I pay fairly close attention to the 2020 campaign news and especially when it comes to the Dem candidate’s plans for immigration should they regain the White House.
But, I think it’s odd that with all the other news about Michael Bloomberg, there is little mentioned about his now decade-long plan to increase immigration as seen in his National Partnership for a New American Economy.
I told you all about it here last November, but I have been writing about it off and on for years.
Now I see that there is a short piece at Bloomberg news briefly summarizing his immigration plans.
But, strangely, no mention of his organization that has been gradually softening up mayors by handing out grant money and praising elected officials for a decade through his New American Economy network.
Michael Bloomberg Unveils Plan for ‘Broken’ Immigration System
Michael Bloomberg proposed an immigration plan similar to proposals from his moderate [LOL!] Democratic presidential rivals that includes reversing President Donald Trump’s policies, creating a path to U.S. citizenship for undocumented residents and allowing “place-based” visas.
Bloomberg’s plan contains many of the same elements as those offered by Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg. They include rescinding Trump’s travel ban, ending family separations at the border, protecting so-called dreamers — young adults who were brought illegally to the U.S. as children — as well as increasing the cap on resettling refugees and updating the asylum process.
The former New York mayor does not go as far as progressive rivals Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who would decriminalize migration.
Bloomberg would expand temporary worker visas to address labor shortages and allow certain localities to petition for “place-based” immigrant visas to meet economic or social needs in their communities.
For regular readers of ‘Frauds and Crooks‘ this should give you a chuckle….
He would also allow more opportunities for foreign-born doctors, nurses and other health professionals to address the shortage of health-care workers in under-served areas.
And, now see his platform that includes increasing refugee admissions to 125,000 per year! (Trump’s is presently set at 18,000.)
End policies that run counter to our deepest values as Americans
Mike will rescind President Trump’s disgraceful travel ban, end family separations at the border, establish rigorous safeguards for children, and promote alternatives to detention for individuals and families who pose no threat to public safety. Mike will set the annual refugee resettlement target at 125,000 and also restore fairness and timeliness to the asylum process. And he will honor and protect immigrant service members, veterans and their families.
Mike will create a federal Office of New Americans to support the integration of newcomers….
***Update***The plot thickens as Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s IT guy is suing the Daily Caller. Thanks to reader Ann for alerting me to the news.
I thought “complicated history” was a nice way of describing the Obama judge who recently ruled that Trump isn’t moving fast enough to admit MORE Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa holders to your towns and cities.
We have already admitted over 80,000 but Judge Chutkan says MORE needed and faster!
I posted that story4 days ago at RRW and the post went viral. I don’t know how or why, but it garnered nearly 10,000 hits at RRW since then.
Although I knew nothing about the judge, many of you did, and Judge Tanya Chutkan has a claim to fame.
She is the judge who presided over the case of the Pakistani brothers who had for years been doing IT work for influential Democrats on the Hill and were arrested on some funny business regarding mortgages. However, many questioned, and still do question, whether they compromised the US in their role in Congress as information gatherers and keepers.
Here is what reader Deidra alerted me to regarding Judge Chutkan.
The federal judge in the Awan case has President Barack Obama’s back. His cohorts Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch are likely covered too. No worries in The Swamp.
The players: Judge Tanya Chutkan, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and Pakistani Imran Awan.
U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the Imran Awan and Hina Alvi fraud case, was appointed to the federal bench by Obama after she kicked thousands in campaign donations to his presidential campaign when he was a U.S. Senator in Illinois, records confirm.
Obama also appointed Chutkan’s husband, Peter Krauthamer, a judge to the bench in the District of Columbia Superior Court in 2011.
Krauthamer’s mother, and Chutkan’s mother-in-law, also contributed campaign cash to Obama, records confirm.
And Chutkan’s former law firm, where she worked until her appointment to the federal bench in 2014, currently represents Huma Abedin, the wife of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner. The firm also is stacked with Democratic lawyers who worked for Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and Barack Obama’s White House, just to name a few D.C. insiders.
If Obama or his administration is implicated in the expanding Awan Congressional probe they likely have little to worry about.
These revelations damper rank-and-file FBI agents who are pressing to expand the case to encompass Awan’s two brothers and press an indictment for selling intelligence gleaned and possibly stolen from Congressional IT network the Awams were charged with safeguarding.
“It’s rigged from almost every angle,” a frustrated FBI insider said.
