It is a “malevolent and wasteful plan to concentrate refugees in blue states.”
(Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Sounds like a good plan, but it does have problems which unfortunately I haven’t the time to discuss this morning. The biggest problem is that it is a band aid. The entire Refugee Program should be scrapped in my opinion.
That said, it sure is fun to watch Trump twist their tails!
Trump admin weighs letting states, cities deny entry to refugees approved for resettlement in U.S.
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering a new policy that would allow state and local jurisdictions to deny entry to refugees who have been approved for resettlement in the United States, according to a draft of an executive order obtained by NBC News.
Mark Hetfield at NY anti-Trump rally!
According to the draft, “the federal government will resettle refugees only where both the relevant state and local governments have consented to participate” in the program that allows refugees to resettle.
The plans are currently out for review by lawyers and counterparts at various government agencies, a senior DHS official said.
If a state or local jurisdiction does not agree to take in refugees, the federal government will have to find another location, according to the draft. An exception to this rule would be made in the case of resettling spouses or children of refugees already settled.
The White House and the Department of Homeland Security did not respond to requests for comment.
Refugee rights organizations have long advocated for refugees to be relocated in areas where there are already refugees of the same country living to create a sense of community for those fleeing violence and persecution.
It is wonderful how the President gets them to show their colors!
Here a former Obama official admits there wouldn’t be enough ‘welcoming’ states and cities (if given the opportunity to say NO!) to accommodate all the refugees the refugee industry is demanding.
Peter Boogaard, photo from his twitter account:
Peter Boogaard, who worked on immigration issues in the Obama White House, said the executive order would hinder religious organizations, like the Catholic Church, from resettling immigrants in states around the country and “would also have a dramatic impact on the ability of future administrations to return refugee admissions to the normal historic levels.”
If carried out, the draft executive order on refugees would undermine efforts to resettle them and violate the intent of a 1980 law that clearly grants the federal government authority over refugee policy, said Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which works to resettle refugees under State Department agreements.
“Governors could elect not to take part in the refugee resettlement program. That would have a horrible impact on the program. That would literally be an abdication of federal authority,” Hetfield said.
He called it a “malevolent and wasteful plan to concentrate refugees in blue states.”
Recently I told you that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a federal refugee contractor, had become the first church group to declare that they are a sanctuary church that seeks to protect the “undocumented.”
We see that another federal contractor, Church World Service, which received $39 million from US taxpayers in 2018, is on the sanctuary bandwagon.
No pictures of crying kids! By the way, these are two Salvadorans charged in the rape of an 11-year-old in Montgomery County, MD a sanctuary county. I didn’t have the photos for my post on Saturday, so thought I would put them here. Why not! This is what you get with sanctuary policies!
Church World Servicewants you to contribute to their sanctuary scheme. (Hat tip: Joanne)
From their website:
With the resurgence of the Sanctuary Movement, hundreds of congregations are standing in solidarity with immigrants and providing spaces of sanctuary for individuals facing deportation or targeted by hate.The Sanctuary Movement has been lifting up stories of immigrant leaders and people of faith working together to stop individual deportations and demonstrate against mass deportations and detention.
Shirt with CWS logo. Did you pay for her T-shirt?
We are living in extraordinary times, which call for more resources and support from as many people as possible to help strengthen our capacity to create sanctuary spaces, outreach to new congregations and build new coalitions.
People of faith from all traditions are called to respond to the current political reality by joining the Sanctuary Movement and working together to lift up the prophetic voice of immigrant leaders.
Please donate to the Sanctuary Movement today.
Just so you know these are theMember congregationsChurch World Service claims as their own. It is over 50 years since Cloward and Piven wrote about the strategy to transform America—to bring on the revolution—a strategy that required getting the churches on the side of the communists, see here.
Checking their latest financials, you can see that CWS received 62 percent ($39 million) of its income from you via your tax dollars in this most recent Charity Navigator report.
Look at the bright side!
I guess they are making a big push for dollars for their sanctuary program because they are way down in government funding. See here in January that in the previous year they got $68 million directly from the US Treasury (from you!).
For new readers, see the list of all nine UN/US State Department refugee resettlement “partners” here.
