The Progressive Leftwingers are masters at keeping the political pot boiling. You can do it too!
Make their heads explode!
Surely you saw the stunt a couple of Trump supporters pulled at Yankee Stadium on Thursday. It was a peaceful protest, no one was hurt, but the reaction by the media was swift and angry, and fun to watch.
Reportedly fans in the stands booed the message, but hundreds of thousands of Trumpsters cheered at home.
If you missed it, here is the NY Postquoting a reporter who called it a “conspiracy theory banner.”
Men booted from Yankee Stadium after displaying ‘Trump Won’ banner
And, what about those audits?
Have you been following especially Arizona right now? If you were confident in your assertions that no massive fraud occurred why would you fight so hard to stop that audit and all of the others bubbling up?
You would think that Biden/Harris would be eager to prove they legitimately won and be demanding audits!
You gotta love Sidney Powell who spoke at a Dallas eventand answered a question we have all had in our minds. What happens if massive fraud is revealed in several key states? Will the election be overturned?
Sidney Powell: We’re definitely in uncharted territory. There are cases where elections have been overturned. But there’s never been one at the presidential level where everybody will jump to point out. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, though. There’s always the first case. And as far as I know, this is the first case of abject fraud and obtaining a coup of the United States of America. So, it’s going to have to be dealt with. It should be that he can simply be reinstated, that a new inauguration day is set. (cheers) And Biden is told to move out of the White House. And President Trump should be moved back in.
She is right. This could be accomplished.
Otherwise we keep stirring the political pot and wait until 2024.
There is no way Biden will make it that long. Kamala is too wildly UNPOPULAR and dimwitted to win on her own. Did you see her tone-deaf tweet for the weekend set aside to remember our fallen heroes!
Criticism was swift, brutal and justified.
She may have O beat in the narcissist sweeps.
But, the question is, how much damage will they do before they get the heave-ho? A lot!
For instance, see my posts at RRWabout the Unaccompanied Alien Children (aka New Democrats) who are arriving by the tens of thousands—changing America every day that those two remain in charge.
“… it’s his own damn fault for the situation that he is in.”
(Frank Luntz, special friend to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy)
That would be the now laughing stock Republican pollster Frank Luntz who Tucker Carlson exposed in a couple of recent segments on his Fox News program.
But, watch Luntz gain relevance as the Leftwing corporate media uses him to bash Trump and any politicians supporting him.
The Blaze on the latest wet kisses to Luntz from the anti-Trump media:
Frank Luntz says social media bans are Trump’s ‘own damn fault,’ predicts ‘with every passing month he’ll become less and less relevant’
Longtime Republican pollster and political strategist Frank Luntz slammed Donald Trump on Thursday, predicting his influence would quickly fade and arguing that the former president brought on the bans from various social media platforms by his own actions.
Luntz v. Trump
Luntz made the remarks while speaking on the New York Times podcast, “Sway,”with host Kara Swisher just minutes after Facebook’s oversight board upheld the platform’s decision to restrict Trump’s access following the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
During the interview, the pollster claimed that Trump, though at the moment still influential, will never be able to affect politics in the same way given his lack of access to social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, and his displacement from the Oval Office.
“He’ll never engage in the way he did before, because he simply doesn’t have that capability,” Luntz argued. “He can’t hop on Air Force One. He cannot dominate the news coverage. He can get a sliver of it. And he will continue to do so. He’s not going away.
“That said, it just doesn’t move people the way that it used to,” he continued. “And with every passing month, he’ll become less and less relevant.”
Later in the interview, Luntz proclaimed that “Donald Trump has no one but himself to blame” regarding his indefinite removal from social media platforms.
Is Luntz whispering this to his roomy?
Apparently in that same interview, propagandist Luntz says that if Trump keeps saying the 2020 Election was a “Big Lie,” that it was indeed stolen, it will cost the Republicans the House in 2022.
This post is filed in my Political Rats category!
Why is anyone listening to looney Luntz? And, especially why would Kevin McCarthy, the wannabe Speaker of the House, be cohabitating with this weirdo?
How on earth can we trust McCarthy’s judgement after you have a look at the video below.
Luntz, a REPUBLICAN (supposedly), has a million dollar replica of the Oval Office in his California home, and brags about using the cost of the remodeling as a tax deduction.
Luntz’s ego seems to be as fat as his head. (I don’t make a habit of attacking anyone for their looks and lifestyle, but I am making an exception for Luntz.)
By the way, who needs Facebook and Twitter!
You can hear directly from President Trump at his new social media site: From the Desk of Donald J. Trump. Click here.
P.S. Let me know if you see news about McCarthy moving out of Luntz’s DC pad.
If you watched Absolute Proofback in February, you will be blown away with Lindell’s latest.
Mike Lindell
He is truly an amazing man because he continues to fight to prove that the 2020 Election Steal is the biggest cyber crime in world history, and in the face of lawsuits and efforts to kill his business, he fights on.
