It sure looks like it, according to a press announcement on their investigative reporting from the Thomas More Law Center yesterday entitled,
TMLC Uncovers Tax-Payer Funded Islamic Propaganda Forced On Teachers
ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has uncovered evidence of a well-orchestrated Islamic propaganda campaign aimed at teachers in school systems throughout Michigan and several other states.
Concerned about a two-day mandatory teacher-training seminar on Islam conducted by a Muslim consultant hired by Michigan’s Novi Community Schools District, TMLC filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents related to the workshop.
Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Law Center, commented on the results of their investigation, “We found that the teachers were subjected to two days of Islamic propaganda, where Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed—all funded by Novi taxpayers.”
Moreover, during the past five years the school district has presented no teacher-training seminars focusing on Christianity, Judaism or any other religion – only Islam.
Huda Essa: You can book Essa for a fee ranging from $10,000-20,000! See here:
The hired Muslim consultant was Huda Essa, a resident of the Dearborn area and of Arab descent.
She appeared before the Novi teachers in a hijab, the Muslim headscarf, billing herself as an expert in “cultural competency” and “culturally responsive teaching.”
Most disappointing was the fact that of the more than 400 teachers attending the workshop, not one teacher challenged Essa’s denigration of Christianity or attacks on America.
TMLC inspected dozens of internal school documents, including audio recordings of Essa’s presentation.
The information on Islam she provided to Novi teachers was riddled with falsehoods and errors of omission that were clearly meant to deceive.
And her message extends far beyond Novi.
Essa’s client list reveals she has been spreading her “trash America first” philosophy to colleges, universities, schools and professional educator associations throughout Michigan, California, Georgia, Texas, Florida and beyond. In Michigan alone her website lists nine school districts as clients – Oakland County Schools, Ann Arbor Schools, L’Anse Creuse Public Schools, Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Roseville Community Schools, Farmington Public Schools, Dearborn Public Schools, Birmingham Public Schools and Melvindale Public Schools.
Novi’s Islamic teacher-training is just the latest example of professional Islamic indoctrinators infiltrating U.S. public schools even as Christianity has been forced out of the classroom.
“This type of infiltration amounts to an Islamic Trojan horse within our public-school systems,” Thompson said. “No other religion gets this kind of special treatment in our schools.”
Looking for something to do, see if your school district has employed Muslim consultants to ‘train’ your teachers. Maybe the TMLC would like to hear about it.
I’m glad to see that someone has done a deep dive into the issue of the costs of incarcerating Muslims, many of whom are immigrants we have welcomed to America.
Of course, although some of the Muslim prisoners being counted are American Muslims and converts to Islam, we can still see that incarceration rates for this segment of the population is on a percentage basis extremely high.
Every time I see one of those gushing reports about how new immigrants to America are causing the economy to boom, I know that the pro-open borders bias of the researchers has kept them from reporting the costs of law enforcement, trials, and incarceration of some of those ‘new Americans.’
I wonder what the cost will be of the investigation and ultimate prison term of the alleged Somali refugee terrorists in my previous post?
Here is Daniel Greenfield at Frontpageearlier this month,
At 1%, Muslims are still a small percentage of the population. But there’s one place in America where they are vastly over-represented.
State prisons.
Maryland takes the prize! One in 4 prisoners are Muslims
Take Maryland, which has an estimated 70,000 Muslims, making up over 1% of the population. But of Maryland’s 18,562 prisoners, 5,084 were Muslims.
That’s 27.4% or over 1 in 4 prisoners.
It would also mean that 1 out of 13 Muslims in Maryland may have been in a state prison.
Those are startling numbers, yet they come from Muslim Advocates, an Islamist legal advocacy group. Both MA’s numbers and the number of Muslims in different states may be miscounted, yet these figures raise serious questions about public safety and the toll that immigration is taking on our communities.
While Maryland’s numbers are some of the worst, MA lists similar figures for Washington D.C. where out of 5,219 prisoners, 1,232 were Muslims, so that once again 1 in 4 prisoners were Muslim.
D.C. does have one of the largest Muslim populations in the country, numbering between 2 and 3 percent. Even taking the highest estimate, 6.5% of the Muslim population in D.C. was in jail in 2017.
