Sarah Palin was Right: McCain Campaign Honcho is a Republican Traitor

“[I]t’s only the Democratic Party—which is the oldest political party in the world—that stands for the ideas and ideals of American liberty.”

(Steve Schmidt, the guy who lost the Presidency for John McCain in 2008)

“Wolves in sheep’s clothing….never on our team to start with!”

(Sarah Palin, populist VP candidate in 2008)



While on the subject of political rats, see yesterday’s post about Elizabeth Neumann, I thought you might like to hear about another rat—Steve Schmidt, former Bush and McCain aide who has come out of the closet to announce Surprise! he is a Democrat.

Actually I told you about him here as he was one of the founders of the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump pac that spent millions inundating the airwaves with vile anti-Trump ads as they pretended to be Republicans who wanted Trump gone.

That post was the inspiration for my category ‘political rats.

Early last week, Schmidt went public validating Sarah Palin’s claims that Schmidt was a traitor who undermined the Republican Presidential campaign of Senator John McCain.

Here (below) is the news of Schmidt’s outing.

By the way, wikipedia reports that his anger at Trump was first about moving the capital of Israel to Jerusalem (he did not want it moved, said Trump would have blood on his hands) and secondly he opposed Trump’s policies involving the southern border.  Anti-Israel, pro-Open borders: Sounds to me that he was a Dem all along.

From The Hill:

Longtime GOP strategist Steve Schmidt announces he’s registering Democrat

Schmidt made the announcement during an episode of the “Battleground” podcast published Monday, as he and co-host David Plouffe were discussing the Republican House members and state attorneys general that backed Texas’s ill-fated election lawsuit before the Supreme Court.

Weasels united! Isn’t it interesting that David Plouffe, who ran Obama’s 2008 campaign against McCain, and Schmidt who was running McCain’s campaign, were pals.

“I spent 29 years as a Republican, I’ve spent two and a half as an independent, and later this afternoon I will register as a member of the Democratic Party,” Schmidt told Plouffe. “Because in America today, it’s only the Democratic Party—which is the oldest political party in the world—that stands for the ideas and ideals of American liberty.”

Schmidt worked on the the presidential campaign of late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008, and on former President George W. Bush’s campaign in 2004.

The former Republican renounced the party in 2018 and identified as an independent. He’s been one of the president’s fiercest critics, and is a co-founder of The Lincoln Project, a prominent anti-Trump PAC.

More here.

Sarah Palin on the saboteurs working for the swamp “uniparty!”


No wonder the swamp hates Trump so much!  He has exposed their decades-old game—a game that cheats Americans out of the President of their choice.

The President is Calling on All Patriots to Descend on DC January 6th, 2021

Update:  Some of you have asked where you could get more information about the rally. Here is link to an organizing site.  And apparently Women for America First will be there again.

More info. at Stop the Steal’s “Wild Protest.

Stop the Steal calendar and updates here.


And, see this rousing video posted on December 19th and in less than 24 hours look at those numbers!

I will leave this pinned at the top and as news about the January rally develops, I’ll post it here.

Don’t miss more useful evidence to share:  Biden 80 million plus votes impossible.

Cross-posted from Refugee Resettlement Watch: How RINOs Undermined the President

Watch Neumann with Jake Tapper at CNN as she tells him how he makes us less safe because of his “divisive language.”

Yesterday I wrote about Elizabeth Neumann, a former Republican big wig at the Department of Homeland Security who claimed she supported the President initially because she is pro-life, but decided to work against him because he cut back on immigration and talked mean “racist” talk. Talk, she says, that makes America less safe.

So much for her devotion to life as she actively worked on behalf of pro-abortion Biden/Harris, making innocent babies less safe. See here.

Neumann has described herself as “first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ,” and her 2016 decision to vote for Trump as “primarily because of the pro-life issue.”

She subsequently re-examined her earlier convictions (?) and concluded that admitting 125,000 refugees a year is more important than babies!  She claims America is safer when we open our borders.

I’m posting this here because I am not sure how many of you see Refugee Resettlement Watch and because I have a category here specially made for posts like this—political rats.  That is a category I originally made when I wrote about the Lincoln Project, but it has come in handy.

Anti-Trump RINO Pushing Biden’s 125,000 Refugees-a-year Agenda; says it will Strengthen America

FBI Charges “Kenyan” with Plotting to Kill Americans in Islamic Terror Attack

Arrested in the Philippines in 2019, he is alleged to have trained to be a pilot in order to use a hijacked plane to crash into a building on American soil.  Novel strategy!

The FBI describes him as a Kenyan national, but it is pretty clear that Cholo Abdi Abdullah, working for the Somali terrorist group al Shabab, is a Somali.

Maybe the FBI doesn’t want to say that so as not to offend the sensibilities of Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Yippee! The FBI worked really hard, did I say really hard, to nab another Islamic terrorist, but I could care less when they have not worked really, really hard to discover who are the terrorists who plotted and are still plotting to overthrow our election system and indeed our government.

I know it would have been sad if this pathetic creep had gotten away with hijacking a plane, but that pales in comparison to the Communist takeover of the United States happening before our eyes.

