“If the SPLC were an impeccable civil rights organization, why would it hide money in offshore accounts?”
(Tyler O’Neill at Pajamas Media)
I haven’t paid much attention lately to the king of non-profit scammers—the Southern Poverty Law Center—so it’s good that watchdog Tyler O’Neill is doing the job along with others in the alternative media.
You won’t see this news at CNN, MSNBC or the New York Times.
Exaggerating Hate Pays: Scandal-Plagued SPLC Has Millions in Offshore Accounts, Half a Billion in Assets
What kind of civil rights nonprofit has millions of dollars in offshore accounts? According to recent reports, the scandal-plagued Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) does, and that’s just scratching the surface of its problems.
The SPLC recently published its updated “hate map” plotting “hate groups” across America, right as Americans are fearing for their lives and livelihoods in a deadly pandemic. That map inflated the numbers not only by listing “hate groups” that barely exist but by defaming mainstream conservative and Christian organizations as “hate groups” on par with the Ku Klux Klan. In fact, former SPLC employee Bob Moser exposed the map as a “highly profitable scam.”
According to the SPLC’s tax documents, the organization has $529,801,832 in its endowment, the second year it had more than half a billion dollars on hand. According to an accounting firm’s report first publicized by the Washington Free Beacon’s Joe Schoffstall, the SPLC has $570 million in assets, including the $41 million in its action fund launched just last year. Annual contributions in 2019 stood at $97 million, down from the $132 million it reported in October 2017.
Highly profitable, indeed.
Most astonishingly, the SPLC reported $162 million in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands, $41 million more than the group previously reported. In fact, the SPLC’s tax documents also note that the nonprofit “has ownership in several foreign corporations. However, the center’s ownership percentage in these corporations does not rise to the level of reporting on the Form 5471.”
If the SPLC were an impeccable civil rights organization, why would it hide money in offshore accounts?Cayman Island bank accounts are notorious as a tool for tax evasion and the fact that the SPLC has such accounts should be a red flag for anyone examining its credibility.
Then again, this organization has so many red flags, it’s hard to know where to start. Someone should write a book about it! Oh wait, I already did that.
They have once againlistedRefugee Resettlement Watch as a hate group, nevermind that RRWis just me and my blog. I wonder if I have any legal rights?
By the way, I suspect I was recommended for their list by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society several years ago because I was exposing HIAS’s ‘business model’. I explain all that at RRW in 2014.
I have no way of proving it, but I suspect that HIAS and the SPLChad a hand in shutting down RRWlast summer.
As you can imagine, with all the fear and the federal bucks floating around scammers are in fat city.
Editor: I know a few of you noticed that I haven’t been posting because I heard from you. Thanks for your concern that I might have been sick. But a big storm took out our TV and internet for a couple of days. LOL! I have to admit, I wasn’t sure if I wanted it back on! Amazing how many projects around the farm could get done with most access to the world cut off! So, I am way behind in finding stories and posting and will be trying to catch up.
There are way to many stories to post about scammers in this brave new world we live in now, but this one caught my eye at Psychology Today. The title grabbed my attention!
5 Coronavirus Scams That Can Fool Even Smart People
Here are a few examples from the article, but please read it all!
In just the first nine days of April, the Federal Trade Commission reported $7 million lost to scams.
Here’s a current rogue’s gallery of coronascams:
The Stimulus Scam. You’re excitedly waiting for your stimulus check or student-loan forgiveness. You get an email with a government logo. It says you need to apply—Just provide your Social Security Number and date of birth and perhaps a small registration fee. Gotcha.
The CoronaTracking Scam. You heard, correctly, that Apple and Google are creating a corona-tracking app. Then, you get a text claiming to be from the government, perhaps the CDC or WHO, informing you that you’re eligible to get the app free. It says that, to avoid fraud, it needs your Social Security Number and birth date. Gotcha.
The Product Scam. An email or text offers to sell you sanitizer, masks, etc. By the time you get to the final screen, the shipping cost atop an inflated price makes it exorbitant. But you’ve put in the effort to get that far (commitment bias), so you click “order.” Worse, you click “order” and not only don’t get the product, the scammers use your credit card to buy themselves cool stuff or gift cards for their programmers so the scam can metastasize.
More! Read it all and see if you are one of the smart people who just might have fallen for one of these!
Editor: I’m not planning on posting anything today because I must try to answer some of your many e-mails and comments.
(Cross-posted from RRW)
However, I just came across this information from the Refugee Council USA(the lobbying arm of the refugee industry) that explains in great detail (and with links) how trillions will be distributed and how immigrants and refugees can get their piece of the pie.
Michelle Malkin will bring a smile to your face as she pulls no punches in whacking the Lefties with their hands out to Congress as the great American wrecking ball makes its way through the Senate and House.
From Creators.com (in case you haven’t seen it yet):
Chutzpah: ADL Wants a Federal Bailout
When I think of “essential” workers in America, the smear merchants of the Anti-Defamation League are at the bottom of the barrel. For decades, they’ve demonized conservatives and Christians as agents of “hate” and treated our very existence as incitements to violence. The ADL’s manufactured outrage machine has broadened its target list to anyone remotely critical of Israel for any reason, President Donald Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, “America First” college students, innocuous hand gestures, cartoon frogs and anyone who dares to think or write that “It’s OK to be white.”
