Grants are “given to organizations that are advancing the cause of lasting change for our society.”
(Tyson press release, September 1, 2020)
If you have followed Refugee Resettlement Watch for the last decade you know that Tyson Foods is one of a handful of BIG MEAT companies with global reach that depends heavily on low-skilled migrant workers for a constantly overturning workforce.
And, while we are all focused on the election, the Chinese Virus and burning cities (as we should be!), pro-immigrant churches (the religious Left) and other non-profits are continuing their quiet work of changing America by changing the people.
For more than you ever wanted to know about Tyson Foods, go hereat RRW.
Immigrant Connection receives $1 million corporate donation
Tyson Foods announced on September 1 that Immigrant Connection (IC), a nonprofit affiliated with The Wesleyan Church, was one of five organizations “advancing the cause of lasting change for our society” awarded $1 million. The Equal Justice Initiative, The Executive Leadership Council, The National Urban League and The Smithsonian were the other four. IC was the only organization voted a recipient by Tyson Food team members.
Wow! Zach Szmara has a direct pipeline to God
“Apart from God, this is utterly unimaginable,” said Immigrant Connection Director Rev. Zach Szmara. “To even be in the same conversation as organizations like The National Urban League, The Executive Leadership Council, The Smithsonian and The Equal Justice Initiative is a witness to two profound truths I have learned — God has favorites, and immigrants are one of his ‘favorite four’ (the poor, the widow, the orphan and the foreigner living among us).
God absolutely loves seeing the marginalized lifted up in counter-cultural ways so he receives all the glory that he is due.”
An employee at Tyson Foods, which has a plant in Logansport, Indiana, where Szmara also pastors The Bridge Church [see photo above about the plant closure there—ed], relayed to Szmara that he has “never encountered anything like Immigrant Connection” — that IC is doing important work that is needed and is making a difference.
Twenty-one IC sites have been launched in Wesleyan churches within the U.S. since its inception in 2014. Two new locations are pending approval as IC sites with the U.S. Department of Justice.***
More than 8,000 immigrants from over 125 countries have been assisted through IC which has become the largest Protestant church-based immigrant legal aid organization in the United States.
***I did not know what this was about: “approval” from the DOJ? So I looked around and found that the US Department of Justice has an entire branch that helps immigrants connect with legal services, see here. I suspect there is federal grant money involved as well.
Citizenship delays may keep many immigrants from fall vote
Pandemic postpones naturalization interviews and ceremonies, adding to a backlog already worsened by budget woes
(I’m going to start my snips with these few paragraphs at the end of this story because it infuriated me! If we have so much racial injustice and discrimination here, then just go home to India!)
Reeti Ghosh, an immigrant from India, started her naturalization process more than a year ago. She looked forward to finally voting, which she viewed as an opportunity to speak up about the racial injustice she witnessed in the country and even discriminatory behavior she felt locally, in her New Jersey community.
She was scheduled to take her civics test in April, but the pandemic canceled the appointment. Despite repeated attempts by her lawyer to reschedule, she has yet to hear back from USCIS with a new date.
“I really feel frustrated and honestly I can’t wait for this process to be done and over with,” she said. “It’s just the uncertainty. It is like a time bomb ticking. … You’re just really waiting for things to happen and just waiting there for no real reason.”
So boo-hoo, wait until the next election or go home and ‘fix’ India’s discrimination!
When Juliana Ximenes Coutinho Dias submitted her naturalization application last December, the possibility of finally becoming a U.S. citizen and getting to vote in the country she has called home for the past six years electrified the Brazil native.
But then the coronavirus pandemic hit. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which adjudicates immigration benefits and visas, shut down its field offices.It also postponed naturalization interviews and ceremonies, adding to a backlog worsened by budget woes and threatening to prevent hundreds of thousands of would-be citizens from registering in time to vote this November.
Hetlage [USCIS spokesman Dan Hetlage ]said the agency is on pace to naturalize approximately 600,000 new citizens by the end of the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. But that’s nearly 30 percent lower than the previous year when 834,000 new citizens were sworn in, the highest number in 11 years, according to USCIS.
