Stephen Dinan writing at the Washington Times has done a masterful job of pulling together horror stories about how children are exploited to benefit illegal aliens breaking into the US.
Have you heard a peep out of the US Catholic Bishops, or the Lutherans, the mainstream protestants at Church World Service or the Jews at HIAS say a word about this on-going tragedy? I haven’t!
EXCLUSIVE: Children forced into fake families to exploit border loopholes
Walfrie Eliseo Camposeco-Montejo’s pitch to the Guatemalan woman was simple: Let me use your son to get into the U.S., and I promise I’ll send him to American schools.

The ailing woman liked the idea. She gave her 12-year-old to Camposeco-Montejo, and they struck off for the U.S. in late 2016 just as another border crisis was developing. Arrested by Border Patrol agents, Camposeco-Montejo used a bogus birth certificate to claim he was the father of the boy and was given the catch-and-release treatment under the “family loophole” in U.S. policy.
The boy never made it to school.
Instead, court documents say, Camposeco-Montejo forced him into work, 10 hours a day, six days a week, picking peppers or flowers at Florida farms. He was also pressed into the overnight cleaning shift at a movie theater. He got three hours of sleep a day, and Camposeco-Montejo confiscated most of his paycheck. He said the money was to pay off the $5,000 fee they had paid the cartels to be smuggled into the U.S.
The boy, who was identified in court documents only as Minor Victim 1, or MV1, eventually managed to escape and tell his story.
Camposeco-Montejo was arrested and was sentenced to eight years in prison this month.
Dinan goes on with one horror story after another.
The Trump Administration has begun to bring the scam under control reports Dinan, but more needs to be done by Congress (which is too busy trying to get rid of Trump than to protect Americans and our borders).