Before I send you to the interview at Youtube, know that I was pleased to see that Beck gave Simpson credit for all of Simpson’s researchon the Cloward and Piven strategy more than a decade ago.
I wrote about the strategy as well. Here is one post:
The reason I am mentioning Cloward and Piven in a post about Karl Marx is that in case you are scratching your heads and wondering why the Biden cabal doesn’t see that we can’t handle an invasion of impoverished migrants and that it seems insane to be doing what they are doing, know that it is a strategy, they do mean to bring America down so that Communism can creep in and flourish.
It won’t flourish if Americans are generally optimistic and upwardly mobile.
They need masses of poverty for their strategy to succeed.
Sorry, didn’t mean to get into a big yak… Here is Simpson’s excellent interview. Hear what a crook ol’ Karl was….
One more thing! Know that in addition to flooding America with poor people the Marxists knew they had to bring down the family and the church if they were to succeed in their evil plan. You might want to learn more about “cultural Marxism” because it explains a lot of what we are seeing.
“….the protests appear to have reawakened deep-seated grievances over persistent poverty, unemployment and inequality, some 27 years after apartheid ended.”
“….more than half of the country’s 60 million people were living in poverty last year, according to data collected by the World Bank Group.”
(ABC News)
While we are fixated on the unraveling of Communist control of Cuba, South Africa, supposedly another model of the Socialist/Communist dreamers, continues its downward spiral and serves as another present-day reminder of the fact that Communism’s track record is “not so good.”
I’m interested in the latest news of massive riots and unrest because South Africa, after Apartheid, was hailed as a beacon worldwide for its welcoming socialist nation image after Blacks took the reins of government.
Heck, Barack and Michelle went there to celebrate the achievements of Nelson Mandela.
I have an extensive archive at Refugee Resettlement Watch on the once prosperous South Africa because over the years the country has become a racist and xenophobic hell hole from which we resettle black African ‘refugees’ that are actually from other parts of Africa who believed the Leftist propaganda that South Africa was welcoming to all.***
So here is a quick update on the latest from the ‘rainbow nation.
Call it a cautionary tale!
LOL! The corporate media has been mum on decades of corruption and hatred there (doesn’t fit their biased messaging!), but it could hardly stay quiet as the latest violence is described as the worst in the 27-year history of post-Apartheid South Africa.
South Africa riots: At least 117 killed, over 2,000 arrested amid worst violence in decades
LONDON and PRETORIA — At least 117 people have been killed in ongoing riots across South Africa despite the efforts of heavily outnumbered authorities to quell violent unrest sparked by the imprisonment of former President Jacob Zuma.
The South African Police Service said in a statement Tuesday that many fatalities occurred during “stampedes” as scores of people looted food, liquor, clothes and electrical appliances from shops in poor areas. Other deaths were caused by explosions when people tried to break into ATMsas well as shootings, according to police.
Violence and unrest has gripped parts of South Africa since Zuma turned himself in to police on July 7 to begin his 15-month jail term for contempt of court. South Africa’s highest court handed down the sentence after Zuma failed to appear before an inquiry examining corruption allegations during the nine years that he served as president. Zuma has maintained his innocence, saying he’s the victim of a politically motivated witch hunt, and his supporters took to the streets last week. But the protests appear to have reawakened deep-seated grievances over persistent poverty, unemployment and inequality, some 27 years after apartheid ended.
“There is no grievance, nor any political cause, that can justify the violence and destruction that we have seen in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng,” Ramaphosa said. “The path of violence, of looting and anarchy, leads only to more violence and devastation. It leads to more poverty, more unemployment, and more loss of innocent life. This is not who we are as a people.” [Gee, where have I heard that line before!—ed].
Andhere,Gateway Pundit reported on this angle of the news earlier in the week:
“Ethnic Mobilization” and “Anti-White Racism” to Blame as 117 Dead in South Africa
***Just for fun look at the Bill of Rights of South Africa’s Commie constitution once praised by none other than now deceased Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Everyone has a “right” to a job and housing!
Is it any wonder there is on-going violence from citizens or that migrants from other African nations believed this s*** and traveled there to the Black-run rainbow nation.
Last week you could hardly have missed the news about the controversy swirling around the firing of a Space Force officer who promoted a self-published book about how the US military was succumbing to Marxist methods to root out “extremists” and push the military toward the political Left.
Lohmeier’s book is an Amazon best seller. Keep it going!
