Poll: Only 24% of Americans Approve of How Biden/Harris Handling the Border Crisis

Uh-oh, is the bloom coming off the rose for the Biden Administration?

More importantly is Biden handling immigration so abysmally that his chances of getting any sort of comprehensive immigration reform (the holy grail for the Dems) diminishing with each photo of kids in cages.

Keep the photos coming!

Forget about the AP’s spin on the findings in their new poll, here at The Seattle Times, and look at the data they have dredged up.

Nothing funny about it. Border assignment could “complicate her political future.” https://www.politico.com/news/2021/03/29/kamala-harris-border-immigration-478435

Yes, Americans want the ‘children’ properly and safely cared for, but over-all they don’t support mass immigration.

I am assuming Harris, waiting in the wings to replace Chairman Joe when his health finally crashes completely, doesn’t want to be associated with Biden’s immigration mess and is thus hiding from their Ha! Ha! 81 million voters on the issue of border security.

Indeed what did their voters think they were getting.

AP-NORC poll: Border woes dent Biden approval on immigration


WASHINGTON (AP) — More Americans disapprove than approve of how President Joe Biden is handling the sharply increasing number of unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, and approval of his efforts on larger immigration policy falls short of other top issues — suggesting it could be a weak point for the new administration.

LOL! Don’t you just love the AP’s opening paragraph. No kidding!  A weak point!  Voters love Biden on everything  AP wants you to know, but maybe not so much on immigration!

Here is the data:


Of course we expect those polled will virtue signal and say the kids, actually mostly teenagers, should receive safe treatment. That is not the big news here.

See how the AP spins this graphic below while the real takeaway is this:

A majority 53% of Americans say it is a high priority to have a secure border with another 31% saying it is a moderate priority. 

Only 29% think that it’s a high priority to legalize those who came here illegally.



Read it all here.   

And, then see this…..

We demand to know if migrants will be placed in our towns!

While we are on the subject of polls, see the Washington Times report yesterday about a poll that shows that most Americans want notification, and an opportunity to say NO!, if illegal aliens will be moved by the feds into their communities.

Public wants veto over releasing illegal immigrants into communities: Poll

Americans overwhelmingly support giving communities a say in whether illegal immigrants will be released into their communities, according to new polling released Tuesday.

Nearly eight in 10 people said it was important “for authorities to inform and obtain elected community leaders’ approval before relocating migrants to communities across the country,” the survey found. Support for the idea was strong across all political ideologies.

Keep reading and see that 80% are also worried about the migrants bringing COVID in with them.

Even Biden/Harris’s own voters are increasingly unhappy with what they are seeing and just imagine how much higher the numbers would be if all of the mainstream media was honestly reporting on the border crisis.

Your assignment: continue to wrap the border crisis around the Dems necks, not just as a political tool, but because border security is essential to our very survival as a sovereign nation.

Let’s hope and pray it isn’t already too late.

Don’t Let Them Silence You about the Great Election Steal!

“Fraud data is like the world’s messiest crime scene.”

(Jay Valentine at American Thinker)


I’m glad there are some, like Valentine, willing to do the tedious work to solve the crime….

It would be a tragedy of immense proportions if the 2020 Election fraud is never fully investigated.

When I got up this morning, I knew I had a half a dozen dreadful violent crime stories along the lines of other recent posts, that I should post, but I just couldn’t do it.  They make me sick. They are mostly crimes of one race killing or attacking those of another race. See Gateway Pundit as an example.

It seems, at least to me, that those crimes are increasing as one race is being elevated above all others, and as a result of the pandemic fear (used to take away our freedoms) generated by power hungry politicians who have gained much more power through the great 2020 election steal.

It isn’t real power.  It is power gained through lies, immoral behavior and brazen fraud, and they know it.

So, rather than yet another outrageous and sickening murder story today, that does nothing other than make us more fearful, we should be focusing on never giving up on asserting that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen, and never giving up on proving it.  

Below writer Jay Valentine at American Thinker describes how some are not giving up and are using data to prove that there is no way Joe Biden and Kamala Harris legitimately received the highest number of votes in any Presidential election ever.

The big problem we have is who is going to spread the word on what the data investigators are finding when most of our media is doing everything possible to bury the facts and silence and demean anyone who brings forward proof.

Election Fraud Hotspots – 10% of the Data are 70% of the Fraud

The more our team looked at the 2020 election fraud from publicly available records, the more it appeared to have similar characteristics to property casualty insurance fraud.