FBI agents fear [US Attorney] Phillips — now backed by the federal case judge Chutkan — has cleverly rigged the Awan case to protect Obama, Lynch, Holder and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This likely includes the dozens of Congressional Democrats the Awans served as IT specialists.
Chutkan, the federal judge on the Awan case, was born in Jamaica. She lived in Jamaica, the Bahamas, France and Spain before coming to the United States, federal law enforcement sources said.
Many more twists and turns, go here to learn more.
A thirty-three count Indictment unsealed today charges City of Taylor Mayor Richard “Rick” Sollars, businessman Shady Awad, and Taylor Community Development Manager Jeffrey Baum with conspiracy to commit bribery in a scheme spanning from 2015 to 2019,United States Attorney Matthew Schneider announced. The Indictment also charges Sollars and Awad with seven counts of bribery each, and charges Sollars and Baum with 18 counts of Wire Fraud.
According to the Indictment, Sollars helped Awad’s real estate development company Realty Transition LLC obtain scores of tax-foreclosed properties owned by the City of Taylor. In return, Awad lavished Sollars with thousands of dollars in cash and over $30,000 in renovations to Sollars’s home, over $11,000 in renovations to Sollars’s lake house, and over $12,000 in new household appliances.
The appliances included a refrigerator, stove, microwave, dishwasher, a $1,600 cigar humidor, a vacuum cleaner, and a clothes washer and dryer. The free renovations provided to Sollars by Awad include hardwood floors on every level of Sollars’s Taylor residence, hardwood floors at the lake house, a garage door, a new front door, cabinets, and a refurbished lake house deck.
The Indictment also alleges that Jeffrey Baum received bribes from Awad and another developer, in exchange for Baum’s help in obtaining tax-foreclosed properties from the City.
Sollar’s vacation home!
Text messages between Sollars, Awad, and Baum cited throughout the Indictment document the bribe scheme. In one text, Awad states as follows: “My relationship with Rick is worth $1 million so whatever it takes I’ll pay for it” in telling a contractor to do free work on Sollars’s lake house.
The Indictment also charges Sollars and Baum with 18 counts of Wire Fraud, alleging that Sollars and Baum defrauded donors to Sollars’s campaign fund in three ways. First, Sollars would take checks from his campaign account and write them payable to a particular market, purporting to pay for catering for one of Sollars’s events. Instead, the market owner would cash the campaign checks and give the cash back to Sollars, with no catering provided. Second, Sollars and Baum would direct Sollars’s supporters to write checks directly to the market for events that never occurred. Sollars would get cash and scratch-off lottery tickets from the market owner. Third, Sollars and Baum would solicit and accept thousands of dollars in cash contributions to Sollars’s campaign. Instead of depositing the funds into his campaign account, Sollars would simply keep the cash and use it for personal expenses.
The Indictment also seeks forfeiture of $205,993 in cash seized from Sollars’s home on February 10, 2019.
FBI provides readers with contact information if you suspect fraud or corruption with your local elected officials!
“Any time an allegation of corruption is brought to our attention, the FBI’s Detroit Area Public Corruption Task Force will investigate it thoroughly. Public corruption at any level undermines the community’s faith in their elected officials and does long-term damage to government institutions,” said SAC D’Antuono. “With that in mind, we encourage anyone who believes they have information about corruption to contact the FBI at 313-965-4545 or tips.fbi.gov.”
I know I haven’t done a scientific analysis, but heck it sure seems that a very high percentage of my ‘Frauds and Crooks’ stories originate in Michigan!
For new readers: If you are interested in the issue of Refugee Resettlement (Michigan is a leading state that ‘welcomes’ more impoverished people), visit my other blogRefugee Resettlement Watch where I have been spending a lot of time in recent weeks.
“Mass immigration is swamping the GOP base. Tens of millions of immigrants who vote Democratic, once they are naturalized and registered, have come and are coming to America.”
(Pat Buchanan in 2006)
It is true!
And, once again we hear the statistics that confirm that immigrants (‘new Americans’) choose Democrats over Republicans when they get a chance to vote.
Forget the humanitarian mumbo-jumbo from the Open Borders agitators. This is all about changing America by changing the people.
Simply ‘new Americans’ want their government-funded social services and that is what the Dems promise them.
Republican suicide?
Yup! That is what every Republican who supports more immigration is doing—killing the Republican party.
Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat
The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals.
The latest Pew Research Center study, as Breitbart News reported, finds that about 109 U.S. counties across 22 states that were once majority white in 2000 became majority-minority in 2018. Today, there are roughly 293 majority-minority U.S. counties, concentrated mostly along the coasts in states such as California, Florida, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Analysis conducted by One America News Network’s (OAN) Ryan Girdusky reveals that the overwhelming majority of these increasingly diverse 109 U.S. counties also became more and more Democrat over less than two decades.
“The big takeaway is this: Republicans were losing ground because of mass immigration long before Trump. The Republican vote declined in 81 of the 109 counties,” Girdusky wrote in his weekly newsletter of the analysis. “Formerly safe Republican districts in places like Georgia, especially, that went for George W. Bush by huge majorities in 2000 were lost by John McCain and Mitt Romney.”
Such a quality person Minnesota sent to Washington!
And, what an example she is setting for the first Somali in Congress!
As if her marital situation(s) aren’t already complex enough, the news that Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar (see all of my previous posts) has been carrying on an affair with a man she employs has made the mainstream news after months of speculation.
What helped the rumor mill get confirmation of the tryst were the divorce papers filed by the jilted wife of Democrat consultant Tim Mynett.
Question: Is Tim Mynett a Muslim, if not will he convert?
DC consultant’s alleged affair with Ilhan Omar is front and center in divorce papers
The wife of a prominent Washington political consultant has filed for divorce, claiming her husband made a “devastating and shocking” revelation that he was having an affair with freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.
Beth Mynett, 55, submitted divorce papers in Washington, D.C., Superior Court on Tuesday, saying her husband, Tim Mynett, 38, informed her earlier this year that he was having an affair with Omar.
“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar, who serves as a U.S. representative from Minnesota,” read the filing, obtained by Fox News.
The filing continued: “Although devastated by the betrayal and deceit that preceded his abrupt declaration, Plaintiff told Defendant that she loved him and was willing to fight for the marriage. Defendant, however, told her that was not an option for him.”
The couple lived together for six years before getting married in 2012. They have a 13-year-old son.
“It is clear to Plaintiff that her marriage to Defendant is over and that there is no hope of reconciliation,” the filing stated.
The news of the divorce filing, first seen in the New York Post, comes just over a month after it was reported that Omar had separated from her husband and father of her three children, Ahmed Hirsi, and moved into a luxury penthouse in Minneapolis.
Omar’s campaign has paid Tim Mynett’s E. Street group around $230,000 for fundraising consulting, digital communications, Internet advertising and travel expenses since 2018, records showed. The 37-year-old congresswoman was spotted back in March with Mynett at a California restaurant.
International attention! There are more details in this report at Globe Intel:
Beth Jordan Accuses Ilhan Omar of Stealing her Husband
Happier times (before Ilhan came along)!
Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett is an American physician and the Medical Director of the DC Department of Corrections.
She is the former wife of Tim Mynett – a political consultant who she has accused of being in a relationship with Somali-born US representative, Ilhan Omar.
She has a 20 years experience as a Clinician and Administrator, including in both urgent care and emergency room treatment and previously served as the Medical Director for the National Association for Reproductive Health. She is recognized as an expert in Women’s Reproductive Rights. In 2013 she joined the DC Department of Corrections as the agency’s new Medical Director.
Beth filed for divorce from her husband and is seeking custody of their 13-year-old son, child support, full control of their DC home and legal fees to be paid.She also argued in court documents that she doesn’t trust her estranged husband’s judgment with their son — in part because of his relationship with Omar.
“By way of example, days prior to Defendant’s devastating and shocking declaration of love for Rep. Omar and admission of their affair, he and Rep. Omar took the parties’ son to dinner in order to formally meet for the first time at the family’s favorite neighborhood restaurant while Plaintiff was out of town. Rep. Omar gave the parties’ son a gift and the Defendant later brought her back inside the family’s home.”
In the court documents, she also added that the most concerning thing about the jaunt was her hubby’s decision to “put his son in harm’s way” by taking him out in public with Omar, “who at that time garnered a plethora of media attention along with death threats.”
Let me say (with all sincerity) thank you Minnesota for sending Ilhan Omar to Washington as the first Somali to represent the Somali refugee community for the entire nation to see!
I’m wondering if her good friends at CAIR have anything to say?