That is what Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas has asked the Department of Homeland Security reports John Binder at Breitbart.
You have probably seen the news, but just in case you didn’t know that some of Biden’s Afghans are not waiting for the nine resettlement contractors to pick their new homes in America choosing instead to walk away from military bases where they have been housed. So much for robust vetting!
Editor: Binder is keeping up with the latest Afghan evacuee news, so if you don’t read his reports you should.
Tom Cotton Sounds Alarm on ‘Unknown Afghans’ Fleeing U.S. Military Bases
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) says it is “alarming” that hundreds of seemingly “unknown Afghans” brought to the United States by President Joe Biden’s administration are prematurely fleeing U.S. military bases.
Last week, Reuters reported that at least 700 Afghans had fled U.S. bases in Wisconsin, Virginia, Texas, Indiana, New Mexico, and New Jersey for American communities before having been resettled by refugee contractors.
At Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, alone, the report stated that more than 300 Afghans had left since they started arriving weeks ago as part of Biden’s massive operation that plans to bring at least 95,000 Afghans to the U.S. for resettlement in 46 states.
In a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Cotton asked for information on the Afghans leaving U.S. bases. — including their immigration statuses and if they received approval from DHS to leave.
Editor: Apologies from me for not being able to keep up with everyone’s requests for information. I am overloaded on all fronts as I try to maintain some balance in my life.
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Fort Bliss: Female military service member assaulted by Afghan evacuees at NM complex
A female U.S. military service member was assaulted by male evacuees at the Doña Ana County Range Complex where Afghan refugees are being housed, Fort Bliss officials said.
Remember they are NOT refugees, so anytime you see the Afghans referenced that way, correct whoever is calling them that***
The woman, whose name and age were not released, was assaulted Sept. 19 by a “small group of male evacuees” at the complex in New Mexico, Fort Bliss officials said.
The incident is being investigated by the FBI.
“We take the allegation seriously and appropriately referred the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Fort Bliss officials said in an emailed statement. “The safety and well-being of our service members, as well as all of those on our installations, is paramount.”
No details on the assault or the suspects have been released.
The victim was “immediately provided appropriate care, counseling and support,” officials said.
The victim is among 1,000 service members who are part of Operation Allies Welcome. The U.S. operation is to “support vulnerable Afghans, including those who worked alongside us in Afghanistan for the past two decades, as they safely resettle in the United States,” according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
“Task Force-Bliss is also implementing additional security measures to include increased health and safety patrols, additional lighting, and enforcement of the buddy system at the Doña Ana Complex,” officials said. “We will cooperate fully with the FBI and will continue to ensure the service member reporting this assault is fully supported.”
You might want to check out a post I wrote at RRW over the summer about the sexual assault crisis Austria has going—-guess who is doing the assaulting?
*** Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studieshas a very succinct explanation of how the evacuees are being categorized (they are NOT refugees) by Biden’s administration and it includes a list of how many Afghans each state will be welcoming. Go here.
And, as I have been saying at RRW: Follow John Binder at Breitbartfor refugee news of all sorts as I am only writing when I can add something from my long experience of following our dysfunctional refugee admissions system.
An Idaho man who is a convicted rapist was arrested by authorities while trying to reenter our country from Afghanistan. The Afghan refugee lived in Idaho, where he was convicted of rape in Ada County in 2010, reports the Washington Times.
Ghader Heydari served time in Idaho before being released and deported. The issue of Afghan refugees coming to the state of Idaho following President Biden’s orders has been a point of contention between state lawmakers and the administration. The Idahoans expressed concern over the vetting process for the Afghans coming to Idaho. The governor said that he would ask the state police to help with the vetting process.
Canyon County Sheriff Kieran Donahue spoke to the Washington Times, saying that Heydair is a threat and Joe Biden brought him back to America. “We’re going to pay for this for some time, possibly for decades, and as law enforcement, we’re kind of that first line of defense out here,” he said. “These people are coming into the country without a thorough vetting process, and I don’t believe there is one being done thoroughly. We stand to have a whole bunch of law enforcement respond to tragic events, up to and including terrorist activity, on our soil.”
The Biden Administration announced that over 400 Afghan refugees would arrive in Boise and Twin Falls. The president has been criticized for his lack of direction for ending the war in Afghanistan. No word on how thorough the vetting process is for those leaving Afghanistan.
The Washington Times reports that Heydair is being held by ICE. The state Commission on pardons and parole is taking action in the case.
Endnote: I’ll post news like this from time (news that isn’t widely covered by other news outlets). However, there isn’t much I or anyone can do or say that will change our dreadful state of affairs. When I began writing this blog the frauds and crooks were mostly petty in comparison to what we face today at the national level and frankly it is all pretty hopeless right now.
I do write a bit more often at RRW where I can at least give readers some historical perspective as Biden moves forward to change America by changing the people.
North Dakota has been roiled with refugee tensions over the years as I reported extensively at my other blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch.
