I didn’t see all of it, but what I saw was brilliant and exposed the Socialist Dems as liars and hypocrites for the world to see.
In fact, one could argue that the Democrats have done a great service by bringing this phony unconstitutional impeachment trial because there was so much shown on Day 4 that most Americans have never seen before— important facts—because the fake news has been hiding the truth from the country for over 4 years.
But, they succeeded in further driving a wedge to divide America, and maybe that was their goal.
Trump’s America First! followers will be more energized and eager to, shall I say—Fight back—after the crass and shameful attack on Donald Trump and on us!
To warm you up, see this bit of footage the lawyers for our President showed:
And, if you didn’t see it live yesterday, you should make watching the day’s legal arguments a priority this weekend.
Trump’s legal team eviscerated the Democrats.
Some great video showing the hypocrisy of Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin and the rest, was displayed in the first hour. Some here at 46:20 and again at 57:50 (more throughout the day’s legal arguments).
The trial should wrap-up today, and once again President Trump will not be found guilty.
We will be watching, however, to see how many Republican Senators ignore the Constitution and the FACTS, display their hatred of the man (and us, his supporters), and vote to impeach Donald Trump.
If you find individual clips at Youtube for the various longer clips used by Trump’s lawyers, send the links my way. We should have them handy to use throughout social media for years to come!
That is all I am going to say on that, and normally wouldn’t bother writing about weasel-like Dems, but because just yesterday on the first day of the unconstitutional impeachment trial of our President, led by Raskin, I wrote both at RRW and hereabout how important it was for you now to focus on your city/county and maybe state level (state level in some states, others are lost causes) as you FIGHT back. Washington is lost for now.
And, I want to show you what fighting back might look like and knowing your enemy is step one.
But, first, as I started my research on Maryland Democrat Raskin I came across this story from 2018. Raskin was on Martha’s Vineyard (of course) celebrating with the author of a book for young Americans—-Steal this Country!
Raskin is inspired by wildfire activism! Gee, but only when the wildfire comes from the Left I suppose! He didn’t like that wildfire in the Capitol on January 6th as he ran for cover.
We don’t condone the violence, but you know January 6th scared the ____out of the likes of Raskin who is okay with social unrest when the Left is doing the rioting.
The Long Arc of Social Change
Raskin with the author of Steal this Country!
In the summer of 2017, about 60 students participated in Maryland congressman Jamie Raskin’s Democracy Summer workshop program. The following spring, those students helped to organize a school walkout protesting gun violence that mobilized thousands.
That kind of wildfire activism is what inspires Mr. Raskin and what motivated Vineyard author Alexandra Styron to write a handbook for young people on protest and engagement. Mr. Raskin and Ms. Styron united forces this week on the Vineyard to celebrate the release of Ms. Styron’s book, Steal this Country, and talk about their shared goal to mobilize youth for progressive causes.
His son died. A week later he survived the Capitol riots. Now, he’s leading the impeachment case against Donald Trump.
You can read the whole gushing article yourself. Here are a couple of snips:
“My family suffered an unspeakable trauma on New Year’s eve a week ago,” Raskin said early Jan. 7, after the vote count resumed and neared completion. “Let us stop pouring salt in the wounds of America for no reason at all. Let us start healing our beloved land and our wonderful people.”
Raskin was “deeply involved” in preparation for the first trial, Schiff said. Raskin was “extraordinarily valuable” in discussions of possible charges and drafting the articles of impeachment that determine how the case is presented, Schiff said.
“He has been a dazzling force for justice, demonstrating outstanding love of country, dedication to our democracy and loyalty to our oath as he works to ensure that no one is above the law,” Pelosi told USA TODAY.
Despite his affable reputation, Scanlon says, Raskin is no pushover. He remains unperturbed during chaotic hearings when lawmakers sometimes heckle one another.
“He’s tough as nails,” Scanlon said. “It comes from pure civics, patriotism.”
Know the enemy, they are setting Raskin up as the next great gift to America!
I am finally getting to what I really wanted to say, but I had to set the stage.
What can you do?
You can do what I was stunned to see any Republican group do—you can make fun of Raskin and other Lefties wherever you live!.
Remember! Obama’s idol Saul Alinsky writing in ‘Rules for Radicals’ (if you have never read it, you better!) told his adoring hard liners thatridicule is the most powerful political weapon.
Here, much to my delight, is what the Montgomery County Maryland Republican Party created and posted yesterday. Raskin represents Maryland’s 8th Congressional District.
Looks like some Republicans are willing to play in the big league!
See it now before Youtube takes it down. Like it, and make it go viral! (Hat tip: Gail)
Hint to MoCo Republicans, make sure the video is on Rumble if it isn’t already.
I have created a new category here at Frauds and Crooksentitled ‘Know the Enemy‘ to go along with my category ‘Fight Back.’
“The establishment declared war on me… when it told me my ideas weren’t worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn’t be shared publicly.”
(Frank Miele)
An opinion piece at Real Clear Politics is the most important thing you can read this week!
