This is an update in the ongoing investigation into the brutal murder of Mackenzie Lueck.
(See all of my previous posts here, and my prediction that this story will go away, except for media in Utah, because the alleged killer should not have been in the US in the first place and he is African.)
From the New York Daily News(the only national news outlet I see that is still following the story),
Suspect charged in murder of University of Utah student Mackenzie Lueck also facing 19 counts for child porn
An investigation into the killing of University of Utah student Mackenzie Lueck turned up a collection of child pornography on a computer allegedly belonging to the murder suspect.
The Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office on Tuesday announced that 31-year-old Ayoola Ajayi was charged with 19 counts of sexually exploiting a minor after authorities discovered “numerous images of children engaged in sex acts” during a search of the suspect’s home on June 26.
The 19 images, described in the probable cause document in graphic detail, show girls believed to be between the ages of 4 and 8 years old performing sex acts or posing suggestively in various stages of undress.
Authorities did not indicate any link between Lueck’s death and the pornographic images.
Ajayi was previously charged in July with aggravated murder, aggravated kidnapping, obstruction of justice and abuse or desecration of a human body in connection with Lueck’s slaying.
When authorities discovered her body, Lueck’s arms had been bound behind her back and the medical examiner said she died from blunt force trauma to the head.
Amid the investigation into her slaying, authorities combed through both Lueck and Ajayi’s social media and dating profiles in a bid to find a connection between the two. According to court documents, they both had accounts on a site called “Seeking Arrangements” — which bills itself as a way for wealthy “sugar daddies” to connect with “sugar babies.”
The story should be spread widely to warn other young women living in la-la land that there are a lot of predatory monsters out there just waiting to prey on them!
Salt Lake County District Attorney Sam Gill said his office is now working to determine where the pornographic images on Ajyai’s computer were made and who made them. He told The Salt Lake Tribunethey will use federal resources in their probe, which is also aimed at identifying the victims.
It has been ten years since I wrote the post below at Refugee Resettlement Watch and it occurs to me that there may be some of you scratching your heads and wondering why anyone would want to open our borders and welcome in hordes of impoverished people and put them on taxpayer-funded welfare.
And, you might be wondering why the reaction to the Trump Administration’s very sensible plan to block welfare use for non-citizens announced this past week,see here, is causing Leftwingers heads to explode.
Progressives react to Trump welfare restrictions.
The strategy was once well-known to hardcore Socialists/Communists (aka Progressives) as the Cloward-Piven strategy, but I suspect following generations of young do-gooders and average Americans who have simply been busy working and raising families have no idea that importing poverty is a political strategy.
If you know all about Cloward and Piven, you won’t find anything new here, but for those of you who have never heard those names, please continue reading!
Here is my post from November 2009,
Cloward-Piven: Use the poor to bring on the revolution
Piven lives on, but Cloward passed away in 2001.
If you are a regular reader, you know one of the themes we have been writing about is what I call “community destabilization,” we have a whole category for those posts.
Cloward and Piven, while professors at Columbia University (Obama’s alma mater), penned a 1966 treatise in Nationmagazine in which they outlined a strategyto bring about a revolution in America. I wrote about it most recently, here[Sorry links are dead since the speech police took down RRW, but I am working on getting it restored—ed]
Simply stated the strategy involved flooding the welfare system with so many impoverished people that the system would collapse and that would pave the way for a new form of government—a government that would redistribute the wealth and provide a guaranteed income for everyone.
Below is another shocking segment from that article. We are often lectured about what is the moral thing to do about refugees, but let me ask all of you, what is moral about this Far Left strategy?
Remember immigrants and refugees are today’s poor. As unfashionable as the word is, frankly, I call this strategyto place as many people as possible on the welfare system and use them for promotion of a radical political ideology downright evil.* (Emphasis below mine.)
To generate an expressly political movement, cadres of aggressive organizers would have to come from the civil rights movement and the churches, from militant low-income organizations like those formed by the Industrial Areas Foundation (that is, by Saul Alinsky), and from other groups on the Left. These activists should be quick to see the difference between programs to redress individual grievances and a large-scale social-action campaign for national policy reform.
Movements that depend on involving masses of poor people have generally failed in America. Why would the proposed strategyto engage the poor succeed?
First, this plan promises immediate economic benefits. This is a point of some importance because, whereas America’s poor have not been moved in any number by radical political ideologies, they have sometimes been moved by their economic interests. Since radical movements in America have rarely been able to provide visible economic incentives, they have usually failed to secure mass participation of any kind. The conservative “business unionism” of organized labor is explained by this fact, for membership enlarged only as unionism paid off in material benefits. Union leaders have understood that their strength derives almost entirely from their capacity to provide economic rewards to members. Although leaders have increasingly acted in political spheres, their influence has been directed chiefly to matters of governmental policy affecting the well-being of organized workers. The same point is made by the experience of rent strikes in Northern cities. Their organizers were often motivated by radical ideologies, but tenants have been attracted by the promise that housing improvements would quickly be made if they withheld their rent.
