Biden Tasks Harris to Find “Root Causes” of Migration Because He and Barack were Stumped for Eight Years

This is an Op-ed published at the WaPo earlier this past week that gave me a chuckle.

Veep Harris has the most difficult job of her lifetime— a job Biden failed to accomplish when Obama designated him as the point man to solve the “root causes” of migration during the years he and Obama put a lot of kids in cages.

Their intentions are good (Trumps were bad!) and who knew that all they need to do is to get some refrigerators down to those Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala and they will have a good start on solving the “root causes!”

If only those Romans had a few refrigerators to give away, the world would look a lot different today!

Opinion: Kamala Harris is confronting the challenge of a lifetime

Here is how columnist Greg Sargent sets the stage…

On Monday afternoon, Vice President Harris met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to brief them on what may be the most complex challenge she’ll face in office: the effort to address root causes of migrations from Central America.

If Republicans had their way, our entire conversation about the migrant influx would be about the border. They say former president Donald Trump’s “toughness” at the border was a smashing success — never mind the humanitarian disasters it unleashed — precisely because cruelty deterred more migrants from seeking asylum, an inherent good in their eyes.

But this analysis largely erases from the equation the actual causes of these migrations. Whatever failures we’ve seen in the Biden administration’s handling of immigration, there is a sharp contrast here:

They are trying to address those root causes in a systematic way, which is the job that President Biden has tasked Harris with.

It is all about trying for these Socialists especially when they do it with good intentions and in a systemic and robust way!

“This work is difficult and important,” Harris told Democrats, per her prepared remarks, citing hurricanes, pandemic, drought, extreme food insecurity, corruption, violence, poverty and climate change. “And progress will take time.”

Just how difficult this work will be continues to go underappreciated.

Just think, if B and O  had put in the time to stem the invasion a few years back, maybe they would have avoided four years of Trump in the White House (and likely another 4 years coming soon).

Send them refrigerators!

Now you are talking Nancy’s language! Send them refrigerators!

Sargent talked to the man with the answers.

He spoke with Ricardo Zúñiga, the State Department’s special envoy for the Northern Triangle.

He laid out the challenges in remarkably vivid terms.

Yup, people are poor, and the countries are crime ridden, but if over the long term we send them stuff like refrigerators they might stay in politically corrupt “s*** hole” countries.

In the short term, Zúñiga said, our best hope is that a robust humanitarian response can start meeting immediate needs. People who are leaving because they don’t have refrigeration or food, he noted, might be persuaded to stay if those shortfalls are made up.

But, while we are sending them stuff (to see if American money and appliances can turn those countries around) we have to make it easier for them to get into the US!  Of course!

Two conclusions…. Let them in or they will keep coming anyway! Huh?

All this leads to two conclusions. The first is we should be making it easier for people to legally migrate from the region into the United States, by expanding guest worker programs and refugee resettlement, among other things.

The second is that cyclical spikes in migration are going to continue, creating future political challenges for the administration.

Wait!  Didn’t he say sending them stuff would keep them home?

More here.

Hey Kamala! We will be watching!

Montgomery County Maryland Plans to ‘Welcome’ up to 3,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children This Year

But, they are not alone and likely some of the other top ‘welcoming’ counties in America will see numbers higher than that.

How many UACs is your county getting?

See the data maintained by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and note that MoCo, although among the highest counties that will absorb the illegal alien teens, is not the highest.

And, by the way, the data at ORR is only through March and you know the April 2021 invasion is surely one of the largest in many years.

If you don’t see your county, it doesn’t mean your state is off the hook, state data is here.

‘Non-profit’ organizations in the county are scrambling for money they say they need to keep the mostly teenaged boys out of gangs.  

What a mess.  If you live in this wealthy Maryland County that borders Washington, DC, move!  But, first get your kids out of the school system which will see the disastrous impact of Biden’s Open Borders policy first.

LOL! the Biden gang has put out the word that Unaccompanied Alien Children, a title used for years, is now verboten and we must refer to the illegal aliens as Unaccompanied Minors.  So therefore, my message to you is to keep using the accurate term—Unaccompanied Alien Children.

