Prospective new Americans waiting at Dadaab the largest Somali camp in Africa, waiting for Chairman Joe to send the planes for them! In case you didn’t know, this is where the UN selected Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar for us.
The extremely unpopular 125,000 number, he now says, is for FY 2022 that begins on October 1, 2021.
However, he wants 62,500 immediately!
He must consult with Congress, but that is pro forma because they can’t stop him (nor would they!) under the Refugee Act of 1980.
See my post at RRWthe other day (below).
For the time being I will mention important refugee news here as so few people are reading RRW (I lost thousands of readers when I was deplatformed there), and I think most people must believe that Trump took care of the issue. He slowed the flow for a few years, but left the program completely intact.
All it needs now is a fresh infusion of your money, your tax dollars!
The only thing you can do is to look out for your own communities and fight the plans to place more impoverished people in your towns and cities. How do you do that? I have ideas from past experience. If you are really interested ask me by commenting to this post and I’ll see how much interest there is in a tutorial of sorts.
(See maps herefor present resettlement sites in the US.)
Most of your governors are too weak, too chicken and in the pockets of big business, so they won’t stand up to the Dems who run Washington.
You need to know this information. It is going to happen more quickly than I had envisioned. In less than 8 months—62,500! And during the Chinese virus crisis to boot!
I am guessing this move is to get the federal money flowing to the contractors*** in anticipation of the largest number of clients (they do refer to them as clients!) they could see in over 4 years.
Biden wants to raise refugee admissions to 62,500, quadrupling Trump’s record-low limit
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden wants to raise refugee admissions to 62,500 for the current budget year, overriding former President Donald Trump’s record-low limit of 15,000, a U.S. official and others said Thursday.
The official and others with knowledge of the plans spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
Trump set the ceiling on refugee admissions in October when the 2021 budget year started, and it runs until September 30. Biden’s proposal of 62,500 would replace that, and the president has already announced plans to raise admissions to twice that amount in 2022.
Biden plans to top anything St. Obama ever did in terms of refugee resettlement! 125,000 would do it! Would be the highest number in nearly 3 decades.
Biden is said to have wanted to raise refugee admissions immediately but not set the target as high as 125,000 people because that would be unrealistic to reach this year with the coronavirus pandemic and the work needed to rebuild the refugee program that had been largely dismantled by the Trump administration.
Biden by law must submit his proposal to Congress and consult with lawmakers before making a presidential determination. The U.S. State Department confirmed that it sent the president’s report to Congress, starting that process.
Putting Refugees before the well-being of suffering Americans!
***For those of you new to Refugee Resettlement, these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House and are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, as well as raising the refugee admissions ceiling from 15,000 this year to 125,000.
They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting Americans last!
“…if only that detective unit had a little more intellectual curiosity, how many other people’s mothers could have been spared?”
(Scott MacPhee whose mother was murdered by the Kenyan Killer)
Reporter Lise Olsen at the Texas Observer has done an extensive examination of the failure of police departments across the country to solve murder cases that if solved early could have saved many other lives.
The report is long and begins with a recitation of the failings in the Texas case to identify early-on an alleged serial killer I call the Kenyan Killer, Billy Chemirmir, who alternately is believed to have posed as a health care worker or a maintenance man to gain access to elderly women’s homes and apartments some in upscale senior living facilities where families had every expectation that their beloved mother was safe.
Olsen, at theTexas Observer, features the Dallas area police departments failures, but broadens her report to explain a reduction in the number of murder cases solved nationwide is a growing and shameful problem.
I will add one more shameful matter involving the Chemirmir case and that is that the national media has apparently decided to relegate the case to Texas media only.
As more homicide cases go unsolved, the backlog of unsolved murders grows and serial killers are free to kill again. Too few police departments are effectively deploying their resources to stop them.
Olsen wraps with this story which I hadn’t previously heard about. At least a half a dozen vulnerable women were killed after Carolyn MacPhee who died on December 31, 2017 at the hands of Billy Chemirmir.
She fought hard because his DNA was (too late) found on her glasses.
Carolyn MacPhee met Chemirmir in October 2016 when her husband of nearly 60 years, Jack, was dying of a progressive nervous system disorder. The MacPhees had met in the 1950s at Washington State University in the mountains of Spokane. Even in her early 80s, Carolyn still had the flair of the girl she’d been when they became college sweethearts. She didn’t want to send Jack to an institution, but needed help to care for him in their Plano home. She found Chemirmir, who was working under the alias Benjamin Koitaba, through a service that claimed to vet home health workers, although Chemirmir, using a fake ID and already with a criminal record, should not have passed a background check. [Should not have still been in the country in my view!—ed]
“Koitaba” worked as a replacement caregiver in the MacPhees’ home off and on for four months—long enough to learn the family’s routine and the layout of their home.
As part of the care team, he received notice when Jack died. He came back to murder his former patient’s widow six months later, according to a Collin County indictment.When found on Sunday, December 31, 2017, Carolyn was dressed up and ready to go out to church.
Her son, Scott MacPhee, came to his mother’s house to meet Plano police officers that day. He was mystified by what he observed: “It was cold that day, but her coat had disappeared. And two valuable rings she always wore were missing.” He challenged a Plano detective about the missing items, but the response was, according to him, “Old people hide their stuff.”There was blood in the bathroom, in the garage, near her body, and even on her glasses. And yet his mother had no obvious wounds. Officers collected no samples of the blood. Nor did they take photos or videos, he said. No autopsy was ordered by Collin County officials.
