If you have been attempting to follow conservative news for at least the last decade, you probably originally followed Drudge. Well, forget Drudge. Something weird happened there and it’s not worth looking into, but somehow Drudge sold out.
Here are a few sites available as an alternative. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it’s a start.
And for news on immigration, I recommend Borderhawk.
In addition, one of the sites I visit from time to time is Survival Pulsewhich collects an interesting mix of new posts every day from the prepper/survival blogs.
Update! Looks like Lin Wood must be reading the prepper blogs too!
Better to be safe than sorry.
Make sure you have PLENTY of water, food, flashlights & batteries, candles, radio, 2nd Amendment supplies, & a plan to meet with leaders of your communities.
Of course you have likely already figured out that most patriots are moving to Newsmax TV and One America News (OAN) for cable news.
If you have some other aggregation sites you like, please send me a comment to this post.
On Comments!
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For new readers, I am a blogger, not a group. I have no staff, I regularly write another blog, RRW, and I have a life!
It is impossible for me to get to all of your e-mails, so if you really want to send me something that you want to make sure I see, send it as a comment to a post. You can preface the comment with “NOT FOR PUBLICATION.” I will see the message within a day that way and it won’t be posted.
I covered the news of Montana beef producers’ (with Republican Senator Daines apparent instigation) plans back in 2017 atRefugee Resettlement Watch and warned that if China built (or financed a slaughterhouse in the state of Montana) it would not be a source of employment for local low skilled workers, but would be a draw for more refugee labor.
I also said that I would expect the Chinese to send in many of their own workers as well.
Daines won reelection on November 3rd, but in the lead up to the contest, the Democrats blamed Daines (and Trump) for ruining the deal (so far at least!).
Montanans must be watchful because apparently snuggling up to do business with China is a joint venture of both political parties.
Here is the newsfrom the Billings Gazettefrom October explaining where that deal stands now (emphasis below is mine):
Democrats brand beef deal a Daines blunder
The Montana Democratic Party says a trade-war-plagued sales agreement between the Montana Stockgrowers Association and online China grocer JD.com has all but fallen apart, for which Democrats blame U.S. Sen. Steve Daines.
In a press conference this week, Democrats said the agreement between the state’s largest cattle association and JD.com had produced nothing after three years. Three Montanans who currently own cattle or have owned cattle in the past shared their disappointment.
Trade disputes with China have stifled the sale. The Montana Stockgrowers Association said their agreement is still alive, despite a tough two years of trade disputes between the United States and China.
“This would have been a very big deal to us. We would have been able to sell 80,000 to 90,000 cattle through this deal to China,” said Ben Peterson, a Judith Gap-area rancher. “We should be able to count on our elected officials to keep their word, but Daines seems to not think so.”
The big deal Peterson referred to is a November 2017 agreement between the Montana Stockgrowers Association and JD.com, the world’s third-largest internet retailer behind Amazon and Google. The agreement stemmed from a meeting that September between Montana Stockgrowers Association President Fred Wacker and the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai.
The meeting took place in Maudlow, northwest of Bozeman, and was arranged by Daines, who had presented a small cooler of Fred Wacker’s steaks to China Premier Li Keqiang during a trip to Beijing.
Rancher Fred Wacker
Wacker told Cui and members of the China Chamber of Commerce that the Stockgrowers wanted a sales agreement for Montana-branded beef. Those talks resulted in a memorandum of understanding between the Stockgrowers and JD.com for $200 million in cattle sales from January 2018 through the end of 2020.
Additionally, a $100 million investment in a Montana packing plant was part of the trade.
Several things have complicated the Stockgrowers’ beef agreement, President Trump being the first.
Further complicating the beef agreement was a shake-up of the JD.comhierarchy. The company’s president, Richard Liu, was accused of rape and arrested in Minnesota in August 2018. Liu was never charged, but a civil lawsuit followed. Liu resigned in late 2019.
Democrats didn’t mention JD.com’s scandal in their press conference. They focused on Daines supporting trade with China early, but more recently siding with Trump on the trade war. The senator’s support for China has been a part of the Democrats’ campaign messaging against Daines, as they promote the Senate candidacy of their own Steve, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock.