Beginning in November, like many citizens, we witnessed election fraud possibilities any sentient person would investigate. Having backgrounds in fraud detection, particularly in the property casualty insurance business, Medicaid fraud, and cyber fraud, gave us a curiosity that never dissipated.

Our interest is 100% in data analysis. That means looking at the actual votes, the addresses, the information about ballots reported to Secretaries of State. While there are all kinds of other fraud, the best way to light it up is with data analysis.

Not just the statistical stuff with the graphs and Greek symbols, but old fashioned rows and columns. Nothing illegal, just the same public data Google uses to profile someone for new running shoes.

If Jesse Morgan did drive a tractor trailer truck with 100,000 ballots from New York to Pennsylvania, how can we find out? Chris Wray and our hardy pals at the FBI may not want to open that truck’s back door, but we do – with database analysis.

I took a few minutes to watch truck driver Morgan’s press conference in December, you might want to watch it too….

American Thinker continues….

They can hide the truck. They can claim it never happened. They cannot hide the record of the ballot.

Imagine yourself trying to fake 100,000 ballots. Even with some of your pals, lots of them, sitting around tables with pizza and Cokes and #2 pencils, it’s daunting. Every ballot needs to tie to an address. Each ties to a name. This is fraud infrastructure.

While you and your friends are filling out 100,000 ballots with Biden circles, do you think you took the time to use a different, real address for every one of them? Or, more likely, did you use a small group of addresses over and over? You get the picture.


Citizen election fraud investigators are coalescing across multiple states sharing information, fraud profiles and actual data. We are helping with fraud investigative expertise and search technology beyond anything commercially available.

Valentine’s thesis is that a small number of people, who knew each other are responsible for the fraud.

Our thesis is that 70% of all 2020 election fraud will be tied to 10% of the records. Like insurance fraud, election fraud has cultural affinities. It also has geographic patterns and links to a small number of people who deliver the overwhelming amount of fraud.

Cultural affinities?

We broke a major insurance fraud ring showing a group of Somali immigrants, living in the same building, driving the same car, had scammed a major insurance company. Sure they did, they knew each other. This happens all the time; the data show it.

He explains the type of thing they are learning….

Data visualization shows hotspots – like red wine stains on a white tablecloth.

Isn’t it interesting that 634 people with the same birthday, including the year, live at these seven addresses? Digging deeper, look, the address is not a physical location, it is a UPS store with mailboxes. That’s a crowded P.O. Box!

Look here, different family members live in different mailboxes with the same surname. The mailboxes are consecutive numbers, too! That’s so convenient for Thanksgiving dinner!

This is what industrial fraud starts to look like and there are plenty of data from December Secretary of State data files to prove this.

Of course, this is how they did it and there is much more.  Read it all.

And, above all, keep talking!  Send stories like this to your friends and family members! This isn’t about vindicating Donald Trump, it is about saving the country.

P.S. For those of you who don’t read RRW regularly, know that I have been doing a weekly round-up of refugee news.  See yesterday’s post here and see why the refugee contractors heads are exploding as Biden has not yet done their bidding.

Refugee News Round-up: First Week of April 2021

AP: No FBI Fingerprint Checks for those Caring for the Kids

Kamala is “not doing the border!” Tossing that hot potato is she?   https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kamala-harris-is-not-doing-the-border-top-aide-says/ar-BB1f0FQJ

The kids of course are the mostly teenaged males flooding the US southern border.

You know, the ones that are costing taxpayers $775 a day for their care!

Biden and Harris better get their acts together because even their ever- friendly media is circling in for a kill.

Not to mention the fact that the ‘humanitarians’ are in a tizzy!  After all, they ‘elected’ Chairman Joe and Queen Kamala.

Here is the Associated Press yesterday:

US waives FBI checks on caregivers at new migrant facilities

Of course it has a bunch of sob stories highlighted, but it is also baring some teeth!

HOUSTON (AP) — The Biden administration is not requiring FBI fingerprint background checks of caregivers at its rapidly expanding network of emergency sites to hold thousands of immigrant teenagers, alarming child welfare experts who say the waiver compromises safety.

In the rush to get children out of overcrowded and often unsuitable Border Patrol sites, President Joe Biden’s team is turning to a measure used by previous administrations: tent camps, convention centers and other huge facilities operated by private contractors and funded by U.S. Health and Human Services. In March alone, the Biden administration announced it will open eight new emergency sites across the Southwest adding 15,000 new beds, more than doubling the size of its existing system.


The Biden administration has 18,000 children and teenagers in its custody, a figure that has risen almost daily over the last several weeks.

