“The stated goal from the beginning was to defeat Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box and to call out his enablers.”
(Reed Galen, of the Lincoln Project doesn’t just hate Trump, he hates you, his voters.)
Surely you’ve seen their anti-Trump ads and maybe figured they were just a bunch of Dems. Well, they aren’t, they are disgruntled supposed Republicans out to destroy Trump (and Trumpism!) and are being led by Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway’s hubby George Conway among others.
It isn’t just Trump they are after, but are amassing millions of bucks (surely from Dems) to buy ads against prominent Republicans.
It is kind of disgusting that they call themselves the Lincoln Project (Lincoln was a Republican), but according to the New York Post, NRO has renamed the PAC—the Grifter Project.
Lincoln Project expands GOP target list, winning Trump ire
The former GOP operatives behind The Lincoln Project are expanding their list of Republican targets, infuriating allies of President Trump’s and national Republicans scrambling to preserve the GOP majority in the Senate.
In addition to a relentless negative ad campaign against Trump, the group has so far spent more than $1.3 million attacking Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), who is among the most vulnerable GOP senators up for reelection. That’s by far the most they’ve spent on any Senate candidate.
Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings reveal The Lincoln Project has also targeted more than a half-dozen other Republicans up for reelection in 2020, including Sens. Cory Gardner (Colo), Martha McSally (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Thom Tillis (N.C.), Joni Ernst (Iowa), John Cornyn (Texas) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.).
The group is running ads in support of Democratic Senate candidate Steve Bullock in Montana and independent Al Gross in Alaska, who are seeking to unseat Sens. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), respectively.
Biden Republicans!
Reed Galen, a strategist for the group, told The Hill that “the Senate map has expanded” and that off-cycle Senate Republicans “shouldn’t believe their day won’t come.” The Lincoln Project has invested very small amounts in ads going after Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), James Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.).
The Lincoln Project is taking heat from Republicans for backing challengers to blue-state GOP senators and moderates, such as Collins, who voted against Trump’s efforts to repeal ObamaCare. Galen defended the attacks, saying they’ll target anyone who they believe has inadequately fought back against Trump.
“The stated goal from the beginning was to defeat Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box and to call out his enablers,” Galen said.
“These senators we’ve gone after are not conservative Republicans in any classical sense of those words … they should have T’s behind their names, not R’s.”
The group’s senior members were well-known Washington Republicans before they turned to electing Democrats. The team includes lawyer George Conway, the husband of White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway, as well as veteran GOP operatives and strategists Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt and John Weaver.
Republicans working to reelect Trump and maintain the majority in the Senate are hitting back, alleging that the former GOP operatives are “grifters” who have taken up electing Democrats because they lost their cushy establishment jobs when Trump was elected.
On Thursday, after ordering a statue of Robert E. Lee be removed, he had the gall to lecture Virginians and indeed all Americans about being racists.
Northam’s Medical School yearbook page! Think about this! Medical School, not High School!
See what Virginia patriot Catherine Trauernicht had to say to the Governor in the Bull Elephant, a Virginia publication for right of center Virginians. Her entire column is here, and below are the opening paragraphs.
An aside: To my reader who asked yesterday what can ‘we’ do about a troubled America, my answer is find some thing ‘you’ can do every day, even if it seems tiny and insignificant, and do it. Don’t worry about what others are doing, ask yourself at the end of each day what have I done to preserve the America we love.
Writing guest columns like this one is something you can do. But, first, if your state or county doesn’t even have a news site like the Bull Elephant, get one!
Ralph Northam’s gall
During his press conference yesterday, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam displayed shameless gall as he scolded Virginians specifically and Americans in general about their racism.
“Today we are here to be honest about our past and talk about our future,” Northam declared. “We have to confront where we’ve been in order to shape where we’re going.” THIS coming from the man who first apologized for a photograph on his medical school yearbook page, and 24 hours later said no one — not even he — could prove whether he was in blackface or the KKK white hood.
During a bizarre press conference in February 2019, Gov. Northam told us how difficult it was to get shoe polish off his face after entering a Michael Jackson dance contest. He even prepared to demonstrate the moonwalk dance routine until his wife whispered that it would not be appropriate under the circumstances. All the while, he was trying to convince Virginians that he didn’t know how the offensive photograph landed on his own yearbook page or how he acquired the nickname “Coonman.”
This is the same Ralph Northam who, during yesterday’s press conference, said, “The eyes can’t see what the mind doesn’t know.” I guess that’s why he keeps us in the dark about the yearbook page.
Vandals have in recent days defaced Richmond’s monument to Robt. E. Lee. Note the KKK scrawled on the base.
