Yesterday I told youthat twelve brave Senators will stand against China Mitch McConnell and his deputy John Thune and said they want a Constitutionally permitted review and debate on the election results in key battleground states before they vote to certify the 2020 election and install Harris/Biden in the White House.
Late yesterday both Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (so glad I didn’t send him a dime as he cried in TV ads every day to send him money so he could get back to the Senate) called the effort a “political stunt,” and Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas said it would “establish unwise precedents.”
It strikes me that it is the Dems who have established unwise precedents with the election process in at least five major Democrat run cities.
Here is Newsweek on Graham (who never did get to the bottom of the DOJ’s role in the Russia Hoax as he promised he would):
Lindsey Graham Attacked by Trump Supporters Online After Condemning GOP Election Challenge
Senator Lindsey Graham is facing online backlash from supporters of President Donald Trump for condemning several GOP congressional members’ efforts to challenge the certification of the Electoral College vote for President-elect Joe Biden.
A coalition of 11 Republican senators and senators-elect promised to oppose Congress in certifying the Electoral College vote this Wednesday, unless a commission is formed to audit the election results in disputed states. The group, led by Ted Cruz of Texas, said it would “reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given’ and ‘lawfully certified’… unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed.”
Graham, a Republican who represents South Carolina, criticized the effort as a political stunt on Sunday.
“Proposing a commission at this late date—which has zero chance of becoming reality—is not effectively fighting for President Trump,” he tweeted. “It appears to be more of a political dodge than an effective remedy.”
Needless to say, America Firsters gave Graham a piece of their mind:
“So you used MAGA to get re-elected and now do this? Disgusting,” tweeted Errol Webber, a Republican candidate for governor of California.
Cotton breaks with conservative colleagues who will oppose electoral vote count
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a possible contender for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024, broke with his rivals Sunday night by announcing he will not object to the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6.
Cotton just ended any speculation about his future as a Presidential candidate.
Cotton warned that an effort spearheaded by Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), two other 2024 White House hopefuls, to challenge the electoral votes of several swing states that went for President-elect Joe Biden could “establish unwise precedents.”
While Cotton said he is concerned about how the 2020 presidential election was carried out, such as changes to election law allowing mail-in ballots arriving after Election Day to be counted, he argued it is up to the states and the courts — not Congress — to handle election laws.
We all know that the chance of the Brave Twelve succeeding in keeping Biden from being installed in the White House are almost nil, but what the Twelve are doing is simply saying the facts need to be aired and discussed before a vote is taken and the Constitution anticipated such a situation.
And, they are providing us with a very useful list of wimps.
The pro-Biden-won team:
So to wrap up we know that China Mitch has Republican Senators Thune of SD, Murkowski of Alaska, Romney of Utah, Toomey of Pennsylvania, never-Trumper Ben Sasse of Nebraska and now Cotton of Arkansas, and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina on his team to shutting the door to any more debate on the great Election Steal of 2020.
The MAGA team fighting for fair elections:
AsI said yesterday,Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouriwill lead a team that wants answers to what happened in key states when the vote count was stopped overnight beginning on November 3rd.
Sens. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Mike Braun (Ind.), Steve Daines (Mont.), Ron Johnson (Wis.), John Kennedy (La.) and James Lankford (Okla.), as well as Sen.-elects Bill Hagerty (Tenn.), Cynthia Lummis (Wyo.), Roger Marshall (Kan.) and Tommy Tuberville (Ala.).
While you are visiting Stop the Steal, see where you can find out how to reach your Members of Congress and Senators. Call them today through Wednesday! Tell them what you think!
Frankly I didn’t think it was possible to find this many brave Senators willing to buck the Democrats and their own Republican leadership. You might think it shouldn’t be so hard to buck Mitch McConnell in light of the glaring election steal, but these Senators (a few of them newly elected) will see that McConnell will find ways large and small to retaliate against them in the coming year(s).
For us, who believe in America and the Constitution that guides us, these twelve, so far, are the leaders of America first.
