Not just for travel! If you are involved with any group/business/school etc. and the idea of a vaccine passport comes up, you must say NO and say it early and emphatically!
No matter how you feel about getting The Shot, it is your personal choice and is no one else’s business, but the growing and expanding push for passports to prove that you have chosen to have an experimental substance injected into your bodies must be rejected with every fiber of your being.
A slippery slope!
As an assault on our God-given liberty, it is the ultimate goal of the China virus totalitarians to control us by tracking us, first with The Shot, then what?
Leo Hohmann, who has been on top of the Covid shot tyranny since the beginning shows that there are ways to fight back, but you must move quickly if a school, a business or other entity (it could be your church!) is demanding proof of vaccination.
Digital vaccine passports: How to fight back and win!
Private corporations are working hand in glove with state and local governments to quietly implement digital vaccine passports, forcing Americans to show their papers before they can attend universities, board airlines, or enter libraries, hotels, cruise ships, sports arenas and eventually almost every type of business that deals with the public.
Rutgers University, Boston University and Notre Dame are among the institutions of higher learning that have already announced they will require students to show proof of vaccination against COVID before they can return to school in the fall.
The question is, can the momentum toward vaccine passports be stopped in America?
The answer is yes but it will take courage to confidently stand up and say “no.”
The mainstream media, as evident in this article by NBC News, is already trying to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of Americans, indicating that they will be powerless to reject the vaccines should they be required by an employer or other private company they do business with. As a vaccine rejecter, they want you to feel helpless and alone, as though you are the only one in the world who refuses to comply.
What the media won’t report is that people are fighting, and winning, against the un-American vaccine Nazis.
Mat Staver has already reported victories in stopping demands for proof of vaccination. So far, it seems a simple warning letter might suffice.
Mat Staver, chairman and founder of the Orlando, Fla.-based Liberty Counsel, a public interest law firm specializing in constitutional issues that affect faith, freedom and the family, has already scored some early victories for his clients.
“Digital health or vaccine passports along with tracking and tracing apps present a serious threat to freedom,” Staver said. “Vaccine passports and tracking apps are about collecting data and control. COVID is being used to advance this dangerous threat to freedom. We must never accept vaccine passports or tracking apps as the new normal.”
Uh-oh, is the bloom coming off the rose for the Biden Administration?
More importantly is Biden handling immigration so abysmally that his chances of getting any sort of comprehensive immigration reform (the holy grail for the Dems) diminishing with each photo of kids in cages.
Keep the photos coming!
Forget about the AP’s spin on the findings in their new poll, here at The Seattle Times, and look at the data they have dredged up.
Yes, Americans want the ‘children’ properly and safely cared for, but over-all they don’t support mass immigration.
I am assuming Harris, waiting in the wings to replace Chairman Joe when his health finally crashes completely, doesn’t want to be associated with Biden’s immigration mess and is thus hiding from their Ha! Ha! 81 million voters on the issue of border security.
Indeed what did their voters think they were getting.
AP-NORC poll: Border woes dent Biden approval on immigration
WASHINGTON (AP) — More Americans disapprove than approve of how President Joe Biden is handling the sharply increasing number of unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, and approval of his efforts on larger immigration policy falls short of other top issues — suggesting it could be a weak point for the new administration.
LOL! Don’t you just love the AP’s opening paragraph. No kidding! A weak point! Voters love Biden on everything AP wants you to know, but maybe not so much on immigration!
Here is the data:
Of course we expect those polled will virtue signal and say the kids, actually mostly teenagers, should receive safe treatment. That is not the big news here.
See how the AP spins this graphic below while the real takeaway is this:
A majority 53% of Americans say it is a high priority to have a secure border with another 31% saying it is a moderate priority.
Only 29% think that it’s a high priority to legalize those who came here illegally.
We demand to know if migrants will be placed in our towns!
While we are on the subject of polls, see the Washington Timesreport yesterday about a poll that shows that most Americans want notification, and an opportunity to say NO!, if illegal aliens will be moved by the feds into their communities.
Public wants veto over releasing illegal immigrants into communities: Poll
Americans overwhelmingly support giving communities a say in whether illegal immigrants will be released into their communities, according to new polling released Tuesday.
Nearly eight in 10 people said it was important “for authorities to inform and obtain elected community leaders’ approval before relocating migrants to communities across the country,” the survey found. Support for the idea was strong across all political ideologies.
Keep reading and see that 80% are also worried about the migrants bringing COVID in with them.
Even Biden/Harris’s own voters are increasingly unhappy with what they are seeing and just imagine how much higher the numbers would be if all of the mainstream media was honestly reporting on the border crisis.
Your assignment: continue to wrap the border crisis around the Dems necks, not just as a political tool, but because border security is essential to our very survival as a sovereign nation.
It looks like in less than his first one hundred days, Biden has an Islamic terrorist attack on his hands, but you will likely never hear those words uttered.
Just a nut with a gun, move along, nothing to see.
Of course, a week ago the nut with a gun was a white guy perpetrating a hate crimeagainst Asians.
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, not a white guy.
This week it’s a ‘new American,’ a Syrian Muslim, whose innocent victims are all white and you likely won’t see the phrase “hate crime” anywhere outside of conservative media.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, the Left will rage, but their fury will be directed at the weapon and not the man. (Biden will have his excuse.)
The Syrian immigrant is just a nut who had gone over the edge, driven there by Islamophobic America. And, they may go one step further and blame it on (understandable to them) pent-up Trump hatred.
