Ho hum! Rainbow Nation Myth Implodes! More Xenophobic Attacks by South African Blacks
South African blacks don’t like foreigners—other black Africans—so they try to drive them out of SA or kill them.
Black on black violence erupts again in South Africa
The irony of course is that the nation dubbed the “Rainbow Nation” was supposed to be a socialist model, a multi-culti nirvana for the world after the largely white government was ousted and racism given the boot. Now they have to call the tribalism of black South Africans “xenophobia” since the target of their discrimination is fellow blacks.
And, if you think this doesn’t affect you think again! Those black Africans being persecuted by black South Africans are being brought to the US as legitimate refugees!
Here is a 2018 story from Mankato, Minnesota about how one Somali family got into the US as ‘refugees’ from South Africa. The so-called Trump Muslim ban of Somalis doesn’t affect them because they didn’t come from Somalia!
Editor: I’m mentioning RRW posts here because I have no subscription capability at RRW yet.
John Binder writing at Breitbart spotted the news last week, see here.
Also, visit my previous post on Ruslan Maratovich Asainov here.
Alleged ISIS Sniper Indicted, Came to U.S. on ‘Visa Lottery’ from Kazakhstan
An alleged sniper for the Islamic State (ISIS) has been indicted, the Department of Justice announced on Thursday, years after he was able to obtain American citizenship by arriving in the United States on the “Diversity Visa Lottery.”
Another ‘new American’ terrorist?
Ruslan Maratovich Asainov, 43-years-old, was indicted in federal court on five counts of conspiracy to provide material support to ISIS; providing personnel, training, expert advice, assistance, and weapons to ISIS and ISIS fighters; as well as receiving military training from ISIS fighters.
Asainov, according to federal prosecutors, traveled to Istanbul, Turkey in December 2013 with the intention of going on to Syria to fight for ISIS. After arriving in Syria, Asainov is accused of joining ISIS by becoming a sniper for the terrorist organization.
While sniping for ISIS, Asainov moved up the ranks within the terrorist organization and was put in charge of training newcomer ISIS fighters. Asainov is also accused of trying to recruit other terrorist sympathizers living in the U.S. to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Asainov’s traveling to Syria to allegedly snipe for ISIS came 14 years after he was first allowed to legally immigrate to the U.S. through the Diversity Visa Lottery program — which randomly gives out about 55,000 visas every year to foreign nationals from a multitude of countries, including those with known terrorist problems such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and Uzbekistan.
Since 2005, Breitbart News reported, more than half a million foreign nationals have come to the U.S. by randomly winning the Visa Lottery, bringing with them a chain migration of five million foreign nationals since 1994, according to researchers at the Center for Immigration Studies.
See all of my previous posts on the (insane!) Diversity Visa Lotteryhere at ‘Frauds and Crooks‘ and here at a special categoryfor the lottery at Refugee Resettlement Watch.
Immigration lawyers report Canadian Muslims being denied entry to U.S.
A number of Canadian Muslims have been turned away at the Canada-U.S. border in recent weeks, immigration lawyers say.
Those denied entry include a prominent Guyana-born Toronto imam who serves as a chaplain with the Peel Regional Police and an Iraqi Turkmen community leader who has family members fighting ISIS in the Middle East.
Attorney Guberman called their denial of entry “Kafkaesque” implying that the US (under Trump!) was acting in a nightmarish and surreal bureaucratic fashion.
The two men — who were denied entry at different border crossings and were not travelling together — are among at least six Canadian Muslim men who have been denied entry at the U.S. border over the last two weeks.
The men and their families, all of whom are Canadian citizens, were given little in the way of explanation by border officials for the decision to deem them inadmissible.
Neither Guyana nor Iraq are among the seven Muslim-majority countries subject to U.S. President Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban” executive order, which essentially blocks refugees and visitors from those countries from entering the U.S.
Both men were told to apply for visas at the U.S. consulate in Toronto before returning to the border to seek entry — an unusual process for people who hold Canadian passports.
The six men are represented by the Toronto-area immigration firm CILF — Caruso Guberman Appleby. Lawyers there say that if they’re seeing this level of activity at their law firm, there may be many other Canadian nationals facing similar problems at the border.
“We’ve seen a lot more in the last few weeks and we don’t know what to attribute it to. We know the climate there in the U.S. has changed, it’s a bit different, but at the same time there are processes and procedures and people should be afforded opportunities to challenge a case,” Daud Ali, a lawyer at CILF, told CBC News.
