Egads! What is going on in Minnesota? It’s not just MN Rep. Ilhan Omar making news, but now we see that Democrat Rep. Collin Peterson—the dean of the Minnesota delegation!—is making news by telling Trump:
“I’ll guarantee you it’s not going to happen.”
Peterson is Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee which means he must have received the Nancy Pelosi stamp of approval! He is referring to the Trump initiative to tell states they must enforce work requirements for able-bodied adults receiving food stamps!
Peterson’s district is considered the most Republican in the state, but obviously not Republican enough or they wouldn’t have re-elected him to represent them since 2007.
The district has a growing Somali population due to BIG MEAT/POULTRY wanting the cheap refugee labor. Continue reading “Minnesota Rep: We aren't going to make Food Stamp recipients work!”→
Diversity is beautiful alert!
One dead and two injured in Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district in what is believed to be a gang-related shoot out.
After I tell you a bit about the news, I’ll come back to that reference to summer vs. winter shootings in the heart of Little Mogadishu, Minnesota.
Just for the record, Ilhan Omar won the seat vacated by Keith Ellison and it wasn’t just Somalis who elected her to office! Omar with supporters on election night 2018.
I was excited to see that Big League Politics (most recently famous for publishing the Virginia Governor Northam blackface photo), dug deeper into my storyfrom a week ago about the Somali refugee ‘youths’ we raised with our taxpayer generosity who said s**** the American Dream and left Minnesota to become jihadists. BigLeaguePolitics story by Shane Trejo (hat tip: Richard),
How Robert Mueller’s FBI Allowed Minnesota to Become a Somali Terror Hub
As Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) agitates against the Jews as a Congresswoman, the Minneapolis Somali community has emerged as the foremost terrorist hot spot of the United States. Look at it this way: These two women (Klobuchar and Omar) are now focusing a national spotlight on Minnesota’s “Little Mogahdishu” for the whole country to see! Let’s hope they both keep talking! This influx of Somali migrants is threatening the national security of the United States and is being enabled by far-left Democratic legislators such as Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) who, unsurprisingly, are happy to kowtow to these hostile invaders for votes and campaign cash.
However, the problem goes far deeper than mere pandering Democratic politicians. It is a bipartisan issue, as the Somalian migrant influx picked up during the Bush years. It was the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the stewardship of Director Robert Mueller that dropped the ball following the Sept. 11 attacks when the Bureau should have been at its most vigilant. Organizations like Church World Services, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the National Association of Evangelicals’ World Relief Corp, and other nominally private religious organizations have soaked up tens of millions in federal funds to resettle so-called refugees as a result of Bush’s “faith-based initiative” policies. According to a WorldNetDailyreport, the Bush administration resettled 49,613 Somalis per the U.S. State Department’s refugee database primarily to the state of Minnesota, which has apparently been designated as a Somali hub by the central planners of this refugee madness. Serving as FBI director for nearly five years under Obama, Mueller was responsible for much of the 47,500 Somali refugees who were resettled during his presidency as well. Refugee resettlement expert Ann Corcoran pointed out that it is the FBI’s lax mentality that has allowed this issue to fester and become a bona fide national security threat. She points to a particularly telling quote from a federal official as reported by FOX News.
“Based on historical experience, we had (an uptick) in 2007 and 2008 going for al-Shabab, then a lull. Then, as ISIS came back, we saw a whole bunch of people no longer headed for Somalia. They were headed for Iraq and Syria. That really caught us off-guard, we didn’t see that coming. It didn’t make sense to us. We understood why kids were going back to Somalia, but going to Syria was another… issue,” a federal official said to Fox News.
Much more here. And, again, I can’t say how thrilled I am to see a reporter actually do some serious digging! To my despairing friends in Minnesota, there is a silver lining! The country needs to know what has happened and what is happening there and this pair (on full display) will do more to educate all Americans than all the words of warning we could write.
About the photo: there are surprisingly few photos of Omar and Klobuchar together (this one was on Omar’s twitter account), so make sure you link the two every chance you get!
But, the Somali “community” of Minneapolis doesn’t believe that Abdi Yusuf Hassanis guilty of the charges and they gathered at a Twin Cities Courthouse with their long-established mouthpiece Omar Jamalto proclaim his innocence.
Hassan is most likely one of tens of thousands of Somalis welcomed by the federal government and US State Department resettlement contractors and placed in Minnesota—a ‘new American’ indeed!
First see theAP story about Hassan’s arrest,
US citizen charged in kidnapping of journalist in Somalia
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A U.S. citizen has been charged with kidnapping and other counts for his alleged role in the abduction of a freelance journalist who was held hostage in Somalia for nearly three years, according to federal charging documents unsealed Thursday in New York.
According to a criminal complaint, Abdi Yusuf Hassan was part of a conspiracy to kidnap the journalist in January 2012 in Galkayo, Somalia, and demand $20 million in ransom. The journalist was released Sept. 23, 2014.
While the journalist is not named in the complaint or in a superseding indictment, the dates of his capture and release, and several details outlined in the court documents, match the experiences of author Michael Scott Moore, a German-American who was abducted by pirates in Somalia while he was there writing a book about piracy. Journalist Moore. His family ultimately paid $1.6 million for his release
Moore’s publicist said he was unreachable for an interview Thursday. In November, Moore confirmed to the New York Times that another man indicted in the case, Mohamed Tahlil Mohamed, was one of his captors. Mohamed and Hassan are listed as co-defendants. According to court documents, Hassan, 51, was born in Mogadishu and is a naturalized U.S. citizen. He faces six counts, including kidnapping conspiracy, hostage-taking conspiracy and unlawful use of firearms. He was arrested in Minneapolis on Friday and will be returned to New York to face charges.It was not immediately clear if he had an attorney in New York to comment on his behalf.