These emergency sites don’t have to be licensed by state authorities or provide the same services as permanent HHS facilities. They also cost far more, an estimated $775 per child per day.”

$775 per child per day!  You can get a good nursing home for $300 a day.

And, if 18,000 are in custody that amounts to over $13 million a day from your wallets via the US Treasury (or borrowed from China!).

AP continues….

And to staff the sites quickly, the Biden administration has waived vetting procedures intended to protect minors from potential harm.


Child advocates say that rather than opening more unlicensed emergency facilities, the administration must speed up placing children with sponsors, especially the approximately 40% of youths in custody who have a parent in the country ready to take them.

HHS has tried to expedite processing of minors in recent weeks, allowing some youths to be placed with parents while fingerprint checks are pending and authorizing the use of government funds to pay for airfare when a child is released.

Much more here.

The AP includes a sob story about a mother who wants her 17-year-old sent to her in Virginia.  Of course, my first question is: why the heck did she leave him behind when she ‘made her way’ illegally into our country?

My second question is, how old is he really?  Seventeen is conveniently the top age for the ‘children.’

See my post in late February where I showed data from the Office of Refugee Resettlement that confirms that the vast majority of the little darlings are 15, 16, and 17-years-old (72 percent) and that 68% are males.

And, Biden admitted it here in his now infamous presser:

Biden’s UAC Border Problem Exploding as His Words Encourage More to Come


Think about it!  You are paying $775 a day to pay for food and shelter for what amounts to an invading army of young males.

Biden’s UAC Border Problem Exploding as His Words Encourage More to Come

CBS, in a story yesterday, works hard to make sure the Biden/Harris administration is not to blame for the crisis on the border parroting Biden saying that it is all Trump’s fault.

The Administration, says CBS, sees it as simply a “formidable logistical challenge that can be solved by expanding bed capacity for the young migrants.”

Worldwide media is abuzz! Photos show Chairman Joe had cue cards and this cheat sheet list of reporters he was clearly instructed to call upon and in a given order! https://www.ibtimes.sg/was-bidens-press-conference-scripted-cheat-sheet-circled-names-photos-reporters-goes-viral-56444

If you watched Biden’s scripted, but still rambling, presser yesterday maybe this jumped out at you as it did me.

Although often losing his train of thought and reading from cue cards, he admitted that the “children”  flooding our southern border are mostly teens.  And, what he didn’t say is that they are mostly males.

I wondered if the open borders propagandists gasped at that admission since they want you to think of little adorable toddlers, not male teenagers that resemble an invading army.

See my post in late February where I showed data from the Office of Refugee Resettlement that confirms that the vast majority of the little darlings are 15, 16, and 17-years-old (72 percent) and that 68% are males.***

I bet most of the supposed 17-year-olds are actually much older.

Oops! Biden Administration Faces Immigration Crisis


What happens when they age-out?

Everyone is fretting about where the mostly male teenagers will be housed right now, but my major concern is what happens to them as they are distributed across America and turn 18 next year or in the following year or two as few, if any, will be granted asylum.  

(I explained, here at RRW, that most have no legitimate claim to asylum and refugee status.)

Guess what!  They are not removed from the country!

Why are there never any questions about that?

Here is the CBS story (with no mention of Biden’s “mostly teenagers” slip-up) and as you read about these new facilities and the new 16,000 ‘children’ (nearly 12,000 of those are over 15-years-old) know that you are paying for all of this—both financially and as a society for years to come.

U.S. adding 16,000 emergency beds for record-high number of migrant children entering border custody

By repurposing convention centers, camps for oil workers and military bases, the Biden administration has launched an unprecedented effort to open more than 16,000 emergency beds for migrant children in response to historic numbers of unaccompanied minors entering U.S. border custody.

More than 16,500 unaccompanied migrant children were in federal custody as of early Wednesday. More than 11,500 of those children were being housed in shelters and emergency housing sites, while another 5,000 were stranded in overcrowded Border Patrol facilities, which the Biden administration has said are not appropriate for minors.

U.S. agents along the southern border are on track to apprehend more than 16,000 unaccompanied children in March, which would be an all-time high, according to an analysis of government records reviewed by CBS News. The previous record-high came in May 2019, when more than 11,000 unaccompanied minors entered U.S. custody along the southern border.

By the way, data at ORR shows that just over 15,000 were turned over to the agency in the Trump administration’s entire last year.

CBS continues….

To respond to the unprecedented spike in arrivals of migrant children traveling without parents or legal guardians, the U.S. government is on track to open at least nine emergency housing facilities within President Biden’s first three months in office. The Trump administration operated three influx housing facilities over four years, and only one of them is currently active.