The new faction of GOP lawmakers includes Sens. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Mike Braun (Ind.), Cruz (Texas), Steve Daines (Mont.), Ron Johnson (Wis.), John Kennedy (La.) and James Lankford (Okla.), as well as Sen.-elects Bill Hagerty (Tenn.), Cynthia Lummis (Wyo.), Roger Marshall (Kan.) and Tommy Tuberville (Ala.).
If one of these is your Senator, thank him or her.
If your Senator is one of those Republicans who have already said they are with McConnell remember them!
Here The Hilltells us that Senator Mitt Romney of Utah is lashing out against Hawley, Cruz et al.
If nothing else comes out of January 6th, we are going to have a very clear idea of who is for and who is against the MAGA movement. Mitch wanted to avoid that, but it looks like it is too late!
Romney: Plan to challenge election ‘egregious ploy’ that ‘dangerously threatens’ country
“Romney also called out Trump, who has urged his supporters to come to Washington, D.C., on January 6, warning that the strategy could “lead to disruption, and worse.” ” (what a wimp!)
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Saturday offered blistering criticism of a plan by at least 12 Republican senators to challenge the results of the election next week, warning that they “imperil” public trust.
“The egregious ploy to reject electors may enhance the political ambition of some, but dangerously threatens our Democratic Republic. The congressional power to reject electors is reserved for the most extreme and unusual circumstances. These are far from it,” Romney said in a statement.
Romney had previously told reporters Friday that objecting during Wednesday’s joint session, where Congress will formally count the Electoral College vote, would help “spread the false rumor that somehow the election was stolen.”
Romney says the courts have already decided that there was no election fraud!
“My fellow Senator Ted Cruz and the co-signers of his statement argue that rejection of electors or an election audit directed by Congress would restore trust in the election. Nonsense. … Members of Congress who would substitute their own partisan judgement for that of the courts do not enhance public trust, they imperil it,” Romney added.
Romney, the only GOP senator who voted for one of the articles of impeachment against Trump last year, is the latest GOP senator to formally weigh in after Cruz and 10 other GOP senators, or senators-elect, announced that they would support challenging the election results.
Toomey said the “evidence is overwhelming that Joe Biden won this election.”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-Ky.) previously urged Republican senators to not join an effort by House conservatives to object, warning that it would only force a politically tough vote that won’t change the outcome of the election.
We will have a list!
By “politically tough vote” he means that the Republicans can’t win it with defectors like Toomey, Murkowski and himself who would side with the Dems, but because we, the upwards of 80 million Trump voters, will know who is willing to fight for us and who isn’t.
And how on earth did you Nebraskans elect Ben Sasse, a Never Trumper from the very beginning?
Which side is your Republican Senator on? Where are you: Lindsey Graham? Marco Rubio? Rick Scott? Rand Paul? Mike Lee? Chuck Grassley? Susan Collins? Tom Cotton? Tim Scott? Shelley Moore Capito?
Some media outlets report that 140 or so House Members will object and when I see a list I’ll post it.
Tomorrow, Monday morning, begin calling all of your Senators and House Members and tell them (Democrat or Republican) what you think.
Stop the Steal’swebsitehas all of the contact information for your elected officials in Congress.
From what I am hearing, the number of American Patriots who descend on Washington, DC is going to be a magnitude beyond anything the Tea Party of old ever mustered.
Indeed in those days our opposition to expanding government and its voracious appetite for our money stirred anger, but in our lifetimes there has never been anything like what we see now—the enemy is clear and here (not in some foreign land), they are willing to do anything for power and it appears that foreign governments, especially the Chinese Communist Party are backing them.
This morning I started my usual perusal of sites I read on a somewhat regular basis and first read my friend Richard’s Blue Ridge Forum where he harkened back to aConservative Tree House post of last week where blogger Sundance quoted Solzhenitsyn in a post featuring a tweet from the President (above):
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?…
[…] If…if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
A few days ago, Ned May at Gates of Viennablog posted this (below) emphasizing that “deplorables” can no longer even count on some so-called “conservative” leaders and websites to stand up to the Democrat/Communists’ machine. They are too worried about maintaining a respectable image, he says.
