Today at Refugee Resettlement Watch I reported on a columnist at the Philadelphia Inquirer blasting the President and saying he is morally bankrupt for not being willing to take as refugees thousands more from those two countries.
What do you think? We freed the Iraqis from a tyrant in a war that cost us enormous blood and treasure, so why are we obligated then to take thousands, tens of thousands! of nationals from those countries to live in America.
When is enough enough?
The war in Iraq ended in 2011! Does our obligation continue for decades?
We are constantly told that refugees and migrants generally will bring economic boom times to dying cities.
Well, that is what they thought happened in St. Louis, but the theory blew up as the nearly two-decades-old Bosnian refugee community there is escaping the crime and heading for suburbia.
Until I can get a subscription function at RRW, I’ll alert readers here to new posts there.
***Update***Breitbart is reportingthat the alleged killer came to the US as a child in a refugee family from Ethiopia. He became a US citizen a few years ago.
I’m headed out, but just want to quickly postthis dreadful story (hat tip: Jim).
I’ll let you search for the details yourself (it is all over the news).
Ethiopian National Eliyas Aregahegne Stabs to Death Random White Girl Walking Her Dog in DC
Of course none of the major media is reporting anything about his status as a ‘new American’ from Ethiopia.
Margery and the monster…..
But here is more information atHeavy.comabout the evil creep. On social media he described himself as Ethiopian. Note (when you read the Heavy story) that he was an Obama and Hillary supporter.
Eliyas Aregahegne: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Eliyas Aregahegne, the suspect accused in the random stabbing of a Washington D.C. dog walker who was interning in the city, described himself as a once promising college student and scholarship winner.
That all changed, police say, on August 27, 2019; they accuse him of repeatedly stabbing a stranger to death on the street in a vicious random attack. The victim was named as Margery Magill, 27, of Northwest, D.C. Police wrote that, on August 28, 2109, Eliyas Aregahegne, 24, of Northwest, D.C., was “arrested and charged with first degree murder while armed.”
“It’s absolutely tragic. I still can’t wrap my head around it,” Magill’s sister, Raeann Magill, told News4. “You know, out walking a dog and to be attacked like that. How can anyone even fathom that? I mean, it’s truly tragic and I even think to myself, why her?” Police say they don’t know.
Eliyas Aregahegne wrote on Facebook that he was single, lived in Washington D.C.,and was a “POSSE Scholar UW-Madison.” He also wrote that he was from Washington D.C. On Instagram, Aregahegne wrote, “18 y/o, Aries🐏. Ethiopian.UW-Madison Class of 2017.” Heavy contacted the UW-Madison PR office and learned that Aregahegne was briefly a student at Madison but not in 2017 as he wrote.
African immigrant kills white woman—how many times lately have we reported that story!
Mark my words, but by tomorrow or the next day the story will be forgotten because once again the horrific news runs counter to what the PC media want you to believe which is that they are all here for a better life!
HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, another of the nine federal contractors employed by the US State Department to place refugees into your towns and cities, is focusing on hiring lawyers for the law breakers at the southern border. [For new readers, see nine contractors inthis post.—ed]
HIAS organized a trip for Jewish leaders to the southern border.
HIAS receives more than half of its income from you via your tax dollars to take care of legal refugees who were selected and screened, and yet they are working feverishly to be sure the illegal aliens on the southern border have legal representation.
Recently they sent out an appeal for financial help. Mind you! financial help for an organization that got $24,493,702 directly from the US Treasury in 2016 (according to its Form 990 here)!
Why is our money going to a group promoting a progressive political agenda that large numbers of Americans oppose (if they only knew!)?
This is a screenshot of their recent appeal for more moola…
Now let’s have a look at the mostrecent Form 990available for HIAS.
Below is the page showing their federal grants. Notice that their privately raised dollars that year amounted to $17,361,702, less than half of their income.
I think the fact that they can’t raise enough private money for their ‘good works’ signals that the general public just isn’t that interested in their mission.
If you go to page 9 notice that if they weren’t getting federal funding they would die.
Salary and employee expenses amounted to $20,686,120 and their office expenses, rent and travel amounted to another $7,106,664 while they only took in just over $17 million in private dollars.
