New York Times Writer does Hit-Job on Americans in St. Cloud, MN

Well, I should say a hit-job on white Americans; the Somalis there are pure as the driven snow.

Astead Herndon
Reporter Astead W. Herndon.  Too funny! He made news this week when he labelled segregationist Senators as Republicans.

But, did anyone expect anything other than a hit from the New York Times? 
Anyone who raises any questions about how many migrants we should admit to America or asks what it will cost taxpayers, or any other sensible question is a racist, Islamophobic xenophobe especially if a reporter can link critics of uncontrolled migration to Donald J. Trump.
For the record, I don’t respond to requests from the likes of the NYT, the Washington Post, the LA Times etc. for an interview because no matter what you say, biased reporters will cherry-pick your words and paint you in the worst light as obviously reporter Alstead W. Herndon did here.
He went to St. Cloud with an agenda!
Herndon proves once again that Donald Trump is right about the media.
But, it isn’t all bad because a whole lot more people in America now know there is a big problem, a social upheaval going on in St. Cloud, and maybe they will think twice about putting out the ‘welcome’ mat to third world refugees.
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Pew: Dying Cities Need More Refugees/Immigrants

Editor:  I’m going to be gone for a few days, so trying to get a couple of posts up this morning for you before I dash!
Frankly I have never bought into this idea that we have to continue to import millions of people to America every year to prop up dying cities and the Chamber of Commerce.

Erie PA protest
Immigrants protest President Trump in Erie, PA (Erie is the star of this story).  

Does anyone ever ask what the longterm costs are of ‘welcoming’ third world poverty to impoverished cities?
There is all this talk (as in this latest from Pew) about how they fill houses and apartments that would have otherwise been vacant, and that they supply low wage workers for global corporations (can you say BIG MEAT!).
But, what are the costs to the federal taxpayer as you will see obliquely mentioned in this latest prescription? And, what are the costs to our uniquely American culture?

Maybe dying cities are dying for a reason!  Maybe we should let them die (the buggy whip analogy)!

But the assumption always is—-accckkk! We can’t let that happen!
So we have the Dems teamed up (these cities are all Democrat-run and “new Americans” vote for the D’s) with the big corporations and the Chamber of Commerce merchants begging for more refugees and immigrants of all strips!
Continue reading “Pew: Dying Cities Need More Refugees/Immigrants”

Soros Fellowships Awarded to New Americans

If you’ve been following Frauds and Crooks for awhile, you may have noticed that I use the phrase “new Americans” a lot.
That is on purpose because I am trying to demonstrate how the Left controls the language and have in recent years put a warm glow around the phrase “new Americans.”

paul Soros
George Soros big brother Paul died in 2013, but his Fellowships for “New Americans” continues.

The word ‘refugee’ once had a similar aura, but in recent times the word has lost its luster.
Likewise for Progressives, ‘immigrant’ is no longer a respectable term for a foreign person arriving in America (and don’t you dare use ‘alien’ or heads will explode).
So, they have latched on to the words “new Americans” as an all-encompassing phrase that they believe will cause you to open your welcoming arms to the world’s diverse cultures.

However, as I demonstrate daily there are some pretty unsavory “new Americans” among us.
That is a long way around to my news this morning.
Did you know that George Soros had an older (rich also) brother named Paul? 
I didn’t until yesterday (LOL! probably some of you are asking, Ann where have you been?)!
Continue reading “Soros Fellowships Awarded to New Americans”

Writer: Solve Border Crisis by Turning Asylum Seekers Over to Refugee Resettlement Agencies for Care (ahhhhh!)

After following the activities of the US Refugee Resettlement Agencies—the nine federal contractors largely funded by you and me (the taxpayers)—I can say with absolute certainty that this is a foolish idea.

caravan mob
Treat all the border jumpers as refugees and turn them over to the care of Leftwing federal refugee resettlement contractors!

However, I am surprised this is the first time I’m seeing anyone suggest this (publicly) because you know that the nine (six are supposedly ‘religious’ charities) would love nothing better than to be paid for taking care of hundreds of thousands of additional migrants on a per head basis!
If you are new to Frauds and Crooks and had never seen Refugee Resettlement Watch, here (below) are the nine federally-funded resettlement agencies.  We had for some time heard that the Trump Administration was going to dump a couple of the CONTRACTORS, but they never did.  Several of these fake non-profits are as much as 90+ per cent federally-funded.

Before I get to the news about this horrible idea, remember that refugees have supposedly made the case that they would be persecuted if returned to their home country.  Asylum seekers on the other hand, may or may not be able to prove their case, yet this proposal pushes us one step closer to the Open Borders agitators’ primary objective to convince the naive public that anyone on the move anywhere in the world is a legitimate refugee.
By the way, the Senate’s Gang of Eight bill from several years ago, that would have given amnesty to illegal aliens, would also have given these nine contractors an expanded role (and more money!) to help the newly amnestied get signed up for their ‘services’ (aka welfare).

One step closer to a socialist dream world!

Continue reading “Writer: Solve Border Crisis by Turning Asylum Seekers Over to Refugee Resettlement Agencies for Care (ahhhhh!)”

CNN has Hissy Fit! Trump Considered Releasing Illegal Aliens into Sanctuary Cities

Well, if they must be released where else should he release them?  Wouldn’t Dems want them sent to ‘welcoming’ cities? 
In probably the most blatant NIMBY move ever by the Open Borders pushers, CNN was aghast this morning at the idea that Trump would consider such an “inhumane” idea—using children and families as pawns in a political game is an outrage (they sniffed!).

Miller looking strong
Boogeyman Miller! If you’ve noticed the mainstream media is doing an Alinsky-style hit on Miller (again!)

(NIMBY you may recall stands for Not in My Backyard and is frequently used when some project citizens object to is proposed for their neighborhood.)
Below is CNN’s news, but it doesn’t do justice to the outrage expressed by the morning anchors.  (Yes, I watch CNN every morning for a little while to see what ticks off the Libs on any given day!).
Trump pressured Nielsen to release detained immigrants into sanctuary cities at the behest of Stephen Miller they say.
The (now!) saintly Ms. Nielsen refused.
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