From WUSA9:

As Montgomery County expects wave of unaccompanied minors, local nonprofit works to expand capacity

There have been at least 104 undocumented migrant children resettled with family or sponsors in Montgomery County since October, according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement. However, the latest data is from February which likely means many more children have already relocated to the county.

As of late April, Montgomery County Public Schools recorded 70 students are believed to be unaccompanied minors. Officials expect 3,000 undocumented children to reach the county by this year or as early as summer.

The federal data base shows that Montgomery County received 178 UACs through the end of March, so if 70 registered for school, where are the other 108?  And, why is the database not up to date?

The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (MCHHS) is partnered with eight organizations: Identity, Inc., Family Services, Inc., CASA, Mary’s Center, Impact Silver Spring, Catholic Charities, LAYC (Latin American Youth Council) and Ayuda.

About eight or so years ago, I posted often about CASA, see here if you are interested.

The county had planned to call FEMA and the Office of Refugee Resettlement for federal funding since it’s one of the top 10 receiving sites for asylum-seeking children.

“The call took place but there were no commitments from FEMA about funding,” a MCHHS spokesperson said.

One of the major concerns to avoid is the involvement of gangs.

Community leaders know gangs are preparing themselves to recruit many of the young people as members offer what could seem like a family environment.


A Montgomery County police spokesperson said the department is working with the Department of Health and Human Services to address gang preventative measures for all undocumented minors.


In Virginia, there have been 119 resettlements in Fairfax County.

The sponsors who help happen at the federal level. The Office of Refugee Resettlement works with organizations such as Bethany Christian Services & Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services on sponsoring children. These organizations previously are certified and licensed at the federal level.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, headquartered at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, is a federal refugee contractor which I write about often at RRWThe UACs, however, are NOT refugees, remember that!

Two Major Refugee Contractors Receive Millions to Move Illegal Aliens from the Border to Interior US

$55 million is their take (of your money) for the children! over the last twelve months.


P.S. Maryland Republican Governor Hogan is apparently not saying a word about the ‘children’ flooding into the state for taxpayers to support. Twenty other governors are saying NO, even as the federal government ignores them.

More Americans Homeless than Ever; Bring in Impoverished Migrants Anyway

…. the nation has a “moral responsibility to end homelessness.”

(Biden’s new HUD secretary former Rep. Marcia Fudge)

Dear Ms. Fudge,  Good luck with that!

Yesterday I wrote about where one could live in peace in America.

Add Phoenix, and Arizona generally, as a place to avoid as homelessness grows for veterans and families while illegal aliens are given hotel rooms and three meals a day by the Biden (Americans last!) administration.

Take a couple of minutes to watch this youtube video below sent by a reader.

For those of us fortunate to live rural, or small town America, lives we are insulated from the deplorable conditions in most major Democrat run cities, including Phoenix where gated communities separate the elite from the homeless population.

(Most US cities of any size are run by Democrats.)


Homelessness is on the rise in America and NPR told us that in March.

The conventional wisdom for the rise is that living outdoors is healthier than indoors during the China Virus crisis.

But hotels are just fine for the illegal aliens?


In fact, some cities, like socialist San Francisco went so far as to sanction homeless camps to help fight the virus.

According to the Toronto Star, Phoenix was one of those cities, run by Democrats, that has normalized homeless encampments supposedly to keep the poor from getting sick.

Just for ‘fun’ search for images of homeless camps in America and you will wonder if this is really America, or some third world hell hole you are seeing.

Here is NPR on the rise in homelessness in America—even without the virus excuse.

HUD: Growth Of Homelessness During 2020 Was ‘Devastating,’ Even Before The Pandemic

The nation’s homeless population grew last year for the fourth year in a row. On a single night in January 2020, there were more than 580,000 individuals who were homeless in the United States, a 2% increase from the year before.

Marcia Fudge, Ben Carson’s replacement at HUD.

The numbers, released by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Thursday, do not reflect the impact of the pandemic.