If you haven’t done it already, you must tell the Prezto cut all federal funding of these fake non-profits sucking off the federal teat while breaking the law and harboring illegal aliens!
Senators Lankford and Rubio: Two of nine Republicans pressing Trump to “increase” number of refugees to be admitted to the US. 18 Senators in total signed the letter.
Responding to the fear that the Trump Administration might really cut the number of refugees to be admitted to the US in FY2020 (which begins on October 1, 2019) to zero, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Coons (D-DE) spear-headed a letter to the Secretary of State saying they want the President to “increase” the number of refugees to be admitted.
However, they aren’t willing to say what that number should be! I suspect that is because once a number was discussed their ‘bipartisan’ effort threatened to fall apart.
We assume they want more than the 30,000, the number the President set as the ceiling for the present year. Theresettlement contractorswant 95,000!
Note the usual Leftwing Open Borders Dems are joined by nine Republicans.
See if your Senator is among them.
This is Lankford’s press release yesterday:
Senators Lankford, Coons Lead Letter on Concerns to Eliminate Refugee Cap
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Coons (D-DE) led a bipartisan letter with Senators John Thune (R-SD), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Tina Smith (D-MN), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Thomas R. Carper (D-DE), Rob Portman (R-OH), Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY), Susan Collins (R-ME), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Cory Gardner (R-CO), and Ed Markey (D-MA) to the administration to express concern about reports of a proposed elimination of refugee resettlements for FY2020.
The Senators wrote, “While some Members of Congress have already expressed their displeasure with the FY2019 resettlement cap, and the lower-than-normal admittance numbers for FY2017 and FY2018, eliminating refugee admittance altogether is even more alarming. At a time when we are facing the ‘highest levels of displacement on record,’ according to the United Nations Refugee Agency, we urge you to increase the refugee resettlement cap and to admit as many refugees as possible within that cap. America has a responsibility to promote compassion and democracy around the world through assistance to vulnerable and displaced people.”
Continue reading here. There is a link to the letter there as well.
See that theCatholic News Agencyis on the story. Of course!
I don’t need to tell you what to do, right! If your Senator is one of the Republicans in this gang of nine, let him or her know what you think!
Some of the Rs on this list might think this is a freebie for them, make sure they know you are watching!
The next time you see one of those glowing economic studies from some place like Welcoming Americaor the New American Economyabout how immigrants boost the economy in places like Baltimore, take a look and see if the cost of arrests, trials and incarcerations of alien (aka new American) criminals are factored in. Molly and the Mexican man accused of murdering her…
A few days ago, John Binder at Breitbart reminded us of the dreadful murder in Iowa last year of a beautiful young woman—Molly Tibbets.
Do you remember the story? You probably do, but the mainstream media has moved on (once it was learned that the suspect is yes, an illegal alien).
Read Binder’s account of the latest slap at Americans.
And, as you do, ponder this: it was a Bill Clinton EXECUTIVE ORDERthat put in place the requirement that local/state governments (and even businesses like hospitals) must pay for interpreters for any aliens with problems.
It is not a law passed by Congress and apparently no President since Clinton has considered revoking it.
Binder at Breitbart,
Mollie Tibbetts Trial: Taxpayers Billed $12.5K for Illegal Alien’s Translator
Iowa taxpayers have been billed more than $12,000 thus far to provide a full-time court translator to illegal alien Cristhian Bahena Rivera, accused of murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts in Brooklyn, Iowa last year.
In August 2018, Bahena Rivera, a 25-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with Tibbetts’ murder after police said he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman.
After a nationwide search, Tibbetts’ body was found in a cornfield in Poweshiek County, Iowa. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted, and worked on a dairy farm using a stolen ID and Social Security card after allegedly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child. Court records obtained by local media reveal that a translator for Bahena Rivera — from Missouri — has cost taxpayers in Iowa about $12,485 thus far.
This is the latest perk Bahena Rivera has enjoyed thus far while preparing for the murder trial against him, which is supposed to begin in November. This year, the illegal alien’s attorneys successfully got the trial date moved back, attempted to have his alleged murder confession thrown out, were rewarded with more than $3,000 in taxpayer funds to obtain an expert witness, and successfully got his trial moved to a less white, more Hispanic-populated region of the state.
More here.
