Is Obama's Task Force on New Americans still a working plan?

A reader just reminded me of Obama’s propaganda initiative to plant the idea that refugees and immigrants bring the joys of diversity and economic good times to cities welcoming migrants of all stripes.

task force on new americans
Download before it disappears!

You might want to dismiss this as old news and not worth remembering, but if you recall at the time, Obama’s Task Force on New Americans was a government-wide plan that they wanted to place into the DNA of federal, state, and local governments presumably by setting policies, electing officials and planting employees who would carry out the agenda long after Obama was gone from the White House.
Here they are bragging about their successes in 2015:

On November 21, 2014, the President established the White House Task Force on New Americans—a government-wide effort tasked with better integrating immigrants and refugees into American communities. Want to get more details about the Task Force’s recommendations? Read the strategic action plan here.
In 2015, the Task Force has been busy implementing recommended actions and highlighting local models of success.

(Don’t miss the action plan! You might want to download it before it disappears!)
Continue here and you will see that they had (have!) some key initiatives. One was to tell the stories (via their media friends) of successful refugees and immigrants—they love stories—to bring the general public to their point of view that all immigration is a net positive for America.
Another was (is!) to spearhead a citizenship drive to get as many immigrants voting as they possibly could (can!). All, of course, under the rubric that this was all about “integration.”
As was intended, these initiatives continue to be promoted and it is much of the reason I wanted to write this blog as my small attempt to balance the news you read—-heck we can tell stories too!
Problem is that we don’t do it often enough—tell the not-so-sweet stories about what diversity often brings to America!
I’m posting this information from the ‘Welcoming Communities’ plan below for your future reference (and in case it is scrubbed!).

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Don’t ask me why this second list leaves out a few locations?  Maybe they quit after the map was produced!

Let me be clear! These initiatives did not go away when Obama did!


If you live in any of those “welcoming” locations, are you keeping an eye on your elected officials and speaking up?question mark


Is Your Community One of 13 Recognized for its Welcome to New Americans?

When I wrote my post welcoming readers to my new blog, I told you I was writing to attempt to balance the news because you will be bombarded by stories over the next two years about how immigrants (New Americans is the preferred word) financially and culturally benefit your community.
Sure they may bring some benefits but also some problems and it is the problems that Open Borders pushers like the New American Economy (NAE) and Welcoming America NEVER mention.

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The chief propagandists behind the New American Economy.  Does anyone think they have the best interests of average Americans at heart? Or is it all about cheap labor?

Someone has to do it—tell the rest of the story—and I’m hoping Frauds and Crooks will be a one-stop shop for cataloging stories about frauds and crimes that cost you and me both financially and from a security standpoint so that you can best decide where you stand on the issue of our time—migration.
We are in a tough battle because the Open Borders Left has joined with global giants to push more and more immigration down our throats.
david lubell with logo
Welcoming America Founder Lubell has a new position. He is working in Germany, Australia, New Zealand and the UK to help make them be more welcoming.

I saw a story this morning from Bowling Green, KY, a huge refugee resettlement site that I wrote about often at Refugee Resettlement Watch.
It’s about how the Chamber of Commerce and local government are working with NAE and their Gateways for Growth initiative to improve employment prospects for the “New Americans” living there.
You can read the story yourself, here.
Bowling Green is one of thirteen localities which have been awarded grants for 2019 to boost the immigrant population—to get them working and voting.
From NAE’s website:

Thirteen Communities Across the United States Make a Commitment to Welcome New Americans

Launched in December 2015, the Gateways for Growth Challenge is a competitive opportunity for local communities to receive direct technical assistance from New American Economy and Welcoming America to develop multi-sector plans for welcoming and integrating immigrants.

Here are the locations awarded grants for 2019:

Bowling Green, Kentucky
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Charlotte, North Carolina
Flint, Michigan
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Lexington, Kentucky
Lowell, Massachusetts
Memphis, Tennessee
Northern Kentucky
Roanoke, Virginia
San Antonio, Texas
Toledo-Lucas County, Ohio
Wayne County, Michigan

Learn more here.
You know the grants themselves are really not that great, but they buy media because every location on this list will likely generate warm and fuzzy local media coverage just like the story at the Bowling Green Daily News.
Has Bowling Green already forgotten that it is the location where two Iraqi refugee terrorists were arrested only a few years ago?  Has that news been swept under the rug? Sure looks like it.
question markAre you seeing news in a local paper or on local TV about one of the other twelve locations, if so, send me a link!
Update:  Thanks to Robin here is the puff-piece from Lexington, KY local news.