How can that be? Everyone KNOWS that since both groups are persecuted by white racist Islamophobic Americans they should be working together against their common enemy—us! Right?
And, everyone KNOWS that bringing diversity to impoverished American cities brings strength and “enriches” communities. Right?
One thing that George Floyd’s death has done is shine a spotlight on the tensions between African Americans and especially the Arabs who have moved into ‘their’ neighborhoods (largely thanks to the naive notions the Left peddles about multicultural enrichment). Or is it possible that it isn’t naivety? Maybe creating chaos and discord is the real goal! It surely is for Antifa!
Over the years, writing at RRW, I have come across the issue of poor blacks feeling left out when Arab migrants/refugees are placed in traditional black neighborhoods and just the other day I told you about wishful thinking on the Left that George Floyd would bring the two supposedly maligned groups together.
Now I see at Arab News that there is a lot of work to do to bridge the divide especially as questions arise about Muslim Arabs placing shops that sell liquor and drug paraphernalia in African American neighborhoods, the subject of my post at RRW.
(It is haram for Muslims to drink alcohol, but fine and dandy to sell it!)
By the way there were reports that during the Baltimore riots a few years ago, black thugs directed looting toward immigrant Arab shops. African Americans don’t take kindly to diversity dumping in their neighborhoods it seems.
US riots take severe toll on Arab-American small businesses
CHICAGO: Stores owned by immigrants of Arab and Muslim origin are among the many businesses that were pillaged and destroyed during the protests triggered by the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, while in police custody.
US media has focused almost exclusively on the continued anger over the circumstances of Floyd’s death on May 25, while choosing to ignore an inconvenient truth: the economic setback and mental anguish suffered by hard-working Arab American and Muslim immigrant communities.
Tribalism exists!
Why does the US media ignore the facts surrounding the tension between African Americans and Muslims? Because it goes completely against the meme they are promoting daily—blacks and Muslims are being treated badly by whites and so therefore there cannot be any discord between the supposedly mistreated minorities.
Arab News continues….

Protesters burned vehicles, smashed windows, defaced buildings and clashed with police as civil unrest erupted in cities across the country. Atlanta, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Denver, Salt Lake City, Nashville and Minneapolis imposed curfews while the governors of Minnesota, Georgia, Ohio, Washington and Kentucky mobilized their states’ National Guards.
Although there are Arab chambers of commerce in many of the cities heavily affected by the rioting and looting, none of the business bodies — except one in Chicago — have been able to collect accurate information on the losses suffered by the community.
Through tears, Ekhlas Salamy described how she and her sons, Steve and John, watched helplessly from across a main street as their store in Chicago was ransacked by looters.
“I am so frustrated by what happened to our store. My husband bought the business in 1988 and it is located in a mixed community of African Americans and Hispanics,” said Salamy, whose family emigrated to the US from the Palestinian city of Ramallah.
It is not fair says Mrs. Salamy!
“We have never had any problems before with the African American community. In fact, five of our employees are black and three others are Hispanic.
“We never treated them badly and never let them feel that they were any different from us. We have always treated them with respect.
She and her two sons took over the family’s Chicago business, Pete & Jack’s Liquor, at 4156 W Division Street when her husband died in August 2018.
“This is our livelihood. All my family has survived off this business,” Salamy told Arab News.
“The looters just destroyed all our hard work. I have tears in my eyes because we never did any harm to anyone. They stole everything and destroyed the entire store.”
More at Arab News.
Think it is bad now? Just wait till the Police Departments in major cities are stripped of funding and the power to arrest criminals. Steve and John will have to be hiring their own personal police force.