Democrats have branded Daines the “China Cheerleader,” at a time when U.S. sentiment toward China is low, particularly for Republicans. A Pew Research Center study in April found that 72% of Republicans had a negative view of China, as did 62% of Democrats.
Tyson was a potential processor for the first carcasses the Stockgrowers produced, a plan A, while the partners worked out the details of a meatpacking plant located in Montana. The packing plant plans got as far as siting potential locations.
“I guess in answer to your question, the China beef deal is not dead. It’s on hold and we’re still working on it,” Wacker said.
Former Montana U.S. Sen. Max Baucus, a Democrat, worked for 11 years to get China’s ban [they had banned US beef—ed] dropped. Baucus left office to become U.S. ambassador to China in 2014. Daines took up the ban after winning the seat Baucus vacated. That continuity is crucial to Montana agriculture, Wacker said.
A China-loving Biden/Harris White House could easily make Montana the new home of a Chinese slaughterhouse! Montana will get all the environmental problems along with the invasion of a socially and culturally disruptive migrant labor force!
One final note: I say this all the time at RRW, if you want to eat beef, buy from a reputable local grower. I traveled the West and Midwest a few years ago primarily to have a look at meat packing towns and the impact on the towns of refugee labor. Do not support the BIG BEEF globalist meatpackers—a driving force for importing migrant labor.
Three Republican leaders have refused to begin planning for a Biden/Harris inauguration and that has the Leftwing media throwing a hissy fit again.
By the way, it will be interesting to see what kind of inauguration will happen on January 20th in light of the COVID ‘crisis’ social distancing requirements.
Surely if its ol’ Joe and Kamala they will place circles on the Capitol lawn to keep the crowds (ha!ha!) down, but who would bother coming out under the circumstances.
Here is Yahoo Newsinsisting Biden won and so how dare the Republicans refuse to start planning:
As Biden passes ‘safe harbor’ milestone, Republicans on inaugural committee refuse to say he won
Republicans on the Joint Congressional Committee on the Inaugural Ceremonies voted on Tuesday against a resolution stating that the committee was preparing for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
One more little stunt by Pelosi and Hoyer for the lapdog media to run with!
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.; and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., all voted against the resolution. The three Democrats on the committee, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who introduced the measure; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., voted in favor. The measure, which would have recognized what Democrats and some Republicans say is obvious — that Biden won the election — failed to pass on a 3-3 tie vote.
“The extent to which Republicans are refusing to accept the outcome of the election and recognize Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president is astounding,” Hoyer said in a statement released after the meeting of the committee. “Their continued deference to President Trump’s postelection temper tantrums threatens our democracy and undermines faith in our system of elections.”
The presidential inauguration traditionally occurs on the Capitol steps, although, owing to the coronavirus pandemic, plans for the ceremonies on Jan. 20 are in flux.
And as if we didn’t already know….
Hoyer’s motion to recognize Biden and Harris as the winners was basically symbolic; the joint committee has no power to decide who gets inaugurated.
But there was one useful thing in the Yahoo story and it is this.
It directs us to a Washington Post surveyof Senators and Members of Congress where we learn The Post attempted to survey all Republicans to see who was willing to say that Biden has won.
Most never bothered to answer. However, a handful did and of the 26 lawmakers identified as either saying outright that Biden won, or The Post found comments they made in support of a Biden win and thus created this list of 26.
Now this is a very handy list for you! If one of the 26 represents you (even if they are retiring), get on the phone today and let them know that you are not happy, that you are in fact pissed.
If the their office claims they were erroneously placed on this list, then tell them to get the list corrected by calling the Washington Post.
The headline in the WaPosays 27, but when you actually go to the list there are 26 named. I’m guessing they originally fingered 27 and someone complained, but the story was never corrected.
I’ve screenshot them below in case they disappear.
Just 27 congressional Republicans acknowledge Biden’s win, Washington Post survey finds
Just 27 congressional Republicans acknowledge Joe Biden’s win over President Trump a month after the former vice president’s clear victory of more than 7 million votes nationally and a convincing electoral-vote margin that exactly matched Trump’s 2016 tally.
If you are not in the habit of reading the Washington Post (I’m not either) then it comes as kind of a shock that there is not even a pretense of reporting straight news. Reporters simply report their opinions as fact.
