San Francisco: New American Arrested for Kidnapping and Rape of Senior Citizen

Here we go again, another vulnerable elderly American woman suffers violent attack.
This time in Nancy Pelosi’s back yard.

Manuel Amador
Manuel Jesus Amador was arraigned on May 23rd. He required an interpreter even as his attorney said he had been in the US for 20 years!

Only a few years ago Nancy Pelosi and her other Democrat fellow members of the House were promoting an ad that depicts a mean Paul Ryan pushing granny off a cliff by taking away her healthcare.
Well, where the hell are they now as immigrants (legal/illegal!) are literally raping and killing grannies?  (See my ‘Violent Crime’ category.)
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Nursing Home Nightmare: Guatemalan Aide Worker Sentenced for Raping Vulnerable Women in his Care

In August of 2017, Luis Gomez (58) was sentenced to 23 years behind bars after being found guilty of sexually assaulting women who at first were not believed by supervisors who apparently thought such a nice man could not commit such horrible acts on women with major disabilities or age-related dementia.

Luis Gomez
‘New American’ care-giver and now convicted rapist, Luis Gomez

But, a jury ultimately believed the women (and police investigators); and much to my surprise, CNN did major investigative reporting on the North Carolina case in 2017.
The story is old (hat tip: Cristina) but the depth of reporting is pretty astounding and makes me wonder if CNN was once able to dig deeply into stories that have nothing to do with Donald Trump!
It is small town America and you think your elderly or infirm family members are safe, think again…..
Continue reading “Nursing Home Nightmare: Guatemalan Aide Worker Sentenced for Raping Vulnerable Women in his Care”