“And we know the pandemic has only made the homelessness crisis worse,” HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge said in a video message accompanying the report. She called the numbers “devastating” and said the nation has a “moral responsibility to end homelessness.”

Among the report’s more sobering findings: homelessness among veterans and families did not improve for the first time in many years.


As has been the case for years, a disproportionate share of those experiencing homelessness were Black — about 39% of the total, though African Americans make up about 13% of the nation’s overall population. Twenty-three percent of those who were homeless last year identified as Hispanic or Latino.

I had no idea so many ‘people of color’ make up such a large percentage of the homeless. It seems, at least to me, that most photos of homeless people in corporate media reports show White drug-addled derelicts.

So why isn’t Black Lives Matter supporting their Black brothers instead of encouraging more immigrants who will continue to compete with Blacks for jobs and social services?

It could get worse….

“I think we’re going to see homelessness increase,” said Sean Read, chief program officer at Friendship Place, a nonprofit that serves homeless individuals in Washington, D.C. Homelessness is “generally a delayed response” to economic setbacks, Read noted.

Nevertheless, NPR goes on to say a lot will depend on how much money the Biden administration will make available for America’s homeless people.

But, not a word about what the border jumpers will add to the cost of stemming the tide of America’s growing poverty.  And, we haven’t even talked about crime growing along with poverty.

I’m wondering what kind of world are we leaving for our children and grandchildren?


Not just illegal aliens, see that the Biden refugee contractors are out and about in America looking for fresh territory in which to place legal third world migrants from Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

So, if your town doesn’t have homeless camps yet, don’t despair, Biden’s Open Borders will surely get you to poverty-parity real soon!

At RRW on Saturday:

It Begins: Federal Contractors Out Scouring America for New Target Towns for Biden Refugees

Unaccompanied Alien Children Taking Spaces from American Kids in Foster Care

But, at least in some states Republican governors are saying NO!

“I do not want our kids harmed as the result of President Biden’s bad policies.”

(Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts)

One Republican Governor who apparently doesn’t mind helping Biden out of the border crisis mess is never-Trumper and Jeb Bush pal Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland.

MD Republican Gov Larry Hogan apparently okay with UACs taking Maryland foster care slots.

Or, does he even know that an organization in our state, which received $55 million in the last 12 months from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement specifically to care for the UAC kids, is using Maryland’s foster care system to place the mostly teenaged ‘children’ (who have so-far found no relative in America willing to take them) into Maryland homes?

Makes me wonder what Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is doing with $55 million (75% of their federal boodle) that is for the children if they are simply placing them in other taxpayer-funded foster care as this news at CBS suggests.

From CBS Baltimore:

For months now, we’ve seen images of federal facilities packed with thousands of unaccompanied minors at a time when there are a record number of children reaching the southern border, most coming from Central America. The sheer volume of children is overwhelming the federal government’s resources with thousands of children packed into facilities never meant to handle this amount.

Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, LIRS CEO previously was a candidate for governor of Maryland and before that she worked for Michelle in the White House.

But one Baltimore based organization, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, is working to move kids out of those facilities and into the homes of families eager to help.


“Our focus is getting these children out of Customs and Border Protection facilities,” said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah***, CEO of LIRS.


LIRS pairs kids with foster families across the country, including dozens here in Maryland.


But in the meantime, Vignarajah says the need is still great as the children continue to arrive at the southern border. “We have seen unprecedented numbers of children coming across the border and so we need more parents than ever before and so if anyone out there is willing to open up their home and hearts, these children could use their care,” she said.

More here.

Other state leaders ARE putting American children first!

From Pew Trusts:

(Just so you know, until a few short weeks about the ‘children’ illegally crossing our borders were referred to as Unaccompanied Alien Children, however a Biden administration edict now directs all media to refer to them as Unaccompanied Migrant Children, or simply Unaccompanied Children! Here Pew does what they are told!)

Republican Governors Block Unaccompanied Migrant Children

FORT WORTH, Texas — The federal foster care system was unprepared to house the record nearly 19,000 unaccompanied children who came to the United States in March, so the Biden administration asked some states to temporarily house them.

Republican governors in Iowa, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wyoming said no.

