Dallas District Attorney Going for Death Penalty in Serial Murder Case

This is an update for a story the national media is avoiding for reasons I explained here yesterday.
Billy Chemirmir, an illegal alien from Kenya, will face the death penalty in the “heinous” murders of over a dozen vulnerable senior citizens whose families thought they were safe and well-cared-for in their assisted living homes. [There are 19 cases believed to be tied to Chemirmir but not all have been charged.—ed]

Kenyan chemirmir
Think about it! If Chemirmir had been deported to his village in Kenya after his first run-ins with the law, these beloved mothers and grandmothers would not have suffered.

The Dallas Morning News is following the case closely as well as a few local news outlets, but major media is shockingly silent considering Billy could end up being the most prolific serial killer in Texas history!
Where are you New York Times? Where are you Washington Post? Where are you CNN? And, where are the defenders of women’s rights (only one of the victims is a man)?

Dallas DA seeks death penalty against serial killer suspect Billy Chemirmir

Dallas County prosecutors will seek the death penalty against Billy Chemirmir, a capital murder suspect accused of smothering more than a dozen elderly women in North Texas senior living complexes.
District Attorney John Creuzot’s office filed paperwork Tuesday seeking capital punishment in the suspected serial killer’s case, according to Dallas County court records.
Capital murder in Texas carries either an automatic sentence of life in prison without parole or the death penalty. Prosecutors reserve the death penalty for crimes deemed especially heinous.
Chemirmir, 46, is accused of posing as a maintenance worker to gain access to the apartments of women in Dallas and Collin counties. Police say he then smothered the women with a pillow before stealing their jewelry to sell online or pawn.
Many of those deaths were initially listed as natural causes. It is difficult to tell if someone was smothered unless there is other suspicion of foul play. After Chemirmir was arrested in March 2018, however, police began looking at older deaths to identify potential victims.
Chemirmir was charged with capital murder in Harris’ death and the attempted murder of the two other women.
At that time, police announced they were investigating hundreds of other deaths to see if there were links to Chemirmir.
“We’re going to make every attempt to identify all the victims in the communities across the metroplex and fully investigate this case,” Plano police Chief Gregory Rushin said at a 2018 news conference. “This is terribly disturbing.”

Law enforcement is calling people all over the country to alert them to the possibility that mom didn’t die peacefully!

In the months since, families around the country have gotten calls from law enforcement, saying their loved ones might not have died peacefully in their sleep as they previously believed. Instead, police told them, they may have been victims of a serial killer.

More here.
And, do not miss the time line of the murders that police have investigated so far.  In one month—March 2018 (the month of his arrest)—Chemirmir allegedly killed four times (at least!).
He was caught because he got sloppy and failed to finish the job—one tough old lady lived to inform the police.
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Justice for Seniors!

Help spread this news since the PC media won’t!
Endnote:  I have a tag specifically for Billy Chemirmir because someone needs to write a book—the case is a classic one!  The African illegal alien should not have been here.  Police missed clues in a sanctuary city. Apparently greedy assisted living homes feared they would lose ‘customers.’ The women were all old and white (except for Harris who was Vietnamese).
And, last but not least, because immigration is fast becoming the most critical issue facing America with the 2020 Presidential race around the corner this case represents all that is wrong with our immigration system and with the MEDIA!

Catholic Bishops Bemoan Possible Further Slowdown of Refugee Admissions

Of course they do!  If the President reduces the number of refugees permitted to enter the US through the US Refugee Admissions Program they will take a huge hit to their pocketbook.

pope welcoming migrants
Fine and dandy, but do it with private charity, not taxpayer dollars!

(Except of course that they will still receive millions of dollars annually for ‘caring’ for the Unaccompanied Alien Children swarming across our border.)
I told you a few days ago that rumors were being spread among the federal refugee contractors that the President in his annual determination due for submission in September is contemplating a big fat goose egg for the number of refugees to be welcomed to your towns and cities in FY2020.
This story at Catholic News Network is meant to gin-up Leftwing Catholics to complain to the White House and Congress about Trump.

US bishops say reported shutdown of refugee program is ‘disturbing’


Washington D.C., Jul 22, 2019 / 01:01 pm (CNA).- If reports of major cuts to the U.S. refugee resettlement and asylum programs are true they are alarming, the chair of the US bishops’ migration committee said Friday.

Bishop Vasquez
Bishop Vasquez of Austin: We want 95,000 paying clients in 2020!

Politico has reported that officials in the Trump administration were considering cutting the annual refugee cap next year to zero, or to greatly reduced numbers such as 10,000 or 3,000. This represents the total number of refugees that would be allowed into the United States in the next fiscal year.
“This recent report, if true, is disturbing and against the principles we have as a nation and a people, and has the potential to end the refugee resettlement program entirely,” Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin said July 19..
The reports were leaked to Politico from three individuals close to recent meetings of security officials.
“As Pope Francis has said we must work for ‘globalization of solidarity’ with refugees, not a globalization of indifference. Rather than ending the program, we should work instead to restore the program to its historic norms of an annual resettlement goal of 95,000,” Vasquez concluded.