Naturalizations tend to spike in an election year and drop right after. Before the pandemic, the National Partnership of New Americans, a coalition of state, federal and local organizations that help new citizens register to vote, estimated that 860,000 people were scheduled to become U.S. citizens by the end of the year.
More than 23 million U.S. citizens who were born abroad could be part of the overall electorate this fall, according to a Pew Research Center analysis released earlier this year. That’s about 1 in 10 Americans, a record high.
In fact, the number of new citizens since the last election alone exceeds Trump’s margin of victory in Florida, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan combined, and has made up substantial portions of the growth in each state’s eligible voters since 2016.
“This was clear marriage fraud and immigration fraud, that’s a fact.”
(DHS insider with knowledge of the investigation)
That is the gist of news unearthed by Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily this week.
A Dept. of Homeland Security insider says they have the goods on her, but the US Attorney in Minnesota, Erica MacDonald, will not be filing charges.
One more example, even under the Trump Administration, that there are two standards of justice one for them and another for us.
If you are new to the controversy, see my previous posts on the Congresswoman’s marriages.
For additional background, if you are interested, for years at Refugee Resettlement WatchI chronicled the history of immigration fraud that was rampant in the Somali ‘community.’
Back in 2008 (and down the memory hole) the US State Department actually halted all Somali family reunification due to the tens of thousands of fraudulent cases they had unearthed. Only a tiny handful of those cheaters was ever located and removed.
DHS insider spills beans on Ilhan Omar criminal charges for marrying brother
Federal investigators have decided not to prosecute Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., for immigration fraud despite the publicly available evidence that she married her brother to gain him lawful status to remain in the United States.
The news that two separate federal agencies have declined to pursue charges against Omar after a months-long probe came from a veteran insider at the Department of Homeland Security.
The case was investigated by the FBI and involved at least one other agency, but the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota, Erica MacDonald, has decided not to prosecute.
Editor: It is my opinion that US Attorney MacDonald and the whole Justice Department are scared s******* that if charges are brought against Omar, riots of a greater magnitude than those experienced in the George Floyd fiasco would erupt and result in a race war that could spread further once the rest of Minneapolis is burned down.
MacDonald is a Republican who was appointed to her post in June 2018 by President Trump.
Abdihakim Osman Nur, a member of the Somali-American community in Minnesota, was the first person to go on the record with firsthand evidence of Omar’s marriage to her brother. He told the British-based earlier this year that Omar told him she wanted to get her brother a green card so he could stay and work in the United States. At the time she was married to her first husband, Ahmed Hirsi.
Omar denounced the accusations as “disgusting lies” by bloggers who were engaging in “Islamophobia.” She refused to address questions on the matter.
Read about the politics of the decision, but I still maintain that it is fear, fear of violence and chaos, after all we have been trained in recent weeks to stand down.
If you have been a follower of my other blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch, for the last dozen years you know that BIG MEAT is a big topic there as the global meat giants including Cargill, JBS Swift, Smithfield Foods, and Tyson Foods among others have a voracious appetite for cheap immigrant labor.
You also know that US Refugee Resettlement agencies are all too eager to help them continue to receive a steady flow of refugees (before Trump that is!).
Trump and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds can play kissy-face, but its Republican politicians like her who turn a blind eye to the meatpackers that in my opinion are nearly as bad as the Leftwingers!
So this story does not surprise me, but figured I would post it here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ in case some of you don’t already know about BIG MEAT and refugees. And, because ‘Frauds and Crooks’is the appropriate place to post this news!
Of course Leftwing media reports like this one are meant to skewer the Republican governor and the President, but after years of watching the global meat and poultry industry destroy American towns, I personally am not going to gloss over the fact that Republicans like this are destroying our culture and economy by sucking up to global companies.
Just a reminder, it was then Senator Jeff Sessionswho publicly fingered meatpackers as major drivers of amnesty and more immigration to the heartland.
Outbreak at Iowa pork plant was larger than state reported
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — The first confirmed coronavirus outbreak at an Iowa meatpacking plant was far more severe than previously known, with more than twice as many workers becoming infected than the state Department of Public Health told the public, newly released records show.