“This is not our problem,” said Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds. “This is the president’s problem. He’s the one that has opened the border and he needs to be responsible for this and he needs to stop it.”

The governors claim that unaccompanied children would displace those already in state foster care or limit states’ ability to make new placements.

“Nebraska is declining their request because we are reserving our resources for serving our kids,” Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts said in an April 13 news release. “I do not want our kids harmed as the result of President Biden’s bad policies.”


Who is paying?

But federal officials note that care providers for unaccompanied children are paid via federal grants and operate separately from state child welfare systems.

Is LIRS paying the families directly out of their federal payola?  If so, they need to explain it!  And, explain who is monitoring the care the illegal alien kids are getting once placed in foster care homes.

Of course as Pew admits there are still costs to state taxpayers:

Caring for unaccompanied children does require some limited state resources, because states license and monitor foster care providers contracted by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the federal agency in charge of housing unaccompanied minors.

However, there currently are no federally funded foster care providers for unaccompanied minors in any of the five states where Republican governors have expressed concerns, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services records analyzed by Stateline show.

Pew goes on and on consuming many column inches on the subject of bed space and how much, or how little, Trump left us with when the Dems stole the 2020 election.

Contractor middlemen….

Pew reports something we already knew (at least for LIRS and the USCCB).

Foster care providers who care for unaccompanied children include the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, BCFS Health and Human Services, Upbring, and Urban Strategies.

But, still unclear is how does this contract system work? And, why are middlemen even necessary?  Couldn’t the feds just send money directly to state agencies willing to participate?

I wondered where Endeavors is in all of this? That is another give-or-take $500 million for housing the ‘children.’

There is much more at Pew.

I guess we can conclude that our tax dollars (to care for the illegal alien kids) go through a bunch of contractor middlemen masquerading as non-profits (skimming off generous salaries and office overhead) as they go about looking for states willing to put unaccompanied alien children into their state’s foster care system thereby displacing needy American kids.

As I have been saying all along, federal refugee contractors put Americans Last!

Is that what your governor is doing as well?


*** I just had a look at a recent IRS Form 990 for LIRS, and Vignarajah is pulling down an annual salary and benefits package of a quarter of a million (apparently a pay cut from the previous CEO who left under a cloud).

Since LIRS is about 87% federally funded, they are a fake non-profit.  LOL! You can be assured that this ‘religious’ federal contractor is not passing the plate on Sundays to pay for their ‘charitable’ work.

See this post I wrote a year ago at RRW about Krish and her hubby, the Washington DC Leftie power couple, working another angle—we must welcome more migrants of all stripes due to global warming!

And, somehow that is going to help America’s wildlife and our great outdoor spaces—say what?

Refugee Advocates Join Forces with Major National Wildlife Protection Group



America First Has No Effective Opposition to Recreating the Third World on American Soil

Saying that the US must “solve the global refugee crisis” is meaningless pabulum.  It will never be solved as third world countries send their excess people off to America and America says sure come on in, we can take care of everyone.

And, then one day, we too will be the third world.

I don’t know if you have been following the controversy about Biden’s flip-flopping on how many refugees he is welcoming to your towns.  I’ve been writing about it for days at Refugee Resettlement Watch where it was a clear demonstration of the power the refugee resettlement contractors have over this President.

If you are interested, here are my recent posts:

Biden/Harris Make a Hash of Refugee Plan; Infuriate Their Friends

Secretary of State Dodges and Weaves on Refugee Cap Kerfuffle

Psaki Clears Up Refugee Admissions Confusion (NOT!)

NYT: Biden Himself Blocked Increased Refugee Admissions for the Year

We have no organized opposition!

Not just tension between ethnic groups, but big city African Americans resent and attack Asians a large segment of the refugee flow to America.

Our side, the side that believes in America First! and says that America cannot take care of the world with growing factions of ethnic groups that don’t plan on assimilating in cities that are powder kegs, has no organized opposition to the US Refugee Admissions Program.  None!

Yes, there are some immigration control groups working in Washington, DC, but they are either think tank types, or are focused on the illegal alien crisis at the southern border.

