Editor: As you know I have been deep in the weeds of the President’s offer to local elected officials and state governors to determine if they want to receive refugees later in 2020. It is frankly a bureaucratic morass and I needed a break from it so I had a look at some ‘frauds and crooks’ news this morning.
Please visit Refugee Resettlement Watch because there are new posts there every day like this one:Appomattox County, Virginia says no thanks to refugees, likely first in the nation county to say NO!
For a change, this is really disturbing news for a whole host of reasons.
Before getting to the story that you may have seen because it was fairly widely reported, learn what a Brazilian butt lift entails.See here.
I sure hope our tax dollars in no way support this foolish (deadly!) medical procedure.
From theUK Daily Mail(where photos are always the best):
Botched cut-rate operations at plastic surgery clinics operated by FELONS in Florida cost 13 women their lives – but state law can do nothing to close down the lethal businesses
At least 13 women have died after undergoing plastic surgery at Florida clinics founded by felons, a new investigation reveals.
They came for discounted butt lifts and tummy tucks from surgeons in world-renowned South Beach, Florida.
But these women were left with complications that cost them their lives, after operations that were performed by surgeons hired by for felons, USA Today’s investigation revealed.
Dr Osakatukei Omulepu had failed his board exams multiple times, and had never been board certified in plastic surgery, says the Daily Mail.
It dug into the sordid histories of four clinics founded by people had been convicted of crimes – mostly financial ones – but were allowed to run cosmetic surgery shops that crowded patients in and cut corners to make more money more quickly.
The clinics, where women died of fat embolisms, deadly mixtures of sedatives and puncture wounds to organs, were cited for these deaths and for dirty operating rooms.
Yet they were never shut down. Blindspots in regulatory oversight and hamstrung lawmakers allowed these facilities to continue operating despite the littany of problems – in one case, even while the owner was waiting for his prison sentence to start.
Juan Hernandes was convicted in a $1.2 million Medicare billing fraud case while running Spectrum Aesthetics
Juan Hernandesco-founded Spectrum Aesthetics in 2012. He and his business partner, Evelyn Parrado werecharged with fraudulently billing $1.2 million to Medicare for drugs from the pharmacy they ran together.
Under the impression that Spectrum was staffed and run by board certified surgeons, the court allowed Hernandes to continue to operate the clinic.
He employed and oversaw the physicians there, including Dr Osakatukei Omulepu, who had failed his board exams multiple times, and never been board certified in plastic surgery.
Yet the unqualified surgeon performed Brazilian butt lifts, the most dangerous cosmetic operation.
During two such operations, he punctured or stabbed organs including the liver and small intestine.
A surgical sponge was left inside Porche Campbell, 40, when she had a procedure there.
Nicola Mason, 46, came to Spectrum from Maryland for a Brazilian butt lift.
But, a complaint she filed against Dr Omulepu claims he performed a tummy tuck – the wrong surgery – on her, instead.
And the unwanted tummy tuck she got left Mason with large scars on the side of her abdomen.
Dr Omulepu’s records claim that he determined that Mason wasn’t a good candidate for butt lift, according to USA TODAY, and that the two instead agreed upon her tummy tuck.
Last year, Adianet Galvan visited New Life Plastic Surgery for the same risky procedure: a Brazilian butt lift.
She suffered the same fate countless others have under the knife. Galvan died of a fat embolism, according to USA Today’s analysis of her autopsy records.
‘I never thought my daughter would come to this country and die at the age of 30,’ her mother, Arelys Gonzalez told USA Today. [Were these women in the country legally?—ed]