I’ve posted an important pieceat Refugee Resettlement Watchthis morning.
Miliband is doing well by doing good. See how well!
The federally-funded refugee contractors are counting on the US military to carry their water in demanding that the President set the refugee admissions cap higher this coming year. Big meeting on Tuesday.
See who all the players are!
Hint! Moneybags Miliband is involved…..
It is long but an important read!
Endnote: If you are a new reader and don’t know the history of Refugee Resettlement Watch,go here.
I think its a good proposal if the goal is to bring attention to the issue and to twist the tails of Progressives, however it has no practical purpose in my opinion, and, here is why:
People (refugees are here legally!) are permitted to move anywhere in America and none of us wants that permission revoked! Freedom of movement is at the very heart of our most cherished ideals as Americans.
Lewiston, Maine Somalis protest
And, since Horowitz mentions Lewiston, Maine in his piece, and since I’m too lazy and too rushed to parse it all, how about if I simply repost most of a post I published at Refugee Resettlement Watchnearly ten years ago entitled,
Somali Migration to Maine: it’s the welfare magnet, stupid
It is about the SECONDARY MIGRATION to Maine by Somalis in search of welfare, and to escape Atlanta, Georgia where they had been placed by refugee contractors working for the US State Department.
Lewiston was primarily transformed by secondary migration!
They didn’t stay where they had been placed!
And, that is why I say the Trump proposal might make us think we, in local communities, will have some say in the process, the truth is we won’t!
Lewiston, Maine didn’t want them initially, but now it seems most of Maine is being transformed by Africans on the move with the encouragement of the Open Borders Left.
(Unfortunately some of the links don’t work because WordPress took RRW down, but you get the gist!)
From RRW on November 2, 2009:
Yesterday I brought to readers’ attention that now that the Somali population in Lewiston, ME is large and well-established, the demands for accomodation of Muslim religious practices has begun, see CAIR threatens,here. Among those who study Islamic supremacism around the world, this is known as the Stealth Jihad (see our entire categoryhere)—changing a country from within to bring about Islamic dominance.
In my post I attributed a role to Catholic Charities in bringing the first Somalis to Maine, and after a little research I found that assertion was accurate. However, the majority of the thousands of Somalis now continuing to upset Lewiston are secondary migrants resettled by Catholic Charities and other federally contracted agencies in Georgia.
Here is the best summary (Free Republic still has full Newhouse News Service article here) I’ve found so far about how Lewiston got to the point it’s at now with CAIR breathing down the necks of school administrators. I’ve only taken a bit of this very long and thorough 2002 article, so please read the whole thing.
LEWISTON — Every week, another four or five Somali families arrive in this workaday city on the Androscoggin River.
They are refugees from the clan-wracked ruins of their homeland on the Horn of Africa, from years of waiting in camps in Kenya. And they are migrants from their place of first resettlement in America, more often than not trekking 1,000 miles from the heat and multihued humanity of metropolitan Atlanta to this sparse, wintry, whitest of all states.
They are nomads, their ancient instincts honed to a 21st century edge. Pioneers in a new world, they discovered Lewiston and claimed a bit of it for themselves.
“It’s like finding a small island in the middle of the Pacific,” says Mohammed Abdi, who last year moved here from Decatur, Ga., and was quickly hired as the liaison between the city’s schools and the burgeoning Somali community. “We put it on the map.”
They were originally resettled with American blacks and that wasn’t going so well, an issue we have discussed at RRW on previous occasions.
In their exodus, they say they are looking for peace and quiet, cheaper housing, a more benevolent welfare system, better schools and a place to raise their children — families of seven or more are common —with fewer perils and temptations. That they are leaving a metro area renowned as an African-American mecca to resettle in Maine, home to fewer than 7,000 blacks in 2000, is less a matter of irony than intent, given the prickly state of their relations with African-Americans and a desire to protect their children from assimilating too quickly.
Scouts sent out! But, I will bet you anything they had some hints from their friends at Catholic Charities which was already resettling Somalis in Portland, ME.
Fed up with life in Atlanta —he was robbed twice — Abdiaziz Ali said members of the Somali community there researched other places on the Internet, comparing crime rates, the cost of housing, test scores. Then they sent scouts to a handful of cities — Kansas City, Mo., Nashville, Tenn., San Diego, Houston and El Paso in Texas, and Portland and Lewiston in Maine.
Maine was preferred, and Portland was full.
It is cold but the welfare is oh so good! Note when you read the article that some of the men stayed back in Georgia to continue to work while the wives and kids went to Maine for the welfare.
Indeed, in moving from Georgia to Maine, Somalis are trading one of the nation’s least generous welfare systems for one of its most generous.