Last week, the refugee contractors and their many cohorts in the refugee industry were able to gin-up opposition in a matter of hours when Biden really screwed-up by setting the refugee level for this year at the exact level that the “racist” Donald Trump had left it.

And, that is when the wailing began….

One of the major leaders of ‘bring in the third world’ is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and it was their CEO Mark Hetfield who made that comment about America’s duty to lead in solving the global refugee crisis quoted in a report at their blog.

HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield

HIAS’s blog post chronicles what they did on Friday along with the others in the refugee industry lobby to slap Biden silly and to remind him not to wander off the ranch again.

Refugees are money to not just the refugee contractors, but to business interests looking for cheap labor who got in on the action as well and piled on Biden’s team.

HIAS blog...

April 16 was a tumultuous day for refugee resettlement in the United States.

Early that day, President Biden delivered a long-awaited announcement. It was bad news: he would keep this year’s refugee admissions cap at 15,000, the all-time low number set by the Trump administration. While he ordered the end of discriminatory quotas on refugees from certain countries, Biden broke his repeated promises to significantly raise the admissions cap, setting off an avalanche of criticism from politicians, religious leaders, refugee advocates, and the public. By the end of the day, the administration had dramatically reversed course, pledging to raise the cap after all.

“HIAS is relieved that the Biden administration finally got its refugee initiatives back on track,” said HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield. “Doing the right thing takes courage. It will take courage for America to lead by the power of our example in solving the global refugee crisis.”

If you feel like it, keep reading.

It’s a handy summary of what happened in recent months and how their massive network of activists went to work on Friday to tell the administration to jump.  Jump it did!  They also call upon their people to continue pressuring Chairman Joe to keep the third world moving in—to your neighborhoods.

RCUSA’s Annual Advocacy Days

This week, Hetfield’s HIAS and others that make up the Refugee Council USA, the lobbying arm of this branch of the international No Borders movement, held its annual lobbying week in Congress.

It was virtual this time (normally they fly refugees in to show the warm and fuzzy side of refugee resettlement), but it basically follows a pattern they have developed over the years—upstanding refugees tell their “stories” to members of Congress to guilt-trip them into pushing for ever greater numbers of refugees to add to the millions we have already moved from Africa, Asia and the Middle East to almost all 50 states.

And, please Congress give us more MONEY!

Refugee Council USA (RCUSA), its members, and our partners convene to host a special refugee virtual advocacy week from Monday, April 19 to Friday, April 23, 2021. This virtual week of action and training comes at an important point for the refugee resettlement program. After four years of orders and policy that sought to dismantle the program, we now have the opportunity to rebuild stronger than ever – but we need your help. This week, we ask our community members to join us in championing pro-refugee legislation, and the funding and oversight to make it happen.

We are looking for residents of key states and cities whose representatives can make a big difference in rebuilding the refugee resettlement program…

They don’t have enough refugees to show off, so all activists are welcome….

You can be a seasoned advocate, or hoping to get involved for the first time! RCUSA will be providing a series of trainings, discussions, and materials so each participant feels confident. RCUSA will handle setting up meetings, participants just need to bring their passion and personal stories.

Continue reading and note their refugee “story-telling” training!

And hurry on over to see the list of Senators and members of Congress they are targeting this week. It isn’t everyone.  And, I would be curious to know why they have selected certain members and not others.

They have targeted some of their obvious friends, maybe just to keep them in line.  But, some others strike me as unusual choices.  They are targeting Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawthorn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Gohmert and Jim Jordan among others.

In the Senate they have listed John Kennedy, Rand Paul, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Marsha Blackburn.

I am assuming these choices are just to give them a guilt-trip.

Perhaps of most interest to me is that they have listed both Republican Senators and Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming even as Wyoming has NO refugee program and never has.  It is the only state in the nation that has never ‘welcomed’ refugees.

Bottomline, America Firsters have no such organized structure to do what they have done year after year to pressure Congress to do their bidding and welcome in millions of (impoverished) New American Democrat voters (at taxpayers expense!) as the great replacement chugs along.