Who knew taking care of the homeless could be so lucrative!
Longtime readers know that one of the reasons I keep doing what I do, writing blog posts like this as my charity work, is that I want taxpayers to understand that gobs of their hard-earned money (tax dollars!) is flowing to non-profit groups masquerading as charities.
The non-profit gets to pretend it is doing good work (sometimes under a cloak of religious zeal) and all the while those leading the fake charities are reaping rewards beyond your wildest imagination.
Refugee Resettlement Watch is loaded with information on this topic, but thanks to reader Brad for sending me this news from the New York Postabout the NYC homelessness ‘industry.’
How NYC’s homeless ‘charities’ cash in — ruthlessly
It was a good hour into his State of the City speech Thursday before Mayor Bill de Blasio addressed homelessness — though he didn’t say much about it. “It’s what we have to do,” he averred. “We have to end homelessness as we know it.”
You’d think this was de Blasio’s inaugural statement on the topic, as though he hasn’t been mayor for six years, presiding over record numbers of homeless people living in shelters, on the streets and in the subways. But de Blasio does in fact have a clear track record on homelessness; it’s just so dismal — so tainted by waste and scandal — that it’s no surprise he doesn’t want to dwell on it.
Spending has skyrocketed across the board since de Blasio took over City Hall, but no government expenditures have soared as fast as homeless services, which more than doubled since 2014, from $1 billion to $2.1 billion.
Turns out that an increasing amount of the city’s homeless budget goes to service providers — the groups that run shelters and intake centers, conduct outreach and offer specialized treatment to people on the street. Yet given the enormous demand for shelter, numerous regulations on services and difficulties dealing with the city, it’s hard to find top-quality, scrupulously ethical providers.
At the same time, with more than a billion dollars a year flowing to this sector, the city can’t seem to ensure that standards are met, while well-positioned insiders — call them nonprofiteers — soak up public money.
Indeed, the system has been working great, if you are on the receiving end of the money stream. If you are a homeless or needy person, not so much.
After some horror stories about Children’s Community Services, opinion writer Seth Barron continued:
CCS isn’t the only bad actor in the city’s social-service industrial complex. Bronx-based powerhouse Acacia Networks — which has taken in close to a billion dollars in city funding since 2010 — garnered attention after a grisly murder in one of its Upper West Side shelters.
Scandal rocked Maria del Carmen Arroyo’s term in elected office. Here with Michael Bloomberg (right) who promotes the idea of immigrants adding to the US economy. I guess he means people like Ms. Arroyo!
This came on the heels of a revelation that Acacia executives had unreported ties to the security firm it hired to monitor its facilities and ensure the safety of the residents; insiders may also have proprietary ties to other vendors, too. Acacia “cluster sites,” which also house homeless families, have hundreds of outstanding violations.
Yet the organization is politically connected — former Bronx Council Member Maria del Carmen Arroyo left her elected post for a cool quarter-million salary as an Acacia VP, though that’s peanuts compared to the $800,000 stipend pulled down by CEO Raul Russi.
Editor:As you might guess, I am completely swamped with e-mails to both of my blog addresses and sometimes as much as I want to, I can’t always get to them. Last night I noticed a whole slew of notices from readers about stories that are worth posting, but I missed them. So sorry about that.
I would like to ask those of you who send me 5, 10, or more e-mails a day on every conservative issue under the sun to be more discriminating and select for me stories related to what I generally write about here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ or at RRW. That would make my life easier and I could more readily notice e-mails from individuals with news tips.
Thanks to reader Aileen for directing my attention to this bit of news from Judicial Watch.
The amount of American taxpayer dollars that go to Islamist organizations has drastically increased under the Trump administration, which has doled out millions to radical nonprofits, including a recent allocation to a terrorist front group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism financing trial. Between 2017 and 2018 the U.S. government more than tripled its funding to organizations either influenced or controlled by Islamist activists from $4 million to $13.5 million, according to an analysis conducted by a think tank dedicated to protecting Western values from Middle Eastern threats.
