It is all over the news today and I plan to write about it at Refugee Resettlement Watchshortly. But, here is just one of many stories on the ban expected to be announced on Monday, this one at the New York Post.
The Trump Administration must have credible concerns about criminals and possibly terrorists entering the US from the new countries being proposed.
Coincidentally I just saw this Youtube video (h/t: Bob), below, and ask you to make sure your friends and family members know what is already happening to America as we move the African continent to your home towns.
No, this is not somewhere else in the world—This is Minnesota!
***Update*** Here is my new post at RRWabout the possible new travel restriction list.
That sentiment that got the Open Borders pushers undies in a wad, is a sentiment expressed from time to time over the years at Refugee Resettlement Watchespecially as it relates to Somalia.
Why indeed aren’t the well-educated (on the US taxpayer’s dime) and know-it-all Somalis in America going back and doing anything for Somalia and their fellow Africans? The controversy surrounding Trump’s remarks and Omar’s own in-your-face style have gone a long way to educate Americans about Somalis in the US. Keep her talking! The excuse now of course is the terrorism there thanks to Al-Shabaab, but long before the Islamic terrorists Somalis couldn’t govern themselves because clans squabbled among themselves and corruption was rampant.
The United Nations is finding out the hard way that few want to go to that mess of a country as they try to repatriate Somalis from their huge camp, Dadaab. Periodically the Kenyan government threatens to close it because they say it is a hot bed for terrorist organizing and recruiting. (The US State Department plucked Socialist Rep. Ilhan Omar from Dadaab.)
I’m posting this storyto show that Western nations no longer have much interest in ‘welcoming’ Somali refugees to their countries—are they just too much trouble?
UN: Fewer refugees willing to leave Dadaab for Somalia
Insecurity in Somalia is diminishing the numbers of refugees willing to return home from the Dadaab camps in Kenya, the United Nations said recently. Over 200,000, mostly Somalis, live at Dadaab
A total of 84,230 Somalis have taken part in the UN’s voluntary return programme since its inception five years ago. So far this year, fewer than 1400 have gone back to Somalia under UN auspices.
The Dadaab head count stood at 210,472 at the end of June. That represents a decline of only 84 persons over the past three months.
This is the part I wanted you to see! Of course up until the Trump presidency we had admitted over 140,000 Somalis to America as refugees. A vast number of those came to us from this UN camp. That number doesn’t include all of the other ways Somalis ‘found their way’ here.
Canada and Sweden will take the most this year from Dadaab!
The quota for transfer of Dadaab residents to other countries stands at 975 individuals for all of 2019. Canada is set to receive the largest share of Somali refugees (350), followed by Sweden (300), Australia (200), United Kingdom (75) and the United States (50).
There is thus little chance that the Dadaab complex will soon be emptied of refugees — unless they are forced to leave. But the Kenyan government has pledged to respect the rights of refugees, including safeguards against involuntary repatriation.
More here.
See my previous posts on Dadaab here, and don’t miss the story on UN corruption there. New American Ilhan Omar posts are here.
Surely you have all seen this news, but as I started to pull my round-up together for last week (yes, I am late!), I realized I need to post this more prominently even if most of you have seen the latest installment of Ilhan’s exciting life. And, I am posting it because she casually mentions that she followed Muslim law when she married hubby number one. This is how Sharia creep works! Many people will just say ‘well, okay.’ (See my postyesterday.) Omar celebrating with husband number one (and now number three). In between she allegedly married her brother.