Recently at Refugee Resettlement Watch I reported that Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was organizing refugee and immigrant workers at meat plants in Iowa and likewise organized immigrant voters in New Hampshire.
Virginia is one of the states where ‘new American’ voters will likely matter and now comes news Sanders has chosen a woman whose supporters include Rep. Ilhan Omar and CAIR’s head honcho Nihad Awad (among others!).
On her own merits, the 24 year-old Abrar Omeish is of little political consequence. She is the youngest person to ever hold office in the state, having been elected in 2019 to the Fairfax County School Board. Her role on the campaign appears to be a Sanders gesture to a more powerful political constituency: the well-organized radical Sunni Islamist networks across the United States. Abrar Omeish’s father is former president of the Muslim American Society, a group identified by federal prosecutors as the “overt arm” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
The elder Omeish is best known in Virginia state politics for having been removed from a Virginia Immigration board by then-governor Tim Kaine, a Democrat, after a video surfaced of Omeish endorsing violent jihad against Israel.
Esam Omeish also served on the board of Dar al Hijrah mosque, a Falls Church, Virginia-based mosque with a long history of ties to terrorism finance. Omeish has also been accused of links to terrorism by a Libyan parliamentary security committee. He is a naturalized citizen of the United States.
There is much much more including links to back-up the reporting. Read it all.
See yesterday’s post on Michael Bloomberg and immigration. But, if last night’s debate performance was any indication, his campaign is likely toast.
I know most of you reading this don’t care a bit about Bernie and his huge move to the Far Left on the issue of immigration, but since I have a category here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’for “politicians as frauds”I want to tell you about Democrat candidate for Prez, Bernie Sanders.
Bernie: America for all!
This also gives me an opportunity to warn you about the growing call for America to ‘welcome’ so-called “climate refugees” which I have written about extensively for ten years. (See 53 posts going back to December 2008 on climate refugees at RRW by clicking here.)
It is very interesting to see how the Left plants seeds and nurtures them for years and years (helped by the mainstream media) until the idea surfaces, in this case, as a plank in a Presidential candidate’s platform.
Bernie is now throwing American workers under the bus….
Before I get to the news about Bernie’s plan, I guess we have to conclude that Bernie is now throwing American workers under the bus. When he ran for President four years ago he was still getting some praise for his stance in defense of American workers and his earlier opposition to the failed 2007 comprehensive immigration reform bill. SeeTime magazine story herein January 2016.
Here then is Fox News on Bernie’s immigration platform:
Sanders’ immigration plan: Halt deportations, abolish ICE, welcome 50K ‘climate migrants,’ give welfare to all
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Thursday released a sweeping immigration plan that would impose a moratorium on deportations, “break up” existing immigration enforcement agencies, grant full welfare access to illegal immigrants and welcome a minimum of 50,000 “climate migrants” in the first year of a Sanders administration.
Climate refugees coming your way if Trump is not reelected! (No matter which Dem wins!)
The plan effectively establishes Sanders at the far left of the immigration debate,as he aims to energize a base that helped drive his 2016 primary campaign amid competition from other liberal candidates in the field this time around.
The plan was written in conjunction with several illegal immigrants who were shielded from deportation by former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
In the plan, Sanders pledges to extend legal status to those eligible under the DACA program, as well as to grant relief for their parents.
He also promises to use executive authority to allow illegal immigrants who have lived in the country for five or more years to stay “free from threat of deportation.”
On day one of a Sanders presidency, he would also place a moratorium on deportations until there was a full audit of “current and past practices and policies.” He would also end the so-called Trump travel ban, as well as other Trump policies such as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), action against sanctuary cities and the public charge rule that restricts green cards to those immigrants deemed likely to rely on welfare.
Sanders then wants to provide a “pathway to citizenship” via Congress for all illegal immigrants living in America — which he says is currently around 11 million — and would ensure that “old or low-level contacts with the criminal justice system” do not prevent illegal immigrants from walking along that path.
He would also create a new program to “welcome migrants displaced by climate change” and push to accept a minimum of 50,000 “climate migrants” in his first year in office.