(Remember these are Cloward and Piven’s words!)
Second, for this strategy to succeed, one need not ask more of most of the poor than that they claim lawful benefits. Thus the plan has the extraordinary capability of yielding mass influence without mass participation, at least as the term “participation” is ordinarily understood. Mass influence in this case stems from the consumption of benefits and does not require that large groups of people be involved in regular organizational roles. [Of course not, the smart people, the elite radicals, would call all the shots!]
Moreover, this kind of mass influence is cumulative because benefits are continuous.Once eligibility for basic food and rent grants is established, the drain on local resources persists indefinitely. Other movements have failed precisely because they could not produce continuous and cumulative influence.
When you read the Nation article, note that Cloward and Piven were very conscious of the concept of the ‘presumption of good intentions.’ In other words, they knew that this political strategywould go undetected for a very long time because it would be hidden from their average do-gooder minions by the presumption that this was all about aiding the downtrodden.
Ann Coulter on the strategy: Speak loudly and carry a small victim!
I must say this ‘strategy’ is the only logical explanation for why we are still pouring refugees into the US right now [2009] when there is little or no work for them and they are being “warehoused” in decrepit apartment buildings, like those in Bowling Green, KY. [Again, sorry, links to RRW are now dead.—-ed]
Incidentally, even if refugees have chicken plant jobs they still receive various forms of public assistance because the meatpackers no longer pay a living wage.
I wonder did Cloward and Piven ever anticipate the involvement of big businesses as allies in the revolution? See this postfrom August in which I list strange bedfellows on the open borders issue.
* I have to laugh, after I posted this, I see [link not found—ed] that Ann Coulter also suggested Far Left Liberal strategies were “evil” when she said their motto is: Speak loudly and carry a small victim!
The End of the November 2009 post at RRW.
I think you got my message—the border invasion (the mass movement of extreme poverty into American towns and cities) is a Progressive (Communist) political strategy and the migrants are their pawns. (And, their future voters!)
I hope you didn’t miss the part about how they need the churches to help them pull it off!
I told you about Ahmed Mahad Mohamed, 21, and Abdi Yemani Hussein, 20, here and here, but I hadn’t seen this news—-they were hitting the gym to get stronger for the beheadings they were planning.
Screenshot from local 12 News report:
Katie Pavlich had this short extra bit of news when the story broke (thanks to Cathy for sending it).
Don’t miss my post yesterdayabout 167 Jewish groups want 95,000 more refugees (Somalis included!) delivered to Anytown, USA starting on October first!
Somali Refugees Living in Tucson Started Hitting the Gym to Get Stronger…for Beheadings
According to the indictment the two men, Ahmed Mahad Mohamed and Abdi Yemani Hussein, started hitting the gym in order to get stronger so they could easily perform beheadings.
“On or about June 26, 2019, MOHAMED told the UC (undercover FBI agent) that he and ‘abu’ jihad started going to the gym so they could get stronger and ‘behad those kuffar,'” the indictment states. “MOHAMED indicated that he wanted to make hijrah and asked for help from the UC. MOHAMED state that he was ‘a lion bu killing the kuffar and behading.’ In addition, MOHAMED told the UC, ‘if I go to Syria I want to be the behading person wallahi this kuffar I want to kill them so many I am thirsty their blood.’ MOHAMED indicated he wanted to travel to Syria, Egypt and/or Iraq.”
How many more refugees are out there with dreams of beheading the kuffar?
And, gee, in addition to paying for their initial resettlement to the US (did we, taxpayers, pay for the gym membership too?) we get to pay for their trials and incarcerations! See my next post!
“How do they have a place for them but not for us?”
(A homeless woman in Maine)
I can’t believe my eyes. A local media outlet has dared to publish this news and it comes at a time when the national media is dumping on the President who says Americans should come first when it comes to public assistance!
150 African asylum seekers have jumped ahead of 18,000 Mainers who have been on a waiting list for years for Section 8 housing!
Portland welcomes Africans. No charity for their own American homeless? Photo:
I-Team: Homeless Mainers feel left behind as asylum seekers get housing
PORTLAND (WGME) – Nearly 200 asylum seekers have to be out of an emergency shelter at the Portland Expo by this Thursday as the Red Claws move back in.