“But it’s hard to know what you’re going up against when you’re not told why you’re denied entry. The fact that they’re all Muslims, that raises some concerns about whether these people are being targeted or if this is a new form of some sort of ban…”
“Having worked as an immigration lawyer for over 40 years nothing surprises me anymore but, in all my years, I have never seen such a Kafkaesque scenario,” said Joel Guberman, a partner at the firm.
When asked if there has been a new directive in recent weeks with respect to Muslim travellers from Canada, a spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said the agency “has not had any new policy changes.”
While unable to speak to specific cases because of privacy laws, the CBP spokesperson said “applicants for admission bear the burden of proof to establish that they are clearly eligible to enter the United States. In order to demonstrate that they are admissible, the applicant must overcome all grounds of inadmissibility.”
Canada has been rapidly expanding its African and Middle Eastern population and I expect more problems in the future with undesirables of all stripes crossing over from Canada. Looks like the Trump Admin is trying to get a handle on it!
“Mass immigration is swamping the GOP base. Tens of millions of immigrants who vote Democratic, once they are naturalized and registered, have come and are coming to America.”
(Pat Buchanan in 2006)
It is true!
And, once again we hear the statistics that confirm that immigrants (‘new Americans’) choose Democrats over Republicans when they get a chance to vote.
Forget the humanitarian mumbo-jumbo from the Open Borders agitators. This is all about changing America by changing the people.
Simply ‘new Americans’ want their government-funded social services and that is what the Dems promise them.
Republican suicide?
Yup! That is what every Republican who supports more immigration is doing—killing the Republican party.
Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat
The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals.
The latest Pew Research Center study, as Breitbart News reported, finds that about 109 U.S. counties across 22 states that were once majority white in 2000 became majority-minority in 2018. Today, there are roughly 293 majority-minority U.S. counties, concentrated mostly along the coasts in states such as California, Florida, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Analysis conducted by One America News Network’s (OAN) Ryan Girdusky reveals that the overwhelming majority of these increasingly diverse 109 U.S. counties also became more and more Democrat over less than two decades.
“The big takeaway is this: Republicans were losing ground because of mass immigration long before Trump. The Republican vote declined in 81 of the 109 counties,” Girdusky wrote in his weekly newsletter of the analysis. “Formerly safe Republican districts in places like Georgia, especially, that went for George W. Bush by huge majorities in 2000 were lost by John McCain and Mitt Romney.”
Of course I still want to know how all the poor Africans found the money to get them to Brazil in the first place!
The US Justice Departmentmade the announcement of the arrests here earlier this month.
International Law Enforcement Cooperation Leads to Brazilian Takedown of Significant Human Smugglers
Brazil Federal Police
Earlier today, extensive coordination and cooperation efforts between United States and Brazilian law enforcement and prosecution authorities culminated in the Brazil Federal Police (DPF) conducting a significant enforcement operation to disrupt and dismantle a transnational criminal organization.
The human smuggling organization targeted is alleged to be responsible for the illicit smuggling of scores of individuals from East Africa and the Middle East, into Brazil, and ultimately to the United States. The enforcement operation included the execution of multiple search warrants and the arrests of three prolific, Brazil-based human smugglers on Brazilian charges: Abdifatah Hussein Ahmed (a Somalian national); Abdessalem Martani (an Algerian national); and Mohsen Khademi Manesh (an Iranian national).
“We commend today’s efforts by our Brazilian counterparts to take decisive action under their recently enacted human smuggling laws against criminal networks that threaten the national security of Brazil, the United States and other nations,” said Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “Such collaborative efforts with our foreign law enforcement partners show our collective resolve to hold international human smugglers to account to the fullest extent of the law.”
Assistance provided by U.S. authorities was coordinated under the Extraterritorial Criminal Travel Strike Force (ECT) program, a joint partnership between the Justice Department, Criminal Division’s Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (HRSP) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).The ECT program focuses on human smuggling networks that may present particular national security or public safety risks, or present grave humanitarian concerns. ECT has dedicated investigative, intelligence and prosecutorial resources. ECT coordinates and receives assistance from other U.S. government agencies and foreign law enforcement authorities.
The Center for Immigration Studieshas more on this, see here.
U.S.-Supported Brazilian Op Busts Smugglers Moving Migrants from Muslim-Majority Countries
Maybe the Prez is already doing it, but he should be trumpeting news like this at rallies and on Twitter.
The average American has no idea that his Administration is making some headway in the area of law enforcement—whether that involves the opioid crisis as I reported yesterday here, or big Medicare, Medicaid and Food stamp fraud busts that I’ve been reporting on regularly here at Frauds and Crooks.