Recently a reader at my facebook page commented that I post scare stories and don’t tell people what to do. The scare stories are meant to spur patriots to action!
When I first began writing Frauds and Crooks I regularly told readers what they might do about the news I was posting, but wasn’t sure if anyone did what I suggested.
Now I ask myself, well heck, I know it doesn’t come easily for us, but aren’t most of you politically savvy enough by now to figure out a role for yourselves, even some small things that might benefit your fellow Americans (your neighbors) in your own local areas.
None of us, me or you, are in any position to change the big stuff, but if everyone does some small things we might see change (LOL! Maybe even in our lifetimes!).
So what might you do about this news—first spread the story far and wide! Use all of your social media resources.
And, write to the White House, tell the President that this Executive Order (13166)should be revoked and if Congress wants to require interpreters for everything a non-English-speaking person needs help with—pass a law.
Write to the White House every day. So at the most you lose 5 minutes every day?
And, how about this? Find the cost of interpreter services in the city or county/state in which you live.
I remember years ago seeing information that translators were costing Montgomery County, MD a million a year. I bet it is way above that now! Even your efforts to get the information will cause a stir! If you get the information, send a letter to elected officials and send letters to the editor, and just keep bugging them!
A reader sent me an article just yesterday about the Tea Party being dead. I couldn’t bring myself to read it (too depressing), but it is because of this…..
…..Never forget, the Leftwingers, the Progressives, get what they want by just making the same demands every day, every week, every year while many of us throw up our hands and say, heck this is too hard!
For new readers that 95,000 number is for refugees chosen abroad and flown here on your dime and then resettled by the State Department’s nine paid resettlement contractors. (The Trump team never got rid of any of the nine as they once promised to do!)
Of course that 95,000 number is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers who illegally entered the US and asked to be declared refugees. Refugees are eligible for most forms of welfare once designated.
The lobbying arm of the refugee industry, the Refugee Council USA, confirms that 95,000 is their target number for FY2020which begins October 1, 2019.
They announce their pie-in-the-sky number early and often so then when Trump suggests something less than that they can scream bloody murder.
BTW, as of June 30th of FY19, the Trump Administration had admitted just over 21,000, thus the State Department will have to speed things up to even make the 30,000 ceiling for this year.
The lobbying group Refugee Council USA wants its followers to….
Hold the administration accountable to meeting this year’s 30,000 refugee admissions goal and urge them to commit to resettling at least 95,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2020, rebuilding the program and returning it to historic norms.
That made me laugh because not even Barack Obama came near their “historic norms.” “Rebuilding the program” means pouring more taxpayer dollars into the “religious” groups’ coffers.
The story that caught my eye today is this one from Deseret News.
There is no mention made that some of those signing a letter to the Secretary of State have a vested financial interest in increasing the number of refugees being admitted.
Religious groups react to rumors the U.S. will stop admitting refugees. What would it mean for U.S. values?
Who dat? They’ve trotted out 90-year-old Walter Mondale to tell Trump we need more refugees!
You can read it yourself.
In addition to Walter Mondale, Deseret News wants you to know that Islamic Relief USA is also pounding Pompeo with a lecture about our “foundational values.”
Mentioned in the story is a letter sent by what the Deseret News calls 40 “faith groups” to Secretary of State Pompeo in June demanding a “robust” program for the coming fiscal year.
You can read the letter here.
Here is a screenshot of the last paragraph:
And now here (below) are the forty plus “faith” groups which signed the letter.
If you are a supporter of any of the hodge podge of groups below and disapprove of their support for this effort, be sure to let them know!
Of the nine paid resettlement contractors, five groups whose budgets depend on your tax dollars for refugee clients signed the letter: Church World Service, HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, the Episcopal Church and World Relief.
Although several Catholic-affiliated groups are mentioned neither of the giants resettling the largest number of refugees in the US—Catholic Charities or the US Conference of Catholic Bishops—are mentioned.
This is the time to let the President know what your number is for FY2020! He needs a robust response from you!
This post is filed in my ‘Charity fraud’category. Endnote:You might have noticed I’m back to putting the whole post up without using the “continue reading” break because at least this way I know you are getting my full post in your phones etc. as I continue the process of moving away from WordPress.