I was excited to see that Big League Politics (most recently famous for publishing the Virginia Governor Northam blackface photo), dug deeper into my storyfrom a week ago about the Somali refugee ‘youths’ we raised with our taxpayer generosity who said s**** the American Dream and left Minnesota to become jihadists. BigLeaguePolitics story by Shane Trejo (hat tip: Richard),
How Robert Mueller’s FBI Allowed Minnesota to Become a Somali Terror Hub
As Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) agitates against the Jews as a Congresswoman, the Minneapolis Somali community has emerged as the foremost terrorist hot spot of the United States. Look at it this way: These two women (Klobuchar and Omar) are now focusing a national spotlight on Minnesota’s “Little Mogahdishu” for the whole country to see! Let’s hope they both keep talking! This influx of Somali migrants is threatening the national security of the United States and is being enabled by far-left Democratic legislators such as Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) who, unsurprisingly, are happy to kowtow to these hostile invaders for votes and campaign cash.
However, the problem goes far deeper than mere pandering Democratic politicians. It is a bipartisan issue, as the Somalian migrant influx picked up during the Bush years. It was the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the stewardship of Director Robert Mueller that dropped the ball following the Sept. 11 attacks when the Bureau should have been at its most vigilant. Organizations like Church World Services, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the National Association of Evangelicals’ World Relief Corp, and other nominally private religious organizations have soaked up tens of millions in federal funds to resettle so-called refugees as a result of Bush’s “faith-based initiative” policies. According to a WorldNetDailyreport, the Bush administration resettled 49,613 Somalis per the U.S. State Department’s refugee database primarily to the state of Minnesota, which has apparently been designated as a Somali hub by the central planners of this refugee madness. Serving as FBI director for nearly five years under Obama, Mueller was responsible for much of the 47,500 Somali refugees who were resettled during his presidency as well. Refugee resettlement expert Ann Corcoran pointed out that it is the FBI’s lax mentality that has allowed this issue to fester and become a bona fide national security threat. She points to a particularly telling quote from a federal official as reported by FOX News.
“Based on historical experience, we had (an uptick) in 2007 and 2008 going for al-Shabab, then a lull. Then, as ISIS came back, we saw a whole bunch of people no longer headed for Somalia. They were headed for Iraq and Syria. That really caught us off-guard, we didn’t see that coming. It didn’t make sense to us. We understood why kids were going back to Somalia, but going to Syria was another… issue,” a federal official said to Fox News.
Much more here. And, again, I can’t say how thrilled I am to see a reporter actually do some serious digging! To my despairing friends in Minnesota, there is a silver lining! The country needs to know what has happened and what is happening there and this pair (on full display) will do more to educate all Americans than all the words of warning we could write.
About the photo: there are surprisingly few photos of Omar and Klobuchar together (this one was on Omar’s twitter account), so make sure you link the two every chance you get!
I read a bunch of news stories this morning all pretty much agreeing that when Robert Kraft allegedly used the services of a Florida massage parlor, he was interacting with modern day sex slavery.
Most of the ‘workers’ were young Asian girls (Chinese and South Koreans) who cannot speak English and lived at the establishment.
But, what I didn’t find was any report or opinion piece throwing any blame at our LEGAL immigration system that is allowing such large numbers of young women into the US on visas of some sort. Does no one at the US State Department or in USCIS see any red flags with visas from China?
Here is just one article (by Eric MacLeish at the Boston Globe) about what Robert Kraft has alleged to have participated in.
Sounds like the same type of operation we heard about in rural New Hampshire, here, where they weren’t catching big fish like Kraft, but did arrest some of the Chinese ring-leaders.
Why the allegations against Robert Kraft are a big deal
In the wake of the disclosures involving Patriots’ owner Robert Kraft allegedly soliciting two prostitutes at the Orchids of Asia Spa in Juniper, Fla., some commentators have suggested that the charges may get dismissed at the arraignment and that they only involve two alleged misdemeanors for which Kraft cannot be extradited from Massachusetts to Florida. So, no big deal and according to some, Kraft’s place in the Pro Football Hall of Fame looks pretty secure. Maybe the Kraft bust will do us a great service by educating a lot of people about our flawed immigration system!