Here we are facing a possible civil war and they have already begun speculating about Presidential candidates for 2024!
I know Ned May and so when he writes critically about a here-to-fore reliably conservative website, PowerLineblog, I believe him.
Doubling Down on Deplorable
No, it’s better to pretend that conservatives can somehow manage to prevent the worst forms of electoral fraud in the future. They’re already gaming out strategies for the midterms in 2022, and thinking about Republican prospects in the 2024 presidential contest. As if future elections had any real meaning. As if Republicans differed in any fundamental ways from Democrats.
And maybe they’re right. Maybe the deplorables who descend on Washington D.C. next week will have no lasting effect. Maybe the new socialist regime will only be temporary, and Republicans will get another chance to pretend to be conservative in Congress and the White House. Maybe the earnest foreign policy wonks of the Right will get their hands on the levers of the military-industrial complex and initiate new military interventions to bring democracy to Berserkistan or engage in nation-building in Gondwanaland.
Maybe… Maybe…
But my intuition tells me that the country has been irretrievably changed, and not for the better. The gossamer fabric of the old political system will most likely be twitched aside soon by the Fickle Pinky of Fate.
For that reason, I tend to hang out more and more at WRSA these days. They’re so far beyond the pale that they don’t even register on the National Deplorometer.
This time it will be a real civil war.
Or maybe not. Maybe the Power Line boys are right, and all this will blow over. Maybe people will put on their masks, get vaccinated, and plop themselves back in front of the TV, where they belong.
The Battle For The Republic Will Likely Go Kinetic After JAN-6
After quoting from a post at American Thinker about what will happen in the halls of Congress on the 6th while hundreds of thousands of patriots gather outside:
“V.P. Pence will have to decide how he will handle the situation when two sealed envelopes are handed to him from any of those states.”
That moment, on that day, will be pivotal in United States history.
Will Pence cave to the establishment and hand the keys of the White House over to the CCP? Or will he do the hard thing, the right thing?
Jorgustin predicts Pence and the Congress will cave and goes on….
The Holding Pattern – The Wait – Will Be Over
Here’s the thrust of my post today… Everyone has been in a holding pattern. Waiting. This is especially true of American patriots / comprised within the 74 – 80 million people who voted for ‘America First’. The powder has been kept dry, so to speak, as the contested “processes” have made their way through the (corrupt?) systems(s) of (corrupt?) politics and (some corrupt?) courts. Waiting…
The purpose here is not to rehash all of that (we’ve done it plenty already). Rather, to point out a date, a time-frame, and when this may finally erupt into kinetic energy.
American Patriots
So logic leads me to believe that assuming Pence rolls over, one of two things are going to happen.
American patriots let this travesty go down unchallenged and give the CCP sanctioned new Communist Party of America a clear path to steamroll us with their agenda, destroying the 1st & 2nd Amendment along the way – for starters… The CCP succeeds at effectively taking America (their 1st step). The Republic dies as it is morphed into the Great Global Reset.
2. Patriots know that this is it. The end game. They are backed into a corner and decide to defend the Constitution in ways that go kinetic.
See what the possibilities are, forget about being considered moderate and respectable and be ready both mentally and physically.
We are at a critical juncture in American history and there is no downside to being ready to both protect your loved ones, and to do whatever you are called to do to save the Constitution and this great country. .
As I said in my post this morning. Find out what you can do to be part of history in the first week of what will be a pivotal year for America.
Stop the Steal‘s website is the place to start. There are planned events in most every state this coming week. There is a schedule for the events in Washington on the 6th and a directory of contact information for your legislators.
Will You Take Part in Historic Day—January 6, 2020? By comparison it isn’t much to ask of us.
In my previous post todayI talked about how important this coming week is in the history of our great country and urged you to find some way to make your voices heard.
In four minutes, former advisor to Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, makes it clear why you must not allow the Election Steal to stand.
Being in Washington or there in spirit on January 6, 2020 is only the beginning. It is not just about Trump, this is about America!
Recorded in the days following the great Election Steal and here at Youtube unless they censor it!