were gunned down by a black, former football player, apparently angry because his drugs had been cut off.
Adams killed himself after killing the doctor, his wife and two grandchildren, so this will be the end of this sad story except for those in the shattered Lesslie family.
And, for the family of a repairman who surely now has a grieving family too.
Although no one was killed this time, see a disgusting violent display posted at Gateway Punditwhere some black women assaulted a hapless white US postal service worker because she didn’t have their stimulus checks.
Before I get to the CNNreport and the crime study, in 2020 numbers skyrocketed as first time gun buyers hit an all time high. Women especially didn’t have to see a study to know that they need to protect themselves now more than ever.
I wondered if the Lesslie family had a gun, but even if they did I’m guessing they had no time to get it.
The US saw significant crime rise across major cities in 2020. And it’s not letting up
It’s nearly impossible to attribute any year-to-year change in violent crime statistics to any single factor, and homicides and shootings are an intensely local phenomenon that can spike for dozens of reasons.
But the increase in homicide rates across the country is both historic and far-reaching, as were the pandemic and social movements that touched every part of society last year.
Experts point to a “perfect storm” of factors — economic collapse, social anxiety because of a pandemic, de-policing in major cities after protests that called for abolition of police departments, shifts in police resources from neighborhoods to downtown areas because of those protests, and the release of criminal defendants pretrial or before sentences were completed to reduce risk of Covid-19 spread in jails — all may have contributed to the spike in homicides.
Some cities will “outpace last year’s numbers” in Joe Biden’s America!
Through the first three months of 2021, a number of major cities have indicated they are still experiencing high rates of violent crime, according to Laura Cooper, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association. “Some cities are set to outpace last year’s numbers,” she said.
Protests were violent! No kidding CNN!
St. Louis riots. Completely missing from CNN’s report are the words Black Lives Matter. I believe those three words have become a license to kill.
Protest messages varied from defunding departments to outright abolition of police forces and were sometimes violent and occasionally led to looting and other property destruction. Many protesters largely dismissed the legitimacy of American police.
Police departments were often forced to shift officers from neighborhoods where violent crime occurs to downtown areas to staff protests. Police in St. Louis staffed 160 protests downtown last summer, according to that city’s police commissioner, Col. John Hayden Jr.
Who would have guessed: “If you stop policing, violence goes up.”
CNN continued….
Another aspect of de-policing relates to low morale among officers as a result of the Defund the Police movement. Police Commissioner Harrison noted that diminished performance by officers leads to increases in violent crime as a result of officers feeling “under attack.”
“Whenever you have an anti-police sentiment,” says Harrison, “you can very well have police officers who are not as motivated to go out and really be proactive because it’s perceived that people don’t value police.”
The heightened scrutiny of police departments has created an environment where officers are less likely to stop people out of fear of getting in trouble and being videotaped while making an arrest, said Moskos.
“It’s not that they’ve stopped working, but if they see someone suspicious in an alley, they just ignore it when a year ago they might have stopped him and figured it out,” he said. “Because what happens if he resists arrest?”
Free to kill because there will be no consequences!
The factors that determine whether an individual decides to commit a crime have everything to do with the likelihood of getting caught, and if they are caught, whether there will be consequences, said Baltimore’s Commissioner Harrison.
Harrison says the sweeping shut down of the criminal justice system for almost a year sent the message that people won’t be held accountable for their crimes.
See the Major Cities Chiefs Association Crime Report by clicking here.
And, it isn’t getting better: “Some cities are set to outpace last year’s numbers!”
If your city is one of those experiencing a spike in crime in Joe Biden’s America, why not write a letter to the editor of your local paper. I doubt very much this is data that your likely liberal local media will want to report.