As I write this I am so proud to say that I met Mr. Miele in Montana in 2016. I don’t know if he remembers me, but I am so thrilled to see this absolutely spot-on piece about where we are today.
In the last few days I have found myself fuming over the Other Sides’ bullying tactics. How about you? Everywhere you turn you are told to keep you politics to yourself.
How often have I heard in recent weeks, especially since January 6th, that those of us who believe in the Constitution, support Donald Trump, question the results of the 2020 election, and are conservatives in the way we view the world are being bullied into silence, from family members, from neighbors, on social media and from people we hardly know or never met!
I have never once told someone they weren’t permittedto tell me their political views, why the heck do they think they have a right to shame us and tell us to shut up!
Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell Montana, and author of ‘How we got here. The Left’s Assault on the Constitution‘ helps us understand exactly what is being done to us.
Enemies of the State vs. Enemies of the People
I didn’t declare war on the establishment; it declared war on me.
It declared war on me when it supported energy policies that could enrich Saudi Arabia and Russia and would cost me more money at the gas pump or on my power bill.
It declared war on me when it told me my ideas weren’t worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn’t be shared publicly.
It declared war on me when it used the police powers of the FBI and CIA to first spy on a presidential candidate and then worked to undermine the administration of that candidate after he was elected.
It declared war on me when it told me my religious beliefs did not deserve the protection of the First Amendment.
Let’s just say it plainly: The establishment declared war on me and on all conservative Americans when it decided that leftist orthodoxy was more important than the Constitution.
Don’t believe me? Fine, why should you believe a Trump supporter? You’ve been indoctrinated by the national media, Big Tech oligarchs, the Democratic Party, and academic elites to believe without questioning that people like me can’t be trusted.
This “guilt by labeling” is the antithesis of fair play or justice. It is a convenient mechanism for the ruling class to herd people into identity clusters so that individual rights can be supplanted by group responsibility. If this reminds you of China’s Cultural Revolution, you are not wrong. The ruling class wants you to conform, confirm and comply. If you step outside the lines, be prepared to be shamed, silenced and ostracized.
By the way, I am reading that above as I learned yesterday that once again the Southern Poverty Law Center, attempting to intimidate me into silence, has called me a “hate group.”
No wonder the people are starting to rise up and rebel against the plutocracy.
(A plutocracy is government by the wealthy.)
Keep speaking, keep writing, keep communicating and never let them shut you up. The next time you are told at a family gathering or other social event to keep your politics to yourself say politely that you don’t plan to stay silent anymore! WE have nothing to be ashamed of!
On Gabthe other day, I saw a suggestion that I thought was a good one. Find every avenue you can on e-mail chains, social media, your local newspaper, whatever, and use them all to spread a conservative, America First! message.
A friend sent a photo of a yard sign she had seen recently.
Here it is:
When I looked around this morning, I found a 2017 story about the signs at the Philadelphia Inquirer. The story includes a link for where they can be purchased. I’m not posting it here because I am short on time and can’t check it out at the moment. (Gotta post at RRW right now.)
The message made me laugh and hope it gives you a chuckle.
Remember that humor is a powerful political weapon! Fight back!
“My only assumption can be that the hard facts concerning the shooting are so egregious, and so threatening to the incoming Democratic Congress and new Biden Administration that the American people are once again being treated as mushrooms; we are kept in dark and fed piles of stinking manure.”
Before I tell you more about what Devon is asking, evidence is growing that your Patriot voices are not weakening, but are growing in spite of efforts by Big Tech to silence us all so that Biden and the Dems can do whatever they want.
For example, it took less than 24 hours for Patriot social media to explode over the plight of National Guardsmen being thrown out of the Capitol and relegated to a garage for their breaks from duty (why are they still on duty anyway?) for the Dems in power to see the PR nightmare and scramble to invite them back into the Capitol.
The Most Popular President Ever’ Is Getting DESTROYED By ‘Dislikes’ On YouTube.
Videos posted to Joe Biden’s White House YouTube account are getting flooded with ‘dislike’ interactions from the American public – some even dwarfing the number of likes on a video by over six times.
The data is the latest evidence at odds with President Biden receiving the most votes in any presidential election in U.S. history.
At the time of publishing, of the seven videos uploaded to the account – which now has comments turned off – all have more dislikes than likes. In most cases, the like to dislike disparity is striking.
Patriots, keep up the good work! Keep using your voices to throw them off balance.
Make sure the question “Who shot Ashlii Babbitt?” is spread far and wide!
See Michael Devon’s questions, the ones we all want answered, then this:
Ten of millions of Americans have hundreds of questions about the most watched political shooting of the twenty-first century. Not surprisingly, the American mainstream media remains irrationally incurious. After all, what loyal lapdog would bite the hand that feeds it?
Why aren’t we being told who shot Ashli Babbitt?
It has been over two weeks, what are they hiding?
See all of my posts tagged January 6th 2021 for my coverage of the Capitol riot.
If you are interested in Biden lifting restrictions on migration from terror-producing countries, seemy post at RRW this morning. Cultural enrichers on the way!