Lewiston provides general assistance to anyone in need, splitting the cost with the state. Such relief was unavailable in Clarkston. In Georgia, there is a four-year time limit for receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. In Maine it’s five, but even that can be extended. About a quarter of Lewiston’s Somali families receive that form of welfare, according to the state. And in Maine, a state-funded program assists single parents while they attend college.
There is a waiting list for public housing in Lewiston, but not nearly as long as back in Georgia. About a third of the more than 90 apartments at Hillview, Lewiston’s largest public housing project, have Somali tenants, and about 35 more Somali families have received Section 8 vouchers, which subsidize the rent on private apartments.
Fulfilling that expectation [that people work] is complicated because so many of the Somali families are single mothers and children, the fathers dead, missing, still in Africa or still in Atlanta.
“The men don’t like it here — it’s too cold or too quiet or too behind,” says Fatuma Hussein, whose own husband still drives a taxi in Atlanta, making frequent visits to her and their three young children.
The role of Catholic Charities
There were no Somalis in Lewiston prior to the colonization that began after 9/11.
Note in the article that Somalis are quoted as saying Portland was “full.” That would be full of primarily Somalis and Sudanese resettled in Maine by Catholic Charities, the only refugee resettlement contractor in the state for 30 years. That makes it easy for us to check the numbers Catholic Charities brought. Not nearly the tens of thousands resettled in other states, but from 1983-2005, Catholic Charities resettled 498 Somalis and 607 Sudanese (I mention the Sudanese because we have heard lots about problems with the “Sudanese community” of Portland recently). You will see later that the number 498 is inaccurate because in just 3 individual years during that time period, reported in annual reports to Congress, below, the number exceeds 498.
To this day, Catholic Charities is resettling new Somalis in Maine. The stats aren’t out for 2009 but in 2007 the number of Somalis resettled was 118 and in 2008 it was 60 (that drop may be because of the discovery by the State Department of the fraud in the family reunification program).
I don’t believe the Somali scouts found Lewiston all on their own—-I think there is a really good chance that earlier resettled Maine Somalis and Catholic Charities (CC) in Atlanta tipped-off the scouts to the lucrative welfare in Lewiston. So, I checked the Office of Refugee Resettlement annual reports to Congress for the years 1997, 1998, and 1999 to see how many Somalis CC had brought to Maine in the years preceding the migration. Sure enough, in 1997, CC resettled 228 Somalis to Maine, in 1998 the number was 168 and in 1999, 277. What are the chances that a few of those Somalis were “related” to Atlanta Somalis and told them to ‘come on up, the public assistance is great!’
Note to readers in Maine: I have many more discoveries I want to share with you in another post, things that need further research, but this is getting too long!
The President only has one real way of reforming the US Refugee Admissions Program and that is to set the number to be admitted for FY2020 to zero and tell Congress to get the hell to workand reform the entire program or scrap it altogether.
If he sets the admissions number to zero, and sends none of our tax dollars to the federal contractors like Catholic Charities, until Congress takes up the issue, then he might actually have some serious leverage.
He should have done that in year-one of his Presidency!
First they want the 30,000 they believe they were promised for this year (FY19).
See my post yesterdaywhere I explain we are likely to reach that number by September 30th.
However, in a recent letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo they say they want 95,000 next year.
Hereis the news at from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs:
167 Jewish Organizations Urge U.S. to Meet Refugee Goal
JCPA, a network of 125 local Jewish community relations councils and 17 national Jewish agencies, has joined with 166 national, state, and local Jewish organizations and institutions in urging the United States to meet the refugee resettlement admissions goal of 30,000 for fiscal year 2019 and to return to historic norms next year.
In a letter delivered to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on Wednesday (August 7th), the group explained, “The United States has historically distinguished itself as a beacon of hope and as a safe haven for those who most need it. For nearly 40 years, the refugee admissions target averaged 95,000 per year, with actual admissions averaging 80,000 refugees per year. Despite this, the Administration set the admissions ceiling to a historic low of 30,000 refugees in FY19. Resettling zero refugees in the U.S. in FY2020 would effectively gut the refugee resettlement program, violate our values as Jews and Americans, and abdicate the American promise of freedom and opportunity.”
Not mentioned in the short news story is the request for the CEILING for 2020 to be set at 95,000. See the letter with its 167 signatures. This is a paragraph from near the end.
We urge the Department of State, in partnership with the other implementing agencies, to restore our country’s refugee admissions cap to at least 95,000 for FY2020.The values of our nation and the safety and well-being of tens of thousands of refugees and their families depend on it.
Don’t miss the list of those that signed the letter, here.
What do they mean by restore the cap to 95,000?
In the last ten years (mostly Obama years!) the cap was no where near 95,000 until Obama set it at 110,000 in September 2017 as he was getting ready to vacate the Oval Office.
Why didn’t he set it at 110,000 or even 95,000 in his previous opportunities to set the CEILING?
I didn’t see these same groups attacking the sainted Obama for his much lower caps in his previous 7 years in office!