More here.  And, go here for Vasquez’s full statement as chair of the Migration Committee for the USCCB.

The Bishops will lose MILLIONS of dollars in income!

Conspicuously absent from either of those reports is any mention of the USCCB’s boodle from the feds (well, from you the US taxpayers).
So I went to see what I could find about how much the Bishop’s Migration Fund is being paid to place refugees in your towns and found this report about their funding in 2017.
Previously the Bishops had a very slick annual report (here in 2014) on their Migration Fund, but now they have their federal bucks buried in a larger financial statement.  See it here.
This is a screenshot showing the millions you gave (involuntarily) to their refugee business income. Again, this is just their refugee pile of money, and does not include millions more in federal funding this ‘Christian charity’ gets from the government.

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95% of the Bishops’ refugee resettlement program is funded by you (involuntarily)!


Tell the President to cut refugee numbers and get rid of the contractors who spend much of their time badmouthing the Prez while sucking off the federal teat!

This post is filed in my Charity fraud category.

Trump Administration Officials: Refugee Admissions for FY2020 Could be Zero

“Refugee backers….worry that the doomsday scenario — taking numbers down to zero — could debilitate the resettlement program for years to come.”


I had planned to immediately this morning jump on the Rep. Ilhan Omar (Somali refugee) marriage scam story, but need to tell you about this breaking news first.

cws parade
Church World Service which receives millions in federal grants and contracts to place refugees in your towns and cities is crying the blues…..

A little background….
Every year at this time various administration agencies and the federal resettlement contractors (also called incorrectly ‘charities’) get together to plan for the coming fiscal year and how many refugees should be admitted and from where.
The State Department then in conjunction with the White House prepares the Presidential Determination that is sent to Congress in September for consultation with various committees.  However, it is the President who has the power under the Refugee Act of 1980 to set the CEILING for the coming year.
One step in the process that has now been missing for years is the “scoping meeting” which for many many years was held in May or June and it was an opportunity for the public to weigh in with views on the scope of the program.  Longtime readers of Refugee Resettlement Watch may recall that for a number of years during the Obama Administration those of us with concerns about the program swamped them with comments.
That opportunity for public comment was dropped and the Trump Administration has never revived it.  
So here we are again the annual squabble over numbers of refugees for the coming fiscal year has begun (FY20 begins on October 1, 2019).  Previously I saw that the nine federal contractors (Church World Service is one of the nine) who are paid to place the refugees are again pushing for 75,000.
Not happy with what they learned last week from the Trump team, they have leaked to Politico and surely other news outlets to vent and to stir up their minions to put pressure on Congress and the White House so they can continue to be paid to change America by changing the people.

And, get this! Heritage Foundation is on the side of more refugees rather than less!

Continue reading “Trump Administration Officials: Refugee Admissions for FY2020 Could be Zero”

Amazon Workers' Strike is a Kind of Poetic Justice

Surely you’ve heard that, as Amazon launches its Prime Day sales, disgruntled warehouse workers in places like Minnesota, where large numbers of Somalis are employed, have organized a strike.

Bezos’ Somali workforce is not happy….

Remember readers that it isn’t just the ‘humanitarians’ pushing for Open Borders and more migration but it is BIG businesses, like Amazon owned by uber-wealthy Leftists  like Jeff Bezos  (who also owns the Washington Post), who are hurting American workers by driving the more-immigration debate.
Just so you know who is supporting those strikes, here is a bit from an opinion piece at NBC News:

“Their campaign has been boosted by politicians — including Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., a Somali American and the first Muslim woman in Congress, as well as Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. — who see Amazon’s empire as emblematic of the country’s abysmal inequality. But the Shakopee workers draw most of their support from the grassroots, organizing with the immigrant advocacy group Awood Center with support from theMinnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Service Employees International Union.”

If you haven’t gotten enthused about the 2020 Elections, its time you do because imagine if any of this bunch comes into control of the White House.
And, by the way, the more they squabble among themselves on the political Left the better!  So help them squabble whenever and wherever you can!

A Vital Resource for Patriots: The Red-Green Axis 2.0

I’ve been meaning to tell you that you must get James Simpson’s new book anyway, but in light of the mysterious disappearance*** of Refugee Resettlement Watch it is even more important.
red green axis 2 book cover
Simpson’s slim volume is a comprehensive look at the immigration crisis and the agenda behind it. It is full of facts and figures and goes beyond anything I had published about the federal contractors and other ‘charitable’ groups helping drive the agenda; and it is all in one place!
Get the book (they aren’t confiscating books yet!) and a yellow hi-lighter and go through it as if it was a text book.

Then use what you learn to become an activist for America First where you live!

It is no use to simply acquire knowledge, shake your head, and then do nothing!
Go here and get your copy!  And, then find an active role for yourself!
*** Still no response from WordPress as of this morning!