Your tax dollars pay for it, but Texans gets the brunt of the invasion….

The facilities the Biden administration has opened or plans to open include two convention centers in Dallas and San Diego, as well as an arena in San Antonio. A camp for oil workers in Midland, Texas, has been converted into a makeshift shelter, while another in west Texas is set to start receiving children in April.

On Wednesday, an emergency housing installation for up to 500 children was erected near Carrizo Springs, Texas, where a Trump-era influx facility was reopened last month.

The Pentagon also announced late Wednesday it will allow HHS to use a dormitory at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio and land at Fort Bliss in west Texas to house migrant children. The Lackland facility will be able to house 350 children, while Fort Bliss has capacity for up to 5,000, the administration told Congress on Thursday.

Peterson Air Force base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is also being evaluated as a potential site to house migrant children, the Pentagon confirmed.

More here.

***In case you don’t want to bother going to the data at the Office of Refugee Resettlement here are a couple of tables showing the age and sex breakdown of the UACs in recent years.

We are now in FY21, but you can see that over time the data has been consistent and I expect it to be roughly the same this year.

LA Race War: Hispanic Gang Member Sentenced in 2014 Fire Bombing

“The defendants in this case perpetrated hate crimes that targeted innocent victims in their homes simply because of their skin color.”

(Acting Central California U.S. Attorney Tracy L. Wilkison)


In a recent post I highlighted an interview by Los Angeles radio personality Jesse Lee Peterson of a Washington DC libertarian lobbyist, Alex Nowrasteh,  in which Peterson told the open borders pusher that illegal aliens from south of the border attacked and made life miserable for American inner city blacks.

Peterson says illegal aliens are “destroying black communities” while Nowrasteh says race relations between “new Americans” and blacks are going well. 

For years I have been hearing about how ‘new Americans’ of all stripes were making life harder for struggling blacks as the immigrants and refugees pushed their way into traditional African American neighborhoods.

Here is corroboration of Peterson’s allegations that Nowrasteh didn’t want to believe.

After all, everyone knows that minority groups naturally love each other in the great American (mythical) melting pot, right?

From Courthouse News Service (hat tip: Cristina):

LA Gang Member Gets 16 Years for Firebombing Black Homes


(CN) — Carlos Hernandez, ranking member of the Big Hazard street gang, was sentenced Tuesday morning to 192 months in federal prison for his role in orchestrating the 2014 firebomb attacks in Los Angeles that targeted African American families.

Hernandez, 36, also known as “Rider” and “Creeper,” was sentenced nearly seven years after he and several other Big Hazard gang members arranged a plan to firebomb several apartments at the Ramona Gardens housing complex in Boyle Heights with the intent to target African Americans and force them from their homes in the dead of night.



According to court documents, Hernandez led a team of seven gang members on May 11, 2014 – Mother’s Day – to the housing complex in the middle of the night to attack four separate apartments, three of which were occupied by African Americans. After Hernandez divided the gang members into groups and armed them with lighters and hammers, as well as arming himself with a semiautomatic handgun, the gang threw lit Molotov cocktails into the occupied apartments.

In one of the attacks, a mother with a sleeping infant on her chest only just missed being hit directly by one of the explosives after she rolled onto the floor upon hearing the window shatter.

“The defendant planned, coordinated, and led these racially-motivated attacks that targeted vulnerable families, including grandparents and infants, while they were sleeping peacefully in their own homes,” Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Pamela S. Karlan of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said in a statement.

Well-planned attack

Law enforcement officials determined that this plan was by no means a random assault. Hernandez made sure that all of his members were masked to conceal their identities and had all ditched their cell phones prior to the attack to avoid being tracked. The group even traveled to the L.A. complex using a preplanned route that kept them clear of surveillance cameras.

Hernandez managed to cover the group’s tracks so well that the case went unsolved for two years following the firebombing before law enforcement managed to determine who was behind it. Once caught, all of the gang members in the case admitted to police that they went out of their way to specifically attack African American families and wanted them to move away from the complex, which receives federal funding.


Acting Central California U.S. Attorney Tracy L. Wilkison said the sentence should serve as a reminder that the federal government will continue to prioritize bringing to justice those who would engage in these kinds of violent and racist acts.

“The defendants in this case perpetrated hate crimes that targeted innocent victims in their homes simply because of their skin color,” Wilkison said. “These despicable acts are simply unacceptable in our society.

More here.

And, see that later in 2014, the feds busted the Big Hazard gang.  The UK Daily Mail covered the story.