Catholic Charities Helping to Relocate Congolese Illegal Aliens

Those entering the U.S. through this route did so because they “were scared the [refugee] process was not gonna work, or that it’s last (sic) a standstill.” 

(Christina Higgs, Catholic Charities San Antonio)


I am furious to see that the border jumpers claim (or at least their Catholic handlers claim) that the refugee process might not work for them!

Why isn’t the media reporting that we have admitted as refugees to the US over 50,000 DR Congolese refugees in under five years with 8,000 arriving here in the last 8 months!
The DR Congolese are at the moment, by far, the largest refugee ethnic group being admitted to the US.
When is enough, enough?

Not fast enough for them so they headed to South America for a long and EXPENSIVE trip to the southern border.

I sure hope we don’t find out that the Catholic Church has been paying for the migration!
If you missed last night’s post about the Laura Ingraham segment about how cagey the Congolese were when interviewed in Portland, go here.
Then see where else this first batch was placed!  The word is that more are on the way!
Continue reading “Catholic Charities Helping to Relocate Congolese Illegal Aliens”

Laura Ingraham Updates Congolese to Maine Story

Thanks to reader ‘TwoLaine’ for sending the clip.
Begin watching at minute 13:00 and prepare to be shocked at how cagey the migrants are when asked questions about how they got here and how they paid for their travel from Central Africa to our southern border!
Don’t miss the mention of the fact that observers in Portland noticed that the destitute Africans had rolls of hundred dollar bills!
These several hundred illegal aliens will be joining the 50,000 plus of their countrymen who have been admitted to the US as ‘refugees’ in the last five years, including 8,000 since October of 2018! (You paid the airfare of the 50,000, btw!) 
See my earlier post here with a map of where the 50,000 were placed.