It has happened every year since 2001 when the UN declared June 20th ‘World Refugee Day‘—an opportunity to build a media/fund raising message around this arbitrary day!
The Left knows how to make proclamations about events like this one as a way to build a media campaign and to raise money for whatever the cause. (Why don’t conservatives do that sort of thing?)
Watch for cultural events popping up near where you live and fluffy media accounts of the joys of multiculturalism. HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society,is getting a jump on the big day which is still a few weeks off with a letter to followers from CEO Mark Hetfield looking for money. Editor: A reader asked that I place a link to the White House contact form on the front page here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’ See it in the right hand sidebar. Click on the image of the White House to access the contact form. This post might be one worth mentioning to the Prez because once again, HIAS gets millions from the federal government (from us!) while it criticizes the President we elected. Continue reading “World Refugee Day June 20th: Opportunity to Fund Raise”→
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)and its friends on the Left including the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society are still trying to undo President Trump’s ban on migrants from certain countries all of which are terrorist hotbeds. CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. “CAIR will continue to challenge the unconstitutional Muslim ban through every legal avenue available.” Continue reading “Maryland: Obama Judge Gives CAIR Opportunity to Crow”→
Several people sent me this storyfrom The Atlantic about a new computer program that is being tested by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Societyto determine which American town or city could be the most hospitable to a third worlder arriving in the US.
I’m posting it just so you know about it and especially for those of you who came over from Refugee Resettlement Watch and have told me you miss news about refugees. This is a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society anti-Trump rally at the White House in 2018. Do you want HIAS and their computer program choosing refugees for your town?
Before I give you a few snips from the story, you need to know that at present the nine federal resettlement contractors meet on a regular basis in the Washington, DC area and divide up the incoming cases. One long-time observer refers to the process as “bidding for bodies.”
I would love to be a fly on the wall watching the process because, at the present time, the Trump Administration has drastically reduced the incoming refugee flow and so I suspect there is some squabbling among the ‘humanitarian’ agencies for those few paying customers. (For newbies, refugee contractors are paid by the feds on a per refugee head basis.) Continue reading “Computer Program Dubbed "Annie" Making Decisions about Refugee Placement (so we are told!)”→
No, they are not alone, the other eight federal contractors have begun their anti-Trump chorus as the 6-month-mark in the fiscal year has been reached and they see that once again refugees (paying clients) admitted through the US Refugee Admissions Programwill be low.
(I reported the low number herelast week.) The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society at the border last week putting on an anti-Trump media event! Shouldn’t they be focused on the refugees we pay them to care for?
Not surprisingly my alerts are filled with news stories this week about how the meany Donald Trump is causing suffering for those waiting all around the world for their ticket to your town. But, as you may remember, the Trump Administration said the numbers for regular refugee admissions would be low because the Administration was faced with a huge and growing-daily backlog of asylum seekers at the southern border.
Asylum seekers are refugee wannabes—they say they will be persecuted if returned to their home countries and therefore have a “right” to ask to stay in America permanently.
But, this is what never made sense to me—if groups like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Societycared so much about those waiting to get here from Africa, Asia and the Middle East who have been at least nominally screened, why are they at the border putting on media stunts to pressure us to allow illegal aliens (they call them NEW Americans) of all sorts across the border? Continue reading “Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Cries the Blues over Trump's Low Refugee Admission Numbers”→
Editor: It’s a snow day here in the East so hopefully I will have more time to check e-mails and post your comments. Sorry that sometimes I’m AWOL! Yesterday I told you that we should want to keep Minnesota Somali Representative Ilhan Omar talking. Consider her Minnesota’s gift to America!
I’m guessing her cocooned life in Minneapolis, surrounded by thousands of her own ethnic group, didn’t prepare her for a national stage and so she doesn’t have her mentor’s (Keith Ellison) slickness. Hmmmm! “Unapologetic leaders” Therefore the savvy hard Left political organizations that do understand that she might be putting her foot in it, want to school her and tone her down.
One of those savvy political organizations is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)headed by CEO Mark Hetfield. See one postof a very large archive at RRW about HIAS.
Over the many years I’ve followed their activities, contrary to what you might assume, HIAS has demonstrated no great love for the state of Israel.
I’m guessing that they are saying, ‘damn we are bringing in Muslim refugees, Omar’s friends and family, and then we get dumped on by Omar!’ (I’ve seen it mentioned in a recent news report about HIAS that some of their supporters are questioning why HIAS resettles Muslims in the first place!).
The story (about a CONFIDENTIAL phone call!) is widely reported.
Here it is at The Times of Israel,
(emphasis is mine)
Ilhan Omar apologizes to Jewish groups for hurt caused by AIPAC tweet
In a brief confidential conference call with Jewish organizations, Rep. Ilhan Omar apologized for any hurt caused by her tweets suggesting that AIPAC pays politicians to support Israel.
“Let me reiterate my sincere apology for any actualhurt my words have caused,” Omar, a freshman Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota, said on Tuesday afternoon, according to someone present on the call.
“I know there are a lot of people who in the last weeks have expressed support in trying to say this isn’t anti-Semitic or this shouldn’t be looked at in that way,” she added. Mark Hetfield at an anti-Trump rally in early 2017. Then Rep. Keith Ellison headlined the rally for a group that is 50% or so federally funded!
But Omar said it is up to the Jewish community to define anti-Semitism.
“I do not want to give space or energy to anyone who wants to minimize the hurt,” she said.
Omar came under fire last week for posting successive tweets suggesting that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the pro-Israel lobby, pays politicians to be pro-Israel. Democratic and Republican leaders condemned the tweets as echoing anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews, money and power. The allegation is also false, as AIPAC does not donate to candidates or endorse them.
Omar subsequently apologized for the tweets.
The call Tuesday included a range of centrist and liberal Jewish groups including the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Democratic Council of America, the refugee resettlement agency HIAS, Americans for Peace Now and Bend the Arc.
Omar kept her remarks brief but promised to meet face to face with the groups in the near future.
Meanwhile Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told Omar not to apologize,see here.
A prominent refugee espousing views that are deemed anti-Semitic is someone HIAS needs to shut the heck up!
Keep talking Ilhan!
Here is something you can do (and probably are doing!) especially you Minnesotans, find every word she has uttered in her meteoric rise to power there and publish those words (and actions)— focus especially on those words that educate people about Islam. Do it in a drip, drip fashion in order to keep her in the news.