Here is a story from the day before the bill was introduced. Imagine the fraud this will create—yikes! the weather has changed where I live so I can now move to America!
House Democrats are set to introduce the first major piece of legislation to establish protections for migrants displaced by climate change, ramping up a push for a long-overdue framework for how the United States should respond to a crisis already unfolding on its shores.
The bill, called the Climate Displaced Persons Act,would create a federal program separate from the existing refugee program to take in a minimum of 50,000 climate migrants starting next year.
The legislation, a copy of which HuffPost obtained, directs the White House to collect data on people displaced by extreme weather, drought and sea level rise and submit an annual report to Congress. It also requires the State Department to work with other federal agencies to create a Global Climate Resilience Strategy that puts global warming at the center of U.S. foreign policy.
Nydia Velázquez,has been in Congress for 25 years!
The bill, set to be introduced by Representative Nydia Velázquez, a New York Democrat, is a companion to legislation proposed by Massachusetts Democratic Senator Ed Markey, one of the leading advocates for a Green New Deal. Its introduction in the House of Representatives marks an escalation as Democrats start to flesh out what a sweeping federal plan to eliminate emissions and prepare the country for more climate catastrophe would look like.
The 21-page proposal looks unlikely to become law while Donald Trump, who rejects climate science and slashed the country’s refugee cap to a historic low of 18,000 last month, remains president.
And that is why everyone reading this post needs to find some place to direct your energy to get Donald Trump reelected for four more years.
And, not only that! The Trentonian, via an opinion piece by David Neese, reminds its readers in blue New Jersey about statements from politicians past that should have earned them (at least) a wrist slap from the Southern Poverty Law Center. So where was the Southern Poverty Law Center when we needed them?
You have heard the comments repeatedly lately, but I will bet a buck most Dems outside of the DC beltway have no idea both Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders were so vocal in their demands for border security!
Maybe I’m too hard on the mainstream media! Sometimes they come through with the truth! The Trentonian:
Provocation: Documented facts about ‘undocumented’
Using at least two words that are now verboten in proper Washington circles, writer Neese begins with a little provocation about the hypocrisy that is driving us nuts these days! (Emphasis is mine)
Surely it was a white supremacist — or at a minimum a xenophobic bigot — who brazenly uttered these words: “We simply can’t allow people to pour into the United States undetected, unchecked, circumventing the people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in the country.”
But, lo and behold, these were not the words of some slope-browed yahoo driving around in a pickup with a confederate decal on the rear window right by the gun rack. These were the words of none other than Barack Obama, spoken in 2005.
Okay, but surely the following words, spoken in 2007, were the sentiments of a Klan rabble-rouser: “I don’t know why we need millions of people to be coming into the country who will work for lower wages than America works and drive down wages even lower than they are now.” Nope, not Klan words. Those were the words ofBernie Sanders, socialist tribune for the toiling proletariat.
Then he gets to the numbers that no one should ignore:
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) puts out a report called “Criminal Alien Statistics.”The 2018 edition notes 208,800 criminal aliens in state and federal prisons, doing time for an assortment of felonies at a taxpayer cost of $1.4 billion annually.
That seems like a lot of offenders behind bars if immigrant crime is merely, as frequently asserted, a “dog-whistle” term the Know Nothings employ to incite resentment of brown people.
Looking at a sample of 197,000 criminal aliens, the GAO reports an average 10 criminal offenses per alien among this group. Ten!
For the period roughly 2011-2016, the GAO reports the following number of offenses by illegal aliens:
— Drugs: 761,200 state, 336,600 federal.
— Assaults: 397,000 state, 108,400 federal.
— Weapons: 124,709 state, 44,500 federal.
— Sex offenses: 120,300 state, 13,600 federal.
— Robberies: 54,700 state, 13,500 federal.
— Homicides: 50,300 state, 6,000 federal.
— Kidnappings: 18,600 state, 5,000 federal.
Go hereto read it all.
Thank you Mr. Neese and The Trentonian. (If you are wondering, I don’t know David Neese.) Looking for something to do? Get Neese’s piece circulating on social media. Not my post, but his original (here) and consider contacting The Trentonian to thank them for publishing it.