Again, if they weren’t getting federal funding they would most likely die. Or, they would have to slash staff or significantly cut the high salaries of top brass!
Have a look at their top salaried positions.
And, btw, let me say that if they were a truly private non-profit (or a for-profit) their salaries would be none of our business, but they aren’t.
They are effectively a government agency which means they can’t keep this information from the taxpayers who pay a significant portion of their salaries!
Endnote: Readers may have noticed many refugee-related stories here at Frauds and Crooks. I am still working to restore Refugee Resettlement Watch and once it is done (soon I think!), many stories like this one will be posted there. However, there is a ‘Charity fraud’ category here at Frauds and Crooks, so stories like this fit right in!
Maybe it might best be described as Hating Trump Voters 101.
I’m not spending a lot of time on this, too much backed up in my posting queue, but I just saw this Opinion piece at the Philadelphia Inquirerthat tells us to see the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s “Hate at School” report. (I’m betting there is nothing in it about how to treat evenTrump supporters with respect.)
Do your kids have the “emotional intelligence” to be ready for the 2020 Presidential election? Indeed are they ready to confront “racism, sexism, and heteronormativity” this year?
If not, may I suggest home schooling!
To confront the 2020 election cycle, we need emotional intelligence in schools | Opinion
In the history classes I teach, I begin with a digital dialogue called “What Gives Us Pause.” Before we begin formal instruction, I invite students to share with each other the social and political currents that worry them most, or make them most hopeful for the future. This dialogue unleashes a flood of student voices.
Author Brendon Jobs a “teacher leader.”
Every year, students name wars that tear nations apart, gentrification that disrupts the fabric of urban communities, environmental crises, and hate and prejudice. I expect them to talk about the most recent incidents of mass shootings and gun violence right here in Philadelphia. Very quickly, this bonds the classroom in ways that prepare us to support and hold each other accountable, and name patterns of behavior we witness — in the news cycle, on social media, and in our own lived experiences — as the year unfolds.
When I began teaching in 2007, the first years felt sterile. I was discouraged from getting too political or confronting social power structures like racism, patriarchy, or class. I was trained to believe that teachers had to create “safe spaces” that were apolitical and socially neutral. We celebrated civil rights victories but did not discuss the dark legacy of slavery. We didn’t talk about the environment. Textbook-driven instruction drove my practice at the expense of student voices and authentic connections with each other.
Grrrrr! “Student voices!” “Authentic connections!” But, did they learn anything about the Revolutionary War or the Civil War?
I digress…. after a recent visit to the Antietam Battlefield, a friend whispered a question—what about all the northern white families who lost their husbands, fathers and sons fighting to free the slaves, don’t they deserve reparations?
Jobs goes on….
Too often, public conversations stop at simply naming transgressions: identifying something as hurtful or difficult and then moving on. In other cases, policy-driven mandates aiming to keep discourse respectful — like bans on the use of specific words, music, readings, or opinions — leave little room for gray areas. School communities, on the other hand, can model practical responses to and discussions of these moments that young people can use their entire lives, including when confronting racism, sexism, and heteronormativity. [You can bet any students who support our President will never emote in Jobs’ classes!—-ed]
The SPLC calls it the “Trump Effect” (LOL! note the obligatory dark cover of the report!)
The stakes feel high. The special report “Hate at School”by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance project showed a sharp increase in hate and bias in schools since the 2016 election.
Thankfully, the “Hate at School” report offers many entry points for engaging students, educators, and families in inquiry around how to notice, name, and combat acts of bias and hatred on an ongoing basis — not only when individual moments grow large and public. This defines the work that educators across the nation prepare to engage as school resumes, just over a year out from the 2020 election. [It is all about 2020 to the Progressives.—ed]
Are you looking for a project? Even if your kids are grown, how about looking into what is being taught in your local schools?
My post over the weekend about Michigan teachers being indoctrinated with incomplete information about Islam, see it here, was a huge success on social media.
Fascinating that the beat goes on at the Southern Poverty Law Center. You might think the media (and people like Jobs) would hesitate for a few minutes about using the work of the hypocrites at the SPLC after the incredible airing of their dirty (racist!) linen earlier last spring.
See my complete archive on the SPLC by clicking here.