They make it sound like we have been admitting that extreme number in the years prior to the arrival of Donald Trump. We have not!
See the last ten years of CEILING data at Wrapsnetand then the actual number of admissions.
And, remember this: in the early years of the refugee program which began in 1980, we were not being invaded by tens of thousands of asylum seekers (wannabe refugees) at our borders as we are today.
I couldn’t manage to get the whole chart on the screen, but the part I want you to see is the column for the CEILING. So what do they mean by claiming the CEILING must be RESTORED to 95,000! Compare the CEILING column to the actual admissions and you will see that Obama’s numbers were high, but not as high as they are demanding that Trump’s should be!
There has been a lot of squawking from the refugee industry of late demanding admission of the full 30,000 refugees that the Trump Administration set as its ceiling for FY19, and it looks like they will get pretty close.
But, first a little housekeeping. I am working on restoring Refugee Resettlement Watch but my helper has been very busy so it is taking longer than I had hoped.
In the meantime, I’ll bring you some refugee news here at Frauds and Crooks. I have already been reporting some of the news about the refugee contractors*** demand for 95,000 refugees for the new fiscal year (FY2020 begins on October 1 of this year).
Today I’m updating numbers and nationalities of this year’s refugee crop.
Also, several readers at Facebook and some readers here tell me that yesterday’s post about those creeps who taunted an old white ladyin a Chicago area nursing home, here, were unable to open the story or it was never sent out. I hope too many of you didn’t have the same problem.
So how are refugee admissions going this year?
Here (below) is a map from Wrapsnet showing how many refugees have been admitted since October 1, 2018 to August 1, 2019 (10 months). Texas continues to lead the nation as the number one most ‘welcoming’ state. (They will turn Texas blue!)
You can see that as of August 1, 24,906 refugees have been admitted. And, with two months and a little over 5,000 more to go, they might very well make it to the CAP (aka ceiling). Remember though that since that is a CEILING, there is nothing that says the State Department must hit the ceiling.
The Prez, when setting the 30,000 limit, might very well have finished the year with only a fraction of that number and been completely within the law.
I know the numbers are difficult to read, so here are the top ten welcoming states:
Texas, New York, Washington, California, Kentucky, Ohio, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, and Michigan.
The top three nationalities in this year’s flow are ‘refugees’ from the DR Congo by far with 11,047, followed by Burma with 4,175 (826 of those are Rohingya Muslims), and Ukraine 3,036.
The total number of Muslims admitted in the first ten months is just over 4,000, or about 16% of the total refugee arrivals of 24,906.
***For readers new to the whole Refugee Admissions Program, the UN liststhe nine contractors here and then has a cool interactive site to find which refugee agencies are operating near you.
Hereis one version of the news this week. Notice they work closely with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service***which is almost completely federally funded.
It appears that these Lutherans have run out of poor and homeless AMERICANS in need of Christian charity.
Evangelical Lutheran Church Declares Itself a Sanctuary Denomination
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), today at the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly declared itself a Sanctuary Denomination, dedicated to serving and supporting the protection of migrants in communities nationwide. The ELCA is the first mainstream church body in America to declare itself a sanctuary denomination. The movement was spearheaded by the Metropolitan New York Synod (MNYS), one of the 65 synods of the ELCA.
“Christians have offered sanctuary for two thousand years, continuing an ancient biblical practice in which cities and houses of worship provided refuge and asylum for people fleeing injustice,” stated Christopher Vergara, who serves as chairperson of MNYS’s AMMPARO/Sanctuary Ministry. “Beginning in the 1980s, the Sanctuary Movement was a faith-based initiative to protect Central American refugees fleeing civil war and seeking safety in the United States. Today, the New Sanctuary Movement is a revived effort to protect undocumented migrants from needless jailing procedures and deportation, and to address the dire situation within the Department of Health and Human Services that has resulted in the stripping of services to refugees and unaccompanied children.”
By its vote, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly deemed that sanctuary means not only provision of shelter but also:
A response to raids, detentions, deportations, and the criminalization of immigrants and refugees;
A strategy to fight individual cases of deportation, to advocate for an end of mass detention, and to amplify immigrant voices;
A vision for what communities and the world can be; and
A moral imperative to take prophetic action of radical hospitality rooted in the ancient traditions of our faith communities.
Working locally with organizations like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Lutheran Social Services, The New Sanctuary Coalition, The New York Immigration Coalition, and the ELCA’s AMMPARO program, the MNYS has created a network of sanctuary congregations ready to help protect refugees and undocumented people from arrest and deportation.The pillars of the program lie in education, advocacy, and awareness.
This post is filed in my ‘Charity fraud’ category.
*** You should be making it clear to elected officials that any ‘charity’ receiving federal funding should be disqualified from receiving federal grants and contracts if it participates in breaking federal law!