The Philadelphia-based nonprofit, Middle East Forum (MEF), reviewed millions of dollars in government grant data and found that the Trump administration is dedicating a lot more to radical Muslim groups than the Obama administration….
By the way, whatever happened to taxpayer organizations that were formed to protect us?
Why are taxpayers forced to pay for non-profit groups of any sort, let alone those that are involved in questionable activities or those promoting open borders? Let those who support these groups put their own personal money where their mouth is!
What you can do!
If you are interested in investigating whether some questionable NGO is getting federal grant money, I told readers in ‘Knowledge is Power V’ at RRW just how to use USASpending.govwhich is where I suspect the ME Forum got its data.
US fines Delta $50,000 for booting off 3 Muslim passengers
Delta Air Lines is being fined $50,000 for ordering three Muslim passengers off planes even after the airline’s own security officials cleared them to travel.
Elaine Chow, Senator Mitch McConnell’s wife runs the DOT (in case you didn’t know)!
Delta denied that it discriminated against the passengers in two separate incidents but agreed it could have handled the situations differently, according to a consent order released Friday by the U.S. Transportation Department.
The department alleged that Delta violated anti-bias laws by removing the passengers, and ordered the airline to provide cultural-sensitivity training to pilots, flight attendants and customer-service agents involved in the incidents.
Be sure to read the descriptions of the incidents. And see that CAIR is not completely happy, they wanted the fine to be bigger.
Were these incidents probes, test runs? They could be!
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which represented the Alis, questioned the size of the penalty.
Delta earned nearly $4.8 billion last year, and for a company that profitable, “$50,000 is basically a slap on the wrist,” said Karen Dabdoub, executive director of CAIR’s Cincinnati chapter.
It’s only a slap on the wrist says CAIR spox Dabdoub.
“But it’s a good sign that DOT is taking this seriously,” she added. “I’m glad to see that Delta received some sort of a sanction.”
The government did not explain how the size of the fine was determined but said that it “establishes a strong deterrent against future similar unlawful practices by Delta and other carriers.”
Delta said that in both cases, it acted based on the passengers’ behavior, not their identity, and its employees acted reasonably. In the case of the Alis, one of the complaining customers identified herself as a retired safety inspector for the Federal Aviation Administration, the airline said.
The Atlanta-based airline said that after the 2016 incidents it improved its procedures for investigating suspicious behavior to make it “more collaborative and objective.”
The moral of the story is that if you see something, you have to be very very nervous about saying something!
Are you steamed enough to speak up?
Then contact the White House and tell President Trump that he needs to look into this, if airlines are being hamstrung like this we aren’t safe!
Tell him this DOT-ordered sensitivity training is B*** S***!
Last night I had a look at CAIR’s twitter feed (you should all do that from time to time). It was very illuminating. They have been hollering for days about a slowdown in movement across the Washington State/Canada border due to Border Patrol doing a little extra checking of those who might pose harm to America.
By the way, in case CAIR and you have forgotten, the President’s travel ban is still in place and Iran is on the list, so checking Iranians right now is doubly important.
(I’ll have more to say about the travel ban at RRWin light of John Binder’sBreitbart postyesterday about how we are still taking refugees from banned countries.)
Here is one of CAIR’s featured outrage stories by their pals at Vox:
Nearly 200 Iranian Americans were detained at the US-Canada border
In recent days, as many as 200 people of Iranian descent, some of them US citizens, have been detained at the US-Canada border and questioned about their political views, family members, and work histories.
About 60 individuals, including American and Canadian citizens, were held for questioning about their “political views and allegiances” at the Canadian border in Blaine, Washington, on Saturday, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a nonprofit that advocates for the rights of Muslims in the US.
CAIR has been on twitter for ten years and has 51K followers. This tweet has been up for 22 hours with only 6 retweets. Apparently few care what CAIR is saying.
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confiscated their passports and held some of them waiting rooms for as long as 10 hours, refusing to grant them entry to the US, according to CAIR.
By Monday, as many as 140 more people of Iranian descent had been detained at the border. They were repeatedly asked about their birthplaces, family members, schooling, and work histories.