Kraft has issued a carefully worded statement denying that he did anything against the law. He’s entitled to a trial. The police say that they have video evidence of him engaging in a sex act with two prostitutes that he allegedly paid. Unless it’s another person on that video, a trial seems unlikely. So should all of this go away for Kraft in a neat plea deal?
It should not. Investigators in Florida report that the women working at the spa are victims of a human trafficking operation where they were coerced into performing as many as 15 sex acts a day.
Apparently, many live and sleep at the spa and are undoubtedly working without pay based on some fictitious debt that they incurred for being smuggled into the United States. Some were discovered squatting at the back of the spa, cooking on a hot plate. We don’t know all of the details yet, but let’s be clear. If the allegations are true, Robert Kraft has in effect aided and abetted an organization involving human slavery.
In cases involving statutory rape (when a child is below the age of consent), it is typically not a defense when a victim misidentifies his or her age. It’s the responsibility of the defendant to find out how old he or she is. There are no charges of underage victims here, but a similar rule should apply. A 2018 Polaris report estimates that there were 9,000 storefront operations similar to Orchids of Asia employing exploited women in the sale of sex, with revenues totaling $2.5 billion. Most of the women are from China or South Korea and most do not have a high school education.It was up to Kraft to understand the type of operation he was entering on those two visits.
There are more than 400,000 human beings held as slaves in the United States.
What do you do? Educate your friends and family members to this horrific practice, and if one of the 9,000 storefront operations is near you, keep an eye on them and look for signs that the Asian girls are not free to leave the establishment and then let the authorities know.
In my previous postI told you about the large percentage of “children” in federal custody who are purportedly under 18 years of age. This is a companion piece because the dilemma is this—how do you know if the “child” is being truthful about his or her age? Apparently we call in dental experts to provide forensic X-rays—a practice which has the Left in hissy-fits. Finding medical ‘experts’ with a bias to criticize the practice is probably not too difficult. How old is the unaccompanied alien “child?” Don’t we have a right to know!
When you read this story, I want you to notice the use of a common tactic employed by the Left in political battles. It is something Saul Alinsky taught. Alinsky said people hurt more quickly than institutions so instead of only going after government bureaucrats and elected officials, here they go after dentists in a personal way suggesting that any dentist who would use x-rays for this purpose is somehow immoral (even suggesting a parallel to medical experiments by he-who-shall-not-be- named).
From STAT(If you don’t know STAT, I didn’t,here is a bit about the publication):
The unethical behavior of forensic dentists at our southern border
Parents who entrust the care of their children to doctors and dentists do so based on the belief that these professionals will act in the best interest of their children. A profound breach of that trust occurs when those professionals not only violate the “do no harm” maxim they pledged when taking the Hippocratic oath, but do so through the misuse of the licenses and privileges they’ve been granted in exchange for our trust. That’s happening right now on our southern border.
When immigration authorities believe that an individual who has crossed the border claims to be a child but might be over the age of 18, they call in forensic dentists to take panoramic X-rays. The dentists do this not to identify dental maladies or make sure they can provide appropriate dental treatment — which would be appropriate uses of X-rays — but because they claim they can identify an individual’s age with an extraordinary degree of precision from his or her X-rays.
All children ostensibly receive some dental care while in custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Yet only two groups are X-rayed: those with obvious dental issues and those whose age is in question. Author: Nancy Neveloff Dubler plays the morality card
The need for precision is essential to this task. The “calculation” that someone is 17 and 364 days old as opposed to being 18 and one day old has enormous consequences. Detained immigrants under age 18 are sent to shelters operated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement or sometimes released into the custody of relatives. Those who are 18 or older are sent to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement adult detention centers, which are essentially prisons.