The Governor went on to speak about removing the statue of Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue in Richmond, calling it “a symbol to shore up the cause of those who didn’t want unity after the Civil War,” those who wanted to “keep the system in place.” What the Governor didn’t say was that the militant wing of the Democrat Party at that time was the Ku Klux Klan, whose uniforms were white robes, like the Klan photograph on Ralph Northam’s yearbook page. It was the southern Democrat Party who wanted the “system” to survive.
Because I know you need a little diversion from the virus crisis, I figured you would get a little chuckle about the latest in the marital soap opera that seems to be Rep. Ilhan Omar’s way of life.
In their dating days: Mynett with no beard.
[Readers: Every time I write about Omar I struggle with the decision to post about her at Refugee Resettlement Watch since she is one of the more than a hundred thousand of her countrymen that we have admitted to the US over the last several decades, or should I post here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’ ‘Frauds and Crooks’ it is!]
The most thorough coverage of the life and times of Omar is at the UK Daily Mailwhich seems to have a photographer on her tail much of the time!
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar reveals she is MARRIED to her chief fundraiser lover after they were spotted together wearing wedding rings
Leftist congresswoman Ilhan Omar has married her fundraising chief, she has announced.
Her wedding to Tim Mynett happened earlier this week, DailyMail.com understands.
Mynett now sporting beard. Did he convert to Islam?
She announced the wedding in an Instagram post, which was accompanied by the couple in a romantic pose. The couple, both of whom divorced their previous spouses late last year, tied the knot at an undisclosed location.
From partners in politics to life partners. So blessed,’ the Minnesota congresswoman wrote on her Instagram account under the black and white photograph.
The couple were wearing the same rings that DailyMail.com pictured them wearing in Washington, D.C. last week.
Both Omar, 37 and Mynett — whose company received more than $500,000 last year from her campaign — initially denied they were having an affair.
But sources in the Somali community in Minneapolis say she was forced into announcing the nuptials because of articles on DailyMail.com.
Go here to see the long story with lots of pics at the Daily Mail!
See my Ilhan Omar archivehere at ‘Frauds and Crooks.‘
I have dozens and dozens of posts at Refugee Resettlement Watch about the transformation of Lewiston, Mainethat has occurred over a few decades as Somali refugees have ‘found their way’ to the Maine city.
I also have a couple of poststhere that mention Safiya Khalid who won a seat on the Lewiston city council last fall to cheers from the Council on American Islamic Relations.
But, I missed the back story on how the twenty-something Somali won that seat as the darling of the local Democrat party, that is until I had an e-mail from a resident of the city who told me this horrifying tale.
This could happen to your town too!
Here is a bit of the e-mail to me from Mainer Maura Murphy:
As a resident of Lewiston, Maine who lived abroad for almost 30 years then came back to my hometown, I was horrified to see the decline and degradation. Part of it was post-industrial malaise and consequent multi-generational poverty for sure; part of it was the thriving drug trade started by dealers from other states who found central Maine’s drug capital to be an easy place to do what they could no longer get away with to the same degree in NY, MA, PA, D.C., etc.; and part of it was the abysmal way the addition of thousands of refugees and asylum seekers has been handled.
After returning to Lewiston several years ago, I was shocked to hear firsthand account after firsthand account of violence, theft, destruction of property, etc. committed by roving gangs of immigrant boys, gang bullying episodes–swept under the carpet by administrations–in all pubic schools to the point that parents have taken their kids out of schools, and much more.
I would not have believed it had I not heard directly from people who had experienced these episodes, including teacher friends who *quit* due to the double standard of permissiveness for immigrant students and other friends who have had rocks or chunks of ice thrown at their cars when driving through downtown.
Donald Guisti’s murder by a gang of refugee/asylum seeker youth–and the unbelievable way the investigation was mishandled–was not only the culmination of simmering violence committed by immigrants, but opened the way for a new wave of immigrant entitlement and bitter resentment of the community they supposedly came to to escape the brutality of their home countries.
You may have read about a Somali immigrant, Safiya Khalid, running for city council in Lewiston? While numerous media reports celebrated her victory, they declined to mention that her campaign had ruthlessly bullied her opponent under cover of darkness at his own home, in an effort to intimidate him into withdrawing from the race.
Even though there are *audio tapes* of the harassment, Khalid’s campaign *got away with it*, thanks to extensive media manipulation and a smear campaign to try to transform outcry against the bullying into an act of “racism”.
