In what might arguably be the best, most valuable, work in a body of unparalleled work from our friend Leo Hohmann comes this report of what the respected general has advised the President to do to put down the coupagainst the government being waged with a new type of warfare unanticipated by our founding fathers.
And, he tells us what we must do now because the way the Socialist/Communist conspirators could win is by continuing to sow the seeds of chaos/confusion and thus paralyze us into inaction. You already know the feeling!
Decorated 3-star general calls on Trump to ‘honor your oath of office’ and protect America from ‘treasonous’ enemies within
McInerney lays out strategy to defeat deep-state coup plotters
Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney [U.S. Air Force Retired] said in a no-holds-barred interview that he doesn’t believe the courts are likely to come through for President Trump.
McInerney spent many years as a contributor to the “now flipped” Fox News which fired him in 2018 for making derogatory remarks about John McCain.
Despite massive amounts of evidence of widespread irregularities, many judges appear either unable or unwilling to sort through allegations of rigged voting machines and dozens of affidavits from eyewitnesses to ballot stuffing, denial of Republican poll watchers from observing the process, evidence of more votes cast in hundreds of precincts than were registered to vote, and a host of other irregularities.
The general placed the burden squarely on President Trump to use the emergency powers at his disposal and put down what he described as a coup d’état in progress.
McInerney said that after listening to President Trump talk with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning, he was concerned that the president “sounded kind of down.”
“What startled me was, he kept talking about fraudulent votes, and then I heard Rudy Giuliani talking about fraudulent votes. It’s not fraudulent votes. The American people must understand, we are talking about treason.”
The oath must be fulfilled
McInerney said President Trump must be compelled by his supporters to “honor his oath of office” and employ the tools available to him to quash the insurrection that he believes is in progress.
Keep readingas he makes his case! And, then see what he says to answer those of us who might not be sure of what we are seeing….
If America doesn’t “wake up” and realize what’s happening it will soon be too late, he said.
This is corroborated by people who in earlier decades lived through the socialist revolutions that took over Cuba, Venezuela, China, Germany, Russia, Vietnam and Cambodia.
When asked “how did this happen” and “did you see it coming,” almost to a person, they will tell you that, yes, they saw it and they knew their country was heading in a bad direction. But, at the end, confusion reigned as events transpired so fast that the people felt paralyzed and unable to stop the fall of their government.
What to do first! After all, there are 70 plus million of us!
McInerney is recommending that people email or tweet to the president a message asking him to invoke the Insurrection Act and the September 2018 executive order, declare a national emergency and suspend the meeting of the Electoral College on Dec. 14 until a full investigation by military tribunals can be conducted into the many election irregularities that, if found to be true, would constitute a blatant act of treason against the republic.
“It’s important for every America citizen to understand that you are now facing, for the first time, hybrid modern warfare, where the enemy is unseen, it’s stealthy. Be aware America, be afraid, be concerned, rise up. We cannot let this election, these treasonous acts, this coup d’état, to stand.”
Do just what the Left does, take control of the language. This is much worse than the usual lying, cheating and fraud. Use the words: modern warfare,coup d’état and treason.
Continue readingfor more steps you can take in the days, weeks, months ahead.
Normally I prefer to not write about stories that are being widely covered by the media, but this one is so awful that I want to make sure all of you see it.
A former U.S. Air Force counterintelligence officer who defected to Iran nearly six years ago has been charged with revealing classified military information to the Iranian government and helping Iran target her former co-workers, the Justice Department announced Wednesday.
Monica Elfriede Witt, 39, allegedly disclosed the existence of a highly classified military intelligence collection program and the identity of a U.S. intelligence officer to Iranian spy agencies. A grand jury indictment unsealed Wednesday also charged Witt with helping Iranian intelligence services target at least eight U.S. agents who had interacted or worked with her.
An arrest warrant was issued for Witt, who remains at large and is believed to live in Iran.
Four Iranians working on behalf of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) also were named in the indictment and face charges of conspiracy, computer intrusions and identity theft in connection with targeting Witt’s former co-workers in 2014 and 2015.
Witt was born in Texas, converted to Islam and was also a supporter of ‘Occupy Wall Street.’
I realize I don’t have a category here at Frauds, Crooks and Criminalsfor this story, so I’m making a new one—Betraying Americans (betraying America!). And, I will tag the story ‘treason.’