It is your classic not-in-my-backyard case where the mostly Democrats who control the Washington DC government and its bedroom communities in Northern Virginia (some of the wealthiest counties in American) are in a furor because the Trump Administration has dared to propose child migrant centers in THEIR communities.
Monica Showhalter writing at the American Thinkertells us all about it,
Rich part of Washington, D.C. goes tooth-and-claw to prevent new child-migrant shelter in its neighborhood
First she tells us what the Washington Post said on Friday about the actions of the local elites.
MANY AMERICANS are rightly outraged by the Trump administration’s treatment of migrant children, who have been separated from parents and ill-treated by authorities. Democrats have been understandably eager to distance themselves from such policies — a stance that can result in knee-jerk opposition even to sensible practices in effect during the Obama administration.
DC Mayor Bowser in pink pussy hat protesting the President
That might explain the nearly uniform outcry from Washington-area politicians incensed at federal plans to build new shelters for migrant children in Northern Virginia and the District .
The shelters, state-licensed and similar to scores across the county in operation since before President Trump took office, would help move migrant children out of squalid, cramped Border Patrol stations near the U.S.-Mexico border. They would provide a way station for unaccompanied minors while federal officials seek to place them with U.S.-based relatives or foster families.
But local politicians, nearly all Democrats, have balked at cooperating with federal authorities on any immigration matter. They have denounced the proposed new shelters with objections that smack of NIMBYism masquerading as humane concern for children.This month, the administration of D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) enacted emergency rules that blocked a planned federal shelter.
The Washington Post is saying that (LOL! not VDARE!).
Showalter goes on. Here are a few snips. I’ve left out her descriptions of some horrible murder cases in the area, so be sure to visit American Thinker for the whole piece.
Actually, the area has been plagued by some of these child migrants, getting its name in the news more than once for its gruesome murders.
MS-13 Recruits the ‘children.’
It’s indisputable that bringing in more unvetted migrants mean there are going to be more of these killings going on, something that might just affect property values and the quality of life in this tony district.
So many gruesome crimes? Gangs increasing? Recruitment younger and younger? Child migrants here alone looking for some “family”? Gangs know child decapitators won’t get punished? With that sort of thing going on, you can bet the migrant center is going to be a bonanza for gang recruitment and a new wave of gruesome crimes.
Funny how these asylum seekers always seem to end up in U.S. areas where those gangs they’re supposedly fleeing are right there waiting for them.
The migrant community that rich Washington D.C. has encouraged for its cheap gardeners and maids — and “can’t live without” — as the Daily Beast says, has always been insulated from the real problems of allowing all unvetted comers into the country.Well, now the place for the child migrant shelter is being rightly placed in an affluent part of Washington so they can live with the consequences of their choices, too.
It sounds like President Trump or whoever he’s got on the federal side trying to build this shelter is combining proximity to the Salvadoran illegal immigrant community – Washington’s largest – with a little taste of the medicine these liberals would like to inflict on the border regions and poorer parts of the country.
I can’t think of a better place to put that shelter. Let them live with the result of their own hypocrisy.
When you hear the mainstream media use the phrase “unaccompanied children” coming across our southern border, don’t be fooled!
The vast majority of the “children” are teenage boys (in FY18, 85% were teens with 71% being males).
They are being distributed to “sponsors” in all fifty states. Here come the “children!”
According to data maintained by the Office of Refugee Resettlement over 30,000 were spread out across the country in the first six months of Fiscal Year 2019 alone. Five states got the lion’s share.
We are thus on target to surpass the numbers seen in several Obama years. Continue reading “Maryland in Top Five States Receiving Unaccompanied Alien Teenagers”→
The fleeing family sign has a whole new meaning these days!
With all the consternation surrounding the issue of illegal aliens entering the US with a child in tow and claiming the child is the alien’s child, why aren’t we using this quick DNA test?
The Leftists love science, they should love this quick and easy method of sorting out the children and keeping them safe from gang members and human traffickers! Right!
So why isn’t Homeland Security at the border and the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is responsible for connecting unaccompanied children with their parents, using DNA testing? Seems it is a no-brainer. Continue reading “At the Southern Border, We Could Be Catching the Liars on-the-Spot!”→
In my previous postI told you about the large percentage of “children” in federal custody who are purportedly under 18 years of age. This is a companion piece because the dilemma is this—how do you know if the “child” is being truthful about his or her age? Apparently we call in dental experts to provide forensic X-rays—a practice which has the Left in hissy-fits. Finding medical ‘experts’ with a bias to criticize the practice is probably not too difficult. How old is the unaccompanied alien “child?” Don’t we have a right to know!
When you read this story, I want you to notice the use of a common tactic employed by the Left in political battles. It is something Saul Alinsky taught. Alinsky said people hurt more quickly than institutions so instead of only going after government bureaucrats and elected officials, here they go after dentists in a personal way suggesting that any dentist who would use x-rays for this purpose is somehow immoral (even suggesting a parallel to medical experiments by he-who-shall-not-be- named).
From STAT(If you don’t know STAT, I didn’t,here is a bit about the publication):
The unethical behavior of forensic dentists at our southern border
Parents who entrust the care of their children to doctors and dentists do so based on the belief that these professionals will act in the best interest of their children. A profound breach of that trust occurs when those professionals not only violate the “do no harm” maxim they pledged when taking the Hippocratic oath, but do so through the misuse of the licenses and privileges they’ve been granted in exchange for our trust. That’s happening right now on our southern border.