Whether an individual is a minor when he or she crosses the border also carries consequences down the line related to his or her ultimate ability to obtain asylum and lawfully remain in the United States. Improper age determination may also cause a child to unnecessarily lose status as what the Office of Refugee Resettlement calls an unaccompanied alien child and the legal protections that come with that status, such as a non-adversarial asylum interview and release to an eligible sponsor. Co-author Brendan Parent, ethics ‘expert’ and lawyer attacks dentists
Given the consequences, it isn’t surprising that immigration authorities have an interest in making claims about the ages of young immigrants. That they have turned to forensic dentistry to do so is deeply troubling and ethically impermissible.
The absence of scientific support for these actions is troubling. What is shocking is the willingness of dentists to do harm at the behest of the state purely to serve the political/legal goal of defeating children’s rights.
[….] Instigating a medical procedure for the purpose of depriving a child of the right to be treated as a child — or for the purpose of facilitating and permitting imprisonment — is absolutely prohibited by the ethics of medicine, not to mention by the notions of fairness and decency.
More here.
Where is the “fairness and decency” from the authors! Ethics experts, my foot!
The hypocrisy of the Left has no bounds, one commenter asked: Didn’t abortion doctors sign an oath to do no harm? And, I would argue that all those money-grubbing pill-pushing pain doctors I’ve been writing about did the same.
I wonder have Dubler and Parent, the authors of this screed, written similar words about abortionists or Nigerian pill-pushers?
By the way, the issue of lying youths is a problem all over the world and governments are attempting to find the best scientific methods to age the aliens streaming across borders in Europe and elsewhere.
Hey, and I thought the Left loved science! Science uber alles, right!
What can you do? Pay attention to tactics used by the Left and call them out whenever you can. One way to do that is by commenting at ‘news’ stories that allow comment, or write a letter to the editor when you see Alinsky tactics being used. Make fun of the writer for using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals because LOL! Alinsky says the most powerful political weapon is humor! Use it!
This is a story from UPI last week that has been languishing in my posting queue.
It’s a longish story, but worth reading if you want to know more about life (the good life) in a shelter for the “children” who have come across our border illegally and unaccompanied.
Here come the Unaccompanied Alien Children!
I’m only going to bring your attention to a couple of points, one that made me laugh, the other that should infuriate you as it did me!
The point that makes me laugh is this!
The Office of Refugee Resettlement shelter (never mind that they are not refugees!) houses up to 1,600 youths older than 13. However, in almost every paragraph (there are 53 paragraphs!) in the story the teens are referred to as “children.” In fact, the word “child” or “children” is used a whopping 63 times (twice in some paragraphs) while the word “teen” or “teenager” is never used, not even once!
Just that one little linguistic trick is meant to direct your thinking so that you imagine hundreds of little children missing mommy and daddy and crying themselves to sleep each night.
And it infuriates me to read that 670 of the “children” are 17 and older and as they age-out at 18, a big hunt begins to find them “sponsors” to take charge of them so that they aren’t turned over to ICE.
Here are the opening paragraphs of theUPI story,
Feb. 13 (UPI) — A month after federal officials removed the last child from a facility in Texas, 1,600 unaccompanied migrant children are being housed at a so-called temporary emergency shelter in Florida.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services invited UPI and other media on Wednesday to tour the facility in Homestead, Fla., which is located in a former Job Corps facility near the Homestead Air Reserve Base. It is used as a shelter for what HHS calls “unaccompanied alien children,” or UAC — migrants between the ages of 13 and 17 who have no lawful immigration status and no legal guardians able to provide care in the United States.
Since March 2018 more than 6,000 children have been placed at the site and about 4,450 have been discharged to what the department considers suitable sponsors — generally a parent or some other relative — in the United States, according to HHS.
At the time of UPI’s visit, 1,575 children were being sheltered at the facility — 1,143 males and 432 females.
Now check this out! 43% of the “children” are between 17 and 18 years old! (Or, they could be older, see my next post!)