Those are the findings of a Washington Post survey of all 249 Republicans in the House and Senate that began the morning after Trump posted a 46-minute video Wednesday evening in which he wrongly claimed he had defeated Biden and leveled wild and unsubstantiated allegations of “corrupt forces” who stole the outcome from the sitting president.
In response to the congressional Republicans who have called Biden president-elect identified in the Post survey, Trump tweeted Saturday: “I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the . . . RINOS,” the disparaging acronym for Republican in name only.
See that a few, including Senator Sasse of Nebraska, did not respond and there is no supporting documentation for putting him on the list. Since he is a long-time anti-Trump R, did The Post just assume he is in the Biden-won camp?
Now let’s get to the list of Republicans who have said on record, one way or another (according to the WaPo), that Biden clearly won the election.
Notice that some of these did not respond, so The Postfound statements they made and used those as the basis of their placement on the pro-Biden Republican list.
Again, looking for something to do from the comfort of your home! Call some of these REPUBLICAN offices and tell them what you think—the election is NOT OVER!
I’ll try to remember to go back to the list in a week or so and see how many of your elected officials told The Washington Post that they want to be removed from the list.
— President-Elect Glitches!👠IStandWithTrump ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@superyayadize) December 7, 2020
It defies logic and we all know it!
For those of us struggling with confusion about what we are witnessing, I believe it is now clear! We are witnessing a coup d’etat, an overthrow of our duly elected government, albeit a mostly quiet one so far.
It is time for us to throw off the yoke of normalcy bias which says everything will work out, we will be fine, America has always been fine (except for that thing called the Civil War), the Commies are not coming, so go back to coping with the Chinese virus and being angry at Fox News, Twitter and Facebook (that will keep everyone busy!).
By the way, normalcy bias kept hundreds from seeking Titanic life boats, and millions from defying Hitler’s destruction of the Jews.
I’m seeing some writers with what I call fanciful (hope I am wrong) theories about how Trump (with Barr) is playing 3D chess, is way ahead of Biden/Harris and the Communists, has encircled them, and is about to pull the trigger on their destruction with the help of the Supreme Court. I pray that is true.
Earlier this year, Jarvik who had lived in Washington DC for 27 years wrote about what he described as the American Kristallnacht near his home. He saw the future and within months moved from his longtime home in the nation’s capital to a safer state.
Son of a Bitch…Biden Confessed to Rigging the Election — AGAIN.
“I feel like I’ve done something good for the country by making sure that Donald Trump is not going to be President for four more years.”
Interestingly, Biden didn’t say something cliche, like “the People have spoken.”
Or, “the voters have spoken.”
Or, “Americans made sure Donald Trump is not going to be President…”
Which was unusual.
Usually politicians credit the American People–because they are sovereign under the Constitution and they want to enjoy the blessing of their legitimacy.
Instead, Biden shameless took personal credit for what happened on Election Day.
Coming after earlier statements that “I don’t need you to get me elected” because he had “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” it is an obvious giveaway Biden knows that American voters didn’t choose him–he chose for them.
Strangely, in the same interview, he joked about his getting Attorney General William Barr “in the witness protection program for endorsing me.”
Keep reading to see what Jarvik believes might be going on. Why is AG Barr acting so strangely, or how about Senate Leader Mitch McConnell?
Then Jarvik wraps with this:
Generally, when someone has told you what he’s going to do, then done it, and boasted about what he did afterwards–he’s confessed.
Of course, maybe Biden’s remarks were just a gaffe, or series of gaffes.
But as Joe Biden declared in 2012, “understand that in Washington, DC, a gaffe is when you tell the truth.”
As much as I hate clichés, the one that describes best what we must do, is that we must first think outside the box.
Don’t quickly dismiss theories that seem outlandish and don’t label your friends and neighbors as crazies if they have their own theories of what is happening. They are all just trying to make sense of what they are witnessing.
The bottom line is that we must not let the normalcy bias take hold because WE KNOW something is very very wrong.
And, we can’t simply flounder around with our theories for too much longer….
We are going to have to soon organize MAGA forces on the local, state and national levels. Maybe that is already being done.