The death investigation seemed like a whirlwind, Scott said: “We found her, the cops show up, the paramedics show up, the CSI department shows up, and they rope things off, they do all their investigation, and the detective says she died of natural causes.”
Months later, when he saw the news stories about Chemirmir’s arrest and all the other killings and robberies of older women, he called police again.Eventually, they called back. Through cell phone records, investigators told him they knew that Chemirmir had visited his mother’s home on the day she died. They requested her bloodstained glasses, which he had saved. On them was Chemirmir’s DNA.
So far, Carolyn MacPhee is the only victim whom police have identified among Chemirmir’s former home health clients, although he worked in other homes between 2013 and 2019, her son said. In that same period, police say he was carrying outserial murders.
What Scott can’t stop wondering is this: How many elderly people were marked as natural deaths whose deaths were not natural at all?
Publicly, the Plano, Dallas, and Richardson police departments have said that they are reviewing more than 750 other unassisted elderly deaths over the past 10 years, but Scott is skeptical of their commitment to the cold murder cases. “I have no evidence they’ve done that. I’ve seen no more indictments.”
He now suspects his mom, fit and feisty, died only after trying to fight off her killer. He believes other lives could have been saved if the blood the killer left behind in his mother’s home had been tested sooner. “Nothing is going to bring her back, he said. “But if only that detective unit had a little more intellectual curiosity, how many other people’s mothers could have been spared?”
Carolyn lived by Jesus’ commandment in John 13:34-35, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Don’t miss my post below.
Visit Save our Seniors Safetyand subscribe to their newsletter to keep up with what these women are doing to make sure their mothers’ deaths are not forgotten and that some good comes from their personal tragedies.
They are working on a legislative initiative and could use your help.
Fox News canceled “Lou Dobbs Tonight” from its lineup and is expected to part ways with the show’s host, it was reported Friday.
Dobbs, 75, has been one of the most stalwart defenders of former President Donald Trump on his show and often featured interviews from the Trump campaign and the former administration.
The program aired twice daily on Fox News Business. It had its last show on Friday with guest hosts, and will be replaced with “Fox Business Tonight.”
They are all running scared:
Some speculated that the move might have been related to a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuitfiled by voting machine company Smartmatic on Thursday. The filing specifically mentioned Dobbs’ comments related to claims that the company helped rig the election against Trump.
The show garnered very high ratings and had just celebratedits 100th straight week of viewership dominance over CNBC, its competitor, according to Nielsen Media Research.
Besides his outspoken support for President Trump and his belief that the 2020 election was stolen, there could be another reason Dobbs was dumped.
He has been a longtime expert and critic of our border policies especially those now being pushed by the Biden administration to open borders and legalize illegal aliens. The Murdoch family, which owns Fox News, is on the OPEN Borders side on immigration.
Here is one of many reportsof Rupert Murdoch’s immigration stance. His views have nothing to do with humanitarianism, it is all about global corporations needing cheap labor.
One more reason to turn off Fox News!
Move over Peter Doocy! Imagine this look on Jen Psaki’s face when she has to answer questions from a sharp White House reporter for the Trump News Network!
And, one more reason Donald Trump must launch his own news network.
How about a Trump News Network!
Donald Trump could have more power as a media mogul than he would mucking around in the present mess that is the Republican Party.
In fact, he could change the Republican Party faster through media than from inside the RINO-infested party. And, it would be so much more fun!
Imagine The Trump News Networkwith great commentary by The Donald himself.
He could hire the best and brightest investigative journalists to dig into the deep state, election fraud, and other frauds being perpetrated on the American people.
He could launch his own late night comedy show to lampoon the Left for a change. As one of my readers pointed out just this morning—conservatives are much funnier than socialists. [LOL! I originally posted the word harpoon instead of lampoon, he could harpoon them too!—ed]
“I promise my fellow Texans and Americans that I will fight against the many unconstitutional and illegal actions that the new administration will take, challenge federal overreach that infringes on Texans’ rights, and serve as a major check against the administration’s lawlessness.”
(Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton)
What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right!
Do you remember how the Socialist Democrats at places like the ACLU and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society et al stopped most of Trump’s efforts to reform immigration and the Refugee Resettlement process (to keep us safe!) and Trump was sued in virtually every effort.
Federal Texas judge halts Biden’s 100-day deportation ban after Paxton challenge
A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily barred the U.S. government from enforcing a 100-day deportation moratorium, an immigration priority of President Joe Biden.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Friday had asked U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, a nominee of former President Donald Trump who took the bench in Corpus Christi last June, to block the Biden administration’s new policy that pauses most deportations for the next 100 days.
“Texas is the FIRST state in the nation to bring a lawsuit against the Biden Admin,” Paxton, a conservative Republican, wrote on Twitter. “AND WE WON. Within 6 days of Biden’s inauguration, Texas has HALTED his illegal deportation freeze. *This* was a seditious left-wing insurrection. And my team and I stopped it.”
….Tipton said the Biden administration and key federal agencies that deal with immigration “do not have discretion to completely disregard” federal code that says “when an alien is ordered removed, the Attorney General shall remove the alien from the United States within a period of 90 days.”
The case appears poised to make its way to the federal appeals courts quickly.
Just so you know, the open borders agitators were pretty ticked-off at the Trump Administration as it got so many illegals/criminals deported in its final days, including on these flights to Africa.
Going home were “Somali, Ethiopian and Kenyan deportees.”
To the Socialist Dems, they are all “asylum seekers” rather than criminals….