Muslims make up 1% of the population in Pennsylvania, but 1 in 5 of its prisoners.
In 5 states, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, Muslims make up 1 out of 4 or 1 out of 5 prisoners.
In another 4 states, Wisconsin, Missouri, Delaware, and Arkansas, they make up 1 in 10 prisoners.
Overrepresentation may be partially a product of the success of Islamic Dawah or missionary activity in prisons. Islamic prison Dawah has produced many converts and at least some terror plots. And it may serve to explain high Muslim prison numbers in some states, but not necessarily in others.
The MA report also claims that 12% of federal prisoners are Muslims. (CAIR in the past had claimed that it was only 6%.) The current federal BOP population is 177,619. That would mean over 21,000 prisoners.
And over 105,000 Muslims are prisoners in state and federal prisons.
Using Pew’s growth estimate, which projects that the Muslim settler population will reach 8.1 million by 2050 (a severe underestimation of actual growth), that would mean a quarter million Muslim prisoners.
This is not just an abstract statistic. It’s a compilation of human misery, lives lost, futures taken, a litany of abuse, loss, assault, and the accompanying taxpayer expenditures on trials, prisons and free lawyers.
The current cost of incarcerating Muslim federal prisoners is taking $670 million a year from taxpayers.
By 2050, the cost could climb to over $1.5 billion.
Continue here for much more data-crunching information.
“How do they have a place for them but not for us?”
(A homeless woman in Maine)
I can’t believe my eyes. A local media outlet has dared to publish this news and it comes at a time when the national media is dumping on the President who says Americans should come first when it comes to public assistance!
150 African asylum seekers have jumped ahead of 18,000 Mainers who have been on a waiting list for years for Section 8 housing!
Portland welcomes Africans. No charity for their own American homeless? Photo:
I-Team: Homeless Mainers feel left behind as asylum seekers get housing
PORTLAND (WGME) – Nearly 200 asylum seekers have to be out of an emergency shelter at the Portland Expo by this Thursday as the Red Claws move back in.
While state and city leaders scramble to find them housing, some homeless Mainers say they feel left behind.
The I-Team found more than 18,000 Mainers are on a waiting list for Section 8 and that’s just one program to help low-income families get affordable housing.
Many of those people are homeless and hungry and have already been waiting years for their number to be called. [Am I dreaming? I can’t believe any media in America would report this news!—-ed]
Zanetta Smith said she’s thankful for a storage shack in the woods where a friend is letting her live.
She said it’s not much, but it’s better than living in her car where she’s been for the last 5 years.
“It was pretty tough in the winter,” Smith said.
She lost her apartment after she got sick and couldn’t work anymore.
“You fall into bad times, and sometimes it’s hard to get out of it,” she said.
She’s trying to get a place of her own with a toilet, shower, and running water, which her temporary housing doesn’t have.
She said she’s been on the waiting list for a Section 8 voucher for years.
According to Maine Housing, the statewide Maine Centralized Section 8 waiting list is now up to 18,316.
Dan Brennan says it is only short term assistance for asylum seekers until they become “self-sufficient.” Yeh right!
“It’s years, unfortunately. We just don’t have the supply and stock,” said Dan Brennan, director of the Maine State Housing Authority.
Brennan said it could be five years to get a voucher to help pay for rent, and even if you get one, there’s no guarantee you’ll find a place.
“There simply is not enough supply of units available for people who need them,” Brennan said.
Local housing authorities also have waiting lists for public housing.
In Portland, for example, we found nearly 1,400 people waiting for a unit to open up, which could take as long as three years.
“Of course when the asylum seekers come up here they offered them free housing. How do they have a place for them but not for us?” Smith wants to know.
At last check, more than 150 asylum seekers who arrived in Portland since June have moved out of a makeshift shelter at the Portland Expo and into units in Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Portland, and Scarborough.
See all of my previous posts on the DR Congolese migration to Maine, here.
BTW, yesterday I told you that over 11,000 DR Congolese were legally admitted as refugees to the US in the first ten months of this fiscal year. This bunch in Maine came illegally and are now jumping the line for taxpayer supported housing!