Getting Ready for the New School Year? Then Prepare for Hating Haters Indoctrination

Maybe it might best be described as Hating Trump Voters 101.

I’m not spending a lot of time on this, too much backed up in my posting queue, but I just saw this Opinion piece at the Philadelphia Inquirer that tells us to see the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s “Hate at School” report. (I’m betting there is nothing in it about how to treat even Trump supporters with respect.)

Do your kids have the “emotional intelligence” to be ready for the 2020 Presidential election? Indeed are they ready to confront “racism, sexism, and heteronormativity” this year?

If not, may I suggest home schooling!

To confront the 2020 election cycle, we need emotional intelligence in schools | Opinion

In the history classes I teach, I begin with a digital dialogue called “What Gives Us Pause.” Before we begin formal instruction, I invite students to share with each other the social and political currents that worry them most, or make them most hopeful for the future. This dialogue unleashes a flood of student voices.

brendon jobs photo for interview
Author Brendon Jobs a “teacher leader.”

Every year, students name wars that tear nations apart, gentrification that disrupts the fabric of urban communities, environmental crises, and hate and prejudice. I expect them to talk about the most recent incidents of mass shootings and gun violence right here in Philadelphia. Very quickly, this bonds the classroom in ways that prepare us to support and hold each other accountable, and name patterns of behavior we witness — in the news cycle, on social media, and in our own lived experiences — as the year unfolds.

When I began teaching in 2007, the first years felt sterile. I was discouraged from getting too political or confronting social power structures like racism, patriarchy, or class. I was trained to believe that teachers had to create “safe spaces” that were apolitical and socially neutral. We celebrated civil rights victories but did not discuss the dark legacy of slavery. We didn’t talk about the environment. Textbook-driven instruction drove my practice at the expense of student voices and authentic connections with each other.

Grrrrr!  “Student voices!” “Authentic connections!”  But, did they learn anything about the Revolutionary War or the Civil War?

I digress…. after a recent visit to the Antietam Battlefield, a friend whispered a question—what about all the northern white families who lost their husbands, fathers and sons fighting to free the slaves, don’t they deserve reparations?

Jobs goes on….

Too often, public conversations stop at simply naming transgressions: identifying something as hurtful or difficult and then moving on. In other cases, policy-driven mandates aiming to keep discourse respectful — like bans on the use of specific words, music, readings, or opinions — leave little room for gray areas. School communities, on the other hand, can model practical responses to and discussions of these moments that young people can use their entire lives, including when confronting racism, sexism, and heteronormativity. [You can bet any students who support our President will never emote in Jobs’ classes!—-ed]


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The SPLC calls it the “Trump Effect” (LOL! note the obligatory dark cover of the report!)

The stakes feel high. The special report “Hate at School”by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance project showed a sharp increase in hate and bias in schools since the 2016 election.

Thankfully, the “Hate at School” report offers many entry points for engaging students, educators, and families in inquiry around how to notice, name, and combat acts of bias and hatred on an ongoing basis — not only when individual moments grow large and public. This defines the work that educators across the nation prepare to engage as school resumes, just over a year out from the 2020 election. [It is all about 2020 to the Progressives.—ed]

There is much more (if you can stomach it!).

Are you looking for a project?  Even if your kids are grown, how about looking into what is being taught in your local schools?

My post over the weekend about Michigan teachers being indoctrinated with incomplete information about Islam, see it here, was a huge success on social media.

Fascinating that the beat goes on at the Southern Poverty Law Center. You might think the media (and people like Jobs) would hesitate for a few minutes about using the work of the hypocrites at the SPLC after the incredible airing of their dirty (racist!) linen earlier last spring.

See my complete archive on the SPLC by clicking here.

CAIR Settles with Victims in Virginia Fraud Case

This is news you aren’t going to see on cable TV or in the mainstream media.  After a decade of legal wrangling, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was finally facing a jury trial (to begin in September) in a case that alleged they had hired a phony lawyer to help clients with their immigration status among other legal matters.
A prospect of a public trial likely pushed the Muslim ‘rights’ organization to quietly settle the case in favor of the victims and their attorneys.
From the American Freedom Law Center (hat tip: Joanne),

CAIR Settles with Fraud Victims After Two Adverse Court Decisions


Washington, D.C. (June 4, 2019) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has settled a case originally filed 11 years ago in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The lawsuit against CAIR was brought by the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) on behalf of five victims of a massive fraud perpetrated by a CAIR lawyer, Morris Days.

