“It” in this case is Black Lives Matter thieves.
What a coincidence…
After posting earlier yesterday about being prepared!, last night I spent a largely unsuccessful hour searching for solar flood lighting with a motion sensor. It needs to be bright, stay on for awhile, easy to put up, and here is the clincher for my husband—it cannot be made in China.
I’ll be back to my search again today. However, in frustration, I figured a better use of my time might be to check my hundreds of e-mails that I’ve ignored for over a week; and what did one regular follower send—bingo! an article showing the value of having good lighting on your property!

The post, written by Mel, and published last month at the US Concealed Carry Association website is entitled:
It has come to our neighborhood…..
I’ve snipped some of Mel’s personal story, but please go to the link and read it all.
Last Sunday morning very early (before 6am), my wife and I was sitting on the back patio having our morning coffee as we do every morning…and suddenly we hear the Sheriff’s Dept. Helicopter flying above our home, circling about a 4 block square area…VERY LOW…like just barely above the trees. (This is EXTREMELY RARE for our neighborhood!)
As I watched our surveillance cameras monitor, we saw 3 to 5 Sheriff’s cars flying down our street.
We live in a very “bedroom community” type older subdivision with most homes on 1/2 to 1 acre lots…little if any crime and even then its usually just a domestic squabble at one of the rental houses.
The Sheriff’s helicopter presence in the neighborhood went on for almost an hour until I had a couple deputies knock on our door just as it became daylight. They came to ask to review our cameras (we live on a larger corner lot and have 10 surveillance cameras that view a large area of our main street into the subdivision and a side street).
The Deputy said they were looking for a brown or tan pick-up truck coming or going.As I reviewed the video, the Deputy said there was 3 home invasions done within the 2-4 block areas of our home.
Said it appeared the criminals were scoping out homes to hit as they picked ones with elderly residents, no outside lighting, no cameras, no vehicles or just 1 vehicle in driveway and no signs of dogs at the home. He said our house would be an unlikely target BECAUSE we have heavy lighting around the entire house (motion detected spot lights on all 4 corners and a dusk to dawn commercial street light on pole in front yard, along with the several surveillance cameras and the multiple signage stating trained protection Dobermans on premises,“Do Not Enter Without Owner Present”! (We also have 5 vehicles parked in driveway even though there are only 3 drivers here).
Yesterday morning we were visited by a County Detective with our Sheriff’s Dept. and two F.B.I. Agents. They requested to view the videos live from my sysyem and asked how far back does my system retain video…I told them all of the cameras keep the recordings on our DVR for 10 days before they start over-recording…BUT, our camera supplier has a 60 day retainment kept in their company’s “cloud” (this was one of the reasons I chose them).
To put this in perspective…our town is just across the river/lake from Sanford FL…where all of the race baiting BS started with the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin fiasco and Obama’s famous race card comment “If I Had A Son, He Would Have Been Trayvon!”
The Detective told us that those described cars were occupied by 8 to 10 blacks (both males and females) associated with a known gang…and I made comment “Who, BLM?”…and he just kind of stared at me…(I didn’t realize how true this was until later).
It is commonly known in our area that most of the crime committed at our businesses and in the next town commercial districts are committed by both black and whites who associate themselves with BLM and who come from the areas west of us…Sanford, Orlando and its County of Orange Co.
He said the 3 homes they had hit was 1 that was just 4 houses up the street from ours (this confirmed previous neighborhood gossip). That home is owned by an elderly White lady who was widowed about 3 years ago and lives alone with a few cats. They only terrorized her and shoved her a couple of times…but she will be okay…thank God! They ransacked her home and stole some jewelry, electronics and a couple of old guns.
Now here is the REAL CLINCHER!!!
I asked the Detective why we hadn’t seen anything on the news about this…and UNBELIEVABLE…he says because of the volatile racial environment right now in our country…ALL of these type crimes are on a MANDATORY MEDIA BLACKOUT!The Police and Feds are not to inform the media, use special frequency radio communications during the investigation and to downplay any questioning of what took place by the news people. SAY WHAT?
Later when it was just the Detective and I, I asked him if they WERE BLM members and if so, how they associated them with BLM and he said the trucks female driver is a well known activist for them and one of the original promoters of them. She has a long criminal record and from the Detectives comments, is VERY WELL KNOWN by the authorities. Because of this is why the FBI was now involved. (The FBI agents never said anything to me the whole time they were here, except greeting and saying who they were.)
And as a NOTE to this incident…As you can see…heavy lighting around your home, several cars in driveway showing probably several people inside, Beware of Dog(s) signs and multiple and visible surveillance cameras surrounding your property are THE BEST “PREVENTION” against becoming a victim…and probably MORE IMPORTANT than any firearm(s) you may have inside!
More details here.