Everyone must take an hour today to watch his latest and spread it far and wide.
And, then your job is to be as brave as he is and figure out what you can do where you live to expose election fraud.
On election night President Trump was winning by a larger margin than the enemy had predicted. So they went to work changing computer algorithms that had been originally set to steal the election at a different number of ballots, thus the strange anomalies that we saw in key swing states.
But, it is important to note that Lindell and his guest believe the fraud was more widespread than in just the swing states.
“Fraud data is like the world’s messiest crime scene.”
(Jay Valentine at American Thinker)
I’m glad there are some, like Valentine, willing to do the tedious work to solve the crime….
It would be a tragedy of immense proportions if the 2020 Election fraud is never fully investigated.
When I got up this morning, I knew I had a half a dozen dreadful violent crime stories along the lines of other recent posts, that I should post, but I just couldn’t do it. They make me sick. They are mostly crimes of one race killing or attacking those of another race. See Gateway Punditas an example.
It seems, at least to me, that those crimes are increasing as one race is being elevated above all others, and as a result of the pandemic fear (used to take away our freedoms) generated by power hungry politicians who have gained much more power through the great 2020 election steal.
It isn’t real power. It is power gained through lies, immoral behavior and brazen fraud, and they know it.
So, rather than yet another outrageous and sickening murder story today, that does nothing other than make us more fearful, we should be focusing on never giving up on asserting that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen, and never giving up on proving it.
Below writer Jay Valentine at American Thinkerdescribes how some are not giving up and are using data to prove that there is no way Joe Biden and Kamala Harris legitimately received the highest number of votes in any Presidential election ever.
The big problem we have is who is going to spread the word on what the data investigators are finding when most of our media is doing everything possible to bury the facts and silence and demean anyone who brings forward proof.
Election Fraud Hotspots – 10% of the Data are 70% of the Fraud
The more our team looked at the 2020 election fraud from publicly available records, the more it appeared to have similar characteristics to property casualty insurance fraud.
Beginning in November, like many citizens, we witnessed election fraud possibilities any sentient person would investigate.Having backgrounds in fraud detection, particularly in the property casualty insurance business, Medicaid fraud, and cyber fraud, gave us a curiosity that never dissipated.
Our interest is 100% in data analysis. That means looking at the actual votes, the addresses, the information about ballots reported to Secretaries of State. While there are all kinds of other fraud, the best way to light it up is with data analysis.
Not just the statistical stuff with the graphs and Greek symbols, but old fashioned rows and columns. Nothing illegal, just the same public data Google uses to profile someone for new running shoes.
If Jesse Morgandid drive a tractor trailer truck with 100,000 ballots from New York to Pennsylvania, how can we find out? Chris Wray and our hardy pals at the FBI may not want to open that truck’s back door, but we do – with database analysis.
I took a few minutes to watch truck driver Morgan’s press conference in December, you might want to watch it too….
American Thinker continues….
They can hide the truck. They can claim it never happened. They cannot hide the record of the ballot.
Imagine yourself trying to fake 100,000 ballots. Even with some of your pals, lots of them, sitting around tables with pizza and Cokes and #2 pencils, it’s daunting. Every ballot needs to tie to an address. Each ties to a name. This is fraud infrastructure.
While you and your friends are filling out 100,000 ballots with Biden circles, do you think you took the time to use a different, real address for every one of them? Or, more likely, did you use a small group of addresses over and over? You get the picture.
Citizen election fraud investigators are coalescing across multiple states sharing information, fraud profiles and actual data. We are helping with fraud investigative expertise and search technology beyond anything commercially available.
Valentine’s thesis is that a small number of people, who knew each other are responsible for the fraud.
Our thesis is that 70% of all 2020 election fraud will be tied to 10% of the records. Like insurance fraud, election fraud has cultural affinities. It also has geographic patterns and links to a small number of people who deliver the overwhelming amount of fraud.
Cultural affinities?
We broke a major insurance fraud ring showing a group of Somali immigrants, living in the same building, driving the same car, had scammed a major insurance company. Sure they did, they knew each other. This happens all the time; the data show it.
He explains the type of thing they are learning….
Data visualization shows hotspots – like red wine stains on a white tablecloth.
Isn’t it interesting that 634 people with the same birthday, including the year, live at these seven addresses? Digging deeper, look, the address is not a physical location, it is a UPS store with mailboxes. That’s a crowded P.O. Box!
Look here, different family members live in different mailboxes with the same surname. The mailboxes are consecutive numbers, too! That’s so convenient for Thanksgiving dinner!
This is what industrial fraud starts to look like and there are plenty of data from December Secretary of State data files to prove this.
Of course, this is how they did it and there is much more. Read it all.
And, above all, keep talking! Send stories like this to your friends and family members! This isn’t about vindicating Donald Trump, it is about saving the country.
