Pandemic causes delay in investigation, trial of serial murder suspect Billy Chemirmir
Over two years after Billy Chemirmir’s arrest, families who say their elderly loved ones were killed by the serial murder suspect are wondering what’s taking so long for county officials to declare the deaths homicides.
Kenyan Billy Chemirmir with some of the seniors it is believed he smothered to death to steal their jewelry. (The only man so far identified as a possible victim was found in a pool of blood.)
Dallas County Medical Examiner Jeffery Barnard said Wednesday that the coronavirus pandemic has slowed the process of amending those death certificates but that he will work to clear the cases by the end of July.
The death certificate revisions aren’t the only part of the investigation into Chemirmir that has been slowed by the pandemic. His attorney, Phillip Hayes, said Thursday that the virus also will delay his criminal trial.
Chemirmir, 47, has been indicted in the deaths of 14 elderly people in Dallas and Collin counties, and civil lawsuits name him as a suspect in the deaths of eight others. A Kenyan immigrant with permanent resident status in the U.S., he is in the Dallas County Jail in lieu of $11.6 million bail.
The number of potential victims could make Chemirmir among the most prolific serial killers in Texas history. He maintains he is innocent.
Some of the victims’ family members are strongly voicing their objections to further delay by the Medical Examiners office.
Secure Our Seniors Safety, a nonprofit founded last year by the daughters of four of Chemirmir’s alleged victims, says that at least five cases are awaiting amendment from “natural causes” or “old age” to homicide.
Throughout 2018, nearly two dozen families in North Texas received the shocking news that police were re-investigating their loved ones’ deaths as possible murders. The calls came as much as two years after their loved ones died at luxury senior living communities and private homes in Dallas, Richardson, Plano and Frisco.
The families had no choice but to wait for the causes of death to be amended and the cases to be presented to a grand jury.
For some, the wait lasted just a few weeks. Others waited months. Some are still waiting.
The Dallas Morning News is the only larger media outlet to report on the gruesome story since it first broke in the spring of 2019.
Nobody says this, but you know it…..
Frankly, if the killer was white and the victims black senior citizens this would be news trumpeted across the world on a regular basis. CNN and the New York Times would have reporters camped in Dallas to report every detail of the story.
Heck, the Antifa rioters would likely have torn the jail down by now!
See my Billy Chemirmir(the Kenyan Killer) archive. (There are some stories in the archive in which I just reference him in relation to other criminal cases.)