Gasp! I will for sure be blasted for daring to even mention American Renaissance the brainchild of the man some call the devil himself—Jared Taylor.
Heck, I’m already a racist hater according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
But, who cares, and you shouldn’t care if you are labeled a racist, xenophobe or phobe of any sort for trying to understand what is happening in the country and the world and using your understanding to make the best and safest choices for yourself and your family.
At least, so far , we aren’t being arrested for our choices of reading material.
Thanks to reader Paul for sending this especially provocative piece published at American Renaissance yesterday. It does mention a theme I have been touching on here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ from its inception and one that permeates Refugee Resettlement Watch and that is no matter how hard the Left tries to sell it, diversity is not our strength!
And, secondly, you have seen it here lately—the media, and law enforcement, keep the ethnicity, race or immigration status of a criminal under wraps as best they can so as not to “perpetuate stereotypes!”
From American Renaissance, a commentary by Fred Reed. Just a few snips to whet your appetites.
And be sure to read VDARE too!
(Emphasis below is mine)
Blackness Fatigue: Enough Is Too Much

Methinks the US may very well be heading toward a social explosion. The phrase “race war “is overwrought if it implies organized units and chains of command. However, in a country awash in firearms, a bloody, disorganized, continent-wide eruption is possible. To think “it can’t happen here” is complacently inattentive. We have already seen it in temporal and geographic piecemeal in the Fergusons and Portlands and Baltimores, in the armed anarchy of the cities. Arguably a broader uprising has failed to happen only because of intense pressure from government and media, and because whites have not acquired a sense of racial identity. If they do, or when they do, Katie bar the door.
Both racial war, and its close cousin, ethnic war, result from contact between groups of different kinds — that is, diversity, which causes most of the world’s bloodshed. Americans seldom notice this. One reasons is that they are constantly told that diversity is a blissful state. But it isn’t. Consider: Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Sunnis and Shia in many places, Jews and Moslems in Palestine, Hutus and Tutsis in Burundi, Hindus and Moslems in India and nearby, Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, Chinese and Indonesians in Indonesia, French and Africans in Paris, and so on. The assertion that “diversity is our strength” seems an attempt to avoid realizing that it isn’t.
The appeasement of blacks, fear that they might riot, runs through society.
Increasingly, jurisdictions simply give up on enforcing the law. Cities like Chicago and New York have abolished cash bail to that criminals immediately go free, and immediately often offend again. Baltimore and Chicago no longer prosecute minor offenses such as prostitution and urinating in public. San Francisco has made shoplifting of goods worth less than $950 a misdemeanor, the shoplifters not being Asians, with the result that to this date seventeen Walgreens have closed (video). Cities stop prosecuting the jumping of subway turnstiles as this is done only by blacks and Hispanics. The latter won’t riot. The former will, and governments know it. When blacks very often racially attack whites, the media suppress the story. There are many, many of these attacks, covered briefly in local media but ignored by the majors, caught on video that circulates widely online.
What the country is doing hasn’t worked, isn’t working, and shows no sign of working. Things get worse by the month. With Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and so on apparently doing everything they can to infuriate the other half of the country — gun control, open borders, erasing the South, anti-white indoctrination in the schools, promotion of sexual curiosities, on and on, anger will grow. As the man associated with Finland Station asked, “What is to be done?”
Unfortunately nothing can be done. Anything that might work is politically impossible, and anything that is politically possible won’t work. Cosmetics, moral preening, lowering of standards, party politics — none of these will fix the country. In calmer times, saner heads might prevail. Partial alleviation might be achieved by allowing, or encouraging, voluntary segregation, taking white police out of black neighborhoods, letting black neighborhoods decide what laws to enforce within their own boundaries, letting the races decide for themselves what to teach their children, and to the extent possible allowing racial autonomy. Instead, the elites will double down on what isn’t working and nothing will get better, except the monthly sales at gun shops.
There is much, much more. Read it all and follow links to further information.
On most days, I’m not as bleak as Reed on the prospects for our survival.
But, don’t live in la-la land!
I’m not saying you must agree with every word Reed has written because I am sure that running through your minds right now are the names of all the wonderful blacks you know, or the black leaders we have come to respect, but don’t put your heads in the sand about the potential for serious conflicts ahead and be prepared to protect yourself.