P.S. For those of you who don’t read RRWregularly, know that I have been doing a weekly round-up of refugee news. See yesterday’s post here and see why the refugee contractors heads are exploding as Biden has not yet done their bidding.
The January 6th event at the US Capitol has likely slipped from your personal radar screen. Could that be because it’s a tangled legal web or maybe because the mainstream media has moved along now that Biden’s legal eagles are faltering a bit in making their “insurrection” case.
Capitol ‘rioters’ taking in the beauty of the Capitol rotunda. They could have done an incredible amount of damage had they wished to…
The case they are attempting to make is that certain pro-Trump conservative groups had a well-organized plan to attack the US Capitol on January 6th to halt the certification of Biden as the next president of the United States, and possibly kill lawmakers.
They are having trouble finding a plan and judges are noticing.
Maybe you noticed this AP storymaking the rounds in newspapers large and small. The story appeared in my local paper on Sunday.
Prosecutors struggle with consistent story in Jan. 6 cases
BOSTON (AP) — There’s little doubt the Oath Keepers were planning for something on Jan. 6. The question at the heart of the criminal case against its members and associates in the attack on the U.S. Capitol is: What, exactly, did they intend to do?
Authorities suggested for weeks in court hearings and papers that members of the far-right militia group plotted their attack in advance in an effort to block the peaceful transition of power. But prosecutors have since said it is not clear whether the group was targeting the Capitol before Jan. 6.
Fellow Obama-era US Attorney love birds! I spent some time searching for a photo of the zealous Justice Department attorney Kathryn Leigh Rakoczy. Although I found no professional pic, I did find this fluffy puffy New York Times story about her marriage to a co-worker in 2015, both 33, who married at the Woman’s National Democratic Club in Washington. Why this news warranted a NYT story is beyond me.
“The plan was to unlawfully stop the certification of the Electoral College vote … and the plan was to be prepared to use violence if necessary,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczysaid during a hearing this month. But the Oath Keepers “did not know precisely the way in which force and violence might be needed to support this plan,” she said.
Authorities are still combing through a sea of evidence in what they say is likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Justice Department. More than 300 people are facing federal charges and more are expected. The most serious charges have been brought against 10 people described as members and associates of the Oath Keepers and several members of another far-right extremist group, the Proud Boys.
Rakoczy over her skis?
But as the sprawling investigation has unfolded, prosecutors have sometimes struggled to maintain a consistent narrative and had to walk back statements made in court hearings or in papers. It has created an opening for defense attorneys to try to sow doubt in the case.
“The government presented a theory (without evidence) that there was a weeks long plan to invade the Capitol,” an attorney for one of the Oath Keepers, Jessica Watkins, wrote in a recent court filing. “There was no such plan.”
In one case, prosecutors declared in court documents in January there was “strong evidence” the pro-Trump mob aimed to “capture and assassinate elected officials.” The Justice Department quickly clarified it had no such evidence, blaming it on a miscommunication between prosecutors.
After she was pressed by a judge in a recent hearing, Rakoczy conceded authorities “do not have at this point someone explicitly saying, ‘our plan is to force entry into the Capitol in order to stop the certification,’”but cautioned that the investigation is ongoing.
Prosecutors have also apparently been unable to get on the same page about what to say to the press.
A judge recently scolded the Justice Department over a “60 Minutes” interview during which the prosecutor who was leading the investigation suggested some of the rioters could face sedition charges. Former acting District of Columbia U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin’s interview appeared to violate Justice Department rules and Sherwin is now under internal investigation, a prosecutor told the judge.
Judge orders pretrial release of key Oath Keeper charged in Capitol attack
The decision is a setback for the Justice Department as it seeks to show that some elements of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol were part of sophisticated and organized cells intent on violently blocking the transition of power.
Rakoczy argued that Thomas Caldwell, a 65-year-old Navy veteran who never entered the Capitol on January 6th, remain in custody saying:
…. that Caldwell presents a risk of violence because he and his allies expressed continued belief that the election was stolen even after Jan. 6.
“Those factors still exist for them,” said assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy, “that the current political order is something that is problematic and should not be followed.”
Basically she is saying Caldwell should remain in custody because he still believes the election was stolen!
The judge disagreed and released Caldwell to home detention saying that the government’s evidence “falls short of the burden they need to prove he’s a danger to the community if released pending trial.”
The Conservative Treehouse has a story on the government’s faltering arguments here a few days ago:
According to the APstory this case “is likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Justice Department” so there is a lot at stake for the Dems, for Biden and for up-and-comers like Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy.
Is “complex” just a nice way of saying that they are having trouble proving their case that what we witnessed was a well-planned effort to overthrow our government that would justify a witch hunt and constrain our freedom—freedom of speech and assembly.
Oh, and by the way, what happened with Hunter’s laptop? Or, the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax? And, where is Durham?