The department announced at a May 5 news conference that 221 employees at the Tyson Foods pork processing plant in Columbus Junction had tested positive for COVID-19.
But days earlier, Tyson officials told Iowa workplace safety regulators during an inspection that 522 plant employees had been infected to their knowledge, documents obtained through the open records law show.
A dozen of the plant’s roughly 1,300 workers were believed to have been hospitalized by then, and two died after contracting the virus, Tyson officials told the Iowa Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The discrepancy adds to mounting questions that the state health department faces about its handling of public information during the pandemic. The department last week forced out its longtime spokeswoman, who said she was ousted for pushing hard to fulfill media requests and that the agency’s delays and scripted talking points were embarrassing.
The agency has also faced criticism for seeking to charge thousands of dollars for open records requests and for not routinely announcing outbreaks in workplaces, among other things. The department said it has “gone above and beyond to provide up-to-date and comprehensive information” to the public.
The early April outbreak in Columbus Junction was the first of several at meatpacking plants across the state as the virus spread through crowded workplaces.
Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds took a pro-industry approach to managing those outbreaks in Iowa, the top pork-producing state. She worked with executives to continue production even as thousands of workers became infected and some died, and she applauded President Donald Trump’s order to keep such plants open throughout the country.
See Reynolds says she wants more refugees in Iowa, here.
And see here that she received campaign donations from Tyson Foods lobbyist.
As I have said repeatedly, find a local source of meat and poultry and stop buying products from global corporations changing America for the almighty buck!
Unlawfully present Egyptian national charged with child exploitation-related offenses against South Texas minor
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – An Egyptian national who is illegally present in the U.S. was indicted Monday on several charges related to the alleged exploitation of a South Texas minor.
U.S. Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations in Corpus Christi, Texas, conducted the investigation along with the George West (Texas) Police Department, Live Oak County (Texas) Sheriff’s Office and Texas Department of Public Safety.
Ehab Sadeek, 47, who resides in Winchester, Massachusetts, was indicted June 29 by a Corpus Christi grand jury on charges of online solicitation of a minor, travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct and transfer of obscene materials to a minor.He was initially charged by criminal complaint and made an initial appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Julie K. Hampton. At that time, the court found probable cause that he committed the alleged offenses and ordered him into custody. He will appear again in federal court in the near future on the indictment.
The charges allege Sadeek used interstate and foreign commerce to knowingly persuade, induce, entice and coerce a minor victim in Live Oak County (Texas) to engage in sexual activity. From May 7 to May 26, Sadeek allegedly transferred obscene material to the same victim, knowing she was less than 16 years of age. According to the allegations, Sadeek traveled from Massachusetts to Texas with the intent to commit sexual offenses.
Now here is the news from ten years ago about a bagel maker who threatened to boil his daughter in the bagel kettle. He has the same name and would be 47 years old today. But who knows maybe (coincidentally) there are a whole passel of Ehab Sadeeks in Winchester, Mass!
Staties probe possible threats against juror, lawyer
State police are investigating possible threats against a juror and a defense attorney in the case of a Muslim bagel-maker acquitted of charges he plotted to boil his teenage daughter alive in an industrial kettle.
The probe was launched yesterday to determine whether the threats warrant criminal charges.
Sadeek, 37, an Egyptian national and owner of Bagel Land in Winchester, was found not guilty March 22 of more than a dozen charges stemming from his 15-year-old daughter’s claim that he beat her, held her down with a knife and threatened to toss her in his company’s bagel boiler for dating an 18-year-old boy.
Prosecutors argued the girl’s mother fled back to Egypt in 2008 to escape her husband, and that Sadeek violated a restraining order meant to protect his daughter.
Sadeek remains in custody, pending a hearing on his immigration status.
If it is the same ‘new American’ then I guess he didn’t remain in custody for too long!
If you live in Winchester, Mass. and know if the Texas alleged Egyptian perv is the same guy as the Bagel Land Egyptian, let me know!