So is this little nugget thrown out to divert our attention?

Reader Cathy sent me the Justice Department press release last night, here, and this morning I searched for news on the FBI’s big-get and it is everywhere.  Every Leftwing media outlet has the news***, probably front page, happy to distract us from the real terrorists behind the Democrat Party and their Chinese overlords.

As usual, the UK Daily Mail has a report with a photo of Cholo Abdi Abdullah.

“Thanks to the outstanding investigative work of the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the FBI’s global partnerships with law enforcement agencies around the world, Abdullah’s plot was detected before he could achieve his deadly aspirations.” Whoop-de-do! How about using our global partners to find the plotters against our election system!

Feds charge Kenyan al-Shabab terrorist with plotting 9/11-style attack on American city: Jihadi trained as a pilot and was arrested in Philippines with a gun and a bomb

As usual the Daily Mail has a handy summary at the top of its story.

Cholo Abdi Abdullah allegedly spent years training to carry out a 9/11-style attack; he pleaded not guilty to the charges in a New York court Wednesday

Abdullah, who has been in custody since 2019, was extradited to the US Tuesday

He allegedly took orders from al-Shabab commander behind 2019 Nairobi attack

He researched ways to enter the US and how to hijack a plane, prosecutors say

Abdullah faces multiple charges and if convicted 20 years to life in prison

It is not clear which skyscrapers or cities were part of the alleged plot
But the acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney called it ‘a chilling callback’ to 9/11

I’m waiting for a mugshot(s) of the major plotters, the terrorists, behind the coup to overthrow our country.

***Search the Somali Islamic terrorist’s name and see what I mean about the widespread coverage.

Democrat House Quietly Paid Off Pakistani IT Worker at Center of 2016/2017 Investigation

Remember this guy?  He and his family members worked for the House of Representatives doing who knows what with vital US secrets.

Well, the Democrats have quietly paid him off for his pain and suffering at the hands of the “right-wing media.” (Ha! Ha!)

California AG Xavier Becerra at center of circle of questionable characters and circumstances.  Have they found Seth Rich’s killer yet? Just wondering.


From Frontpage magazine (hat tip: Judy):

Democrats Pay Off Intrusive IT Man Imran Awan

And Biden taps Awan’s collaborator Xavier Becerra for HHS boss.

“Congress Pays $850,000 to Muslim Aides Targeted in Inquiry Stoked by Trump,” reads the November 25 New York Times headline. According to the story, the previously unreported settlement is one of the largest to resolve discrimination or harassment claims, in this case by people who “lost their jobs and endured harassment in part because of their Muslim faith and South Asian origins.”

Reporters Noam Scheiber and Nicholas Fandos give no date for settlement and do not explain why it was “previously unreported.” Congress reportedly made the payment but the only House member quoted is Florida Democrat Ted Deutch, a leading figure in Democrats’ charge that candidate Donald Trump was guilty of collusion with Russia and a vocal proponent of impeaching President Trump.

“It is tragic and outrageous the way right-wing media and Republicans all the way up to President Trump attempted to destroy the lives of an immigrant Muslim-American family based on scurrilous allegations,” Deutch told Sheiber and Fandos. As they explain, the settlement was also “an attempt to bring a close to a convoluted saga that led to one of the most durable — and misleading — story lines of the Trump era.”

What started as “a relatively ordinary House inquiry into procurement irregularities by Imran Awan, three members of his family and a friend, who had a bustling practice providing members of Congress with technology support, was twisted into lurid accusations of hacking government information.” That side of the story could use more detail.

Of all the IT people in all the IT firms in all the world, House Democrats thought Imran Awan was best man for the job. Sometimes working from his native Pakistan, Awan and his family team accessed the computers of some 40 Democrats, including those on the intelligence and foreign affairs committees. Without their consent Awan and his team stashed the Democrats’ data on a server controlled by Xavier Becerra, chair of the House Democratic Caucus.

Capitol Police wanted a copy of the server but the one Awan produced turned out to be a fake. In February, 2017, Awan and his team got booted off the House computer network, but Becerra had already fled to California where Gov. Jerry Brown made him state attorney general. Becerra had nothing to say about Awan’s IT intrigue, and he got additional protection from federal judge Tanya S. Chutkan.

Continue reading.  And, see my previous post on the judge and this case.

Interesting tidbit here:  Shahid Imran Awan got here by ‘winning’ the green card lottery another immigration scam on the American people.

I wonder if there is more information about this case that the President might see fit to declassify?  With the public no longer trusting the FBI/DOJ you never know what they might be hiding.

Now for your daily chuckle!

I have been itching for an opportunity to post the video of bumbling Biden announcing a big job for Becerra.  Listen to him completely butcher the name and not even know that the Department of Health, Education and….. hasn’t existed since 1979!

It really is pathetic how the crooked Dems used this mentally incompetent man.

LOL! Wouldn’t you like to know what Queen Kamala is saying behind that mask!

I bet it goes like this: ‘Keep it up Joe and I will be President before you spend one night in the White House!’