David Y
AFLC Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi is a favorite target of the Southern Poverty Law Center which works closely with CAIR.

CAIR’s decision to finally settle the case came only after two very adverse court decisions. The first decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia reversed an earlier dismissal of the lawsuit brought by AFLC Co-Founders and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi and Robert J. Muise. The Court of Appeals’ decision, the second appeal in this long-standing case that had included allegations of criminal racketeering by CAIR, mandated that the federal district court permit the case to go to a jury trial, set for September 2019.
The second court decision was by the trial court which refused to dismiss the consumer fraud statute count, which meant that AFLC’s clients would receive attorney’s fees irrespective of the amount the jury awarded as long as the jury found CAIR liable. Given the aggressively fought litigation over the past decade, CAIR was looking at a possible judgment approaching one million dollars just for attorney’s fees.
It is thus no surprise that at a mediation conducted in the U.S. District Court in D.C. by U.S. Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey in late May, CAIR agreed to a settlement. As is often the case, the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement are confidential, but the plaintiffs’ lead lawyer, David Yerushalmi, remarked:

“Our clients are extremely happy with the settlement and, in fact, they are so happy, they have authorized me to declare publicly that they have no problem disclosing all of the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement if CAIR agrees. It is unlikely CAIR would agree, of course, because it is unlikely CAIR wants the public to learn the terms of the settlement.”

The lawsuit began after CAIR hired for its Virginia offices a fake lawyer, Morris Days, who defrauded dozens if not hundreds of CAIR clients. Once the fraud began to unravel, CAIR engaged in a massive cover-up, closing down the Virginia offices, firing the lawyer, and claiming to the CAIR victims that Days was not actually a CAIR lawyer. As alleged, CAIR knew of this fraud and purposefully conspired with Days to keep the CAIR clients from discovering that their legal matters were being mishandled or not handled at all.

More details here.

This is the kind of news you need to get around to your social networks (assuming you haven’t been given the boot from facebook and twitter yet!) because otherwise this good news favoring the little guy will be lost. 

CAIR's 2019 Funding "Islamophobia" Report is Worth a Look

Screenshot (973)Released this week, the Council on American Islamic Relations report contends that over a thousand foundations (listed in the appendix) fund a vast array of organizations who hate Muslims (they say).
Of course my first thought was, well who funded this report endorsed by the disgraced Southern Poverty Law Center and who funds CAIR?
And, my second thought was that if there is so much money sloshing around in the “Islamophobia Network,” why haven’t I seen any of it?
I know a lot of citizen volunteers/writers working on educating America about political Islam who work for zip, zero, nada!
Hey, rich foundations! I am over here! (Donation button in right hand side bar!)
Thanks to a reader for sending me the news.
Continue reading “CAIR's 2019 Funding "Islamophobia" Report is Worth a Look”

On the Southern Poverty Law Center, Too Late for Tina, Send in the IRS

“The question isn’t what went wrong at the SPLC; it is why it took so long for the rest of the country to learn what local reporters already knew.”

(Jim Tharpe, former managing editor of the Montgomery Advertiser)

SPLC exposedThe problems at the Southern Poverty Law Center could be bigger than discomfort by staff about racism and sexism in the internal office culture says the former managing editor of the Montgomery Advertiser who penned an op-ed in the Washington Post last week entitled,

Something strange is going on at this civil rights institution. It must be investigated.

Editor:  It is important that all of you, all fair-minded people! especially those who have been targets of the SPLC’s infamous hate lists, keep all of the unfolding news about the SPLC ‘s frauds in the public eye.  Tina is Tina Tchen Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff brought in by the board to help clean up the mess. She will be working to downplay information like this!
Continue reading “On the Southern Poverty Law Center, Too Late for Tina, Send in the IRS”

Soros Wanted to Document Hate Crimes in Wake of Trump's Election

So he funded the earliest version of a “hate crime” database, but according to Richard Tofel, the president of ProPublica, a founding partner and a recipient of the largess of  Soros foundation grants, the database is not an effort to collect statistical data, but instead they are simply “soliciting people’s stories.”

George Soros is out to get President Trump!

Those “stories” are then made available to leading media outlets where reporters can then supposedly sift through the “stories” and weed out the hoaxes from the legitimate cases.
But, Soros and media pals sure missed the boat on the Jussie Smollett hoax!
How many more of the “stories” collected by the project known as “Documenting Hate” are hoaxes as well?
Continue reading “Soros Wanted to Document Hate Crimes in Wake of Trump's Election”