Former Assistant to Barack Obama, Jonathan Greenblatt is the CEO of the ADL. He makes a cool $382,523 annual salary heading the ‘charitable’ organization. https://www.adl.org/media/13806/download
Now, in the wake of the “Chinese flu” pandemic, ADL is lining up with all the other federal bailout vultures clamoring for free money. This week, the group issued a statement calling on Congress to include “relief for charities” in any COVID-19 legislation.
“In times of crisis,” ADL self-righteously urged, “nonprofits are on the front lines, ready to respond and serve communities across the nation — but funds are needed to continue doing so.” The “relief package” pushed by ADL and several hundred other groups demands $60 billion in “emergency stimulus funding to support our work… during this time of crisis and need.”
What a crock. The primary “front lines” ADL occupies are on the battlefields against American sovereignty and free speech. By my count, the open borders zealots of ADL have filed 17 amicus briefs in our courts supporting obstruction of Trump’s immigration enforcement and national security measures.
On top of the $60 billion ADL wants for itself and its ideological fellow travelers (including tax-funded refugee resettlement contractors Catholic Charities, Church World Service and Lutheran Services), the group called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week to include Medicaid coverage and tax rebates for illegal immigrants in her Chinese flu rescue package.
I have only snipped a bit of Malkin’s hit on the ADL and its “ideological fellow travelers,” continue reading here.
You might be interested in my post this week at RRW about how refugee programs (contractors too!) will get millions due to the Virus Crisis.
See all of my previous posts filed in my ‘Charity Fraud‘ category.
Paul Bedard writing a few days ago at the Washington Examiner reported that the Trump Administration’s policy known as Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP)has allowed the DHS to force foreign nationals claiming they want asylum to wait on the Mexican side of the border, but that won’t last if the ACLU gets its way.
And, so far, they are making legal headway in thwarting the President’s efforts to keep Americans safe.
328 Chinese nationals caught entering US illegally
At least 328 Chinese nationals trying to enter the United States illegally since January have been intercepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials as part of heightened awareness on the borders to block the coronavirus from slipping into the nation.
Officials told Secrets Wednesday that since January, 328 Chinese were “apprehended” and sent back across the border or repatriated consistent with existing policy and procedure. Another three from South Korea, where the virus is also spreading, were also caught.
Some 227 foreign nationals from other nations who tried to enter through legal border points from Feb. 2 through March 3 have been turned away due to the travel restriction ordered by the president and implemented by the Department of Homeland Security, officials said.
Senior administration officials said that the president’s three-year focus on the border, the new wall, and the policy of keeping illegal immigrants in Mexico while awaiting permission to enter the U.S., have gone a long way to keep the virus away, especially at the southern border.
But acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf on Tuesday raised concerns about a court challenge to the Migrant Protection Protocols policy of keeping migrants in Mexico, where the coronavirus has also landed.
“MPP has an uncertain future. We know from experience that the journey to the U.S. border puts migrants in poor conditions — and they often arrive with no passports, medical histories, or travel manifests. The administration will continue to closely monitor the virus globally, as well as in our hemisphere, and will adjust our proactive measures as necessary,” he said.
Added a senior administration official:
“We have a unique public health threat posed by individuals arriving unlawfully at the border. Any halting of MPP would exacerbate that threat.”
Who cares says the ACLU!
[Court:] “the MPP is causing extreme and irreversible harm to plaintiffs” (to the Chinese trying to get into the US).
Court Blocks Trump’s ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy Along Part Of The Border
A federal appeals court has decided to block the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” plan in two states along the U.S. border, following back-and-forth rulings over the program.
In its order late Wednesday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said that next week the administration will have to stop making asylum-seekers wait in Mexico for the U.S. to process their claims, but that the court ban applies only to areas in its jurisdiction, Arizona and California.
The decision comes less than a week after the appeals court briefly blocked the program, then quickly suspended that order.
On Wednesday, the court said it remains “very clear” that a lower court was correct in ruling that the Trump administration program — technically called the Migrant Protection Protocols, or MPP — may violate the law. “It is equally clear,” the court added, “that the MPP is causing extreme and irreversible harm to plaintiffs,” many of whom are asylum-seekers themselves.
Read about the twists and turns of the case in the court system. Then see here what the ACLU says.
“If the administration had any respect for the law or any sense of decency, it would end this program immediately,”Judy Rabinovitz,special counsel in the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, which has challenged the program, said in a statement released after the court order.
“We will continue working to permanently end this illegal and inhumane policy.”
The Tahirih Justice Center, another nonprofit group fighting the policy, expressed frustration at the limited scope of the court’s injunction.
Note to PayPal donors! I want to thank all of you who send me donations for my work via PayPal. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, PayPal is making changes to their terms of service and I’ve decided to opt-out beginning on March 10, 2020.