[….] The complaint says Hassan spoke English and was a translator for the hostage takers; the journalist, who identified Hassan from a lineup, said he also appeared to hold a leadership position over the other guards.
Much more hereabout the details of the kidnapping.
Now this, from CBS-Minnesota…
The Somali community led by none-other than the Somali Jesse Jackson, Omar Jamal, came out to the courthouse to say the feds have it all wrong. He, Hassan, was just there to help free kidnap victims.
Minneapolis Man Accused Of Holding American Journalist Hostage In Somalia
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – A Twin Cities man has been indicted for allegedly helping co-conspirators hold a journalist captive for more than two years.
Abdi Yusuf Hassan, who moved to Minnesota in 1998, is accused of holding three people hostage on the coast of Somalia.
On a crisp winter day, dozens from one of Minnesota’s strongest immigrant communities stood together to stand behind Abdi Yusuf Hassan, filing into the Minneapolis courthouse.
A loved one told WCCO-TV, “He’s innocent, completely innocent.”
Omar Jamal is back!
I haven’t seen him mentioned for a long time. I’ve followed his ‘career’ (going back more than ten years!) as he was the mouthpiece for any Somali in trouble in Minnesota (and elsewhere!) for anything at anytime! Jamal was not a refugee, but had actually gotten into the US illegally from Canada and was never removed. For at least a dozen posts on Jamal go here.
Don’t miss one of my favorite stories about Jamal, here in 2008, when I coined his nickname—Somali Jesse Jackson! CBS continues….
Federal papers show the captured journalist identified Hassan as one of the leaders of the operation. According to the indictment, Hassan speaks English and served as a translator for the hostage-takers and regularly communicated with the journalist. Omar Jamal: the community activist go-to guy for the media! Community activist Omar Jamal testified in court Thursday on behalf of his friend.
“He was in no way, shape or form that he was involved. Having known him for 20 years, the kind of guy he is, I don’t think so,” Jamal said.
He says Hassan has been working in Somalia the past few years to help rebuild the government, and that Hassan was simply helping translate negotiations with the journalist’s kidnappers, trying to help.
Since the community is so close-knit, I wonder if the alleged kidnapper Hassan is a friend of Ilhan Omar? Does anyone know? Maybe a contributor to her political campaign?
Editor: It’s a snow day here in the East so hopefully I will have more time to check e-mails and post your comments. Sorry that sometimes I’m AWOL! Yesterday I told you that we should want to keep Minnesota Somali Representative Ilhan Omar talking. Consider her Minnesota’s gift to America!
I’m guessing her cocooned life in Minneapolis, surrounded by thousands of her own ethnic group, didn’t prepare her for a national stage and so she doesn’t have her mentor’s (Keith Ellison) slickness. Hmmmm! “Unapologetic leaders” Therefore the savvy hard Left political organizations that do understand that she might be putting her foot in it, want to school her and tone her down.
One of those savvy political organizations is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)headed by CEO Mark Hetfield. See one postof a very large archive at RRW about HIAS.
Over the many years I’ve followed their activities, contrary to what you might assume, HIAS has demonstrated no great love for the state of Israel.
I’m guessing that they are saying, ‘damn we are bringing in Muslim refugees, Omar’s friends and family, and then we get dumped on by Omar!’ (I’ve seen it mentioned in a recent news report about HIAS that some of their supporters are questioning why HIAS resettles Muslims in the first place!).
The story (about a CONFIDENTIAL phone call!) is widely reported.
Here it is at The Times of Israel,
(emphasis is mine)
Ilhan Omar apologizes to Jewish groups for hurt caused by AIPAC tweet
In a brief confidential conference call with Jewish organizations, Rep. Ilhan Omar apologized for any hurt caused by her tweets suggesting that AIPAC pays politicians to support Israel.
“Let me reiterate my sincere apology for any actualhurt my words have caused,” Omar, a freshman Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota, said on Tuesday afternoon, according to someone present on the call.
“I know there are a lot of people who in the last weeks have expressed support in trying to say this isn’t anti-Semitic or this shouldn’t be looked at in that way,” she added. Mark Hetfield at an anti-Trump rally in early 2017. Then Rep. Keith Ellison headlined the rally for a group that is 50% or so federally funded!
But Omar said it is up to the Jewish community to define anti-Semitism.
“I do not want to give space or energy to anyone who wants to minimize the hurt,” she said.
Omar came under fire last week for posting successive tweets suggesting that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the pro-Israel lobby, pays politicians to be pro-Israel. Democratic and Republican leaders condemned the tweets as echoing anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews, money and power. The allegation is also false, as AIPAC does not donate to candidates or endorse them.
Omar subsequently apologized for the tweets.
The call Tuesday included a range of centrist and liberal Jewish groups including the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Democratic Council of America, the refugee resettlement agency HIAS, Americans for Peace Now and Bend the Arc.
Omar kept her remarks brief but promised to meet face to face with the groups in the near future.
Meanwhile Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told Omar not to apologize,see here.
A prominent refugee espousing views that are deemed anti-Semitic is someone HIAS needs to shut the heck up!
Keep talking Ilhan!
Here is something you can do (and probably are doing!) especially you Minnesotans, find every word she has uttered in her meteoric rise to power there and publish those words (and actions)— focus especially on those words that educate people about Islam. Do it in a drip, drip fashion in order to keep her in the news.