Christian Groups Thrilled at Biden Mass Amnesty and Promised Huge Jump in Refugee Admissions

Just so you know!  I am writing regularly at Refugee Resettlement Watch. Today’s post could just as well have been posted here because it is about the frauds that make up the supposed Christian charities that are milking the taxpayers as they lobby Congress for a mass amnesty and are pushing Biden for a refugee … Continue reading Christian Groups Thrilled at Biden Mass Amnesty and Promised Huge Jump in Refugee Admissions

Why Would Blue State Governors Use Draconian Lockdowns that DO NOT Work to Slow the Chinese Virus?

Because they are dupes of those Socialist/Communist strategists who are working to destroy Capitalism and make everyone dependent on the government. COVID-19 is a dream come true for modern day Commies who have dreamed of this day since Cloward and Piven wrote their thesis in the 1960s. Here is one more of many stories about … Continue reading Why Would Blue State Governors Use Draconian Lockdowns that DO NOT Work to Slow the Chinese Virus?

Trump Signs the “America Last Porkulus,” Avoids Shutdown

And, he thinks he got some promises from the Senate Weasels. You can read the disappointing news yourself at The Hill: Trump signs $2.3T relief, spending package There will still be a vote on whether to increase the federal dole to certain people to $2,000 per person, but without a reduction in foreign spending that … Continue reading Trump Signs the “America Last Porkulus,” Avoids Shutdown