90% of Migrants Seeking Asylum in the US Never Show Up for their Court Date

That is the statistic given by the acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security before a hearing in Senator Lindsey Graham’s Judiciary Committee yesterday.

They don’t show up because they know their asylum claim won’t pass the smell test!

border crashers
The third world marches to America.  https://usaherald.com/southern-border-breaking-point-says-customs-border-patrol-commissioner/

For the umpteenth time when someone seeks asylum (wants refugee status!) claiming they have a fear of returning to their home country, they must prove that they would be persecuted for one of several reasons—race, religion, political opinion, or because they are a member of a certain (persecuted) group.
(And, they must ask for that asylum in the first safe country they reach!)
The UN and the Open Borders Left want you to think that running from gang violence or seeking a better life are reasons to grant asylum (refugee status); they are not!
So, that is why Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan said in his testimony yesterday to Graham that they suffer from “misaligned asylum standards.”   
Someone (a smuggler or a Lefty immigration lawyer) has told them what to say to border patrol resulting in agents determining that they have a “credible fear” of returning home, but that claim can’t later be substantiated in court, and they know it.
So they disappear into the urban woodwork of America.
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Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar Fined for Violating Campaign Finance Laws; Questions about Alleged Marriage to Brother

Surely you have all seen this news, but as I started to pull my round-up together for last week (yes, I am late!), I realized I need to post this more prominently even if most of you have seen the latest installment of Ilhan’s exciting life.
And, I am posting it because she casually mentions that she followed Muslim law when she married hubby number one. 
This is how Sharia creep works! Many people will just say ‘well, okay.’  (See my post yesterday.)

Omar with husband number one and three
Omar celebrating with husband number one (and now number three). In between she allegedly married her brother.

The version of the story I’m using about Omar’s financial shenanigans is from the UK Daily Mail and I mention that because although this story was everywhere, the Daily Mail is often the first place you will read news deemed politically incorrect by the snooty and biased US media.
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Leftwingers' Heads Exploding Worldwide over Aung San Suu Kyi's Fear of a Muslim Caliphate

“Suu Kyi and Orban issued a joint Islamophobic statement in which they said that immigration, and both countries’ growing Muslim populations, posed a serious challenge.”

(Verena Hölzl at Deutsche Welle)

heads explode
No stories this morning about dirty doctors, Islamic terrorists, illegal aliens killing senior citizens, or the many frauds new Americans are perpetrating on our social safety net.
Instead I was refocused, as I said in my previous post , by a warning about the danger of an advancing worldwide Islamic caliphate that can only happen if the Hijra (the migration) proceeds unimpeded.
And along those lines I was thrilled to see the news that Burma’s longtime freedom fighter Aung San Suu Kyi went to Hungary and the Czech Republic this past week to discuss the dangers to countries like hers, and to Europe, of the mass migration of Muslims.
Some world leaders get it…..

suu kyi with Orban
Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi met with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban: “A chilling sign of Global Islamophobia”  (says the Leftwing press)  https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/06/07/aung-san-suu-kyi-hungary-chilling-sign-global-islamophobia

The Left is going insane about Suu Kyi’s conversion to “nationalism,” once their darling (now mine)!
(If you are not familiar with Suu Kyi, you might want to read the many posts I wrote about her at Refugee Resettlement Watch over the years.)
A writer for the German publication Deutsche Welle goes bananas!
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Bangladeshi Planned Attack on New Yorkers, Arrested Thursday

The NY Post calls Bangladeshi citizen Ashiqul Alam a “lone wolf.” Is that supposed to make us feel better?

One more ‘new American’ Islamic terrorist wannabe would probably not be worth writing about, but because I’ve been telling you about Bangladeshi Muslims lately, first as illegal aliens at the southern border and then as big ‘winners’ in the past of the Diversity Visa Lottery, this man’s nationality jumped out at me when I heard it on the news yesterday.
As a legal permanent resident from Bangladesh he is one of more than 50,000 of his fellow countrymen who have come to live in the US in recent years.
We know it is at least 50,000 because Bangladesh citizens are no longer eligible for the lottery because that number (and more!) entered the US in the previous five years.
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New Rules to Help Stop Fraud in Diversity Visa Program

Did you know that when over a million people a year apply for the Diversity Visa Lottery in hopes of getting one of 50,000 tickets to your American town, that, in the past, applicants were not even required to show proof (a passport) that they live in the country from which they are applying.

See what Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review said about the lottery in 2017.  https://www.conservativereview.com/news/end-the-diversity-visa-lottery-today/

That matters especially because some countries are barred from participation due to the large number of successful migrants to America in the previous five years.***
Readers! Our whole immigration system is one big fraud opportunity. 
For over 10 years I followed the US Refugee Admissions Program and saw the fraud on our country in that legal program and everywhere you turn it seems that someone is scheming, finding some way, to milk our system and it’s not just happening at the southern border.
This story about new requirements in the diversity lottery (we don’t have enough diversity!) is being reported in the Kenyan press!
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