A Space Force spokesperson told that Lohmeier’s firing was “based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” adding that “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
On the podcast, Lohmeier – a former fighter pilot and instructor – criticized the military’s expanded diversity and inclusion training and focused mission to root out extremism in the ranks – efforts spearheaded by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
He said the policies are “rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism” and impacting the culture of the military. Those changes “will divide us, it will not unify us,” Lohmeier said.
Lohmeier said he was given a 70-page booklet on extremism training “talking points” with which to train his squadron. Among those talking points were examples including the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol as an act of extremism.
An author well-known to readers of my blogs, our friend James Simpson, just last week published his own book on how Marxist ideology has taken root in Joe Biden’s America.
It seems extraordinary to me that we would have to educate or re-educate Americans to the threat of Communism. It was only a few decades ago that no one in respectable political circles used the C-word (or the M-word) if they wanted to be taken seriously.
Now, one must get comfortable using those words and discussing the subject.
Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left
The Left is rampaging across our nation today. Portland, Oregon is burning and many other cities face continuous looting, rioting and destruction. And while the Antifa/Black Lives Matter mob is wreaking havoc, destroying businesses and neighborhoods, leaders in those communities have taken an inexplicable hands-off attitude, even to the point of restraining a police response. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party, Big Tech, the media and institutional Left have turbocharged censorship and vilification of their political enemies. How did we come to this, who caused it, what are their motivations and how do we stop it?
Here is a snip of a small portion of the Table of Contents to whet your appetites about what you will learn in Simpson’s Marxism tutorial.
I am headed over to Amazon now to buy both books.
It is vitally important for us to support (if our finances permit) authors forced by the woke publishing mob to self-publish their work.
I have already heard from some of my faithful readers wanting to know what happened in our once beautiful capital city***.
This will be a short report today because I would like to see more facts about what really went down at the Capitol.
I spent the morning near the White House waiting with hundreds of thousands of peaceful patriots to hear the President speak.
Here is a screenshot of where I was. This view is what the President could see. But, even this photo taken at 8:35 a.m. does not begin to show how massive the protest gathering was, especially when the President took the stage hours later.
To get your bearings, that is the base of the Washington Monument in the upper left hand corner. I am farther right in the gathering, as that is a jumbotron we could barely see.
Here is the youtube video of the scene (which youtube might eventually scrub):
President Trump was scheduled for eleven, but didn’t speak until noon.
Although the temperature was in the moderate low 40’s, most everyone appeared to be pretty darn cold as they waited for many hours in an absolute stunning sea of flags and banners of all sorts.
When the President finished, most of this massive crowd began moving toward the Capitol building where some Members of the House and Senate were attempting to present a case that the election might(!) have been a fraud.
I was not at the Capitol, but like you, saw the images on TV after getting home.
I’ll show you more pictures as the days go on, but here are a few that I took while mingling around a crowd that was largely working class Americans of all ages. The “deplorables” according to the elitists in the Democrat Party.
The Chinese Communist Party menace!
You will see that I was most interested in the Chinese-American presence (Vietnamese-Americans who have first hand experience with Communism were also out) showing their support for this President, the only hope they see to keep the Chinese Communist Party from gaining a greater foothold in America.
How many of you could say the same?
As for what happened in the afternoon at the Capitol building at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, we need to wait until there is more information.
Of course none of us condone violence of any sort, but if it turns out that Trump supporters are largely responsible, I ask the ruling class WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? when on both sides of the elite political aisle, these Americans who love Trump have been disrespected while they watched as our weak leaders failed to criticize the violence for most of last year perpetrated by the Leftists—Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
And, the final insult to them, to the country class, was the great Election Steal of 2020 which unseated the one political leader they see as truly liking them and caring about them as he puts America first!
*** When I say once beautiful city, I am referring to the Washington, DC where I lived in my late 20s and where I took my children for field trips and trips to the Kennedy Center where a homeless encampment is within view of it now and where store fronts are boarded up.
My friends and I remarked that we may never be back. Yesterday might have been our last site of it.
Because they are dupes of those Socialist/Communist strategists who are working to destroy Capitalism and make everyone dependent on the government.
COVID-19 is a dream come true for modern day Commies who have dreamed of this day since Cloward and Piven wrote their thesis in the 1960s.
The ruling class! We need a good crisis to demoralize America, redistribute the wealth.
Here is one more of many stories about how California, with the most Chinese virus cases even as it is the most locked down state in the nation, is suffering.