But CBP also told Vox it’s operating with an “enhanced posture at its ports of entry to safeguard our national security” based on current threats to the US — which, according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), could include an Iran-backed terrorist attack.
CBP agents have broad legal authority to detain and question individuals at ports of entry, but not to conduct interrogations for hours without cause.
Though Saturday’s detentions appeared to be a reaction to the recent escalation of tensions between the US and Iran, the administration had already made it difficult for Iranians to enter the US under President Donald Trump’s travel ban, which also affects nationals of six other countries deemed to be security threats.
In a statement, CAIR said that according to one of its sources at CBP, DHS had directed CBP officials to report and detain anyone of Iranian heritage attempting to enter the US if they were found to be “suspicious or adversarial, regardless of citizenship status.”
“These reports are extremely troubling and potentially constitute illegal detentions of United States citizens,” Masih Fouladi, executive director of CAIR’s Washington chapter, said.
Washington’s Democrat Governor Inslee joined CAIR in its criticism. He apparently is fine and dandy with unhindered traffic in and out of his state.
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee called CBP’s denial of the detentions “simply not credible.”
“These were detentions, and that is unacceptable,” Inslee said in a statement. “By all accounts, this is detention, regardless of whether the waiting area has bars on the windows.”
We should all breath a sigh of relief to know that extra scrutiny is happening at our borderin light of recent fears that Iranians would exact revenge on us.
Movita Johnson-Harrell has been charged (and plead guilty!) in a massive fraud scheme involving embezzlement from Medicare and Medicaid, charity fraud, and other assorted fraudulent schemes.
Although the story did get a fair amount of media coverage, I hadn’t heard about it until a reader, Judy, alerted me to a detailed article at American Thinkerentitled:
Movita Johnson-Harrell seemed to take pride in her position as the first Muslim woman elected to the Pennsylvania State Legislature. Now that record will forever have an asterisk next to it as Johnson-Harrell has turned herself in to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s Office, pleading guilty on charges of perjury, record tampering, and embezzling over $500,000 in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security disability funds, as well as donations to Motivations Education and Consultation Associates (MECA), a charity she established to allegedly serve the mentally ill and drug addicted poor in her predominately African-American neighborhood.
[Rally for Ilhan is herein case link under photo won’t work.—ed]
In a press conference, Attorney General Shapiro described Johnson-Harrell’s actions as “brazen corruption… her theft knew no bounds.” Johnson-Harrell stole funds that personally belonged to the residents of her facilities and used it to purchase fox furs, trips to Mexico, to make payments on a Porsche, pay delinquent utility bills, cover her granddaughter’s private school tuition and even fund her political campaign. After the facility, where residents were living in squalor, was closed, Johnson-Harrell continued collecting their rent from MECA even though the facilities were no longer operating.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Johnson-Harrell’s dereliction of duty extended to her short time as a Pennsylvania state representative.
During her brief period in office, Johnson-Harrell seemed to spend the majority of her time celebrating herself as the first Muslim woman elected to the state legislature, and helping to fundraise and advocate for the Hamas-linked Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Two months after being in office Johnson Harrell flew across the country to Washington State to stand with anti-Israel BDS supporter Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at a CAIR fundraiser with a separatist theme “Muslim Power for 2020 & Beyond.”
Author Leonard Getz has done a lot of work on this piece, so please visit for more of the disgusting news.
I’m joking, but because I see so many stories, I do wonder if there are Muslim training programs that teach their followers how to scam the infidels through Medicare and Medicaid fraud, Food Stamp fraud and the all-too-common Day Care Fraud.
With how far Left Pennsylvania is moving, I’m actually surprised the Attorney General would go after a Muslim ‘rising star.’
Gives us all hope!
Don’t forget to visit Refugee Resettlement Watchas the refugee program is again on front pages of newspapers across the country forcing me to spend more time there then here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
LOL! However, there is some crossover between my blogs!
Just as I was wrapping up I came across this (below)! Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfwas the first governor in the US to tell the President to send the state more impoverished refugees for the state’s taxpayers to take care of.
.@RepMovita Johnson-Harrell made history this week as the first Muslim woman to join the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Diversity in public service is vital to our democracy and makes us stronger.