When immigration authorities believe that an individual who has crossed the border claims to be a child but might be over the age of 18, they call in forensic dentists to take panoramic X-rays. The dentists do this not to identify dental maladies or make sure they can provide appropriate dental treatment — which would be appropriate uses of X-rays — but because they claim they can identify an individual’s age with an extraordinary degree of precision from his or her X-rays.
All children ostensibly receive some dental care while in custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Yet only two groups are X-rayed: those with obvious dental issues and those whose age is in question. Author: Nancy Neveloff Dubler plays the morality card
The need for precision is essential to this task. The “calculation” that someone is 17 and 364 days old as opposed to being 18 and one day old has enormous consequences. Detained immigrants under age 18 are sent to shelters operated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement or sometimes released into the custody of relatives. Those who are 18 or older are sent to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement adult detention centers, which are essentially prisons.
Whether an individual is a minor when he or she crosses the border also carries consequences down the line related to his or her ultimate ability to obtain asylum and lawfully remain in the United States. Improper age determination may also cause a child to unnecessarily lose status as what the Office of Refugee Resettlement calls an unaccompanied alien child and the legal protections that come with that status, such as a non-adversarial asylum interview and release to an eligible sponsor. Co-author Brendan Parent, ethics ‘expert’ and lawyer attacks dentists
Given the consequences, it isn’t surprising that immigration authorities have an interest in making claims about the ages of young immigrants. That they have turned to forensic dentistry to do so is deeply troubling and ethically impermissible.
The absence of scientific support for these actions is troubling. What is shocking is the willingness of dentists to do harm at the behest of the state purely to serve the political/legal goal of defeating children’s rights.
[….] Instigating a medical procedure for the purpose of depriving a child of the right to be treated as a child — or for the purpose of facilitating and permitting imprisonment — is absolutely prohibited by the ethics of medicine, not to mention by the notions of fairness and decency.
More here.
Where is the “fairness and decency” from the authors! Ethics experts, my foot!
The hypocrisy of the Left has no bounds, one commenter asked: Didn’t abortion doctors sign an oath to do no harm? And, I would argue that all those money-grubbing pill-pushing pain doctors I’ve been writing about did the same.
I wonder have Dubler and Parent, the authors of this screed, written similar words about abortionists or Nigerian pill-pushers?
By the way, the issue of lying youths is a problem all over the world and governments are attempting to find the best scientific methods to age the aliens streaming across borders in Europe and elsewhere.
Hey, and I thought the Left loved science! Science uber alles, right!
What can you do? Pay attention to tactics used by the Left and call them out whenever you can. One way to do that is by commenting at ‘news’ stories that allow comment, or write a letter to the editor when you see Alinsky tactics being used. Make fun of the writer for using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals because LOL! Alinsky says the most powerful political weapon is humor! Use it!
This is a story from UPI last week that has been languishing in my posting queue.
It’s a longish story, but worth reading if you want to know more about life (the good life) in a shelter for the “children” who have come across our border illegally and unaccompanied.
Here come the Unaccompanied Alien Children!
I’m only going to bring your attention to a couple of points, one that made me laugh, the other that should infuriate you as it did me!
The point that makes me laugh is this!
The Office of Refugee Resettlement shelter (never mind that they are not refugees!) houses up to 1,600 youths older than 13. However, in almost every paragraph (there are 53 paragraphs!) in the story the teens are referred to as “children.” In fact, the word “child” or “children” is used a whopping 63 times (twice in some paragraphs) while the word “teen” or “teenager” is never used, not even once!
Just that one little linguistic trick is meant to direct your thinking so that you imagine hundreds of little children missing mommy and daddy and crying themselves to sleep each night.
And it infuriates me to read that 670 of the “children” are 17 and older and as they age-out at 18, a big hunt begins to find them “sponsors” to take charge of them so that they aren’t turned over to ICE.
Here are the opening paragraphs of theUPI story,
Feb. 13 (UPI) — A month after federal officials removed the last child from a facility in Texas, 1,600 unaccompanied migrant children are being housed at a so-called temporary emergency shelter in Florida.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services invited UPI and other media on Wednesday to tour the facility in Homestead, Fla., which is located in a former Job Corps facility near the Homestead Air Reserve Base. It is used as a shelter for what HHS calls “unaccompanied alien children,” or UAC — migrants between the ages of 13 and 17 who have no lawful immigration status and no legal guardians able to provide care in the United States.
Since March 2018 more than 6,000 children have been placed at the site and about 4,450 have been discharged to what the department considers suitable sponsors — generally a parent or some other relative — in the United States, according to HHS.
At the time of UPI’s visit, 1,575 children were being sheltered at the facility — 1,143 males and 432 females.
Now check this out! 43% of the “children” are between 17 and 18 years old! (Or, they could be older, see my next post!)
The south campus houses 905 children between the ages of 13 and 16, including 634 males and 271 females, while all 17-year-olds at the facility live on the north campus, which houses 509 males and 161 females.
In case you wondered what happens when the “children” turn 18:
Three months before a “child” turns 18, the sponsor hunt begins in earnest.
Children who turn 18 while in custody at a shelter are considered undocumented immigrants and are released to authorities, Weber said.
There were 21 such cases at the Homestead facility last month and 90 in the past year, the Homestead program coordinator said. A team of case managers at the facility focuses on finding sponsors for children within three months of their 18th birthday and the program coordinator receives daily reports regarding their status in the two weeks before those children turn 18.
Remember, YOU are paying for all of this! And, more are on the way! You MUST scream at your elected officials—‘Enough is enough!’—and do it at every opportunity! Today, you might tell the President (again!) by going to the White House comment page and voicing your opinion.