To those of us looking on it makes no sense that Governor Newsom would want to inflict such economic misery on the people of California, unless….
…..Newsom and other Democrat governors want the suffering to force Americans to move toward Socialism/Communism.
California COVID Cases Surge- Proving Lockdowns Don’t Work
If you still live in California, you probably deserve a medal. Living under the tyrannical rule of Newsom has to hurt. He keeps on adding to his COVID rules, but the only thing the rules accomplish is to prove that lockdowns don’t work. The economy sinks while the CoronaVirus cases surge.
Stephen Moore explains that the lockdowns don’t reduce deaths, and they hurt those who can least afford to be hurt:
Lockdowns are crushing the little guy. Even so, it is the Democrats who are pushing this anti-freedom agenda. Here are the 10 states listed by The New York Times with the strictest lockdown orders: California, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington. What do they have in common? Democratic governors.
The states that have not locked down their economy have lower death rates than New York and New Jersey. The unemployment rate for service workers in these states has skyrocketedto as high as 10%. In contrast, the red states, such as Utah and Florida, that are still open for business have unemployment rates for service workers as low as 4%.
Be confused no longer, they have a STRATEGY
So if you have been confused about why these Democrat governors are behaving in a way that is clearly aimed at bringing down the US economy, don’t be confused. The Democrat Party has been indoctrinated for decades in the Cloward-Piven Strategy—bring down Capitalism by creating a massive welfare state.
In 2009 I wrote about it at Refugee Resettlement Watchpositing that the reason the Left wanted more impoverished refugees and immigrants was to add to the numbers of poor people who would demand more ‘services’ from an increasingly strained government.
Here is my post from 2009. I know it is long but maybe it will help clear up any confusion you have right now about what appears to be just dumb decisions by dumb Dems. No, this is a strategy!
Cloward-Piven Strategy: bring down Capitalism by flooding the welfare system
More on November 23rd: Jim Simpson, an expert on the Cloward-Piven strategy has more today at the American Thinker, here.
That is the basic goal involved in the Cloward-Piven strategy that most of us never heard of until Obama and the community organizers got to the White House. I’ve been reading about it lately, thanks to RRW reader Paul, and it came to mind last night as I considered the fact that Somali refugees had flooded Maine primarily for the generous welfare system (more shortly).
Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles (which erupted after police had used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving), Cloward and Piven published an article titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called “crisis strategy” or “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect.
In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when “the rest of society is afraid of them,” Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would “the rest of society” accept their demands.
The key to sparking this rebellion would be to expose the inadequacy of the welfare state. Cloward-Piven’s early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. “Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules,” Alinsky wrote in his 1972 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judaeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to “live up” to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist “rule book” with a socialist one.
You should take some time and read Cloward and Piven’s 1966 seminal work in the Nation magazine to fully understand the concept. They (and their comrades today) want to enroll as many people as they can on public assistance, cause a crisis by overloading local governments, bring greater federal control and ultimately collapse Capitalism as the federal government takes greater control and brings about ultimately a guaranteed wage for all— a redistribution of wealth.
[Update! The article is no longer available at The Nation, but a Leftwing publication reposted it here,at Common Dreams.]
How can the poor be organized to press for relief from poverty? How can a broad-based movement be developed and the current disarray of activist forces be halted? These questions confront, and confound, activists today. It is our purpose to advance a strategy which affords the basis for a convergence of civil rights organizations, militant anti-poverty groups and the poor. If this strategy were implemented, a political crisis would result that could lead to legislation for a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty.
My theory is that the “poor” of the 1960’s were, in subsequent decades, entering the middle class. Thanks to Capitalism there weren’t enough of them to collapse the system and many other Americans have an antipathy to living off the government and accepting welfare! So community organizers need the immigrants and refugees who have become accustomed, in the case of refugees, to living off of the United Nations, to help swell the welfare rolls. That is the only logical explanation for the Obama Administration continuing to resettle very high numbers of refugees right now (in a recession!) when there is little work for them—well that, and the desire on their part to create a magical borderless utopian world.
The Somalis who migrated to Maine are only too happy to comply, next! Here it is.
So here we are, decades later, just where Cloward-Piven, Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama, AOC and Ilhan Omar wanted us to be—redistributing wealthby handing out welfare checks to most of America.
If Biden/Harris succeed in stealing the White House, the demented old man could finish us off by handing us over to the Communist Party of China.