While state and city leaders scramble to find them housing, some homeless Mainers say they feel left behind.
The I-Team found more than 18,000 Mainers are on a waiting list for Section 8 and that’s just one program to help low-income families get affordable housing.
Many of those people are homeless and hungry and have already been waiting years for their number to be called. [Am I dreaming? I can’t believe any media in America would report this news!—-ed]
Zanetta Smith said she’s thankful for a storage shack in the woods where a friend is letting her live.
She said it’s not much, but it’s better than living in her car where she’s been for the last 5 years.
“It was pretty tough in the winter,” Smith said.
She lost her apartment after she got sick and couldn’t work anymore.
“You fall into bad times, and sometimes it’s hard to get out of it,” she said.
She’s trying to get a place of her own with a toilet, shower, and running water, which her temporary housing doesn’t have.
She said she’s been on the waiting list for a Section 8 voucher for years.
According to Maine Housing, the statewide Maine Centralized Section 8 waiting list is now up to 18,316.
Dan Brennan says it is only short term assistance for asylum seekers until they become “self-sufficient.” Yeh right!
“It’s years, unfortunately. We just don’t have the supply and stock,” said Dan Brennan, director of the Maine State Housing Authority.
Brennan said it could be five years to get a voucher to help pay for rent, and even if you get one, there’s no guarantee you’ll find a place.
“There simply is not enough supply of units available for people who need them,” Brennan said.
Local housing authorities also have waiting lists for public housing.
In Portland, for example, we found nearly 1,400 people waiting for a unit to open up, which could take as long as three years.
“Of course when the asylum seekers come up here they offered them free housing. How do they have a place for them but not for us?” Smith wants to know.
At last check, more than 150 asylum seekers who arrived in Portland since June have moved out of a makeshift shelter at the Portland Expo and into units in Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Portland, and Scarborough.
See all of my previous posts on the DR Congolese migration to Maine, here.
BTW, yesterday I told you that over 11,000 DR Congolese were legally admitted as refugees to the US in the first ten months of this fiscal year. This bunch in Maine came illegally and are now jumping the line for taxpayer supported housing!
First they want the 30,000 they believe they were promised for this year (FY19).
See my post yesterdaywhere I explain we are likely to reach that number by September 30th.
However, in a recent letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo they say they want 95,000 next year.
Hereis the news at from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs:
167 Jewish Organizations Urge U.S. to Meet Refugee Goal
JCPA, a network of 125 local Jewish community relations councils and 17 national Jewish agencies, has joined with 166 national, state, and local Jewish organizations and institutions in urging the United States to meet the refugee resettlement admissions goal of 30,000 for fiscal year 2019 and to return to historic norms next year.
In a letter delivered to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on Wednesday (August 7th), the group explained, “The United States has historically distinguished itself as a beacon of hope and as a safe haven for those who most need it. For nearly 40 years, the refugee admissions target averaged 95,000 per year, with actual admissions averaging 80,000 refugees per year. Despite this, the Administration set the admissions ceiling to a historic low of 30,000 refugees in FY19. Resettling zero refugees in the U.S. in FY2020 would effectively gut the refugee resettlement program, violate our values as Jews and Americans, and abdicate the American promise of freedom and opportunity.”
Not mentioned in the short news story is the request for the CEILING for 2020 to be set at 95,000. See the letter with its 167 signatures. This is a paragraph from near the end.
We urge the Department of State, in partnership with the other implementing agencies, to restore our country’s refugee admissions cap to at least 95,000 for FY2020.The values of our nation and the safety and well-being of tens of thousands of refugees and their families depend on it.
Don’t miss the list of those that signed the letter, here.
What do they mean by restore the cap to 95,000?
In the last ten years (mostly Obama years!) the cap was no where near 95,000 until Obama set it at 110,000 in September 2017 as he was getting ready to vacate the Oval Office.
Why didn’t he set it at 110,000 or even 95,000 in his previous opportunities to set the CEILING?
I didn’t see these same groups attacking the sainted Obama for his much lower caps in his previous 7 years in office!
They make it sound like we have been admitting that extreme number in the years prior to the arrival of Donald Trump. We have not!
See the last ten years of CEILING data at Wrapsnetand then the actual number of admissions.
And, remember this: in the early years of the refugee program which began in 1980, we were not being invaded by tens of thousands of asylum seekers (wannabe refugees) at our borders as we are today.
I couldn’t manage to get the whole chart on the screen, but the part I want you to see is the column for the CEILING. So what do they mean by claiming the CEILING must be RESTORED to 95,000! Compare the CEILING column to the actual admissions and you will see that Obama’s numbers were high, but not as high as they are demanding that Trump’s should be!