Editor: I am posting this story here and at RRW today because it supports my recent harangue that you must get to work locally! There is no one coming to your rescue as the Open Borders agitators expand their reach into towns large and small across the country.
They are working day and night to change America by changing the people!
The only hope you have now is to fight against the Progressive Left where you live! Local elected officials can still be moved through public pressure. There really is no hope at the state or federal level right now.

Here is a brief report of what is happening in Alma, Michigan where a federal resettlement subcontractor is planning to open a “home” for Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) who are not refugees, but have recently invaded the southern border.
See data: mostly teenaged males! And, don’t you dare use the word “alien” says the Biden Administration.
These local citizens speaking up against the plan are doing what you should be doing where you live because I will bet the ‘religious’ Leftwingers are a step ahead of you and have either begun moving ‘new Americans’ to your community or have you in their sites.
From the Epoch Times:
Resettlement of Unaccompanied Minors Divides Michigan Town
ALMA, Mich.—A proposal to open a 36-bed residential resettlement facility for illegal alien teenagers in a small central Michigan city has ignited a firestorm of opposition from its citizens.
An estimated 400 people attended the City of Alma Planning Commission’s July 12 public hearing to voice their opinions on the issue. The planning commission is expected to make a recommendation to the city commission on Aug. 4 on whether to approve a request for the conditional rezoning of a recently closed nursing home facility owned by Michigan Masonic Home—also known as Masonic Pathways—a fraternal philanthropic nonprofit organization.
Bethany Christian Services, a nonprofit corporation based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that would operate the facility, has signed a letter of intent to lease the 6.1-acre property for an annual rent of $385,440, for the purpose of running what it calls “a small group shelter for the short-term care of low-risk youth from 12 to 17 years of age.” Bethany’s goal is to connect the youths with relatives or place them in foster homes.
The Alma shelter, and other such arrangements across Michigan and beyond, are part of the Biden administration’s effort to disseminate the thousands of migrants surging across the United States’ southern border and throughout the interior of the country, and place them in what it calls “influx sites.”
During the month of March, more than 19,000 unaccompanied minors were taken into custody at the southern border by Border Patrol, the largest monthly number in U.S. history.
Bethany Christian Services (subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service*** located in Baltimore, MD) says it doesn’t cost Michigan anything because the feds are footing the bill. Well, obviously the federal money is our money!
Moving them in secrecy!
Media organizations operating in Texas have reported for weeks that unaccompanied children taken into custody at the U.S.–Mexico border are being flown on U.S. military or other government-supplied airplanes to undisclosed destinations. The locations aren’t being divulged out of “concern for the safety of the children,” one federal official said.
At the public hearing in Alma, a spokesperson for Bethany Christian Services explained how the process is paid for, saying: “Everything is fully funded by the U.S. government.
“This program doesn’t cost the state of Michigan anything.
Bethany plays the Christian card….
“Bethany’s mission is to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus by protecting children. It is a moral issue.”
Audience member Dr. Jeff Smith, who strongly opposes the proposed resettlement center in Alma, appeared to take offense at the claim that the issue is a moral one.
“Don’t lecture me about what’s morally right,” he said. “I went to these countries on medical mission trips. I’m not going to be told I am morally bad by people who stand to make millions.”
There is more here.
Here is more information that shows that the citizens of Alma are doing their homework!
Just so you know, you may see less of me because I plan to spend more time taking my own advice!
***I wrote about the role of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, one of two major refugee contractors (US Conference of Catholic Bishops is the second major government contractor) who are paid to ‘take care of’ the mostly teenaged border jumpers here in April.
Unaccompanied Alien Children Taking Spaces from American Kids in Foster Care
See that the largest portion of LIRS federal boodle is for UAC ‘care.’
Lutherans to TX Governor Abbott: We are Paid to Take Care of Foreigners NOT Americans!
I have many posts both here and at RRW about ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ so use my search function on my home page to find more.
Endnote: As you know there is a contact form on my homepage and I usually write back to those of you with questions. However, I have noticed that I rarely get a response to those e-mails. So please check your spam folders from time to time.
Additionally, a couple of readers reported recently that my posts were going to their spam folders.