The bullies, and Safiya herself, were and still are the top officers of the Lewiston Democratic Party, as well as local elected officials. When I found out about this bullying, my first action was to ask the victim–who was then in the hospital–if it was true. He told me it was, and gave me the recordings. When I raised the alarm to my fellow local Democrats and Khalid herself–giving them the benefit of the doubt that they didn’t know–they personally attacked *me* for telling them. This is when I knew there was a wider campaign to be sure Khalid was elected at any cost, and a friend and I did our own investigation.
I wrote the article below initially to let people know that Walter “Ed” Hill was indeed running for Ward One Representative, and to alert them to what had happened.
“I Was Afraid They Were Going to Break Down My Door.” (Walter Hill)
On the evening of August 28th, 2019, longtime community volunteer and public servant Walter Hill made his way back to his suburban Lewiston home after having had hip surgery. A few blocks away from his house, he noted the familiar figures of Lewiston Democratic Party Chair, Kiernan Majerus-Collins, and his opponent in the upcoming election for Ward One City Council, Safiya Khalid, who served as party Vice Chair. Because Hill’s close-knit neighborhood was isolated — not a place where people usually spent time unless they lived there — their frequent presence canvassing there had been noticeable for some time.
Members of the Lewiston Democratic Party: Alicia Rea, Christopher Hodgkins, Owen Cardwell-Copenhefer, Jared Golden, Kiernan Majerus-Collins, Safiya Khalid and Jim Lysen
As much as Hill was looking forward to campaigning himself, he was completely spent from his medical procedure, and just wanted to get back to the place he had called home for more than 25 years. “I really wanted to get out there and let people know I was running and have conversations about Lewiston, but I literally couldn’t move,” said Hill. “The timing just couldn’t have been worse.”
As a new wave of pain swept over Hill upon arrival at home, he took his medication, settled in as comfortably as possible on the couch and fell asleep. About 20 minutes after returning, he was jolted out of a deep sleep by the sound of pounding at his door. It got louder. He realized there was more than one person on his property. The banging and kicking got louder, and was coming from multiple directions. Both doorbells were ringing. Under cover of darkness, Hill’s house had been surrounded and was being relentlessly pummeled.
From his position on the couch and in a daze, Hill recognized the voices of two people, both officials in the Democratic Party holding multiple local and county leadership positions, Kiernan Majerus-Collins and Owen Cardwell-Copenhefer.
Go read it all! See what happens next and consider that this is happening in America!
Note to PayPal donors! I want to thank all of you who send me donations for my work via PayPal. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, PayPal is making changes to their terms of service and I’ve decided to opt-out beginning on March 10, 2020.
There couldn’t be a more appropriately titled or timely book than this one about Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar.
American Ingrate: Ilhan Omar and the Progressive-Islamist Takeover of the Democratic Party.
I couldn’t decide which of my blogs is the more appropriate place to post this exciting news, but settled on ‘Frauds and Crooks’ although Omar is one of the more than 100,000 Somalis admitted to the US by past administrations including not just Democrat Obama, but by the Republican George W. Bush administration which admitted them by the tens of thousand as well.
Here is what author Ben Weingarten said about his book in an announcement yesterday (I’ve order my copy!):
…. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank everyone who has helped make this book a reality, including my loving family, friends, the team at Bombardier/Post Hill Press, Andy McCarthy who kindly wrote the Foreword, Victor Davis Hanson, Dennis Prager, Newt Gingrich, Scott Johnson, Lee Smith, and Caroline Glick who kindly wrote blurbs for it, and many of you who played roles large and small in helping bring it to fruition.
American Ingrate is as serious and substantive as it is provocative and politically potent.
It has been made ever more relevant in the run-up to release as its thesis is being borne out in real time in Bernie Sanders’ rise to the top of the Democratic presidential field–with Sanders having recently named Rep. Omar his campaign co-chair in the pivotal 2020 state of Minnesota–and mounting evidence of Omar’s alleged marriage fraud and associated raft of crimes.
Among other things, this heavily researched work:
~Makes the definitive case that as President Trump has argued, Rep. Omar is the face of the Democratic Party, while delving deeply into her unexplored background, unchallenged beliefs, and under-appreciated effort in leading her party to advance a fundamentally subversive, intersectional- and identity politics-based agenda geared towards destroying our core institutions under the guise of “social justice;”
~Sets forth the argument that she not only personifies but leads the unholy progressive-Islamist alliance–held together by the glue of Jew-hatred as a proxy for hatred of Judeo-Christian Western civilization–that truly has triumphed over the Democratic establishment; and
~Builds the as yet ignored case for her collusion with corrupt and anti-American actors and regimes foreign and domestic–on top of credible allegations of criminality and corruption, including previously unreported details pointing to her fraudulence.