Here is just one of many stories you will see today (this one at CBS) about the slaughter quoting Biden’s reaction:
We got ’em now. Go for their guns and it will take their minds off the invasion at the southern border.
At the White House, President Biden said another city has been “scarred by gun violence” and called on Congress to pass gun control measures. “I just can’t imagine what the families are feeling, the victims whose futures were stolen from them, from their families, their loved ones, who know have to struggle to go on and try to make sense of what’s happened.”
There was a delay by authorities in announcing the name of the suspect, so a bunch of Lefties went crazy on social media blaming whitey for the shooting.
Ahmad al Aliwi Alissa isn’t a ‘white man,’ so can we make assumptions about what motivated him?
We know now that the man who shot up a grocery store Monday in Boulder, Colorado, is an immigrant from Syria named Ahmad al Aliwi Alissa. In the context of recent history, this means there’s reason to think he might be a Muslim terrorist. But saying that aloud will get you called a racist by the media.
For now, we’ll just have to pretend that this is another “lone wolf” who in no way fits into the totally not-real pattern (according to the media) of mass violence perpetrated by Muslim extremists in places as far-flung as Mumbai, Rouen, and Chattanooga and as close as Miami, San Bernardino and New York.
If Aliwi Alissa were white, we could at least assume, without any evidence, like the media are doing with the recent killing spree in Atlanta, that this was an act of white supremacism. Instead, it looks like we’re back to square one.
Gasp! Maybe he was a pro-Trump anti-masker! Opinion writer Eddie Scarry continues….
Of course, before the shooter was identified by police, liberals had been very eager to draw early conclusions about him. They were 100% certain he was white and perhaps even an anti-masker — i.e., a Trump supporter.
I’m serious. Liberal journalist Kurt Eichenwald *** mused on Twitter that the details might reveal that the shooting, which left 10 people dead, was an episode of “anti-masker violence.”
Meena Harris, the niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, tweeted immediately after the shooting that “violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.” She anticipated that Aliwi Alissa might be a real terrorist, but not the kind that Democrats would rather not acknowledge.
Kurt Eichenwald’s COVID Freakout: ‘I Want to Find an Antimasker and Beat Them to Death’
(Islamic terrorists, not so much…..)
Eichenwald thinks the country is insane!
Is there a chance in hell that we will hear the truth if this later tweet speculation, that Biden provoked an Islamic terror attack, turns out to be on the mark?
There is so much news and commentary about this horrible event and I have a doctor appointment today with little time to look further. So please send some links with updates via the comment section here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
I would love to know if anyone sees anything about how his Syrian family came to be living here.
And, of course, pray for the innocent victims’ families.
Leo Hohmann posted this incredible video at last evening and while I should have been working on a post this morning on another subject, instead I couldn’t take my eyes off this video (below).
See my post yesterday where I showed polling data that indicated that 30% of the US adult population is in the ‘NO’ column when asked if they would get THE Shot. Latino’s topped that number as 37% indicated they are a NO.
The 37% of both sexes in the Latino cohort is eclipsed by Republican men who say NO at 49%, and white, not college-educated men at 40%.
Dr. Fauci actually gets asked real questions from a real journalist, and his answers may surprise you
Fauci must have been expecting softballs as he gets from virtually all of the US mainstream media. This will make you laugh! (Well, maybe not if you already got THE Shot.)
Among other things, did you know that even with the shot you could be an asymptomatic carrier of the China virus?
What a dope. Does he really believe people who are not getting THE Shot, the experimental so-called vaccine, are actually not getting it because of their political views?
I personally know people on both sides of the great political divide who have gotten the shot, and I expect you do too.
Here is Reuters about the much fawned-over Fauci being interviewed by Chuck Todd yesterday. They are addicted to Trump!
Fauci hopes Trump will tell supporters to get COVID-19 vaccine
“How such a large proportion of a certain group of people would not want to get vaccinated merely because of political considerations … it makes absolutely no sense,” Fauci said.
A poll released this week claimed to show nearly half of Trump supports do not plan on getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 China coronavirus, a statistic that sent shock waves through the COVID state bureaucracy and media.A NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll stated 47 percent of Trump supporters are choosing to not get a COVID vaccine.
So if you have doubts about the safety and efficacy of THE Shot, you are not alone.
I was surprised to see that 10% of Biden voters were in the NO column, so that would mean that 10% of his 80! million voters, or 8 million Dems, are vaccine skeptics. Hmmm!
For further edification, see the screenshot (below) of the poll responsible for generating these numbers.
The whole page (page 23) wouldn’t fit, see it here.
Notice that 30% of all US adults are a NO!
(There are roughly 253 million adults in the US so about 76 million do not plan on getting The Shot.)
But, interestingly the graphic being used by Chuck at Meet the Press does not match the numbers on the actual reported poll data.
The only number on their graphic above that is from the poll is the 58% of Dems (how many Dems voted for Trump?), but besides that, the problem they have in making the comparison between Trump and Biden voters is how can they know how many of the Independents voted for each man. 34% of Independents are a NO on the vaccine.
LOL! I don’t believe the pollsters asked each respondent who they voted for, that might have produced data to indicate that Biden didn’t get as many votes as the Dems claim.
If you are skilled at reading polls, tell me how they got from this data to the graphic above!
See my post on my views on the China virus shot, here last week. It is your body, do your homework and choose wisely!