I visited the state in 2016 to get a feeling for the situation there mostly a result of Minnesota Somalis spilling across the border into the state, but some refugees have been directly placed there by a Lutheran resettlement agency.
And, as you read this news, keep in the back of your mind that Biden will this month be making the decision on the refugee ceiling for the new fiscal year that begins on October first. Among the 125,000 he has so far indicated would be arriving, thousands of Somalis will be among them.
But, that isn’t all.
The refugee industry is pushing for the number to be 200,000. Those tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees beginning to arrive may end up being in addition to 200,000 from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East—all will be needy people looking for the generosity of the US taxpayer!
Manslaughter charge amended to Murder in Grand Forks shooting
We have enough criminals of our own. Why must we import more from Africa with the help of Lutheran do-gooders?
GRAND FORKS, N.D. (Valley News Live) – Grand Forks Police have identified the victim of a weekend shooting as 28-year-old Megan Lea Gustafson.
The manslaughter charge originally filed against 26-year-old Ahmen Mohamed Abdullahi has been amended to Murder.Abdullahi is also charged with one count of unlawful possession of a firearm and theft of property.
Grand Forks Police say the shooting happened just after 1:30 Sunday morning at a home in the 1300 block of 8th Avenue North. Officers responded to a report of a suspicious man in the area, they knocked on an apartment door and talked to Megan Gustafson.
Officers walked away and shortly after, they heard an argument coming from inside the apartment.
Court documents say officers saw the door open; Gustafson was standing in the doorway with her back toward the street and Abdullahi was facing her.
Officers heard a single gunshot, heard Gustafson scream, and then saw her run into the lawn and fall to the ground.
Abdullahi walked out of the apartment holding a handgun, according to court documents. Officers were able to detain Abdullahi without incident.
Police say Gustafson had a gunshot wound in the chin/neck area.
They tried to save her, but she later died at Altru Hospital.
Court documents also say the handgun found at the scene was reported stolen from a vehicle in Grand Forks in September 2020. Abdullahi is prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm due to a felony terrorizing conviction in Grand Forks County in March 2021.
Diversity is not beautiful!
As I have said here on many occasions, more young women might be alive if the mainstream media wasn’t chicken to publish stories like this one!
You will see, this won’t go beyond the local news.
Editor: The applicant pipeline could be as high as 100,000 and the only hang up is getting all those Muslims cleared with security screening because just one terrorist, murderer or rapist in the bunch won’t sit well with the American people!
If you are a regular reader you know that good ol’ Joe is going to bring in ‘new Americans’ by the tens of thousands from Afghanistan, and you know how I feel about it!
One of my pet peeves with the corporate media on the issue is that almost all of them have failed to mention the fact that we are already above the 70,000 mark as Biden/Harris push forward with their plan. The media would have you believe that they have just begun the Afghan airlift when in fact it has been going on for over a decade already.
Well, here is a publication that mentions that fact.
Afghan helpers reach U.S. on first flight out; interpreters, guides to start new lives
WASHINGTON — The first group of Afghans promised refuge by the Biden administration for helping the U.S. during the 20-year war in Afghanistan landed on American soil early Friday, starting a new chapter after years of waiting.
Lutheran refugee resettlement contractor Krish O’Mara Vignarajah says we must get them to the US pronto because the Dems need more voters!
A chartered airliner carrying Afghan interpreters, drivers and others who worked with the U.S. military, as well as their family members, arrived at Dulles International Airport outside Washington after traveling more than 30 hours from Kabul, the Afghan capital, officials said.
The first evacuation flight carried 221 Afghans under the special visa program, including 57 children and 15 infants, according to an internal U.S. government document obtained by The Associated Press.
From Dulles, they were bused to Fort Lee, Va., south of Richmond, where they will stay at a hotel on the base for about a week to complete their processing before being resettled in the U.S. permanently, officials said.
The arrival marked the vanguard of an initial group of about 2,500 Afghans being evacuated under threat of Taliban reprisals in an effort the White House calls Operation Allies Refuge. Groups of Afghans will arrive by plane roughly every three days and be transported to Fort Lee, said one U.S. official briefed on the arrangements.
The newly arrived Afghan people will join 70,000 others who have resettled in the U.S. since 2008 under the special visa program.
About 20,000 Afghans had applied for the special immigrant visa as of July 15, according to the White House.That number does not include family members; a U.S. government official said the total number of people in the applicant pipeline including family members could be as high as 100,000.
But a refugee agency said the Biden administration appeared to be still scrambling to work out the resettlement of thousands more of the Afghans, and it urged Biden to bring them quickly to the U.S. or a U.S. territory, such as Guam.
“To date, there is simply no clear plan as to how the vast majority of our allies will be brought to safety,” Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service resettlement agency, said of the Afghan interpreters.
“We cannot in good conscience put them at risk in third countries with unreliable human-rights records, or where the Taliban may be able to reach them,” the resettlement official said.