The south campus houses 905 children between the ages of 13 and 16, including 634 males and 271 females, while all 17-year-olds at the facility live on the north campus, which houses 509 males and 161 females.
In case you wondered what happens when the “children” turn 18:
Three months before a “child” turns 18, the sponsor hunt begins in earnest.
Children who turn 18 while in custody at a shelter are considered undocumented immigrants and are released to authorities, Weber said.
There were 21 such cases at the Homestead facility last month and 90 in the past year, the Homestead program coordinator said. A team of case managers at the facility focuses on finding sponsors for children within three months of their 18th birthday and the program coordinator receives daily reports regarding their status in the two weeks before those children turn 18.
Remember, YOU are paying for all of this! And, more are on the way! You MUST scream at your elected officials—‘Enough is enough!’—and do it at every opportunity! Today, you might tell the President (again!) by going to the White House comment page and voicing your opinion.
Okay, okay, I’m at least thankful that a national cable news outlet is finally getting around to the US Somali refugee radicalization problem that has been going on for at least twelve years, but I want to scream about how long it takes for the national media to catch up with serious issues like this one.
Don’t shut her up! Let Rep. Ilhan Omar keep talking because she is helping to educate more Americans about Islamic supremacist views. If it weren’t for her, this Somali terrorist story at a major cable news site would never have been published.
And, I guess we should be thankful that Ilhan Omar was elected to Congress, because her words and actions have become a focal point (a news hook) for stories like this one.
I honestly think she does us a great service by being in Congress—let her keep talking!
I can’t and won’t write a book here, but everyone should take time to read the Fox story, and toread about my trip to Washington in 2009when I attended a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing on the radicalization of Minnesota Somalis.
You will see that the FBI brushed off the idea of any Islamic connection and spokesmen testifying were fixated on their main point—the poor disenfranchised refugee “youths” were going back to defend Somalia from Ethiopian aggression (Move along, nothing to see about a broader reason for jihad recruitment). Who headed the FBI in 2009? Robert Mueller.
And, by the way, Senator Amy Klobuchar never set foot into that hearing room that day even though she had constituents testifying!
Not a surprise that Klobuchar wants nothing to do with any suggestion that her Somali voters could be terrorists or have a radical agenda. Watch her pander!
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – More men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.
FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim refugees have been resettled.
In the case of the Somalis, it’s no longer just the men. Early last year, a female was apprehended by authorities on charges of supporting providing material support to Al Qaeda and arson.
So what has made the area such a hotbed for such activity? And what has been Rep. Ilhan Omar’s record in addressing the issue – either before she was elected, or since?
The answers matter because federal authorities say they remain “highly concerned” about the terrorist connection with the Minneapolis Somalis – even though al-Shabab is struggling against the Somali government, and the so-called ISIS “caliphate” has crumbled under a sustained U.S.-led military campaign.
“We are very conscious that there may still be fertile ground for that, and that is could re-start at any time,” one federal official told Fox News. “Based on historical experience, we had (an uptick) in 2007 and 2008 going for al-Shabab, then a lull. Then, as ISIS came back, we saw a whole bunch of people no longer headed for Somalia. They were headed for Iraq and Syria. That really caught us off-guard, we didn’t see that coming. It didn’t make sense to us. We understood why kids were going back to Somalia, but going to Syria was another we (sic) issue.”
I can’t tell you how much that last paragraph above pisses me off!
The reason they were surprised is that they had completely focused, during Robert Mueller’s tenure at the FBI, on the idea that the kidswere only going home to fight for Somalia, not as jihadists for Islam!
Read the rest of the Fox story, here.
And, again, here is the linkto my post on attending that Senate hearing a decade ago! If you are really ambitious, you can read dozens of my posts (beginning in 2008) on the “missing Somali youths”hereat RRW.
Now what do you do? Help spread the Fox News story and while you are at it send out the 2-minute video showing Klobuchar pandering to her Somali fans.